My old man finally rescued me from the 5th Ward Crips. It’s been three weeks since I’d last seen sunlight and it hurt my eyes. I gripped his arm tightly as we walked out of the trap house because I was afraid the thugs would change their mind and force me to stay. He took me home and ran me a bath. I had dried cum and blood stains all over my body because they never let me bathe. I sat in the tub and tried my hardest to scrub the nightmare away. I got out of the tub feeling a lot better, but my stomach sunk when I saw a strange man with my boyfriend. My boyfriend jerked the towel from my body because he wanted to give the strange man a good view of the merchandise.
“You be really nice to my friend, you understand?” my old man demanded.
I kneeled at the strange man’s feet and unzipped his pants. I started sucking his dick automatically like a robot without feelings. I need to realize that this is my life, I’m a whore for life.
Category: Cheap phone sex
Whore For Life
Sneaky little bitch
I love to watch little brats running around it just reminds me so much of my self, and how much of a little shit I was. My family gave up on me because of it. To much fighting, arguing, sneaking out and threats.So, now I love to just watch them while their parents are gone. I get to do what ever because I am the fucking boss. When they the youngest one screams I put him on the dresser naked to make him so fucking cold while he freezes. That’s his time out haha. I make it so cold in the house the screams make my pussy drip. I had to tie their dad up last night because he caught me being vile, I lost my job and will have a warrant soon but I fled I don’t give any shits. I’ll do it again I just need to move, Let me know of some good places that I can keep being a sneaky little bitch.
Gangbang Nightmare Ch.5
I think my old man is dead. It’s been months and he hasn’t come back for me. He left me with the 5th Ward Crips because he owed them money. A plastic sex doll is treated better than the way I’ve been treated by this gang of thugs. I’ve been sexually assaulted on a daily basis. The room where they keep me has a door that acts more like a revolving door because every 15-20 minutes another gang member comes in and fucks me. I don’t fight anymore because they’ll beat me. I do want it takes to make them cum fast and leave. I’ve been here long enough to know which ones cum faster from head and the ones who need to be deep inside my pussy. I overheard Tec-9 saying my pussy was good enough to sell and make a serious profit and my stomach dropped because I knew I wasn’t ever going home.
Gangbang Nightmare Ch.4
My man traded me to the 5th Ward Crips for four crack rocks. They keep me in a room with a boarded up window and a dirty mattress on the floor. These thugs treat me worse than a plastic sex doll. My jaw aches from blowing multiple men for hours at a time. And my pussy and asshole hurt from this never-ending gangbang.
Tec-9 walked into the room with a dog leash and an evil grin on his tattooed face. He put the collar around my neck and walked me into the front room on my hands and knees. I was completely naked and felt totally exposed being the only female in room full of dangerous gang members. In the corner of the room, a gangster had a furry friend on a leash. The gangster let the leash go and the furry friend ran straight towards me. He mounted my back and his pink cock enter my tight cunt. He humped me and the gangsters laughed. The furry friend panted in my ear and his drool slid down my back. His cock knotted inside me and I couldn’t pull away. The gang laughed even more at my struggle to get away from the furry friend. I felt totally humiliated and completely defeated. When will the living hell end?
I have been close to death before with men and sex. But they always chicken out and don’t take the final step in snuffing my life out. They will torture my body. Suffocate me until I pass out. But no matter how much I beg I cannot get them to finish the job. The ultimate orgasm that I could have would be death after I am beaten and tortured. And this is something I am denied over and over. Guys talk about loving to fuck a whore and then kill her but I have yet to find me one of these guys to follow thru. Maybe they are scared they will get in trouble. Lol, I will be dead who is gonna tell? And really the law does not care about another dead whore.
She Denied Him
This creepy loser is always staring at me and making attempts to get me to go out with him and it just won’t happen, Ever! I swear dude is so fucking gross and creepy and I just couldn’t stand him or his bad aftershave. I got approached again by this loser and really have had it and told him to go fuck himself as it is all he will ever get, and to think you could get a chance with me, dream the fuck on.
