Category: Evil phone sex

Butchered Whore

Violent phone sexA sadistic psychopath has been calling my house phone for days now, threatening to kill me and saying all sorts of weird and creepy shit! He clearly has been stalking me because he knows all of my day-to-day moves and locations. He’s been telling me how I better watch my back, or else. I didn’t really think much of it to be honest, i’ve had dumb shit like this happen to me several times before, I thought it was just a sick joke that some dumb motherfucker was playing on me! Oh but I was so very wrong. As I was washing dishes the other night, my doorbell rang and as I walked over to open the door, in busted an intruder! He ambushed me, strangling me and holding a knife to my throat as he hammered his throbbing cock inside of me me with no remorse. I could see the evil coldness that saturated his eyes, I knew that it wasn’t going to be a good turnout for me, either way you slice it! In fact, I was the one to be sliced, butchered in fact. He dug his knife deep inside of my thigh, making me hurl out moans of pain. He stabbed my other thigh and watched me squirm in agony! Slicing cut marks and stab wounds all over my body only made his cock fuck me harder! As he continued to force fuck me, he shoved the blade deep into my hand, digging the knife into my carpet floor. He shot his load of cum all over my stomach and left me there to bask in my own pool of blood like the sorry ass bitch that I am. Another victim whore that he was able to add to his list!

The Trash Bag

Killer Phone Sex


They found me in the trash- which is right were I belonged to start with. You spotted me walking alone and couldn’t resist the chance to take advantage of a poor girl by herself. You could tell I was lonely and offered to walk me home, I had the look in my eyes like I may need to talk to someone and you took advantage of it. I told you about how things were going at home with my parents not being around and how scared I was that I wouldn’t have a place to live soon. You offered your place and I was glad to take it. I ran home while you waited and grabbed a few things then we went back to your apartment. Once I got there I knew something was off but I was just so glad to have someone around who maybe cared. You grabbed me by the wrists once we got inside and told me how this was going to go down. I am going to be your place for release until you decide its time to get rid of me. You’re even going to have guys over and let them have some fun too. I was so scared and after all the terrible things you did to me anyone would be. I was your sex slave but you had to trade me in. You left my used up body in a trash can. No one could even identify me, even if someone would of shown up to. What all did you do to me while I was your toy?

Prince from hell

Murder phone sex Fantasies

I met this gentleman not too long ago. He had a great personality so it seemed as well as style and a bunch of bodyguards. He approached me in a bar with a drink in hand asking the old pick up line of “don’t I know you from somewhere?” Of course, I smiled and we were off and talking. We got pretty intimate in conversation and I invited him back to my hotel. I was away from home on a business trip and was looking for a great fuck.
We got up to my room and were naked pretty quickly and making out on the bed. I wanted his cock in my mouth. I made my way down and made him reel with my talented mouth and hands. Now, I don’t have a gag reflex but when someone surprises you by jamming something down your throat you are going to react. Mr. Gentleman did just that, and my jaw inadvertently clamped down on his cock and I bit him just enough to make him yelp. He sat upright and pushed me off the bed. He suddenly yelled, “Off with her head!!” I was thinking, what is this Alice in Wonderland and the Queen of hearts, but the bodyguards suddenly came rushing in, kicking down the door and grabbing me by the arms. They were holding me tightly as he walked up to me, he slapped my face and said how dare I put marks on a prince’s cock. “Well to be fair you did jam your cock into my throat, involuntary reaction.” He backhands me then nods at his bodyguards. They each hand him a Japanese samurai sword, and the last thing I heard was “one less insolent bitch in this world.” I think I saw my body as my head hit the floor. The prince picked up my severed head and started ramming his cock into my severed head’s mouth. Once he was satisfied or bored he threw my head down and started to fuck my corpse while blood still pumped from my neck. I love a sick fuck.

Killer phone sex


Fuck her

 Teen rape pornEvery Friday night after we are done hunting the College fun parties for new fresh meat. You bring us home. You give me a gift, I open it and its a huge brown strap on. Thank you master. You start telling me how you want me to put on a show for you and all your rich friends, and the new girls we brought in. Like always we get all pretty for you Master. I put on the strap on you tell me I look so fucking sexy. I grab one of the new little bitches drown her head in the pool. I start penetrating her with my big 9 inch strap on. I pull her head slap her with my strap on across her fucking pretty little face. Then I make her deep throat this cock. I put my hands around her fucking neck and start choking her till she passes out.

Evil Phone Sex Castrating Your Tool of Sin

How do you like it you pathetic fucking loser, to be my main fixation for evil phone sex. I’m very open to the fantasy raping of that ass and making you a castrato singer who’s obviously been castrated. I had always wanted to kidnap a male member of the choir to test out the castration of them and seeing if they become a true castrato.

You will be doomed to servicing the Priest as a good cocksucker you will earn your position in the choir. I’m so glad I got to bring you to my torture chamber and I will forcefully fuck the hell out of that ass and let my biker buds do the same while I come around front with my large hunting knife and whack that peepee clean off of you. Your dickless body being analy fucked as you start to bleed out. Oh, shit, I forgot… I really don’t feel obliged to stop the bleeding. I guess your just trash that needs to be incinerated.

