Category: Evil phone sex

Let me fufill your dark fantasies

Do you like it rough or straight up snuff? Well I am a good little pain fuck pig who loves to be tortured and used as a fucking stupid sex doll slut. I want you to cause me pain, you may ask why? Well I fucking deserve to suffer, because I use my body like a little whore and I am just a straight up fucking slut. I want you to take advantage of all my holes and do with them as you please. If you want to take a razor blade and cut my little clitty off and then make me eat it, do it! I want to feel as much pain as you are willing to give me. Snuff phone sex

I promise I will listen to every word and make sure that I please you while I suffer, that’s how it is suppose to be. I want to help you play out your darkest snuff fantasies and make you fucking drain those big balls. You should take your fucking cock and cut off my eyelids and use my fucking eye sockets as a pool for your piss and cum. Come on I know you have thought about using some stupid bitch you know as a fuck toy before, well know your fantasies can come true with me. A willing dumb slut!

Bill’s Quirks

Evil phone sex there is this particular quirky man named Bill. Whom I see every couple of weeks. I like him a whole bunch. He is into my usual kinks of causing me all sorts of pain. But he has a special kink. He likes me to shove a dildo up his ass. Fucking him as hard as I can while he kicks and punches me. I hardly ever am able to give the pain back to the ones you give it to me. But with Bill it is encouraged. Only with the dildo tho. I try to fuck him real hard and real fast. I try to make his ass raw as possible. Why not? He loves the fucking I give to his ass, as he tortures my body. Makes him spew his juices all over the place.

Have your Fun With Them, Then Off With Their Heads

killer phone sex

Maybe I’ve been watching The Walking Dead too much lately but I love watching that black bitch chopping heads off.  It gave me a great killer sex idea.  Next time we go round us up some snotty nosed little brats to have rape phone sex fantasies with.  I’m gonna chop their fucking little heads off.  Of course that’s wayyyy after we’ve had all the fun their tiny bodies can handle, and then some.  Hell, maybe I’ll grab one of those heads and bob it up and down on your cock!!  Doesn’t that sound like fun?  I’ve got all sorts of evil toys and contraptions to torture those little crumb snatchers.  Less mouths to feed for some poor dumb bitch is what I say.  Come on.  You know you want to do it.  Just the thought of all the devious fantasies that goes through your sick twisted little mind make your cock hard.  I bet you’re rubbing it right now.  Mouth watering.

Fed to the piranhas

Mutilation phone sexI was beaten to a pulp and when I came back to slight consciousness he was hanging me up on some thick hooks that were dangling from the ceiling, gorging them deep into my back meat. A huge aquarium type pool of water was below me as he raised me high above it. I was terrified as I saw thousands of piranhas snapping their jaws and hungry for human flesh. Blood-curdling screams and begging for my life was all that I could muster out of my filthy mouth. The evil look in his eyes assured me that I had no hope, in just a matter of seconds I was going to be fed to these murderous fish. He threw a rotting pig’s head into the murky water to demonstrate how violently I was about to be mutilated. The piranhas ripped the decapitated head to shreds, straight down to the bone. I was shrieking with horror and gushing out with blood as I dangled from the hooks. He slowly lowered me into the water, inch by inch so that I experienced a slow and very painfully morbid death. It was a disgusting mess as they fuckin chowed down on my flesh. The last vision I had was looking over at him sadistically laughing as he watched me expire before I was fully submerged into the bloody water.

Torture Sex A Dumb Stalking Cunt

Torture sex is exactly the thing to do in this situation and make sure the fucking idiot cunt suffers before I snuff them out completely. I have this fucking stalker and he is getting really fucking annoying now, and the dumb ass thinks he is being sly and elusive… well think again dick wad. I am onto you like ants on a fucking picnic feast, and baby I will fucking destroy you.

You are of no god damned mother fucking match for this Queen Bitch and I will make your ass suffer as I destroy it quite literally with my special stainless steel strap on cock. You will be squealing like a mother fucker and I will be enjoying the gore of ripping you a new one with this bladed beast of a cock. Better hope you wake up, then again best hope you don’t!

Torture Sex

The Bath

Sadistic phone sexI thought my boyfriend was being sweet when he ran a bath for me. My body felt instantly relaxed as I soaked in the warm water. I felt loved and safe for the first time in months…
But the sweet romantic gesture was totally fake. He wanted me naked and vulnerable. He gripped my shoulders and shoved my head beneath the water. I thrashed and fought against his grip, trying to gasp for air. But he was stronger and pushed me back under. I didn’t know what I had did wrong, but I knew that I didn’t want to die. I fought hard to breathe but he was strong. He climbed on top of me fully clothed and punched me three times in my face.
When I woke up naked in bed, I cried myself back to sleep. My sadistic boyfriend won’t be happy until ends my life. And when I’m dead and in my grave he’ll have another young girl warming his bed.

