Category: Cheap phone sex

Save me Daddy

Kidnapping phone sex

It was their plan all along to get me in to the bathroom and rob me. I start digging around in my purse to grab the goods when out of nowhere one of these fucking assholes grabs my hair and smashes my head against the sink. Disoriented and confused, I flailed wildly at the guy. I then felt a sharp pain in my side. I soon realized the other guy l was punching me. The first guy, smashed my head against the sink again and everything went dark.
I woke up and everything was dark. I realized my hands were zip-tied together, and I was in the trunk of a car. I had no idea what time it was, or where I was. The car came to a stop. After a few minutes I heard some muffled noises and what sounded like another car pull up. I hear the guys start yelling at someone. Shrieks begin to drown out scuffling sounds as, what I assume, is someone beating up the guys. All I can think about this whole time is Daddy. Please Daddy, I need you. They are taking your fuck toy away! 

Taboo phone sex with Makayla

Taboo phone sex

I guess they saw me make my exchange and it was their plan all along to get me in to the bathroom and rob me. I start digging around in my purse to grab the goods when out of nowhere one of these little bitches grabs my hair and smashes my head against the sink. Disoriented and confused, I flailed wildly at the girl. I then felt a sharp pain in my side. I soon realized the other girl was punching me. The first girl, the redhead, smashed my head against the sink again and everything went dark.
I woke up and everything was dark. I realized my hands were zip-tied together, and I was in the trunk of a car. I had no idea what time it was, or where I was. The car came to a stop. After a few minutes I heard some muffled noises and what sounded like another car pull up. I hear the girls start yelling at someone. Shrieks begin to drown out scuffling sounds as, what I assume, is someone beating up the girls. All I can think about this whole time is Daddy. Please Daddy, I need you.

Snuff phone sex with Makayla

Snuff phone sex

I guess they saw me make my exchange and it was their plan all along to get me in to the bathroom and rob me. I start digging around in my purse to grab the goods when out of nowhere one of these little bitches grabs my hair and smashes my head against the sink. Disoriented and confused, I flailed wildly at the girl. I then felt a sharp pain in my side. I soon realized the other girl was punching me. The first girl, the redhead, smashed my head against the sink again and everything went dark.
I woke up and everything was dark. I realized my hands were zip-tied together, and I was in the trunk of a car. I had no idea what time it was, or where I was. The car came to a stop. After a few minutes I heard some muffled noises and what sounded like another car pull up. I hear the girls start yelling at someone. Shrieks begin to drown out scuffling sounds as, what I assume, is someone beating up the girls. All I can think about this whole time is Daddy. Please Daddy, I need you.

Who doesn’t want a home cooked meal with Ivy?

Cannibalism phone sex

The smell as you walk into the house just wraps you up in its arms and makes you feel so good doesn’t it. I love to cook. I like to think I pick out some of the best meats that you can find in this sin city. I love that you agreed to come to my place on our first date. I am excited to feed you some of the juiciest meat you will ever taste! Hopefully I can taste yours later. She has been marinating all day long in special sauce! It is a family recipe and if I told you, well I’d have to cook you and eat you! I bet you taste so fucking good.  Sit down here at the table and let me get you the best wine that will go perfectly with our meal. Its so deep it looks like blood doesn’t it. I love a dark deep wine.

Fantasy phone sex

As I walk back into the dinning room I see you have drank half that glass and it has hit you. Well hopefully this warm meal will make you feel better. You keep asking me over and over again about this delicious meat. What do I marinate it in, Where did I get it, What cut of meat is it! All these questions and I’d just rather show you.. Your eyes go wide as you follow me to the kitchen. You are a little more drunk than you thought but you don’t give a fuck as to why I am slowly taking my clothes off. I turn and kiss you as we walk through the kitchen. You closed your eyes for a moment to kiss me and you got so dizzy. You can’t keep your eyes open, you can not believe what you see. That meat was …. Didn’t I tell you i’d have to eat you once I told you my secret.. I am going to show you step by step how I prepare for date’s like these!


Taboo phone sex

Evil phone sex with Ivy

Evil phone sex

Look at you, depressed and lonely in a house full of people thinking about that Evil phone sex you had. You have my full attention. I can see you are more than a person standing there in a crowded room. You are Evil phone sex but no one has noticed you. The bottle in your hand is almost empty and the little blade you are holding tells me what you are thinking. You are right, its sick and wrong. No one is even going to notice you are gone. No one is going to realize you slit your wrist and the blood is flowing down your arm. I fallowed you into the your bedroom. This is your house, your party and no one even knows where you are or that you’re missing.

Snuff phone sex

My pussy tingles as I watch you tease your skin with the sharp edge of the blade. The way you bite your lip as you gently push into your wrist and pull away because of the pain makes my pussy drip. I can’t stand the teasing anymore. I step out and start telling you how pathetic you are just like our Evil phone sex call. How you can’t do any fucking thing. You have been thinking about this all fucking night and now you are questioning yourself? Let me help you. Take your clothes off, lay down on the bed. Start teasing your skin with the blade again. I can see your cock is hard and my pussy is dripping. You cut deeper into your skin as I touch your cock…. I wonder how far you will go to fuck me.. to cum just one. last. time.