Well I guess that must have hit a nerve as I went to walk away I felt a sharp prick of a needle and was becoming incoherent and started stumbling immediately. I awoke in a strange apartment, some sort of factory building and was bound and really sore. I looked at my body and was naked with cuts and bruises everywhere. Then I noticed the cum all over my tits and between my legs was sore and sticky. I was barely able to move and then noticed that I wasn’t going to survive what was next…
Snuffing Your Wife And Fucking Your Daughter
It is time for some home invasion phone sex tales from your angel of death. You wanted your snooty wife who never puts out taken out. You told me you had drugged her drink and was out like a light.
What you didn’t tell me is that I would run into your brat trying to wash period blood out of her panties and shorts at 2 am in the morning. Something about her spoke to me and she saw me with my blade and wasn’t scared. I grabbed her by the hand and whispered where was her room? You sweet teen brat led me into her room and I threw her on the bed and kissed her and started playing with her pussy as I bit her neck and drew blood. I fucked her as I feasted on her. My hand covered with blood that I gave her to clean up. After she came as I ate her bloody cunt she asked who I was there to kill. I said her mother and she asked if she could do it. My little evil bitch took the blade and we entered the master suite. She stabbed her mother 52 times blood splattered everywhere. I undressed and we fucked in the bloody aftermath. Right beside your dead wife. We took her minced heart out of her chest and washed and set the house ablaze. What a good little fucking evil whore your daughter is watching the house burn o the ground with her mother’s heart in a baggy. I brought her back to my dungeon for some hot torture sex.
Pain is the game
I have been waiting to get my clit to be pierced. I finally got it and I love it I surprised Derek hes my emo sick perverted little fuck toy. Hes such a bitch this time I am surprised him with my new knife I usually don’t have enough balls to play with him like that but this time is different. I want him to bleed and give him an actual reason to be a fucking little bitch. I fucked his ass hole with my dildo then shoved the handle of my spatula in so hard I love fucking and getting fucked with objects that can hurt. I took my knife and jabbed him in the ass made a little blood. He freaked out and I told him that he was going to enjoy it and I started to strangle him while I was forcing my fist in his gaping ass hole. After, I got done hurting his ass cheeks and made his little ass hole burn I told him it was my turn.. He did not go easy on me . I guess I am making him an actual man. He begged for more that whole night.
Gangbang Nightmare Ch.3
The gang stopped feeding me two days ago. The only thing I’ve had in my mouth is dick, cum, and piss. And a few of them like having their assholes licked and these thugs aren’t very clean. The room they keep me in is dirty and dark. I sleep on a sheetless mattress on the floor and every 20 min one of the thugs comes in to fuck me. There’s a horrible stinging pain every time a new dick slides between my cunt lips because they don’t give a fuck if I’m ready. The blood, cum, and shit stained mattress reek so bad it turns my stomach. Tec-9, the head nigga in charge, has the biggest dick. It’s 11 inches long and thick like a Red Bull can. He loves to make me choke on his monster cock. He holds the back of my head and forcefully fucks my mouth until I vomit. And he doesn’t stop fucking my face until he fills my cheeks with jizz. If I’m lucky they’ll let me smoke a few rocks. Being high is my only escape from this hell.
Piss in my eyes Daddy
I’m nothing but a dumb and stupid dirty little slut for Daddy and he loves having me gape my eyes open so that he can unleash a huge load of piss into my eyeballs while we have snuff sex. My sockets burn as he splashes his golden shower all over me like how I deserve. It’s a never ending stream of liquid that pulsates into my corneas. So much in fact that I think I may be going blind. My vision is blurry and I can’t see straight but Daddy doesn’t give a fuck. I was screaming and crying the more that he gouged my eyes with his urine but it only made Daddy even hornier to see how much I was suffering and in pain. He really is sick in the head and fuckin demented. The torture and violence that he continues to inflict upon me really is crazy, and he has absolutely zero remorse whatsoever!