Her screams haunt me with pleasure. I have made many young girls scream. This one, however, is special. She is the one I think of when too long of a period has went by with no violent fun.
She was my first. Literally just for fun. Most girls that love kill, or torture started out doing it just to make some guy happy. I’m not that bitch. My very first time was solo, just for me. I can’t even tell you what was on my mind it was so incredibly fucking random. It wasn’t because I was pissed off or my feelings were hurt or because I had some underlying issues I hadn’t dealt with. It wasn’t even because I was bored. I can’t even say it was because I was horny because at that point in time, I had no clue that it would turn me on. I remember being so calm and just deciding I was going to do something new and different.
I think she was just lonely and wanted a friend. Just all chatty Kathy. I was shorter than her and slenderer. She probably could’ve kicked my ass if she had tried. She wasn’t afraid of me not one bit. However, she was afraid of my knife. I still have that same knife. It came out of the butcher block in my mom’s kitchen. It’s the one thing I cannot part with even though I know it’s a horrible idea to keep souvenirs.

Anyways she still haunts me. Right now, while we are all kind of stuck at home with this stupid fucking coronavirus. She is the one I think of. Specifically, her screams. Though screams gave me the ultimate orgasm. I seriously fucking came without ever touching myself.
If I am honest out of all of my “experiences” she was the sloppiest the one that should’ve gotten me caught. I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing. Three years later I went back, after learning a whole lot more, and set fire to that entire area. There wasn’t much left of her except for a few random bones. Now the only thing left is the haunting of her screams. I can hear them so clearly, even now. It’s like beautiful music to my cunt….