Category: Evil phone sex

Cheerleading Cock Tease

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Why does my foster dad always want to attack me? I do not try to let him see me naked, but sometimes I can’t help it. This morning before school, I got all my lingerie on and was about to put on my cheer uniform when he barged into my room. He yelled at me for being a tease, and told me whatever he does to me is my own fault. He told me I am a dirty little cheerleader slut that deserves to get fucked up my ass whether I wanted it or not. He tore my lingerie off of me, and shoved my face down into the bed so hard that I could feel my nose starting to bleed. I couldn’t breathe and I was choking on my own blood, but he didn’t seem to care as he shoved his long hard cock into my ass. He lifted my head up long enough for me to get a mouth full of air, but it was only so he could get a good grip on my tits. My foster dad gripped my tits tight as he pounded into my ass. I managed to get my head up long enough to scream for help, but I knew help wouldn’t come. Pissed I would even try to scream, he flipped me over, and grabbed two handfuls of my hair. He forced my head down to his cock, which is covered in blood from him ripping my ass hole. He forced my mouth open, and shoved his cock all the way to the back of my throat. He skull fucked me until he came all over my huge perky cheerleader tits. He smirked when he looked down at me, and told me to clean myself up and get ready for school. I wish someone would save me.

Cannibalism Phone Sex with Ivy

Cannibalism phone sex

I had just put on my cheetah print swimsuit. I had planned on going out on the prowl. A manhunt so to speak. When my doorbell rang and who do I find standing there. A fucking bible thumping annoying as hell Jehovah’s Witness. Apparently, you had come to save the princess of darkness from her wicked ways.

Normally I would have told you to fuck off but today was different. You were in your early twenties and not very tall for a man. I decided that you might work out quite nicely for the dinner I had planned. I invited you in and had you sit at my dining room table. I ask you if you would like something to drink. You ask for a water. I put a mickey in your water along with a slice of lime. Now I just have to listen to your Jesus shit until it takes effect. It knocked you out cold. Perfect for me.

All I have to do is get you undressed and tied up. Then it is time to fit you in the roasting pan. I hog tie you so tight that I break your arms. Your head is the only thing hanging over the side of the pan but the rest of you fit in very nicely. You are just starting to come to when I start shoving frozen sticks of butter up your ass. I think four will do. You start moaning and begging. I can’t stand all of your crying and complaining. So I shove a stick of butter down your throat and cram an apple in your mouth.

I pour hot melted butter all over your body before covering you with rosemary and sage. I light the fire and you start cooking. Not only do you smell delicious but your agonizing cries of pain make my pussy hot and wet. My boyfriend arrives home and I greet him wearing nothing but an apron. As we are on the sofa fucking he tells me how good dinner smells, but he asks what is the sound he is hearing. I laugh and tell him that too is dinner my love. I cum all over his big thick cock as I hear you finally succumb to your death. When my dinner party guests arrive I carve you up and serve you as the main course. Everyone enjoyed you including my little furry friend.

Pretty Little Liar

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Nothing ever works out for me, and I am so sick of being used and abused. That’s why after all the prepping, tonight will be the night I finally run away from my foster family. I packed a bag full of food, clothes, and all the money in the house. I could do this I may be a cheerleader, but I am not dumb. So that I wouldn’t be seen, I wore a black hoodie and black jeans. My foster parents house is at the edge of the woods. The way I see it I have 2 options, go into town and risk someone catching me, or make my way through the woods and risk getting eaten by a bear. I took my chances with the woods. I used my phones flashlight covering it with my finger, so that it wouldn’t draw attention. After about an hour of quietly making my way through the woods, my phone goes dead, and I am left in complete darkness. I keep going though, I need to put distance between me and my foster parents house. I stumble through the woods in complete darkness, until I fall into a clearing. In the clearing there’s a little cabin and a barn. I weigh my options, and decide to break into the barn and sleep there. Before I can make my way over to the barn the cabin door opens, and a tall man steps out. He asks me what I am doing on his property, and I quickly make up a story. I tell him I was camping in the woods and got lost. He calls me out on my shit right away, he calls me a pretty little liar. He tells me my story is bullshit for a few reasons, one it’s a school night, two camping isn’t allowed in these woods, and three I have a cheerleading duffel bag. He tells me he thinks I am running away, and I admit he is right. He tells me I can sleep in the barn for the night, but then he wants me gone. He unlocks the barn door and shows me around. I find it odd that there isn’t any animals in the barn. Then, I hear it behind me, him loading his shot gun. I turn around and he commands me to strip. The tears are streaming down my face by the time I get my clothes off. He switches the shot gun out for a sickle and advances to me. I scream but I am so deep into the woods no one would hear me. He attacks me, shoving me to the ground. He gets on top of me and forces his cock into my pussy. He decides I am not wet enough for him, and shoves the sickle into my cunt. I scream in pain as I feel warm blood trickling out of me. He plows in and out of me. He uses the sickle to slit my throat as he fucks my dyeing body. Well I got my wish I would never see my foster family again.

