Category: Evil phone sex

The Biter 2

Sadistic phone sexMy boyfriend was being unusually nice to me and it was making me nervous. He said he wanted to go for a drive and butterflies started going crazy in my stomach. Halfway into the long drive, I recognized the route, he was taking me to The Biter. Panic took over my brain and I tried to jump out of the moving car, but he pulled me back in by my hair. I begged for him to turn the car around but he kept driving forward. He had to drag me into the old man’s house by my hair. I started screaming but we were so deep in the boondocks no one could hear me. My boyfriend even helped The Biter chain me to the wall before he left with an envelope full of money. The Biter didn’t waste any time before he tore my clothes off and bit my nipples. The pain was unbearable and my screams turned him on. He bit my flesh over and over again until my body was covered in bloody bite marks. I passed out when he bit my clit and come up with a mouth full of blood which he then spit into my face. No one would ever believe this man who looked like a gentle grandfather was a sadistic animal.

Female Castration Phone Sex

castration phone sex

Wow, I never knew that female castration phone sex could be so hot and so much fun.  This pretty girl cam in today.  Apparently her boyfriend had caught her cheating and strangled her to death.  I had just seen a thing on TV about some countries castrating their young females so that they couldn’t experience any pleasure through sex.  How absurd is what I was thinking but then again, it would make an interesting collection to add to my many other collections I have.  You know, nobody checks to see if their loved one is missing a nipple or a clit.  Especially if they are going in the incinerator anyways.  I’ve removed all kinds of body parts and have them safely stored so I can admire them.  So, today started my new collection of clits.  All clits are not created the same.  I had so much fun cutting all the clits off of the women I didn’t think anyone would notice, but it just wasn’t enough.  I wanted to try it out on a live subject.  Luckily for me, the bar around the corner always has junkie whores outside who make easy victims.  She didn’t scream as much as I had hoped she would though.  I guess she was just too fucked up.  It was titillating though.  I think I’ll look for someone who’s not so fucked up that I can torture and have fun with.  I wanna hear the screams, the pleading, the begging for their measly little life.  Would you like to help me on my new endeavor?


mutilation phone sex

Castration Phone Sex Therapy

castration phone sexCastration phone sex keeps me busy. I am amazed at how many men want their junk removed-on and off the phone. Daily, I chop off some loser’s nuts on the phone. I used to have a profile on the dark net. I would take testicles and specialize in CBT encounters for pay.  I took it down last year because I was getting too many crazy men who took pleasure in giving me the runaround or would puss out when I pulled out my knife.  I still have some old CBT clients. Tim has been coming to me weekly for years for CBT play. I go rough on his cock and balls too. I use whips and paddles, along with my leather boots. I have busted a nut before kicking the shit out of his worthless balls. He texted me for a session this week. He wanted something different. This time, he wanted me to castrate him. Took him 5 years to realize he doesn’t deserve sexual pleasure. His wife cuckolds him too. He is just a sad sack born with a tiny dick. I have been waiting for the day that he would ask this question. He came over Wednesday night. He was sober when he arrived, but he didn’t stay that way for long. For castration to work best, the subject should be altered. I don’t have medical supplies and painkillers. I do have Jack Daniels. He did 5 shots quickly, then I strapped him down in my execution chair I converted for castration therapy. Taking a man’s balls is therapeutic for everyone. I blindfolded him because he is a big old pussy. I stretched his cock out on the castration bar, pulled his tiny balls thru the hole and snip snip. Just like that, they were gone. I cauterized the wound, so he wouldn’t bleed out. He wanted to keep his balls like a young boy wants to keep his tonsils. I put them in a jar of formaldehyde as a parting gift. He limped home with his balls a gift to his wife. I don’t ask questions. I chop balls, take the money and send them home. Who is next?

Shove Your Cock Down Her Tiny Throat

strangulation phone sexThat’s it!  Shove all of your cock down her tiny little throat.  This strangulation phone sex has a twist.  Your cock was immediately hard when you spied the tiny little morsel I got for us.  Of course you know I want to have my little fun with her also.  We can take turns torturing and shoving all sorts of things in all of her tiny little holes.  You know how much I love hurting the little ones.  Of course you do.  You share in my deep dark sick and twisted fantasies.  Now it’s your turn.  You finally get to do what you’ve been waiting to do.  Throat fuck that little bitch!! Shove it all the way down her tiny throat.  Strangle her with it.  I love it when they twitch that final time.  The moment life  leaves their tiny little eyes.

