I had set up a rape fantasy thru one of my BDSM websites. He said his name was Mark but we all make up fake names. He was suppose to come thru my window at night and we were gonna have a rape fantasy role playing going on. He said he wanted to do a Ass rape porn. So I knew he was bringing a camera. I was perfectly ok with this idea. Made me very wet just thinking of this being filmed and hitting the internet. For all to see. I felt like it took me forever to fall asleep that night. But I finally did. The next thing I remember is being woken up to a heavy man laying on top of me. Cause I like the fight and struggle that is what I did. I was quickly overcome and my pussy started to ache. He was bitch slapping me and cuffed my wrists to the bedpost. I saw that he took out knife. The blade cold as he held it to my throat. I gasped as knife play was not mentioned in our conversation. But regardless I was very turned on by all this. He took the knife and nicked at my throat I screamed as I was not expecting that. He bitched slapped me even harder for my screaming and yelled at me “shut the fuck up you stupid bitch!” I cum right there on the spot. His alpha male persona making me craving more. He saw that I was cumming and cumming hard. He laughed and said he knew he picked up the right skank for the job. After he got done setting up the camera, he walked back over to me and sat on the bed. Taking the knife holding it to my tit and said. My dear little cunt. Not only am I gonna have Torture sex with you, but then I am gonna kill you and make you the star of a Snuff movies. I was taken back by his words this was not what we discussed. I was getting ready to open my mouth and say something. But before I could get the words out he took the knife and stabbed it into my chest. I gasped but could not scream. It was a piercing pain that shot right in my heart.
As I took my last breath I had my final orgasm. To bad I was not gonna see my Snuff porn that I was the star of.
Category: Cheap phone sex
He Made An Snuff Porn Of Me
Locked In The Cabinet
My sadistic and psychotic Father took it upon himself to lock me inside of the kitchen cabinet underneath the sink for absolutely no reason at all aside from the fact that he gets off on seeing me suffer at the strength of his own hands. After forcing me to be crammed into the small box of a space for days on end, he drilled a hole from the outside, finally letting in some fresh air that I could gasp up into my lungs. There were so many bottles of cleaning products locked in the cabinet with me, it made it hard to breath with the strong scent of chemicals penetrating my insides. Although I sounded like I was hacking up a lung from coughing so hard while trapped in that hell hole, my Daddy still didn’t give a fuck. He is sick and depraved, he has no remorse for his actions whatsoever. I’m used to his worthless treatment of me, it’s been like this since day one when I entered into this world. I’m a washed up, used up bitch and my cunt needs to be punished as often as possible! Daddy gave me what I deserved, after all, that’s the treatment that pretty little cum sluts like me are supposed to be receiving! Torturous and dark, my young, sexy sounding voice only makes it all the better!
Ass Rape Porn: Pay Up Bitch
Ass rape porn is never what I want, but it is always what I get. Troy said I owed him money. I didn’t even remember this guy. Supposedly, we fucked months ago. I used him for drugs. I use every man for drugs. That is my reputation. Not like he didn’t get anything out of it, right? I felt no allegiance to him. He got pussy; I got coke. It is called a trade. Women don’t fuck for free. I don’t even fuck my husband without expecting something in return. He didn’t like my answer. He smacked my face so hard, my lip bled. I tried to run away, but he grabbed me by the hair and tossed me on the floor. His dick was out. He intended on collecting his money one way or another. He kicked me until I begged for mercy and promised to be a good slut for him. He even kicked me in the head. He pissed on me while laughing. He informed me that his fee went up because I was being a twat. I was contorted like a beach ball. My yoga pants tore at the seam from the position. He split them even further, then just ripped them off me. All he needed was room for his cock and access to my asshole. He pounded me like he was a hammer and I was a nail. He got in so deep. In that position, he could pin my arms back too so that if I fought or moved away he could snap my arms. Over an hour in that position was more torture sex than anal sex. I was bleeding, in pain with a prolapsed anus by the time he was done. He spat in my face and said sarcastically, “Next time pay up bitch.” Another lesson learned the hard way.
