Category: Cheap phone sex

Snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sexI don’t think I am going to survive this Halloween. I think they plan to kill me. You see, I have been bound to together in a tiny little cage, kept barely alive and fucked regularly for who knows how long here. I heard them talking about a Halloween party and how they are going to use all of us girls as part of their haunted house. I wonder what that will mean for us, but it doesn’t sound good. The day is approaching and once it finally arrived I knew. They had a room for all of us, some more brutal than others. The first room was a torture room, they got whipped, canned, and cut. The next room was more torture but they cut off body parts, branded you, used toilet play and lots of furry friend fun. The next room was the gangbang room, the one that ended your life forever. And there was the room I was in, the room where some of us died, and some of us survived. It was all up to us and how extreme each and every one of these men wanted to be. You see they paid good money to kill me.

They Had An Home Invasion Phone Sex Plan

It was supposed to be a quiet night at home but someone else had other plans for me. I was the victim identified for a home invasion phone sex crime. I was the targeted whore for this gangbang and I was completely and totally thankful that they targeted me. I should be grateful that they made me their victim. I was raised and used by my father for just this sort of thing. Only thing different is that they broke in and snuck in while I was asleep. They even recorded their debauchery of my holes and the way they man handled me. They really slapped me around and took turns ripping my holes open. There were six of these masked assailants and I could never identify them because they had me crossed eyed from knocking me out so hard when I awoke with the first two upon me. I never heard them come in, I was wasted from a night of drinking and I think they followed me home even from the pub. I was completely fucking unaware of anything other than getting home and passing out in my bed. I know they were filming it all because there was a woman with them that was holding the camera and they had a really sexy voice as she directed the guys. I am certain they had actually been watching me for some time.

home invasion phone sex

Red rover Red Rover Cum Over

goth teen phone sex

Red Rover became bloody rover as I was watching your sweet brats and had the older boys in the neighbor hood line up on one side and your Littles one side. As the boys called out Red Rover Call Little miss Kelly and little miss Sarah over, I told whoever didn’t get through the boys would be punished. I giggled as Kelly struggled with those locked arms and cried as she hit the ground unable to get through. I went ahead and Told the youngest Sarah To run through if she could, she would save her self and her sister. Give her credit she ran right into those strong arms and gave herself a bloody nose trying. The blood got me wet as I had those teen boys pick up screaming girls and carry them to the basement. I knew that between you and these young hard cocks those brats would not be able to walk, and I had plans on snuffing them out after they were full of cum and bloody…

Rape phone sex fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasies I woke up with his cock in me with a feeling of being drugged. I was slow-moving, and almost watching what was happening with nothing I could do about it. I tried to talk and he just shoved my face into the pillow and told me to shush. It didn’t take me long to realize that I was in my home, and in my bed. My thoughts were racing. How did he get in here? Do I know him? Is this the guy who has been stalking me and threatening to fulfill his Rape phone sex fantasies before snuffing me out. He has his knee on my back, he is very strong, but then again I am nothing but a small girl anyway. He’s got my hands in zip ties and the longer he fucks me the more aggressive he gets degrading me and getting really extreme and detailed with his threats to cut me wide open. I was screaming and screaming into my bed, I was all muffled out and no one would ever know what kind of hardcore experience I was about to have.

Violent phone sex

violent phone sexEveryone knows I have a dark imagination and a wild sexual hunger. It makes me perfect to help with certain jobs that people need help with. One guy told me about a few of his employees that needed to learn a lesson the hard way. He trusted them and they let him down so it was time to face the consequences and I was going to help with that. I was there when he called them into his office. The pregnant one was a bitch and I couldn’t wait to fuck her up. He confronted them about what they had done and told them that if they wanted to keep their jobs, they were going to play with us and do exactly as he said. They agreed like the stupid, desperate whores they are. Once we had them stripped down and ready to “play”, the real fun began. He made the pregnant bitch help him stretch and torture the other one, by holding her  cheeks apart for him. He ripped her asshole and fucked her as she screamed and begged him to stop. When he was finished, I grabbed the pregnant bitch up by the hair and forced her to suck the blood and cum off of his throbbing cock. I knew he couldn’t wait for his turn with her. I helped him hold her down and force fuck her tight, pregnant pussy. He told me ahead of time what his plan was. He wanted to fuck her into labor so that he could enjoy a brand new fuck toy, fresh from the diseased whore who fucked him over at work. When the stupid bitch did finally squeeze the little pile of shit, I held it open for him to slid his huge, hard cock into and fill with his sweet cum! Jobs like these are perfect for a twisted bitch like me!



