Snuff sex is for the wicked, the twisted fucked up kind of people like myself that just can’t get off in normal boring vanilla ways. That’s why when I saw that sweet little bitch walking all by herself I knew that I would be having a very fulfilling evening. I lured her into my car and took her with me to my remote cabin in the woods where no one would be able to hear her scream. I stripped her and tied her to the bed with her legs spread wide open and then fucked her with my favorite wicked strap on, the one with the razor blades embedded in it. It ripped her to pieces from the inside out and she soon bled to death in a horrific way. It was very fulfilling for me, I came more times than I could count!
Category: Evil phone sex
Snuff sex is for the wicked
Snuffing Fun with P-Daddy’s
Snuff sex fantasies are decadent when it comes to your fucking p-daddy pervs and the need that is so strong to use a little one and off them when done. I will always be sure the evidence is destroyed and I will always fucking own the daddy, especially the p-daddy of such little sweet meat sluts. The undeniable need for being a evil genius that must fuck the shit out of daddy while his wife is nearby. The need to have daddy need me like a god damned drug.
I love owning him and getting him to bid my desires and help me rape fantasy the crap out of wifey and make her watch as daddy and I play with their offspring. We are going to have a lot of fucking fun violating the fuck out of those holes, and causing a bloody massacre of sinfullicious debauchery.
Taboo phone sex with victim Aubree
Some people wonder what it feels like to have the euphoric feeling of floating out of your body. Well I feel that every time a man decides to choke me and fantasy rape my asshole and cunt when I am unwilling. I have gotten so use to losing consciousness and being taken to the brink of the loss of consciousness that I do not even know what it feels like to be caressed and gently fucked any more. Quite honestly I crave being choked, punched, slapped and humiliated because it makes me feel alive. If I am in pain I know that I am alive and not dead… yet anyway. I am sure some day some man will be raping me while he is holding my throat so tight that while my skin bruises and my eyes turn red from the blood vessels popping, that I will simply fade away into nothing and my corpse will be all that is left as he continues to fuck my shell and then throw away what is left of me.
Snuff phone sex with Stephanie
Please hurt me! I want to feel how pain you can cause me and I want to see if you make me hurt. Take me to a room and do what you will with me, Treat me like I am a piece of dirt. I am literally here on this earth to please you and be your snuff phone sex fantasy slut. I will scream and make you cum all over yourself. I can go as extreme as you want, if you have any ideas you can call me and tell me what you want baby. Just know that I am here for you to snuff and make your little bloody fleshy whore. I wanna die on your cock fuck me to death please baby.
Fantasy phone sex
Fantasy phone sex lets you explore are your naughty thoughts. I have plenty of naughty thoughts too. I like to talk about these naughty fantaises, I have recently begun to act on these desires. I have a master who has sort of fucked me up a bit. I am not a the same chick I was before. I actually am pretty thankful to have awoken these desires. Ever since I have had a master I have been programmed to enjoy hard and rough sex. I was at a party last night and I was able to take 12 cocks and fuck 8 girls. I have never been into orgies, I have a new favorite past time. I t was so hot to be fucked by all types of guys with all different types of cocks. I loved being fucked and loved getting to climax so much . I was so soaked it was defintley and expeirence I will never forget. I love to try new things.
The Belt
I was so scared walking towards my front door. I didn’t make enough money to keep my crackhead boyfriend high all night. I opened the door and handed him all of the money I made from hooking up and down the boulevard. He counted the cash with an evil snarl on his face. He threw the cash at my face then slapped me so hard that I fell to the floor. He spit on me and relief briefly flooded through my body. I thought his tantrum was over, but I was so wrong. He gripped my hair in his fist and dragged me upstairs like I was a rag doll. He flung me towards the bed and pulled his belt from his pants.
“Get your fucking clothes off NOW!” , he demanded.
I took my clothes off and he started whipping me with his belt like I was a runaway slave. He hit me over and over again, each last worse than the one before. He hit me until his arm got tired. With welts all over my body, I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.
Better Watch Out, Daddy..
