Category: Evil phone sex

Layla Gets Violated


evil phone sexIm easy to fuck when I drink. I was at a party late the other night. I had gotten really drunk and I think one of the guys at the party had slipped something into my drink. I felt really dizzy and was stumbing towards the door. A man stopped me and he offered me a ride home in his car. Against my better judgement I got into the car with him. He drove me to my house and before I could get out he put a gun to my head and demanded that I give him my keys. Scared to death I did exactly what he told me. He dragged me inside by my arm and pointed the gun at my temple. Strip down naked. He snarled. I took my clothes off and he started feeling all over my body with his greasy hands. He ordered me to lay down on my back and seperate my legs. Then he began to violate my pussy with agressive force. I was crying and begging him to stop while he took advantage of me.

Unholy Work

Blasphemy phone sexMy Master does all of his work for the dark lord. Each innocent soul we corrupt, destroy or completely purge from the Earth is a sacrifice granting us more power and favor. Nothing is more satisfying then snuffing out another stupid bitch to feel the rush of power surge through me. It’s so arousing no wonder Master always seems insatiable. I’ve gotten used to the screams, sounds and grotesque surroundings that I feel at home in our temple. I’ve become a great disciple for his unholiness. One day when I get his sign I will gladly give my body over to him and he will take me on to become his bride. If I’m truly worthy I may even be fortunate enough to carry his seed. One day at a time, I suppose for now I must find more to corrupt or dispose of, depending on what will please my Master and the dark lord more at the time.

Evil Phone Sex Victim

evil phone sex

I was groomed for this victim lifestyle. I’ve been into it since I was a young girl and the more I experience predators, the deeper into it I am. Evil phone sex is like a playground for me and my like-minded lovers. Do you ever find yourself fantasizing about torturing, killing, brutalizing a sweet, innocent blonde like me? It’s okay if you do. I think it’s necessary to be honest about those desires and have some dark phone sex fun with a snuff slut. Do you like the sound of a whore crying while you stroke your sadistic cock? If so, then I’m your girl. I will plead and beg for you to stop and you’ll only get rougher with me won’t you? Do you ever just need to shout “shut the fuck up” to some dumb little cunt? Well, I welcome and encourage you to do so. That kind of verbal abuse only gets my cunt wetter for the rape fantasies the two of us are going to act out together. Imagine having your hands gripped around my throat as you pump my pussy and before you know it I’m gasping for my last breath and just as you’re about to cum, I’m gone.

Daddy’s Sweet Accomplice

Accomplice Phone SexDaddy had had a long-time feud with a guy in the next town, so he sent me to do what I do best. Seduce them and bring them to daddy for a little fun. I had been visiting this older gentleman for a few months now nut never let him touch me. I told him I was holding out for marriage. I knew he wouldn’t last long, and he proposed to which I quickly said of course. I told him my brother could marry us and we planned it for two days from now. No need to wait and he was longing for my juicy bald cunt. As we headed to my brothers who was really daddy’s friend’s house, I started rubbing his crotch and telling him all the naughty things I was going to do to him. We walked in and started to say our vows when daddy came around the corner and clocked him. The guy got up pissed, knowing he had been played and knowing daddy wasn’t going to be nice. He asked daddy if I could at least suck his dick before things started. Daddy shook his head and I got down on my knees and blew his big fat cock until he was shooting his load deep in my mouth. Daddy then lifted me up and dragged the guy to the next room. I heard screams and cries and very loud noises coming from that room, but I never saw that man again.

Abduction Leads to Torture Sex

I was just out for a walk the other night, nothing unusual, I took some hallucinogenics and thought it was too claustrophobic inside and needed air. I was walking through an Large abandoned parking lot minding my own business when it went down. It was a warm night and I was wearing a thin shear dress like something Stevie Nicks would wear and was carrying my sweater close to my chest I was not prepared for what came next. A loud broken down car approached me with a guy missing his front teeth and wearing a bandanna around his forehead was trying to talk me into getting in his car. I told him I was fine and tried walking faster. He threw the front of the car in front of me and opened his door. Yanking my wrist with one arm and slashed me in the head with a bottle in his other I was knocked unconscious. I was shoved into the back of his loud junky car and he sped off as I tried pounding at the windows and screaming. There was a police car with an officer in the parking lot but he didn’t hear the commotion. I was fucked. This guy took me to his shack in some really dilapidated part of town that must have been condemned. Rats ans roaches were everywhere as he shoved me inside. He tied my wrists with a rough rope and put duct tape over my mouth. I had my dress, panties and bra sliced off of me as he shoved me on a filthy stinking mattress. I was being violated and sliced as he took his pleasure from and he continued with me through the next day. I bled, my body stung from the cuts and bruised up cunt, breasts and ass. I was butt naked but he was passed out and I crawled my way out as roaches crawled on me and rats were biting at me. I barely made it out the door when a dog came at me with his teeth bared.

Torture Sex

Lets slice her!

Her screams haunt me with pleasure. I have made many young girls scream. This one, however, is special. She is the one I think of when too long of a period has went by with no violent fun.