Mutilation phone sex

Mutilation phone sexThis is something that is etched into my mind, there forever as something that I think about all the time. It changed me that day, I have never been the same really, not since Mutilation phone sex. I had a master you see, and he loved to use me to make money. He would do phone calls that were set up and force me to do whatever the guys wanted to be done while they were on the phone. One day this guy called and he sounded super evil and sadistic. I was terrified of what it was going to be that made him cum, and it wasn’t long before I found out. The phone was on speaker and I heard him and my master talking, and that’s when I heard “mutilate her breast.” I started to scream already, saying no no no please no. This only got a ball gag shoved into my mouth and I bound even tighter with cuffs against the wall. I am screaming and hysterical as I see the devices he has to use on me. I wail and make sounds I have never made before. They sound animistic and inhuman. My nipple is gone, I am ruined, and am fading out. Blacking out from all the blood loss.

Strangulation Phone Sex Abduction

He followed me to my car, it was odd that the lights near my car in the parking garage were out, this little corridor was the only one that was unlit. I was shaking as I fidgeted to get my car unlocked when suddenly a hand covered my mouth and another grabbed roughly onto my breast. Whispering in my ear that he was going to give me just what I deserved as he shoved me up against my car. I heard him unzip and he took a knife to my dress, cutting it at the backside from my waist. Unable to say a thing I froze as he took the blade to cut my panties off, I wanted to scream but he had thick leather gloves on and his large hand covering my mouth. As he shoved his huge black cock in my cunt he took the knife to my throat and slit it. Gurgling blood and bleeding out fast as he finished inside my cunt I lost consciousness. I was left there in the garage on the pavement to bleed out and die.

Strangulation phone sex

Rape phone sex fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasies

I’ve taken a lot of dark and sexy calls but my favorite are the rape phone sex fantasies. I also have a dark and twisted rape fantasy. I get wet at the thought of being completely powerless as I get held down. Screaming as all of my holes get brutally fucked and filled with cum. I daydream about a hand randomly being placed around my mouth to muffle my screams as I get drug and then thrown into the trunk of a car and kidnapped. I’m a stupid whore who should have paid better attention to my surroundings. I crave the feeling of my hair being ripped out as I get dragged around like the piece of shit fuck doll I am.In my perfect fantasy, after I’m used up and full of cum, I get strangled. The hottest way would be with my panties or stockings. I’m a worthless whore who needs to be taught a lesson and I hope you can be the one to teach me. Wrap them around my throat and strangle me until I go limp.


Evil phone sex

Evil phone sexIt’s punishment time for me, I guess I haven’t been a good enough slave or whore to my master’s standards or maybe someone else complained about me but I deal with his rath. I am shaking like a leaf as I hear him come down the stairs to the mini cage I am locked in. He gets right in my face, hissing that he could just kill me. He spits on me, then grabs my hair through the bars. He starts to slam my face back and forth as I scream and scream. He is even madder now as he forces his cock through the bars and into my mouth. He uses the cage, the bars and his cock to abuse my mouth. I am wishing it would be over, but I am more than wrong. This isn’t good enough for him, he gets the electric wand and he starts making my skin burn over and over as there is nowhere I can go. He is laughing and loving it telling me to scream bitch to fucking cry bitch. And oh I am.

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Murder phone sex“Don’t make a fucking sound or I will slit your throat bitch.” He digs the knife in deeper, as he starts to pull down my panties and the rest of my clothing. I really was just playing the victim in Murder phone sex Fantasies, and all of a sudden he was actually here! I had no idea, and now I have a feeling about what is going to happen. He gets me naked and takes me to my room, locking the door behind him and with a bag in his hands. He pushes me onto the ground on my hands and knees and ties them together. He uses a device to spread my legs and keep them spread. I am whining now and starting to beg, but this only pisses him off more. He comes up to me and cuts some of my hair off and shoves it into my mouth telling me to shut the fuck up. He proceeds to fuck my cunt and ass over and over as he uses a cord to choke me till I blackout. I always wake up to him forcing his cock down my throat, and I am sure this is how I am going to die. He is fucking me and I am screaming bloody murder as he says “shut the fuck up bitch, you wanna fucking die you, damn whore?” And this time he wraps the cord around my neck harder than ever before. He is screaming as he fucks me and as I lose consciousness. I can only hear him say “die whore, die whore” over and over.