Category: Evil phone sex

I tied her up and left her

taboo phone sexI found this little whore all alone one day so I decided to have a little fun with her. I stripped her naked and tied her spread eagle to a frame and left her in a shitty neighborhood with a sign saying free fucks. I wanted to see how many people would fuck her before someone saved her… if anyone saved her at all. I hid where I could watch and soon a group of young drunk men came walking by. They stopped and looked at her and even tho she looked terrified they all took a turn fucking all her tender little fuck holes. Then another group cam by and did the same thing only these men were rougher and beat that stupid whore until she was all broken and bloody. It was hot as fuck watching all these horny men just use her up. Man after man fucked her and not a single one called the cops, no one at all helped that stupid whore. I waited until it was almost light out and ended her misery with a knife thrust thru her heart. She was a fun little toy to play with I will have to get another real soon.

Gorgeous Bloody Beauty

Bloody phone sex

I found myself very frustrated the other night. I was expected to clean up and dress in formal wear for another one of my mother’s parties. So I played my role of the good daughter, dress up and look “pretty”. At least that is what they all told me I was, but the truth is every time someone called me pretty or beautiful it made me angry. They have no idea what I look like in my most beautiful form. Finally, after a couple of hours I had had enough and went up to my room. Ripping my dress as I was desperate to get out of it and without thinking grabbed the scissors on my vanity. I stared at my face in the mirror thinking about all the compliments I received then I took the scissors and make a cut right across my forehead up near the start of my scalp. The blood started to run down my face, warm and so soothing. This is true beauty, this is my best self. You see it too, don’t you?

Violent phone sex

Violent phone sex “Oh, you think you’ve had violent sex bitch? No no no, you’ve had violent phone sex, you stupid fucking whore!” He half whispers and growls through the phone. I try to speak but he cuts me off. “Don’t worry cunt you’ll see soon enough.” He hangs up the phone and I stare at it. Scared and confused about what to do. Will he find me? How could he? And if he did what does he plan to do? I had trouble sleeping. So around midnight, I took a handful of sleeping pills to relax into a peaceful sleep. When I awoke he was there a knife already cutting into my neck and my mouth, ankles, and wrists already bound insanely tight. I can’t believe he’s here and he’s got an evil smile on his face seeing me squirm and squeal in pain and fear. His cock is rock hard from the fear in my eyes. He keeps cutting small bits into my neck and then all over my body. Slowly on some and deep and fast on others. I am crying and screaming through the gag but I am helpless. He finally puts down the knife, but he has got more brutal plans for me as he begins to use his fists to beat my face in. I try to defend myself but I can’t move at all and it doesn’t take long for him to knock me out. When I wake up I am tied up with my stomach on the bed and head hanging off. He sees me awake and shoves his cock down my throat using his hand to squeeze my airway and his cock to fill my mouth and throat. I start to blackout. But not before I see what he has planned for me next. As the room dimmed I saw the pictures and videos he was playing of him covering girls in tattoos of revolting and degrading names. Some missing body parts, some appeared lifeless. I didn’t have time to be scared everything went dark.

Young Victim To Sadistic Snuff PHone Sex Accomplice

snuff phone sexMy snuff phone sex is straight out of horror films. I never got off to regular sex. When I was opened up By our neighbor who was on one of those offender lists I fucking loved it. I loved how he took my body and enticed me with candy and toys. How he used his small dick to penetrate me for the first time. Little girls were the only thing that he could feel with that dick.

He was kind of upset that I didn’t fight him too much. When he was done he told me to shower, only I didn’t, I went to the garage and took his chainsaw and started it up. When Pervert Tom The neighbor came to see what was going on I sliced his leg off with that big chain saw. He screamed bloody murder, haha! And then I took a filet knife I had stolen from the kitchen and jumped on him with my tiny body and sliced his dick off with one swift cut. He bled out crying and asking forgiveness. The look in his eyes when I said I wasn’t punishing him was priceless. I just really wanted an excuse to cut a mans dick off!

Torture Phone Sex

torture phone sexI was in Columbus again this past weekend for a torture phone sex shoot. There is an outfit there that loves me. They hire me every couple months. This was not the same director as last time. I recognized him though from the last shoot. He shared the camera with me as my executioner. This time he was behind the camera to film me. The studio was not as as busy as the last time. It felt off to me. I wasn’t sure why, but it did. I asked a few questions because I didn’t want to get myself in a jam out of town. This was a private film.  A simulated snuff porn he assured me. It was for a private wealthy client. I saw 8MM. I called bullshit on the simulated part. I didn’t want to die. I was lured by the stack of money, tax free. I agreed. They didn’t kill me but it was torture. I was tied to a standing beam with my feet above the grown. It was mummification and breath play. I was sweating. I could feel my heart beat slowing down. I was not comfortable. When my costar pulled out his cock I thought if he skull fucked me, I might die. He skull fucked me but I didn’t die. I did pass out. Luckily, I was revived. I could have died. These were strangers. I was in a strange town. It was torture but torture pays well.