She was my first. Literally just for fun. Most girls that love kill, or torture started out doing it just to make some guy happy. I’m not that bitch. My very first time was solo, just for me. I can’t even tell you what was on my mind it was so incredibly fucking random. It wasn’t because I was pissed off or my feelings were hurt or because I had some underlying issues I hadn’t dealt with. It wasn’t even because I was bored. I can’t even say it was because I was horny because at that point in time, I had no clue that it would turn me on. I remember being so calm and just deciding I was going to do something new and different.

I think she was just lonely and wanted a friend. Just all chatty Kathy. I was shorter than her and slenderer. She probably could’ve kicked my ass if she had tried. She wasn’t afraid of me not one bit. However, she was afraid of my knife. I still have that same knife. It came out of the butcher block in my mom’s kitchen. It’s the one thing I cannot part with even though I know it’s a horrible idea to keep souvenirs.

killer phone sex
Anyways she still haunts me. Right now, while we are all kind of stuck at home with this stupid fucking coronavirus. She is the one I think of. Specifically, her screams. Though screams gave me the ultimate orgasm. I seriously fucking came without ever touching myself.
If I am honest out of all of my “experiences” she was the sloppiest the one that should’ve gotten me caught. I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing. Three years later I went back, after learning a whole lot more, and set fire to that entire area. There wasn’t much left of her except for a few random bones. Now the only thing left is the haunting of her screams. I can hear them so clearly, even now. It’s like beautiful music to my cunt….

Layla Cant Escape This Time



evil phone sex


                 Murder makes me feel really kinky. You remember my prostitute friend who had been murdered. Well she had been laid to rest quite some time ago now. so I decided to go to the graveyard to visit. It was a cold and windy night. I was alone I went to the graveyard and noticed something a little strange. Next to her grave was some black roses with a note attached to it. It said ‘I know who killed your freind’ and it had a phone number written on it. Angered by the display, I called the number immediately. ‘Listen do you think this is funny?’ I cussed  them out on their answering machine. And went home really upset I was about to fall asleep on the couch when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it. there was a figure standing there with a gun in their hand. ‘bitch get down on your knees! they demanded. they started pistol-whipping me. don’t ever talk to me like that! they snarled ‘you’ll end up just like your friend’ I begged them to stop but they got on top of me and forced my legs open. They took advantage of me just how they did carol.

My fun can’t be quarantined

taboo phone sexI am not listening to any of this quarantine bullshit, I’m not going to stop my fun just because some old people may die why should I? Fuck I kill people every day and you expect me to have some feeling in my cold dead heart for old or sick people? Fuck that shit! I am going out every single day hunting for victims to play with. I am bringing home little whores and force fucking them to death with my special dildos and beating them until they are bloody and broken. I am young and healthy so if I do pick up this virus it won’t kill me but I will be able to passively kill even more people just by spreading it around and I have to say the thought of that gets me wet as fuck. I am ready to kill so come and join me baby, lets set the whole world on fire!

Master’s Evil Accomplice

Accomplice phone sexI stand by Master as he finishes his dark work, the red droplets slowly dripping into the dark puddle on the basement floor. For a long while the dripping is the only sound I heard, Master had stopped. He looked at me. I knew he wanted me to compliment his artwork, as I looked over the mangled and craved corpse. Master always has a way of turning gruesome scenes into artful offerings like the one before me. It wasn’t a surprise to me that his cock was rock hard, normally feeling the splatter of blood over his body does that to him. I think that is why my Master likes to work in the nude.  I smile remembering who she was before I had lured her to my Master, so naive, young a perfect offering to appease those that Master serves. He says it is they who keep him from being discovered. I have no choice but to believe him, there is no running away from him. He owns me and the only way out is through death. Any love he harbors for me is easy for him to look past. One day when I’m no longer young and pretty, I’ll become an offering too. Until then I am to do the bidding of his wicked whims and face his wrath at any slight failure. I’m his experiment, his play toy when he’s bored nothing more than a replaceable collectible of many.

Lured Them with A Pretty Dolly

I have clients that pay me good money to lure young sweet girls and sometimes boys. Today I was offered a nice sum of green to lure two blonde little sisters he has been watching. I lured them with a couple of pretty dollies that were new on the market and every girly girl type wanted. What better way to lure a couple of brats who’s parents were too irresponsible to keep in the house during this quarantine. The most susceptible and they cheerfully came with me so they could both get the new dolly. I only had one to lure them with. I offered them candy and 2 new dollies and pretty dresses for the dollies. It was fucking easy. Took them back to an abandoned house that was for sale. My mother was a realtor so I got the codes to many places to have fun in. I lured the girls right into the hands of my pervert client. Oh the games we played with these two. The best part for me was chopping off the head of the dolly and putting a pocket pussy in the neck. I loved watching the pervert pump it joyfully as I taunted the girls that this would happen to one of them while the other got to watch. So which one will it be? The two little things were petrified. I love the taste of fear in their blood, don’t you?

Evil Phone Sex