Fucking Her Dead Body

sex with dead bodies

Oh, you really screwed the pooch this time.  Having a little breath play during some choking sex I see.  Guess you held that belt a little too tight for a little too long.  So why is it that you’re fucking her even harder now that she’s dead than when she was still breathing?  You keep coming and coming and filling her dead cunt with your thick cum but your cock is still so fucking hard.  She should have known that this could have turned out very badly for her.  I guess she didn’t realize that all this time, you’ve been fantasizing that she was really dead, until she was.  What are you gonna do?  Keep her as your little fuck doll?  You do realize that in a few days, she’s really gonna start to smell up the place.  Call me and we can figure out what to do with her corpse.  I wanna hear you fucking that cold dead cunt.

Ass Rape Porn

Ass Rape Porn

Ass rape porn turns me on. I love watching cute perfect asses get prolapsed. Tonight, you are coming with me to the local strip club to pick out the newest and youngest dancers. We need two of these little bitches for our plan. Sweet barely legal hot bodied pole dancers. Big Daddy you spot the perfect two and we start paying big money for their attention. Lap dances and drinks. We get them buzzed on the money we are throwing and leave just before closing time. We wait patiently with chloroform and duct tape. It isn’t hard to Kidnap two drunk young bitches and throw them in the trunk. We get them back to our play palace of the night and 20 men have paid big money to use these perfect-bodied cunts. The smell of cum and the sound of the screams gets me wet. I turn to you and ask if I may serve one of these girls up for you.  You nod, your man meat hard against your pants. I drag the blonde blue eyes DD bitch to you and slice her ass hole ring out and use it as A cock ring for you. You begin to fuck the bloody mess that was once her perfect ass. I wipe the blood all over me and lay back and watch the show while fucking myself with the biggest blackest dildo I have. I am cumming to recipes of these girls that I plan to make after they are used up and dead.

Sex with dead bodies

Sex with dead bodiesWhat a wild night it’s been, having sex with dead bodies has never felt better. Monetta and I just got home from escorting together for this filthy rich man. He’s so hott and can buy anything he wants, yet he chose the two most disgusting snuff sluts that he could find to have some nasty fun with. We’ve heard about his dark and violent ways so we were incredibly thrilled to be able to be submissive to that millionaire cock. When we arrived to his massive mansion, he had bricks of blow stacked up & ready to be snorted down. He had been partying all day long and so had Monetta and I… it was a disaster in the making already! Nothing was off limits for our kinky millionaire, he had no fear when it came to putting his hands on us and beating us like we deserved to be beaten. Nasty snuff whores have cunts that are only good for getting destroyed. We were all doing lines off each other, getting nice and fucked up even more so. He buckled a conjoined spiked dog collar tightly around both of our necks and dragged us down to his dungeon, throwing us down the flight of stairs and laughing as we tumbled to the bottom. It was pitch black, ice cold and reeked of rotting flesh. When he switched on the light, we were surrounded by fresh corpses hanging on hooks. Monetta and I were screaming in terror and as he whipped the shit out of us, causing our skin to gash open and bleed all over. He asked which rotten body we wanted to fuck, we chose the pretty blonde with her eyes gauged out. Her corpse plummeted to the freezing cement ground and as we got a closer look we could see that she had thick rope wrapped around her neck, it was obvious that she suffered immense agony as she was hanged to death. His steel-toed boots hurt so bad as he brutally drop-kicked us from head to toe. I shoved my tongue inside of the dead cunt, there were maggots flooding out and down my throat. Monetta spread her asshole open and fucked a strap-on that we latched on to the rotten bitch. He forced us to do some of the most evil shit, i’ll never be able to get this night out of my memory. Murder phone sex fantasies are exactly what victims like us deserve to go through, no matter how violent, sadistic and traumatizing.Murder phone sex Fantasies

My Worst Fantasy Phone Sex Nightmare

fantasy phone sexWhen it’s fantasy phone sex, anything goes. That is what I love about this job. I like to get fucked up on coke, which always takes me to extreme places. I have dark fantasies. Very dark fantasies. What about you?  I tend to run my mouth when I am fucked up too. I told my stepson about a deep dark fantasy last week. I know better than to tell him anything. He hates me. He gets me high because he knows I run my mouth and I don’t fight him when he abuses me. The truth is that I like the abuse. I told him this sick fantasy I have about spiders. There is nothing that scares me more than spiders. We were talking about fears. I told the wrong person that I thought I might have a heart attack if spiders were crawling all over my body while fucking. I am a submissive MILF; the thought of a man exposing me to my worst fear turns me on but scares me too. Last night my sick fantasy became a reality. I didn’t have a heart attack, but I pissed myself and hyperventilated. My stepson dragged me out of bed and tossed me in the cellar. He was taunting me in the dark. His voice seethes with hate. He hooked me up to a fuck machine. What came next, I never could have imagined. He dumped a container of hairy, big spiders on me. I was restrained to the bed frame while getting fucked and these creepy spiders were all over my body. I was shaking. I have never been so scared. This was not fantasy, it was torture sex. I was shaking badly from fear. I couldn’t enjoy the fuck machine. My stepson laughed at me as he jacked off on my face.  I knew I should have never told him my worst fear.