I bought a bitch to torture

taboo phone sexThis drunk ass redneck asshole was on my nerves but he had a pretty little girl and a gambling problem so he was willing to sell his little whore to the highest bidder. I bought her and that asshole had the nerve to ask me if she would be well treated, he was feeling guilty for selling her and wanted to see if she would be going to a good home. Well I assured him that I just wanted my own little brat, that I was unable to have them so his sweet girl would be loved and cherished. Ha! What a fucking joke that was I swear I could hardly keep a straight face but he bought it. I took her home and torture that stupid little cunt to death. We fucked all her holes open and broke her fucking bones, she died a gruesome horrible death and I filmed every second of it. Then I broke into her daddy’s house and made him watch it all. He was so guilt stricken that he killed himself, it was glorious!

Snuff Sex Destruction Of Perverts

Snuff sex is just a kind of kink that I really get excited to induce on others, after all I am a sadist. If you don’t know what a sadist is or what snuff sex is then you really should read up some and familiarize whether it is a turn on for you before calling me. I can pretty much guarantee that if you aren’t already familiar it will likely be too much for you. I like the control I have and I like to control those perverted p daddy’s because I know exactly what they desire and well, I have fun letting them destroy some little brat cunts and assholes and really get excited over it. But understand my excitement is to do with these perverts what I desire and that is to destroy them from ever putting that filthy cock in another again. After he has had his jollies and had cum.. I take a nice shiny surgical blade and slice that ballsack open and will then filet that cock. Really there is a price to pay for those forbidden desires and I am the one to deliver on it.

snuff sex

I hate a liar

taboo phone sexUgh if there is one thing I can’t stand it is a liar and a thief so when this fucking crackhead whore stole from me and lied about… oh that whore had to die! She had the nerve to come in my house and act like we were bff’s or something, bitch please the only reason I even even spoke to her to begin with is because she is my lover’s family and I was trying to be nice for once. Well all that got me was missing money and jewelry so I went to that whore’s house and pulled her outside. She denied it all even tho I knew it was her so I knocked her over the head and dragged her skinny ass to my car. Her junkie husband tried to stop me so I just shot him. Crude I know but it shut him up! I took that whore home and tortured her for hours, I made sure not to cut the bitch cus I didn’t want to catch anything from her nasty ass but I broke every bone in her body and then left her on the side of the road like the garbage she is.

Snuff Sex with Rena

Snuff Sex


I want nothing more than to be your little victim slut Master! I want you to use me to fulfill your every desire. I don’t care if I survive, I just want to know that I was pleasing you. Even if I’m dead you can use my body until you grow tired of me and have to toss me away. Push me down and beat the sides of my face until I’m moving back and forth from consciousness. Make my eyes black and my nose bloody, bust my lips open so that when you fuck my mouth there is extra lube from all the blood. Fuck my pussy hard and fast and deep before moving to my ass. Use my tight little ass until it is bloody and prolapsed and when you are ready strangle me while you climax! I want to be your plaything, your victim, one you’ll remember long after I’m gone!

Jezabels Evil Phone Sex Freak Show

evil phone sex

Welcome to my Evil Phone Sex freak Show. These hot nights bring me so much pleasure as it provides the perfect opportunity for me to grab some sweet teen girls who are being whores out in the dark. Our cabin in the woods makes damn sure we can hear every scream and beg for mommy and daddy! I take the perfect ones and tell them this the last time they will be free. My Little girl Vampires are the perfect way to lure them to that sweet death that is coming. I threaten death to those mommies if they don’t come with me. I have mothers watching everything we do. Such a shame I look her in the eyes and watch as I saw her mother’s head off!  Don’t worry we will provide plenty of hymen popping bloody sex for you. Take that sweet spot on the back of her head and push your dick in her skull! Bring your dick out with brains on it! Gouge her eyes out and skull fuck her.  That is before we tear you piece by piece. See my Little accomplices want to survive. They do this by drinking the blood of others. Little forever young virgin vampire whores whose hymen grows back each time we force fuck them!  They  Slit those throats of that innocent and drown her in the tub. They will do anything for us!

accomplice phone sex