Pay me Beat me Tortures me and make me Happy


Knife play phone sex

I’ve got this John named Tim, who pays me well to do some fucked up shit to me like from hell type shit. Tim is very awkward he’s very vulgar, but he’s got that money, so I let him fuck and torture me real damn good. I allow him to do anything, to fulfill his fantasies with me. This mother fucker he wants to do horrible things, like beat me and twist my nipples. That’s only a tiny sample of the shit he does because he really has a taste for human blood. Nasty ass fucker is what I call master Tim, but only under my breath. Master Tim is fucked up for sure, he beats me so cruel and makes me feel the agony. That’s what Master Tim does that’s what he fucking loves… He bit me, the devil fucker chewed on me about 7 times and bit my nipple off and spit it out in my face. Tim hates women, that’s what he says while he’s beating me, he fucking trashes me in every way. I’m lost because he’s so fucking barbarous he likes to tie me down and whip me with leather belts. He loves to pour oil on my body the hotter, the better and Tim get’s a massive boner when he stuffs a hot iron rod into my asshole. He likes to shit on me, and he wants to piss in my mouth. He pays me so good that I have to do it. I need that money. I need those, dollars, that cash for sure and I don’t want to stop my money flow. So, this woman will be letting him do whatever he wants to do to me. Tonight he’s coming over again. I’m hardly even healed up, but he wants to do more, and he’s paying me double, I guess I’m going to let him. Cuz I’m a come guzzling nasty torture loving, fucking whore.

Snuff Porn Movie

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Being the cheer captain sure has it’s perks, but I never thought it would get me abused and damn near killed. I attract all kinds of men, usually never the ones I am attracted to though. So, when the school bad boy asked me on a date I was so excited. He asked me to go to the horror movie special the drive-in was having, and I reluctantly agreed. I hate horror movie almost everything scares me. It was black and white theme, so I wore a little black dress and matching black lace bra and panties. When we got to the drive-in is when I got nervous. What if he doesn’t like me because I am a scaredy cat? I tried to contain my fear as we watch Dracula in black and white, but I didn’t even make it through half of the movie without screaming. When I looked over at him he told me that it’s alright to be scared, and that he found my screams hot. I smiled a little and finished watching the movie. When it ended he asked if I would like to come home with him, and I agreed. That is where I made the biggest mistake. He drove for what seemed like an hour, and I asked how he could live that far away and still go to our school. His reply seemed rehearsed, but he said his mom lived in town and he just used her address for school. His house was huge and gloomy like Dracula’s castle. I went in and he led me to his bedroom. It was beautiful like something out of an old movie. The bed was huge and had a big canopy. I got scared when he locked the door behind us, and I asked if someone else was home. When he replied no is when I really started freaking out. I tried to leave and he threw me on the bed. He growled in my ear that I was his now, and he cut all of my clothes off with his pocket knife. He buried his huge hard cock into my pussy, and started kissing my neck. I can’t say I didn’t like it because it was incredible, until he used his pocket knife to create a long cut down the side of my throat. He licked all the blood off of me while I screamed. I must have lost a lot of blood because I passed out. When I woke up I was alone and weak I could barely sit up.

Evil Babysitter Phone Sex

babysitter phone sexI love evil babysitter phone sex. I hate brats. All brats are useless unless servicing your cock or my cunt or both. Don’t you agree? I can clean up well and look like a normal 20 something girl. I just never want to. I made an exception because Charles had super cute brats. As cute as those evil time consuming little bitches and bastards can be. I was low on the rent. Just needed a few extra hundred dollars and little bitches bring top dollar on the dark net. Normally, I kill them for a client who wants to destroy their little holes first. I procure a guy brats while he explores his rape phone sex fantasies and then I dispose of the bodies. All for a fee of course. I don’t expose myself to get little soul stealers for free. I had no clients wanting my fuck and kill package, so I stole two brats and sold them myself. Charles thought he was hiring Lena for the night from an accredited site. He did, I just stole her identity. Within an hour of being there, I drugged the brats. While passed out I dress them in slut clothes inappropriate for their age. I made sure they were clean, then put the live on the dark net. I auctioned them off to the highest bidder. They sold fast too. Of course, they did, they were super young and cute. I met my Russian high bidder two hours later for the trade. He gave me more than a few hundred dollars for a cute boy and girl at a popular age for P men. He can do what he wants with them. Sell them to men for snuff films for all I care or keep them as his fuck slaves. They are just useless brats. There only purpose is to keep adults happy, don’t you agree?


