Category: Cannibalism phone sex

Snuff Phone Sex That Is Heart Stopping

hot phonesex karma5My Gods love sweet innocent sacrifices. She was so kind. She offered to take me home and feed me a nice hot meal. She offered me a hot shower and the use of her clothes. She even offered to let me spend the night.
As soon as I entered her home, all cozy and cheerful and well kept, my cunt came alive. She is perfect and the Gods are going to reward me well for this sacrifice. I took some powdered herbs out of my bag and slipped them in her drink as she bustled around the kitchen preparing our meal. My cunt got wetter with each sip she took as we chatted and she cooked. Soon she would be falling asleep.
I watched as she neared the end of dinner as her eyelids got heavier. No sooner had she set our meals on the table and sat down was her face in her plate. I turned her head so she wouldn’t suffocate in her food and began to ransack her house.
I helped my self to whatever I wanted, filling bags to take with us. Then I sat down and enjoyed the dinner that she so kindly prepared for me with an evil smile on my face. Of course I had to save room for dessert which would come latter.
Once I was done I gathered up all the things I wanted and loaded them in her car along with her limp body. I made sure she was positioned in the front seat with her skirt hiked up high and her pussy showing. I rubbed my cunt all the way into the woods as far as I could drive. I unloaded my stash and finally carried her body to my camp.
I tied her up and bustled around putting away all my new goodies waiting for her to come to. When I saw her eyes start to twitch and knew it was almost time I let out a load of cum like I haven’t in a long, long time.
I waited till she was coherent and then told her how grateful I was for all she had given me. And for her kind heart. She had no idea what I was talking about but she would soon.
I said a prayer to the Gods asking them to send me good fortune and smile upon my sacrifice. Then I raised my knife into the air and came down between her breast bone, ripping deep into her flesh and gutting her like a deer. I quickly ripped her breast bone open and reached in to rip her beating heart from her chest.
While it was warm and beating and dripping fresh blood I took it on my mouth and began to devour it, taking in her life force.
The rest of her was placed on my alter and she was burned the smoke and ash rising to the heavens and received by the Gods.
I slept well because I knew I had pleased them.

Cannibalism Phone Sex Under A Pink Moon

hot phonesex angie4The other night there was a pink moon. Did anyone see it? In our circle this is a very special day. A day for a special ritual. We spend the whole week rounding up contributions for our special celebration. We gather every night and gather the generous donations getting ready for the pink moon. It almost looks as if the moon is washed in blood. It is very exiting. At the end of the week before the pink moon we gather together all the contributions and begin preparation. The sacred meal is made of eyes, the window to the soul. It must be prepared just the right way and blessed to give us all the vision and wisdom to be ever grateful for the lives given to keep us healthy. It is a noble thing to give your flesh to keep another person strong and virile and alive. Your contributions are revered. Your flesh will nourish us all this evening as we gaze at the pink moon. After feasting we will celebrate with blood wine and we will please each o the in the most intimate ways while covering our bodies with the remainder of your blood. All of you will be a part of us. Forever….

Knife Play Phone Sex While Preping Dinner

hot phonesex angie3When you are a connoisseur of the finer meats in life you find ingenious sources for food and your knives must be in top notch condition for butchering your meat.
Knife play for me has a different fucking meaning then it does for most. I went to a carnival last night and met a healthy looking man that was trying to get out of the bizz. We talked for a long time and I found out he was a loner. No family, no ties to anyone or anything except the carnival. The perfect fucking target for my freezer. I offered him a place and when the carnival closed he gathered his belongings and told his boss he quit.
We went back to my house and I showed him some wonderful hospitality. I fixed him a nice big dinner, which he gobbled up like a man that hadn’t eaten in forever. I let him take a nice hot shower and gave him my warm fluffy robe.
After he got a good nights sleep I decided to have some fun and took out my chains for some kinky, fucking before I snuffed his ass for dinner. I couldn’t think of anything but how he would taste while I sucked his huge cock.
This evening I had my friend come over , the one that helps me butcher my food. We feed our new friend one last meal and then the fun began.
I noticed as we were butchering him that my knives were a little dull so when we were done I ordered a new set. Just looking at the picture on line of the saw and the shiny, sharp blades my cunt began to gush cum.
Then I saw a knife set for the counter, and my twisted sense of humor couldn’t resist.  Only my closest friends will know it’s meaning, It is a little man with knives stuck all in him. I had to have it!
My new knives will be here by next Thursday and then I will go hunt again so that I can play with my new knives while filling my freezer. I think I will plan a dinner party too!

Cannibalism Phone Sex


The other day I told you about how I was going to a local cannibalism meeting that I found out about. Well tonight I had a dinner date with one of the men that go there. We both wanted to taste new kinds of yummy meet from someone’s prey. Some of the people that are in the cannibalism club are hunters and this weekend I get to go out with them with my date.