The Belt
I was so scared walking towards my front door. I didn’t make enough money to keep my crackhead boyfriend high all night. I opened the door and handed him all of the money I made from hooking up and down the boulevard. He counted the cash with an evil snarl on his face. He threw the cash at my face then slapped me so hard that I fell to the floor. He spit on me and relief briefly flooded through my body. I thought his tantrum was over, but I was so wrong. He gripped my hair in his fist and dragged me upstairs like I was a rag doll. He flung me towards the bed and pulled his belt from his pants.
“Get your fucking clothes off NOW!” , he demanded.
I took my clothes off and he started whipping me with his belt like I was a runaway slave. He hit me over and over again, each last worse than the one before. He hit me until his arm got tired. With welts all over my body, I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.
young one
You need someone to put your ass back in place! You think you could go around telling women what the fuck to do? Well not this bitch mother fucker, I’m so tired of your fucking bull shit! Now you are my little bitch, and you will beg for more of this bitch on your cock. That’s one thing I know for sure, that you love my tight little pussy and tight little asshole! Plus the big plus you love the way I give you head! This time I will be holding my knife when you are making me give you head pushing my head down making me choke and gag on your long as dick! I will fucking finally use it on you! I will chop your fucking dick of then shove it down your fucking throat so you could see how it feels when you choke me with your cock!
Snuff porn Dream
I had a dream last night I was walking home from my shift at the dinner. When I heard a vehicle pull up behind me, I was so tired I was not paying much attention when they stopped. WIthout warning I felt a brutal tug on my scalp as my hair was yanked and I was dragged backwards into a cream color van. Inside the van were five guys. I tried to fight but was soon overpowered as they all punched and kicked at me. Ripping and tearing off my clothes. Laughing and taunting me. Binding my wrists behind my back. Calling me a white whore. A fuck pig. They took their time and turns in each of my holes. I could feel cigarettes burning my body. Lighters held to my tits. Smelling my own burning flesh as I cry out with intense pain and pleasure all mixed into one. They knew I was cumming hard they could feel my cunt clench around their cocks. They could see my ass pushing back on their cocks. They could hear my soft moans threw my screams that echoed in the van. They were taking belts and whipping me. Cutting off my air way, letting me get a breath or two. Then cutting my air supply again. Letting me pass out and waking me up with a some kind of torture and pain. My cunt and ass got fucked with a gun and I could hear the one guy saying “play russian roulette with this white pig cunt.” I could hear the revolver click as he pulled the trigger. I jumped in fear and ecstasy. I was as much turned on as I was in pain. And these men knew it. When they had drained their cocks of all their cum, and piss. And had nearly burned and beaten most of the flesh off my body. They took the gun and placed it to my head. This time the gun was fully loaded. The last thing I heard was them laughing over my body. Then without warning I woke up my sheets wet from my cum. Dam I always wake up at the good parts.
Yes Father may I have another?
I went to church for some reason a few days ago. Maybe feeling uneasy about all the things going on, fires, floods, it seems to be apocalyptic. I’m not in fear of hell or anything; don’t believe that type of thing. I think I wanted… no, actually I know I wanted to mark something off my fuck-it list. I had made an appointment with the priest of the local church in hopes of finding what I wanted.