Ass Rape Porn Whore

ass rape pornAss rape porn is all I am good for. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been on the receiving end of hardcore anal torture. I was knee high, drinking milk from a bottle when daddy first sodomized me. He told me that was how daddies helped their daughters clean their bottoms. It hurt so much. I would cry then daddy would spank or smack me for crying. Flash forward a few decades and my ass is still up for the taking. Now I do have an ample behind that attracts attention. Combined with my bimbo looks and submissive demeanor, men sodomized me all the time. I was at some upscale new nightclub with girl friends last weekend when I  caught the attention of the bouncers. They shoved me in the  supply room and double penetrated me. I tried to stop them. I explained that I was not that kind of girl, then they saw my gaping wide fuck holes and knew I was lying. I just didn’t want to be forced fucked in my new dress. They didn’t care about what I wanted; no one ever does. They just tag teamed my pussy and ass, while joking that they should impregnate me. I am not on any birth control, so a few loads of batter up my pussy likely would knock me up. They couldn’t decide what they enjoyed more: double teaming my ass or cumming in my pussy. They decided that they enjoyed pissing up my ass while I pleaded with them to stop. The more I begged them to stop, the harder they sodomized me. It was torture. I was shitting all over their dicks and myself. Once they were done, they forced me to clean their dicks up. “You made that mess whore, you clean it up,” I was informed as my head was pushed down on their shit covered dicks like one pushes a puppy’s nose in the rug when it has an accident. I went back to the dance floor smelling and looking like a nasty whore for more men to use.

Alien Impregnation

fantasy phone sexI was walking home from the club after a fight with my dealer. I was a wreck and needed some shit bad. I had the shakes and I felt queasy. Then my damn heel broke and I fell on my face and hit my head. When I looked up, there was a bright light. A large vehicle was in front of me and a dark shadow came out. Wracked with pain, I asked if he had any drugs. He laughed and took my arm. I was led aboard this fucked up place filled with men. Not ordinary men. Bald, scrawny men. They all moved to touch my giant tits and probe my pussy. The leader screeched at them in a foreign language, making them know that I was his. In his quarters, he turned to me and showed me a giant penis. It was fucking huge. “Drugs.” I begged. He seemed to understand and injected me with something that burned like fire. I felt like I was on the edge of a massive orgasm. He pushed me to the pallet, climbing on top of me, forcing his monster cock into me. I felt my pussy tear but there was no pain. Then he bit me on the tit, his fangs sinking into my flesh. I felt my skin melt and I became a fuck machine. I rode my alien lover in every position as he squealed and dumped loads of cosmic ooze into my slit. Afterward, he injected me again and blackness took me.

I woke up on a grassy knoll. I wondered how long I’d been out and if it had been a hallucination. In my hand was a bag of sci-fi looking injectors like my captor had used. As I struggled to my feet, I felt something move inside of me, like the kicking of the unborn. Had I been used as a breeder for the alien race or was it just the drugs taking their toll.

domination phone sex

To be continued….


Spicy ass fucking!

Keisha v.s. Makayla Dirty whores Fight!

2 girl phone sex

Fighting to the death has always been something my daddy wanted to see. He wanted to watch stupid worthless whores like me taring each other apart. He wanted to see blood. He wanted to hear the hard smack as each girl hit each other with their fits. He wanted to watch a skull get crushed by bare hands of a naked whore.  Daddy always told me “one day when you get big enough you are going to earn your keep around here. If not your life will be over. Now that I’m not so little Daddy says it’s time. Time I fight to live or be fucked till I turn blue. He has been watching this big tittied nigger whore. She keeps winning and getting stronger. I have never fought anyone off me. I can’t handle her and I know that. But daddy wants to see if I I’m worthy enough to live anymore.

Evil phone sex

He says my pussy is used up and I can not make money off a worthless pussy. I try to remember that during our match. I bite that nigger bitch on her big titties. I shove two fingers into her stinky pussy. Just when I thought I had her I was going to win. That fucking nigger cunt punched me so hard in the face she broke my jaw bone. Then she sat on my face. She rode my face smothering me. I took all the energy I had and bit down on her pussy lips. She screamed and smashed her bloody pussy on my face. I was weak and couldn’t move. She had gotten her fake strap on cock on. She bent me over and jammed that big thick cock into my asshole. She started fucking my ass and choking me at the same time. I was turning blue just like my daddy said I would. 

Evil phone sex

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Mommy Blair

rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies are a great way to get your anger out for that bitch that wrecked you. Every man has a woman or two that made his life hell or cock teased him to death. Mommy? Sister? Boss? Wife? Daughter? Girl next door? Ex girlfriend? Best friend’s mom or wife? School girl crush? I think I embody all the women that did a man wrong because guys sure do like abusing the fuck out of me.  I have been force fucked by daddy, my oldest son, my first husband, my boss, daddy’s friends, random strangers, my drug dealer…. Just the other day, my best friend’s husband stopped by to pick up something I had for his wife. He arrived an hour early, so I was not properly dressed for male company. He said I was asking for trouble wearing what I had on. I could wear a potato sack and some guy would think I was asking for trouble. I was not prepared for his actions. He put his hands around my throat. He actually lifted me off the ground like that. My legs thrashing about  beneath me as he choked me. He pinned me against the wall like a bug. I just had on a flimsy little nightgown as I had not yet dressed for company. He ripped my nightgown off, yanked my panties off and shoved his fingers up my cunt. Four fingers at once. He quickly added the fifth so he was fisting me while pinned by the throat against the wall. He always seemed so  mild mannered, even submissive. Not now. He made my pussy bleed with his fist. He tossed me on the ground, pulled out his dick and fucked my ass. He didn’t think that was enough pain so he put his own fist along with his dick in my ass. Forced fucked me that way for what seemed like forever. When he came in my ass, it was gaping open so much he pissed in it too. Smacked my face and threatened me if I told a soul. Of course I won’t tell anyone. No one ever believes a submissive whore like me. I’m always asking for ass rape porn.