Category: Evil phone sex

Snuff sex tweaker

Snuff sexMaster insults me and degrades me non-stop for being such a filthy and tweaked out druggie whore. I can’t help myself though, it makes me enjoy the pain and humiliation so much better while having snuff sex. The more fucked up I can get, the better. Master loves to see just how much I can take and just how much I can handle. He delivers his low blows with a smile on his face each and every time. My Mommy and her big fake tits taught me at a young age how to do lines of blow off of rock hard dicks and then suck them down my throat after I do. The more sloppy and wet, the prouder my Mommy was of me. That’s why Master purchased me, he knew that I had an entire upbringing that has been dedicated to being a sexual snuff deviant!

Barbed wire

Snuff phone sex

I can’t sit down today at all, all I can do is lay on my stomach because the pain is just too much right now. Last night my dad got really drunk and wanted to act out a particularly painful fantasy he had been thinking of. He put down plastic sheets on the floor and had me lay on my stomach with my back in the air. I had no idea what he was planning to do to me until I felt the first blow. He whipped me across the back with his homemade flogger made of strands of barbed wire taped together and then held with a leather handle. I screamed and tried to get away, but he had the door to the basement locked. I finally gave up and prayed it would be over soon as he whipped my ass and lower back bloody. He used my blood to lube up his cock and jam it into my pussy and fuck me while I bled and screamed.

This Is What You want pathetic Loser! Cut that Dick Off!

castration phone sex

Castration phone sex Is so pussy wetting for me. Cum and have a valentines treat so I can eat that dick meat!  I love castration and cutting a dick off when it is asked for. I would beat those balls for days before cutting. And the cutting would be without painkillers and merciless.. His cock and balls are on the piece of wood. I take a nail and place it on the head of his cock. Taking a hammer, I drive the nail through his cock into the wood. When the nail reaches his flesh, I pound it on in, crushing the head of his cock. Another nail at the base of his cock brings more screams. Then I do the same thing for each of his testicles, driving nails through them and crushing them. Then I untie him and leave him nailed to the piece of wood.  I would make sure his puny little penis would also be cut off, and that he had to pee like us girls. Cutting, crushing his balls and even by biting them off. I use the testicles as earrings to show that I am proud to be a castratrix. I even boil and eat that fucking cock because it is my right as an evil whore.. Am I an evil phone sex whore you bet, you asked for this and more!evil phone sex

Fuck Meat: Prey for Violent Phone Sex

Violent phone sex

I used to be the trophy whore of a kingpin drug dealer but that didn’t last. He pimped me out to the most horrific situations to get my pussy and ass mutilated. These situations went from me being fucked by anything they felt like fucking me with or shove up my holes. My dad started it all for me with his brutal ways of abusing me and making me a fuck meat rag doll. I get fucked to my death, sliced up and fantasy raped with blades, guns and clubs. My pussy becomes prolapsed, my ass follows after some mad ass gaping pounding with huge black dicks, and my throat slit. I pray this is the end and they let me go, but I am resurrected like a mother fucking Christ and the torturous fucking nightmare continues. The number of orgasms I get during these interludes of violence, torture and murder are sinfully delicious, I am the delicious prey you need to take out your frustrations on.

Won’t you please destroy me completely?  

Murder phone sex Fantasies


You will pay for trying Cunt Whore

Snuff porn


Fucking cum dumpster cunt whore, trying to fuck my boyfriend while I was away I’ve got something for that bitch. You nasty slut whore I’m going to fix you-you wanted to sleep with my boyfriend you thought that you would get away with that you told him all those lies too. You deserve to get chopped up in little bitty pieces you got damn slut. I’m going to slice your fucking throat I am going to teach you bitch that you never defy me. I love my man and if I’ve got to show all of you cunt bitches how much then I will. Yes I did slip that pill in your drink, and that’s how you got here dirty bitch you thought you were going to get away with your fucked-up Behavior, but I had something in store for you all the time. I’m going to slice your fucking body up because you thought that you could sleep with my man you thought that you could fuck my boyfriend without me ever finding out. I should show you for real why everyone calls me so dangerous. You are about to find out, and it’s so unfortunate for you that you’re going to find out and you’re not going to learn anything else in life again because it will be the end of you. You fucking cunt whore you’re nothing you think that my boyfriend actually liked you that he wanted you bitch he never did. You are the fucking worst bitch in the world. You deserve to get sliced up you deserve to have your body tossed around like a rag doll that’s what you deserve. You are going to get everything that you deserve, you spicy cunt bitch you’re going to get everything I’m not holding anything back. I hate you I hate the sight of you I hate the smell of you I hate everything about you. When I am done with you I will have your body wishing I had only fucked you with this butchers knife.

I hate fake ass bitches

snuff sexUgh I hate fake ass bitches, honestly they should all just be killed. I’m as real as they come, I’m always very upfront about my love of killing and my lack of patience so why this bitch thought she could be my friend is really beyond me. She’s the type of bitch that is so sickly sweet to your face but talks all kinds of shit about you behind your back. That in itself is annoying as fuck but when she tried to fuck my man too? No fucking way was I going to let that shit go! I acted all nice and sweet to her, invited her over to have some wine and girl talk and she actually was dumb enough to fall for it. As soon as she showed up it was all over for her, I beat the shit out of her with my bare hands until she was knocked the fuck out then I stripped her and hogtied her. Then I invited all kinds of men over to fuck her… except for my man of course. They literally fucked that stupid fake ass bitch to death and I couldn’t be happier!