Bloody phone sex I can’t remember the last time I had kinky sadist carve into my plump fake titties. A cold steel knife pressing into my skin. Poking through letting the littlest drop of blood pop out. My body cringing in pain. My cunt aching as it drips in my panties. You push the knife in deeper and a moan escapes my mouth. The knife fucking my tittie as you move it about my flesh. I can feel the blood gush a bit more as it slides down to my stomach. Your dick rises as you hear my squeals jolt out my mouth. You waste no time shoving your dick far into my throat. I choke and gasp for air. I start to scream feeling you push the knife deep into my titty popping my silicone bag. With your dick deep in my throat, you put your hand’s around your neck squeezing tightly and firmly. Letting the life slip from me.

Teen Rape Porn With Ivy

Teen rape pornYou called and told me that you had found two teen girl stow-a-ways in the shipping yard that you manage. You said that they were super cute little girls from South America. You wanted to know if I would be interested in using them to make some steamy hot teen rape porn. Just you saying that made my cunt juicy.

You ask me if I could come and help you with the girls. When I arrived they were still in the shipping container too scared to come out. I assured them that I was there to take them somewhere safe. They were more than willing to leave with me and they were totally clueless about what was going to happen to them.

When we arrived at my place we took them down to the basement and into my dungeon. As soon as I turned on the lights and they saw all of the torture devices they started crying and wanted to leave. The oldest one turned and tried to run towards the door. I grabbed her by her long brown hair and drug her over to the black leather bench. You helped me tie her down.

Accomplice phone sex

We put her friend in the medieval stocks. I turned on the camera and filmed you ripping her clothing off exposing her young teen pussy and perky tits. She laid there helpless and crying which only made your cock harder. You shoved your big hard cock into her tight teen pussy and started pounding it. She was screaming for you to stop. I shoved her dirty panties in her mouth to shut her the fuck up.

You pulled out of her pussy and slammed your cock into her tight puckered ass. You reached up and started choking her as you were fucking her tight teen asshole. You shot your wad in her ass as she was gasping for air. We left her tied to the bench and her friend still in the stocks. These two are just too cute not to keep and play with for a while. Who knows as young as they are we might could make them into the perfect pets. If not we will snuff them out and dispose of their bodies once we tire of them.

Ass Rape Porn by the Pool

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I swear I can never go for a swim without getting a cock shoved into my tight little asshole. My neighbor can see into my backyard, and last time I was swimming he watched my foster brother violate me. When I thought he was going to come over and rescue me, he really just came over to join in. Well today I was out for a swim when he came over. He said he wanted to apologize, and that he could not resist me any longer. He asked if I could ever forgive him. He is so hot, how could I say no? He asked if I could trust him. At first I was hesitant, but then I told him I believed I could. He grabbed my hand and we walked onto my patio. Then out of nowhere, he ripped my bikini top off and growled that trusting him was my first mistake. I screamed for help, but it was no use. No one was home, and if they were they only would have joined him. He overpowered me, and bent me over the railing of the deck. He stroked my hair, continuously moving his hand lower. He gave my ass a little squeeze before sticking his long fingers into my pussy. He whispered in my ear that he knew I liked it because I was so wet for him. I cried as he pulled my bottoms off, and gripped my hips so tight his knuckles turned white. He start by putting his hard cock into my wet pussy, and he pounded into me while I screamed and cried for help. When he started to feel like he was going to cum, he moved his cock up and into my ass. He drilled into my ass while I cried in pain. We climaxed at the same time. I guess he was right, I did like it.

Eating Him Alive

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Snuff Sex at the cemetery sounded right up my heartless bitch alley. I know what you want. Your letter told me everything. It was past midnight and I saw you at the grave of your youngest daughter. The rosary dropped from your hand as you saw me. “I did this.” You stammered, we both know what you did. No words escaped my mouth as I sliced into your spine paralyzing you in an instant.  Your dick was already hard from just being near her grave. I tilted your head so you could see me cut the mushroom tip off your dick. I brought it to my mouth and chewed and swallowed. “Is this what you want?’ As I sliced a piece of your ear off and made you watch me DeVore pieces of your body slowly. Your body would be too much for one person so my coven sisters approached and showed those glimmering blades. We all went to town eating you alive, I hope our cannibalism phone sex ways are enough to satisfy your need to be destroyed piece by piece.