Everyone told us how delicious a wonderful barbecued face could taste so we brought several different ones as well as some yummy ribs that have already had tonight. I must say the younger the little prey is the yummier that it tastes. I can not wait to taste one of the little faces that we are about to barbecue on the grill.

I am looking forward to going hunting tomorrow night for some fresh meat so I can slaughter it, then come home and marinade it and cook it for my wonderful new date. We are eagerly waiting to find us a young plumb little thing to grill!

Cannibalism Phone Sex

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Grocery Shopping Trip

angie5My cunt always tingles when I know it is time for a shopping trip. He always goes with me to help pick out our meat. We hunt in the low income and homeless area of town because we know that our food will not be missed.
Today it seemed the only food on the street were either scrawny little cunts that were all drugged up or very old. Both make for fucking tough, chewy and stringy meat. We had almost given up when my friend saw her standing there behind a dumpster. We approached her and discovered her name was Tammi. A good looking little bitch just on the brink of being to thin. My friend gave her a burger and some fries to break the ice and she devoured them going so far as to lick the salt out of the bag the fries were in.  When she greedily sucked her fingers clean I came on the spot thinking of how she will taste.
We offered her dinner and she readily accepted. After dinner we offered her a place to stay in our basement. It wasn’t much but it was warm and dry and she would get three meals a day. If she only knew what we had planned for her!
Over the next few months we will feed her and fatten her up and fuck like crazy at the thought of our meat in the basement and the day we will slaughter her. With luck we will fuck her too before she goes to slaughter. We are already finding the perfect recipes to prepare her when the time comes.
It will be like every other, she will not understand when we tell her she is to be dinner. She will cry and beg when we tie her up to shave all her hair clean in preparation for butchering. We will keep her calm so the adrenalin doesn’t make her tough and stringy. We want fresh young healthy meat at it’s prime.
My friend will gut and butcher her so that we have the best cuts of meat as I apply herbs, seasoning and marinade before stocking our freezer for our meals and parties.

We love preparing our meat for slaughter, feeding it only the finest foods, without any preservatives or artificial colors. And we love the thrill that the thought creates as we fuck like the primal, wild animals that we are.

First Cookout Of The Summer!

hot phonesex angie2The weather was perfect last week end for my first cook out. And I out did myself. I set up my fire pit with it’s rotisserie stick and got the fire nice and hot. The little bitch was screaming and crying the whole time I was working which only served to make my pussy dripping wet with anticipation. She wouldn’t be screaming for fucking long. Soon the others will arrive and help me prepare our feast of roast bitch.
I walked over to our dinner and took out my shaving cream and razor and began to shave that fucking cunt  clean. All her hair would be removed except what was on her head. The only two things we eat off the fucking head are the eyes and the tongue any way.
Just in the nick of time the guest began to arrive so we could lay the little bitch out. It was time to skewer her ass for dinner. We could do it the merciful way and start threw the mouth but we are not merciful and that would be no fun at all.
With the bitches ankles tied together and her hands tied behind her back we laid her flat on the ground belly down. I spread those ass cheeks wide and watched him shove the skewer straight up her ass. Of course we have to hold the cunt still as we want the skewer to go in straight so it exits threw her mouth.
The agonizing screams make us all laugh with delight.
Ever so slowly we push the skewer up that ass, threw the abdomen and out the mouth. Then it is time to place her over the fire and begin basking her in herbs and seasoning.
This bitch must be grade A meat because she smells delicious! My fucking mouth is watering as much as my cunt is as we take turns slowly turning the skewer to insure even cooking. As we drink and laugh.
The sides are all ready and in a few hours we will enjoy our meal. After dinner we will satisfy our craving for wicked sex. We will laugh and joke about our little cunt and how good she tasted while we fuck each other in the most wicked and taboo ways you could ever fucking imagine! There is nothing like the first cook out of the summer. It is always a great party and a day full of fun for all!picnic1

Bloody Food Fun

Snuff Princess LydiaSo today’s blogging topic is “Making Food Sexy”. Of course all these other bitches are doing cutesy little cookies and muffin blogs. BORING!! Really?? That’s all you can come up with?! No imagination whatsoever.

If you really want to make food sexy I suggest you cum to the dark side and start with something young. The younger the flesh the more tender the meat I say. The fun part is the “Preparation” of the meal. I love my meat a little more on the rare side and no meat can be too tender so you really have to beat it really hard! Treat the little lambs like venison, nice and tender.I imagine quite the gruesome scene. The good news is, we don’t have to commit to just one right?!? We have so many dishes we can make let’s do them all! Female, male, let’s fillet them all up. Of course I want you to have your fun with them. No need in letting a perfectly good body go to waste right? Play with your food! Indulge yourself. It’s the “LITTLE” things in life that are important after all right? If you are looking for real imagination instead of this fluffer nutter bull shit then I’m the Sadistic Phone Sex Teen of your bloody nightmares!

Badabababa. IM LOVINIT!

Sadistic Teen Phone Sex Lydia