 Evil Phone Sex

Killer Phone Sex

Cut into small pieces alive

blasphemy phone sexThink you are immune to blasphemy phone sex? You don’t think I can make you renounce your religion and submit to the devil. Let’s play a game. A very special game. Soon you will be begging to die.

You didn’t think I was really flirting with your ugly ass at that club, did you? Oh no. But your puppy-eagerness made you fall for it. You took the drink I offered as I whispered in your ear. I led you to my truck like a sheep to slaughter. You thought you were getting some pussy. But you ended up strapped down on a table in a basement. As you opened your rheumy eyes, you saw the medical tools there.

I stepped out in a black hood. “You said that you would sacrifice yourself to me last night.”  I said, smoking my cigarette. “Are you ready? Or would you like to beg your savior for redemption?” I picked up a scalpel and whacked off a finger.

They all beg for their religious hero to save them. Even as they take that last breath. After every finger and toe is gone and their manhood is in a pan oozing blood and cum. They still believe he will save them. Their final scream echoes and salvation only arrives in the form of death.

Would you like to play a game? Bring me a bitch that you hate and maybe I will spare you.

The thrill of the kill


I love when he thinks he has full control of me. He wants me as his slave.  Not tonight I have a master who sent me out to be a savage beast.  My prey for us will be the one that thinks everything is going his way with me.  I let him hit me and smack me around with his cock.  Let him know I was just the nigger slut bitch that was going to get what was coming to her.  He threw me over a chair and violated my asshole.  He wasn’t happy until he had seen blood dripping.  It was time yet for me to go in for the kill.  Like a true predator I played with this one for a while.  It made my master happy and horny.  Watching this weakling ruff me up and fuck me.  He really thought he was in full control.  He had slapped me to the ground for the last time.  My master had said it was time to take over.  As he placed his cock in my mouth what he didn’t notice was the razor blade under my tongue.   With a little swivel of my lips I was able to flick out my small tool.  He’s grabbing my head forcing his cock down my throat.  Then with a devilish grin I started slicing his cock.  He attempted to slap me with force behind it. When a voice said to him ” Not a good idea to slap the one with your cock in her mouth. He froze and I bit down taking a healthy chunk of his cock.  Blood was everywhere and my  master smiled like it was Christmas.  He wasn’t going to let me have all the fun.  He told this piece of shit that you not suppose to tamper with another man’s property.   He poured bleach in alcohol into his fresh wounds.  we was going to have a long night of pleasure and torture with this one.  I grabbed a broom stick and on command I shoved it up his ass the same way he ripped mine.  We tied him upside down and let his blood drip on us as my master began to take over me.  I was his prize purchase and he proud that I could be a savage.  As my reward I did the final kill by snapping our little friend’s neck ass he bled out while master tasted this juicy cunt.

My snuff sex fantasy came true!

snuff sexMy snuff sex fantasy finally came true! For years I have longed to be at the top of the gallows, swinging carelessly while 2 little whores dangle by their necks on either side of me. It took forever to find the perfect location and the helpers I’d need… not to mention the victims themselves, they had to all be perfect! Last week tho, it all finally came together! I saw the victims walking alone early one morning, they were twins, blonde and delicate and almost angelic looking. It seemed somehow profane… almost blasphemous in a way to kill such beautiful girls, so you know that made me want to do it more. It was easy to get them to go with me, they were lost and I promised to help them but once they were in my car they were already damned. We used their delicate little bodies until they were broken beyond repair, fucking all their holes while they screamed and begged for mercy! Then we strung them up and I got to swing between them while their bodies danced and twitched and died…

Snuff Sex Whore Needs A Beat Down and Fuck

I’m such a worthless cunt I was telling the bartender at the strip club after I finished my set and grabbing a drink. I went on to tell him about the last Master I had, had really fucked me up. I was roughed up nightly and penetrated with various furry friend castrated and taxidermied schlongs. Most of them were super long and I swear that he punctured something as I get these shooting pains. It’s just not something I can go into a Doctor’s office and try explaining that story. I was pissing blood for a while even  and just don’t know what to do. I mean I can’t even fuck without excruciating pain.

Snuff Sex Geneva

That was when his eyes suddenly lit up, he came around the bar so fucking quickly and yanked me out of the barstool telling me the stools weren’t for worthless cunts. He shoved my front up against the bar and yanked my panties down and thrust a long fat nigger cock in my cunt making me scream out in pain. As I screamed he shot me full of salty spunk causing me to go into severe shock.

Jack off With My Flesh


Bloody Phone Sex

You kidnapped me and have been keeping me in your basement tied up. You’ve made me drink your piss and eat your shit to exist but now I’m starving and you are tired of having me around. You feed me my first real meal in weeks- canned dog food. What I didn’t know is that you filled that bowl up with GHB. The whole world gets dark but suddenly I wake up in pain. You’re cutting my cheek off with the top of the dog food can. I’m tied down and I can’t anything to stop it. You fuck what left of my mouth and cum deep down my throat- but you aren’t done yet! You beat me in the face with your fists and dick. A black eye isn’t anything compared what’s next for me. You cut off a piece of my tit and make watch you jack off with my flesh while I gasp for my last breath. Let’s get dark as hell to night- tell me your snuff fantasies!