One of my favorite things to do with daddy are his ride-a-longs. We go to all the typical places
we might find new “toys” like playgrounds, shopping malls and fast food playplaces. Anywhere
idiot bitch mom’s might leave their little brats alone while they go find their next sperm donor.
I always sneak up with candy or tell the dumb tiny girls that I know Justin Bieber- anything
to get them to come along with me to where you are. Once we get our new victim, that’s when
the fun really fucking begins. Dosing them with a little “night-night” liquid on rag to make
it easier to tie them up. We take them back to our house for safe keeping. And what do we do
once they are in our dwelling? What ever the fuck we want! I love burning them with my cigarettes
while you fuck their tiny little faces and slicing open their itty bitty bellies while you force that
big daddy dick into their pussy hole- giving me easy access to suck daddy’s cock and lick up the blood
off of you. Even climbing on top of their belly and fucking you through the slit I’ve made.
Looking up at my daddy so adoringly. But you better watch out, daddy- You may of taught me how to be a
sadistic bitch a little too well & you could be next.
Playing Both Sides And Loving It Part 2
Hearing his words. Knowing this was my chance to do to this little cunt bitch exactly what I wanted done to me. I walked right over to the dope up bitch and backhanded her hard across her fucking face. Then immediately I stripped the little whore down. She was drooling and trying to mumble the words please no stop. I just laughed at her and told her to shut the fuck up. The man that was with us (sorry never found out his name.) put in a Snuff porn video for entertaining background noise. I started to twist at this cunt’s nipples and cunt lips. Taking my cigarette and burning her. Laughing as her screams were muffled by the drugs in her system. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and started to cut at her flesh. Just enough so she can feel the pain and I can see the blood. She tried to fight me off but in her doped up state of mind she could barely move. Just become a blubbery pile of shit on the floor. I grabbed some salt and poured the salt into her open cut wounds. Her body lashed at the pain I was inflicting. This made my cunt sloppy fucking wet. I saw a bat near by and whacked her a few times hard in the stomach and on the thighs. Before shoving the bat deep in her cunt. Sliding the bat in further and further with each stroke. Torture sex brings out the best orgasims in me. The man was relishing in all this torture I was inflicting on this bitch. His fuck rod was fucking hard as a rock. He walked over to us and pushed the bat out of her and shoved his cock in her. He told me to start bashing her head in with the bat. I squirted right there in my panties with his words. “Ohh Yes I shouted out!” As I began to smash her head in. feeling every blow that hit her head vibrate through the bat. Oh My God what a fucking turn on this all was. She was lifeless and he was still pounding away at her dead body. Then he turned his attention to me. And I knew exactly what I was in for. The time of my fucking life!!!
Diabolic Dusty for Snuff Sex
If your fantasies are on the more sinister side then I am the Diabolic Demoness of your mother fucking desires. Let’s work together in fitting the perfectly evil fucking experience together, I am the perfect leader of some fantasy raping of that bitch ex-wife or girlfriend slut of yours to the point of pure fucking evil deliciousness. I’m an evil fucking bitch and get off on blood and mutilating men and worthless fucking whores. Castrating your worthless tool is of great pleasure for me, as much pleasure as I get in home invasion murderous fuck fests.
So, if you think you have a delicious need to be evil with me or need me to be evil to you or those you want revenge fucking on then ring me up for some real blood shedding ghoulish times.
He wanted snuff sex but not like this!
He wanted snuff sex, he was very clear on that… but he wasn’t very specific as to who would be getting snuffed so I decided it would be him! He was such a cocky arrogant man and I just can NOT stand those kind of beasts! I will not bow to some man, I am a very dominate, aggressive woman and he would be bowing to me whether he liked it or not! I had to bring him down a peg or two so I told him that the only way I would help him snuff a bitch is if he let me fuck him first and this eager little homo jumped at the chance! I think his hyper masculinity was just a cover for his faggoty wimpy ways. I forced him to suck my rubber cock and even bent him over and forced his ass open, he was screaming and begging me to stop, that it was too big but I just kept right on pounding! Then I hit the little spring on the side of my strap on… the little button that pops out a very sharp knife from the tip of my rubber cock and I literally fucked that faggot to death!