Gentleman To Sadist

Snuff sexI answered your ad for a date. Your profile was sweet with a tinge of rebellion in it. I liked your stats. Tall, built, and all around just a sexy motherfucker. We went to dinner and you were a perfect gentleman. I was unaware that when I went to use the ladies room you spiked my drink. As the night started to wind down I could feel the light heaviness in my head. I looked around and the room was spinning. I was drinking wine but I didn’t think this much. Being the gentleman you are you help me to your car and offer me your spare bed to sleep in. When you get back to your place your attitude changes. You become rough with me. Dragging me out of the car and throwing me on the bed. You rip off my clothes grabbing and pawing at my body. I mentally am fighting you off me but I can’t move a limb. I feel the cold air hit my body. I try to speak but all I do is drool and slur. You tell me you are going to fuck me for hours and when you get bored of me that is when you are going to snuff my life out. You start to kick and punch me and I can’t even defend myself. I can feel the pain everywhere and you don’t stop with your hits. My perfect gentleman turned into a sadist.

Wickedly Evil Ivy


Evil phone sex

Normal sex doesn’t do a thing for a girl like me. I was cut from a different kind of cloth. My cunt craves wickedly evil and just down right sadistic play. The louder you scream the wetter I get. I want to tie you up and torture your body for hours. I want to drag my nails all over your chest filling my fingernails with your skin and blood. My soft full lips long to lick the blood from your deep cuts. I want to bit your nipples until I taste your warm blood. I long to drag my teeth up and down the sides of your big hard cock before I bite down so hard and use my teeth to rip your hard throbbing cock off of your body totally castrating you. Feeling your big hard cock detach from your body makes my cunt squirt in pleasure.

Macey Is My Teen Rape Porn Star

teen rape porn

She was my victim, a perfect blond for teen rape porn. I only wanted to make you happy. This evil accomplice had no Idea what I was working with when I slipped that liquid into her salted caramel latte. She was chatting with her friends and when I came to ask her if I could sit with them she looked at me in disgust. Little Bitch don’t she know I was wet and aching with the desire to tear her in little pieces. As Macey and her blonde curls stumbled to the bathroom her friends chatted and laughed, never paying attention to me sneaking behind her. I grabbed her mouth and bit her neck as she squealed into my palm. My blade at her neck, I whispered come with me. I thought the shivers were from fear but soon I would find out otherwise.

The van and you waited as I shoved her in. Her head bobbed as I put her a form-fitting latex outfit. I zipped up the crotch and made sure I had her pussy lips between the teeth of the zipper. Oh, how Macey moaned and her tears dripped down. The warehouse was cold and dark as You and I drug her out and pushed her to the floor. I was impressed as the equipment and cameramen looked professional. I started to feel uneasy as I realized these black me were here for more than production. I felt pain in the back of my head. and blackness descended upon me. I woke up beside Macey as she screamed and moaned with her bald pussy getting double penetrated by two meaty dicks. Only she seemed to be enjoying herself and I could hear the squish of her pussy juices.  Her tits were black and blue and I was being force fed two black cocks. My pussy hurt so much as I was being hammered. I looked for you and you spit in my face and said this would just one of the snuff movies snuff movies Macey and I starred in. Each would be darker and bloodier. Just what had I got myself into.snuff movies

Small Game Hunting

Snuff phone sexMy Grandfather is the one who taught me how to hunt.  He is also the one who taught me how to dress all manner of animals properly.  I thank the Goddess for him every day.  He also taught me how to stalk prey.  How to use a bow, rifles, traps, snares, and various knives.  He was a good, very strong man.  I once saw him go after a member of Law Enforcement with a shovel.  My Grandfather took no shit, nor were any fucks given by him.  It is because of him that I am so proficient at what I do.  When most girls were going to sleep overs, or playing with dolls, I was with him.  I was sharpening his blades, cleaning his guns, practicing my marksmanship, and stalking skills.

The best part of hunting was when Small Game Season started.  I would spend many cold months out with him hunting rabbits, squirrels, and other tasty things.  My very favorite part was when he would hit something but he wouldn’t kill it.  We would send the dog in to retrieve it, the retriever would place it gently at my Grandfather’s feet.  If it was still alive he would say, “Indi? What do we do?”  I would pick up the animal.  I will never get the smell of a feral animal out of my brain, or the sight of it’s eyes, looking at me,  it’s heart beating fast beneath it’s still warm soft body.

I would hold it up by it’s scruff, then place my one hand below it’s neck, then the other under it’s face, and twist.  Sometimes I would have to do this a few times, because I was small.  Have you ever heard a rabbit scream? If you have you will never forget it.  When it’s head was finally hanging like a rag doll to the side of it’s body my Grandfather would smile and tell me that I did a great job.

I still go small game hunting.  The smells are different, it is more like warm sun kissed skin mixed with soap, or salt from tears that have stained it’s face.  They are still soft, they still have big eyes that look up at you, they still have the rapid heartbeat, the only thing that has changed is the scream.  It is louder now, but I love that, don’t you?