It was a dark time in my life and being a victim and terrorized so much I thought joining a covenant and studying to be a nun would save me from this life. I was never so wrong. The adjoining seminary school for studying priests deemed to not be the safe haven one thinks. These young men seeing me in the adjoining yards where not able to control themselves. I found myself put into a detention for causing these young priests great distress. I was bound and gagged with their cocks as they took turns on whipping me and calling me an unholy whore that has defiled the seminary and covenant and needed to be punished. Whipped, gagged and ultimately gangbanged as part of their lesson to teach me I had 20 studying priests committing blasphemy sex acts on my whore body as they defiled me and made me into their ruthless little cum dumpster and where they took out their pent up frustrations by fucking me and beating me to death in act of purifying me to serve the lord. I was the ultimate sin and sacrifice as they disemboweled me and snuffed me out.
Category: Cheap phone sex
Gothic Babysitter Phone Sex Killer
You knew who I was and what I would do when I came to babysit your brats. You had already offed your wife and needed to go and visit her grave. You came on her grave once a week just thinking about how she screamed for you as you stabbed her to death. So, hiring a tiny gothic girl was no big deal. I mean the amount of money that exchanged was way more than a regular teen would take. I decided to film it for you as I arranged your darlings in their cutest dresses. I invited an accomplice over who paid me, even more, to watch me slit their throats after I had him force fuck sweet cunny. Those cute bloody screams were so arousing! I know you enjoyed watching how he fucked those throat holes after I sliced sweet innocent heads off. I came so hard as I cut arms and legs off and he fucked little dead bodies with blood still gushing. Are your balls heavy and leaking that delicious precum for my brat killer ways yet?
Cannibalism phone sex
“I’ve been watching you for a while, watching you go from class to class. Seeing those perfect booty shorts showing off that juicy ass. Those thighs of yours looking simply delicious.” What had once started off as Cannibalism phone sex quickly turned into a fantasy that had become reality. I was bound tightly, and he had me in the tub, where he was cleaning my body. I knew from past phone calls that soon he would shave all the hair off my head, and my entire body. I was scared, he was looking at me like I was dinner and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to talk myself out of this one. He continued his ritual as I cried silently, knowing the end was near. Once he was done cleaning me and getting my body all cleaned up he took me into the kitchen, there were ingredients everywhere and a custom human-sized oven as well. He started by putting an apple in my mouth, just like a porky piggy. I tried my best to resist but I was bound up to be cooked. He slathered my body in oil, seasonings, and garnishings of potatoes and carrots. He looked at me with such hunger as he pushed me into the oven to cook me to death, and I knew he’d start with eating my ass or thighs first, that’s his favorite. He mouthed to me as I burned quickly alive that I was going to taste so good.
Torture phone sex
I’ve always fantasized about being raped and tortured before finally being put out of my pathetic misery. I figured since I’m just a junkie whore anyway, no one will miss a reject to society like me. All I’m good for is fucking and sucking cock for drugs. I finally met a guy with enough balls to do me in. He told me to meet him in a back alley behind an abandoned grocery store in town. That alley is notorious dumping grounds for snuffed out junkie whores. At least he wouldn’t have to drag my nasty, cum filled corpse very far. I started to walk down the alley when suddenly there was a hand over my mouth and a deep voice in my ear. He called me a junkie slut and told me he was here to do the job. He dragged me behind a dumpster and started cutting my clothes away with a big knife. Once I was naked, he grabbed a fist full of my hair and forced me, face down onto the ground. He lifted my ass up and started to rape my tight little asshole as I cried in pain. He reached around with his knife and started to make deep gashes in my thighs. Next, he started to put his cock in my pussy but not before he ran the head down my leg. He was going to use my blood as a lube to fuck me. He fucked me hard for what seemed like forever. While he was stuffing his cock into every hole he could fit it in, I felt a hot, searing pain of the knife. He was cutting huge gashes all over my nasty whore body. The entire time, he was yelling at me and telling me what a dirty, junkie slut I was. I was crying and begging him to end my life. My pussy was so wet from being tortured and I was weak from losing so much blood. He told me to lie down on my back and look up at him. He was on his knees and plunged the knife right through my neck, pinning me to the ground. He stood up and spit in my face before walking away, leaving me there to bleed out. I deserved every bit of this and more.
Fantasy Phone Sex Call
I love a hot fantasy phone sex call. I arrived at the castle by mistake. As a cop, I was out looking for missing girls. My community has had a rash of young girls disappearing into the night lately. I was following a hunch and I drove out to the outskirts of town. There was this majestic castle. It has long been shrouded in mystery. Many people have tried to scale the walls and take pictures. No one ever seems to return. I started thinking maybe that is where all the girls are. It makes sense. No one knows who lives there. Young girls just don’t vanish. I scaled the wall to check it out. It was weird though. It felt like I was being called to the castle. I managed to get in, but a shadowy figure caught me as I was taking pictures. The moment he touched me, I felt paralyzed. I felt captured. He mesmerized me with his eyes. I asked who he was, and he pointed to an ancient picture hanging on the wall. I told myself it wasn’t possible because he had not aged a bit. That was when I saw no reflection in the mirror. He was a vampire. I knew I had to escape, but he froze me with his eyes. I was powerless. Suddenly, it all became clear to me. This was were all the missing girls were and I was to be the next missing girl. As he crawled between my legs, I saw his fangs before he bit down on my inner thigh and started to drink my blood. I came. I was being exsanguinated. I was dying, yet I was aroused. If this was snuff sex, sign me up. He was powerful and sexy and deadly, very deadly. My orgasm was the last one I had as a mortal woman.