Brutal Porn

I took this extreme brutal porn job that I saw on one of sex websites. I knew I could handle this task since I love getting beat the fuck up. I went to the address that was provided for me. The door was unlocked. Walking in there was a little bit of light coming from a lamp on the other end of the room. I walked towards the light and from behind I was grabbed. A hand came over my mouth and one on my throat. Both hand tightly pressed against me I was being dragged backwards and I was thrown on a dirty mattress laying on the floor in the dark corner of the room. I could not see anything and when I studdard out the words who is that I felt a hard as fuck kick to my twat. I screamed and bundled up into the fetal position. The pain was intense and went shivering up my body. I could hear a voice say “stupid bitch.” I thought this was going to be a porn shoot. I quickly realized that was not the case. There were no cameras no one else but the man in the shadows and me.Snuff sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies On My Mind

murder phone sex fantasiesComing in to work at this morgue and looking over all of these dead bodies begins to give me some murder phone sex fantasies of my own.  This makes my pussy so wet.  I grab a cold dead hand and begin to rub my pussy.  Sticking his stiff fingers in and out my wet sticky cunt, then licking them clean.  I love the taste of my pussy, especially off of cold dead anything.  Cocks, fingers, cold dead lips.  Grabbing his hand again, I begin to massage my pussy, sliding his fingers slowly in an out of my dripping wet pussy.  I tilt my head back and begin to imagine my own little killing spree.  What would I use?  A gun?  Too easy and quick.  I have all sorts of medical instruments I can easily use.  Maybe you could bring me someone I could play with. I want it to last for hours.  No one but us will know.  It can be our dirty little secret.  Oh, how you’ll get off watching the beast inside of me unleashed on some poor unsuspecting victim.  Give me my fantasy!

The Mistake

Ass rape pornI made a mistake yesterday, I tried to run away from my abusive pimp/boyfriend. I got so tired of him beating my ass for any little thing. He gave me my 20th black eye and I ran out the back door. But he found me and dragged me off the street to his car by my hair. Someone had snitched about my location and he was angry. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand delivering punches to my head. I was scared but he was saving the worst for the privacy of our bedroom. He tore my dress off and forced me to my knees.
“How dare you run from me, bitch!!”, he screamed.
He pulled his belt off and beat me until welts covered my body. But he wasn’t done..
He pulled his hard cock out and anal fucked me so hard that blood ran down my thighs. I tried my hardest not to scream because I didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. But the pain was unbearable and an animalistic scream escaped my lips. I’ll never try to run away again.

Slut Or Tease

Snuff sexMay I ask you a question? Would rather have me being a full blown slut for your torturous pleasure. Or act like a complete twat of a prude. Which one of these do you prefer. I personally like being a slut. I thrive on it. Big time! But I can see the appeal of forcing me to take your pain. Me begging for mercy from your pain instead of begging for more of your pain. Instead of my tears of pleasure, They are my tears of pain, and helplessness. The next time I decide to go out to get fucked up in every aspect. I will go to a bar miles away from my house and act like a prude teasing fucking bitch.

Bloody Phone Sex

bloody phone sexI’m having a bloody good time tonight. All these bodies. Bloody Phone Sex is what I’m into tonight. I have a load of bodies going to the crematorium so tonight, there are mine to play with.  The first thing I do when I come into work, is strip down.  Examine what’s come in for the day.  Then I have all these fantasies about what could have happened if they had run into me or my friend Shadow.  She’s into twisted shit too. Occasionally I have to dispose of some fucked up looking bodies she brings me.  A lot of the time, I like to pose their bodies in a fashionably sick and twisted way.  I can break their bones and make extremely distorted figures out of them.  Other times, I just go wild with knife play phone sex.  Cutting pieces off.  Cutting women’s breast implants off or just their entire breast.  With my job, the possibilities for some sadistic shit is endless.  Wanna play with me?knife play phone sex

Torture Time

Evil phone sexYou wanna come fuck me? I bet you want to whip my flesh until the welts appear and break open and the blood comes dripping down. Does this sound good to you? Good because it sounds like a good fucking night to me! After the whipping you can shove your cock in my mouth. And when your ready to give me that thick creamy jiz you can spray it all over my whore face. Leave me where I lay on the floor give yourself a little break then back to play with me again. Take your belt and put it tightly around my neck pulling it as tight at you possible can. Get that hunting knife out and cut into my flesh marking me. Would you like to engrave your name in my useless whorish body? I would fucking love that!