I sat down in his office, it smelled old and musty, I couldn’t totally put my finger on it but I thought it smell like sex. The priest came in and sat behind his desk, folded his fingers together and said: “How can I help you, my spiritual follower?” I couldn’t help but start laughing, he was so pompous and self-righteous I didn’t feel nearly as bad about what I was going to do. I took my gun out from my purse, smiled and pointed it at the so called spiritual man. He looked startled of course and asked what I wanted and said I didn’t have to do this. He thought I was there to rob him, he tried to tell me drugs aren’t the answer and the church doesn’t keep money blah blah blah. I laughed more and said “I’m not here for your bullshit religion. I’m more evolved than believing the garbage you people try to spew.” I explained that I was there to just plain fuck with his head. I told him to call in his youngest nun into the rectory. He hesitated but I told him to think about what life would be like with a colostomy bag and catheter because I blew his dick off, but I would put the gun on his shaft and aim it towards his asshole. “How are you going to fuck little boys if you have no cock?” he said nothing but picked up the phone and called out to his secretary to bring in Marta the newest nun to join. We waited for her to come in, the “holy man” started to whimper a little. I just shook my head at the pathetic man. The nun knocked and entered. “Yes, father?” she asked. I turned around pointed the gun at her and told her to stand next to the priest. She quickly glided over to him, and my play began. “Father, lift her habit, let’s see the panties nuns wear.” The nun protested at first but the priest scolded her. Interesting, I have a feeling this has happened before. Her habit goes up and what do we see, black thong panties, thigh highs, and a recently waxed pussy.Even my eyebrows went up on that. The priest swallowed hard and I asked him if that made his mouth water. He only nodded with his head down. “I think you two have done this before, I want to see what you two do together.” The priest took her over his knee and began to spank her bare ass. She moaned with each smack. “Ah, you two are a set of kinky fuckers, huh?” I was all too happy to make them push what they do further. I told him to put his hand underneath her and play with her pussy while he spanked her harder. “But she’s a virgin.” I shrugged … “so what, do what I told you to do.” She doesn’t seem bothered by the instruction so I sat back and enjoyed the show. She moaned and gyrated with every smack and without prompting she yelled out “YES, YES father may I please have another!” holy shit I thought well this will be more fun than I thought.
Tune in next time when I finish this monster blog.
Gangbang Rape Porn in Exchange for Drugs
If you enjoy gangbang rape porn, I have a story for you. I was at this guy’s house last weekend to score some party favors. Not my usual dealer, but I heard from a friend he would fuck a woman in exchange for dope. I was cash poor, but pussy rich. Not like I have not fucked for drugs before. It’s just sex? Means nothing. My dope, however, means everything. It is how I function. I get there and he is not alone. There are like 50 Mexican dudes there. I don’t know if it was a house party or just his posse. They all looked me up and down like I was fresh meat. I could understand a few words like punta and gringa. They wanted to fuck me. I was in way over my head. I was planning on fucking one sleazy guy for some coke, not an army of men. I had no say in the matter. They grabbed me, ripped my clothes off and slammed me down on the floor. Big brown hairy cocks chocked me until I puked. They didn’t care. They just saw my fuck holes open for business. Strong hands pinned me face down in my own vomit while I got sodomized, fucked and fisted. Other men were circle jerking around me, dousing me in cum. I was violated like a street corner hooker. I could feel my cunt and ass bleeding. I could feel the life being choked out of me slowly and cruelly. I was in pain. I couldn’t speak from all the cocks rammed down my throat. They were laughing as I gagged and gasped for air. Finally, they stopped. No idea why. I guess I had drained them all. I was a ball of sweat, blood, cum and puke. When I tried to slither to the door, a foot stomped me on my back. “We aren’t done with you yet gringa,” one of them laughed.
Endless Abuse
I’ve been in an abusive relationship with my crack addict boyfriend since I was a teen. I met him through my parents who are also crack addicts. All my boyfriend had to do to take me from my neglectful parents was toss them a few crack rocks. He took my virginity and my innocence. It wasn’t long before he was forcing me to sell my body to keep him high. He beats me for almost anything because he has a hair trigger temper. He expects food on the table and a spotless home anything less is another ass beating. I figured out the only way his dick can get hard is through violence. Sometimes when he’s feeling really sadistic he’ll force me to suck his cock for hours until my lips are swollen. I’ve tried running away but he always finds me and beats me for trying to escape. Sometimes I hope I get in the wrong car and the john ends my life, because that’s the only thing I have left…hope.
Bloody phone sex fantasy
I have had a really bad period this month and I went to my gyno for an exam because of it. He started with the normal 20 questions of comfortableness. I laid back into the stirrups as he was pulling out his tools and I noticed he had something in his hand, it was a syringe. He came u behind me and stabbed me in my neck, while pushing the substance into me. Before I knew it I was unable to move.
The gyno at that point spread my legs really wide and started licking my pussy, period, blood clots and all. He then pulled his cock out of his pants, pushed himself into my cunt and started thrusting away. I could see the blood splattering everywhere. When he gave the final groan and came inside me he came to my ear and said that he would give me the antidote to move again but that if I told anyone then he would say I was stealing from him and a liar. He then gave me the antidote and I went home.