Castration at My Hands
You are brought to my motel room thinking I am nothing but a gothic whore who needs to fuck. I begin jacking you off as your wife and three men walk in. your shocked but we have a surprise for you! You wife undresses and pulls out their nice thick cocks. She is going to show you how much they are going to cum for her. You pathetic bitch your days of cumming are over. You feel faint as the drink and the paralysis agent kicks in. I have you bound and use my shears to ask if you have any last words for your cock and balls. Oh, that’s right you cant talk bitch! My shears are cold against your scrotum. Your wife has all three men cumming on her face. I cut off your balls in one fell swoop, but my knife will take time to cut through your dick! These will make a tasty addition to my menu of corpses later.
Gangbang rape porn
I recently got offered a gig doing porn for a guy that seemed kind of shady but he was paying really good, so I wasn’t too worried. Even if he didn’t pay me, I’m still getting some dick out of it, so either way, I’m winning. I show up only wearing the trench coat like he had asked. I thought I would only be shooting a scene with one guy. Imagine my surprise when 6 guys were there, waiting for me! I wanted to run away but they started grabbing me and touching all over my body. I suddenly realized what was happening. This was a gangbang rape porn! I was going to be fucked and pounded over and over by all 6 of their cocks. I had cocks in my ass and kitty at
the same time. I tried to open my mouth and yell out but every time I tried, another cock was shoved into my mouth. I gave up and just let them fuck me and fill me. After they were all done, I was a nasty, cum dumpster mess.
Ass rape porn
I woke up in the trunk of his car, my hands were so tightly secured I couldn’t move at all. I had a piece of tape over my mouth, and I was already totally naked. I was more than scared, I had no idea who had taken me or where I was or what they planned to do with me. Finally, the car stopped, and they opened the trunk, ready to knock me out if I got feisty but I did as I was told. They made me go with them to a deserted area were eventually I spotted a barn. I started to get really worried, what on earth was in there? When we got inside it was like a movie studio. Everything set up to take premium videos. They ripped the tape off my mouth, I counted over 7 of them all around, waiting. “What the fuck is this?!” I screamed as they pushed me to my knees. He slapped me hard and said “your very own Ass rape porn bitch” and that must have been some kind of que because the men began holding me down so the one with the biggest cock to force his way into my tight unwilling ass. I cried and screamed and begged but one by one they fucked my ass and came in it or on my whore face. I knew I was going to be there for a while. There was lots to use me for.
Black Cock Fucked Up In Gangbang Rape porn
I must be the tell you that your little girl and pregnant wife have been black cock fucked up in gangbang rape porn. My pussy is dripping as I look at those dead bodies. I have been hanging around the morgue and people think I work here. I tell the attendants I will be the one to have you identify the bodies. It’s not a pretty sight. Both have been killed during the shooting of some really fucked up porn with huge black dick. Your daughter is just a tot and there’s so much cum covering her insides it made its way to her heart. The brat inside your wife was choked to death before they she was born. Why are you starting to sweat? You set this all up, didn’t you? You wanted them murdered at the hands of huge black dick? I back up against you and pull my scrubs down. You enter my ass and cum inside me. I enjoy laying over the dead girls as you pound me. I know you are a sadistic motherfucker and I want to get fucked by you again! Calling all Sadistic phone sex freaks! Your nightmares make my pussy wet!
BabyGirl Vamp Cunt Is Still Sex With Dead Bodies
Your desire for sex with dead bodies excites me. I am the accomplice that had exactly what you were looking for. I met you as you were working in the morgue. Right on top of that young hooker pounding her cold pussy. I laughed and told you I had another playmate or two that would react to you and they were already dead. And if you were a good boy, I could find us some sweet fresh taint to kill and fuck to death. You wanted to know why I was being nice to you. Let’s just say I have a soft spot for men who like dead things. I brought you back to my dark dungeon of horrors. Two tiny young girls were there. They smiled and showed you fangs as they undressed you, they are always naked and flat chest and eternally bald cunts were all yours. You couldn’t believe that every time you fucked them those hymens grew back. They are undead and fucking tight cold twats that screamed and reacted when you penetrated became all you could think off. And then we moved on to warm flesh. Brats that are forgotten about in society perfect to make our killer phone sex fantasy cum to life. Come to the dark side so we can destroy littles and fuck the dead aftermath!