Category: Cannibalism phone sex

Camping Trip


I am going on a camping trip next week it is something I have wanted to do for awhile. I am so fucking excited. Last time I went on a camping trip I got me some prey to play with and eat. I roasted till they were medium well and swallowed them all up! Today I am going to get all my supplies. Some wire,guns, and a axe. Oh and do not forget the matches.That is all I need to tie the little bitches up,chop them up and of course I need the gun in case one of my little prey’s friends decide they want to try and stop me from catching my dinner. It is not very often that you get catch a camp full of little ones. I over heard my little neighbor girl tell all her little girl scout friend they are going camping next week. There will be plenty of meat to bring home for the winter. Perfect timing for next hunting season. 

cannibalism phone sex


Worms Within


I started night classes at the local community college here. There was this fat girl always bitching about how everyone looks at her and makes fun of her. I am personally sick and fucking tired of hearing it. She is always walking around talking about she wants to lose weight but she is not even trying stupid fucking cunt. I went to the whore and told her that I would help her lose weight. She was so excited and begged me to please help her saying that she does not have any support from family. She came over tonight for dinner and then we were going to work out. While she was sitting at the table having a glass of wine I told her to just stay there I could still hear here from the kitchen. I cooked some steak and made a side salad. We sat down and ate and then we went walking. She came over everyday for over a month we would just do some light walking. She was so proud of how much weight she was losing. She had lost so much weight that she literally looked sick as hell,she was complaining about something moving in her stomach. I told her to come over my place tonight I would help her feel better. I heard the knock at the door and I opened it soon as she walked in I hit the bitch with my bat in the back of the head, she fell straight down to the floor. I tied her arms and legs up and got my knife. I could see what she was talking about her stomach was moving all around. LOL! Is the bitch stupid I know what the fuck it is. She woke up as I was cutting the bitches stomach wide open. She started screaming when I was pulling the fucking tapeworm out of her it was so fucking long. She begged me to stop hurting her. I told the fucking cunt she would of died soon anyways from all the tape worms I put in her steak that I fed her medium rare for weight loss. I could not even finish my sentence before the cunt took her last breath. 

Blood Play Phone Sex

Blood Play Phone SexI was in the mood for some blood play phone sex tonight. I went and rented a small motel room where I used my laptop to place an ad on the internet saying that I had another computer for sale. I got a call from a young man saying he wanted it for his nephew that is going to be starting college. He came to the room where I invited him in, let him have a seat as I walked around him to get the big with the computer in it. Instead I grabbed my cloth covered in chloroform and placed it over his mouth and nose causing him to pass out. Dragging him over to the bed and tying each limb to each bed post. Climbing on top of him slashing his fucking throat leaving a gaping hole in his fucking neck. Using my hands I spread the blood all over my body. Sometimes I just need a little blood to play in, getting something for dinner for a few weeks is just a place.

Stocking Up For Winter

torture phonesex karmaI saw her standing there all ripe and plump. She looked fucking healthy and there was plenty of meat on her bones. She will do just fine. I need to get ready for the winter. I need lots of meat just in case it snows and I can’t make it into town for food. She is by herself in the market, mindlessly walking around with no fucking clue that I am watching her. She is mine and she doesn’t even know it. My fucking heart is racing and I can taste her before I even have her. I know she is going to be wonderful, just the right mix of fat to make her nice and tender and flavorful. It isn’t going to be long before I have her in my grasp.
The time is now, I grab her and take her back to camp. I shave all the hair off her body in preparation for butchering. She will provide me with meat to last a month or two at least. First I slit her throat and bleed her, just like a fucking animal. Then I take my time cutting off her head , arms and legs. Now to gut her and get all her innards out. I will save her heart and liver, they are my favorite parts and make for great eating. Once she is gutted I begin butchering her and creating fine cuts of meat. The flesh from her arms and legs will be jerky. Small strips of meat that I will salt and dry in the last days of summer.
I thank her for her gift of nourishment as I prepare the meat for the winter.

Swinger’s Roulette

My lustful craving for bright red blood and smoldering human flesh was just on the edge of boiling over and forcing me to snatch up some innocent scum for a night of torturous fun, when I had a savior. I was invited to a swinger’s party. It was a whole weekend in the woods with a sea of horny couples looking to fuck any stranger they choose. I went alone, patiently waiting for some stupid, helpless couple to stumble upon me. As I looked around at all the slutty girls and horny men, my cunt began to drip as I wondered which one would fall beneath my blade and make my cunt spasm with their horrific screams *smiles*. Finally, a little blonde teen and her boyfriend asked if I was interested in a threesome. Her boyfriend liked darker looks in girls and wanted to see his girlfriend submit to me, completely. I couldn’t believe my luck! I would have taken any one of these whores, but the misfortune of a blonde bimbo at my hand pleased my twisted soul on a whole new level. I went with them to their camp and they had a roaring fire outside the tent. I told the bitch to get on her knees and open her mouth up so that my cunt juice could drip straight down into her pathetic mouth. Then, I had her boyfriend take his cock out and stuff it into her mouth. He held her head and skull fucked her while I came up behind her and slid a pretty, shiny blade down her stomach. Right at the end, just above her fucking cunt, I shoved the blade in deep. Her screams filled the whole camp, but all the other swingers thought the bitch was just being fucked! I thought I would have to cut her boyfriend’s tongue out before he could say anything, but instead, I just saw his cock jump at the sight of his bleeding whore of a girlfriend. I rubbed my fingers on my cunt and licked the sticky blood off the edge of the knife. I let him take his cock and slam it into my dripping wet cunt as we cut off pieces of his girlfriend’s flesh and muscle –  both of us cumming hard with each tearful shriek of pain from her pathetic throat. We sliced her up until she bled to death and then we roasted that bitch on the fire and found out that she was actually tastier than she looked.

FireWoods (375x500)

Cannibalism Phone Sex


My refrigerator went out yesterday so I had to call a handy man to come and work on it. As he was working on the fridge he noticed me checking him out. He asked me if I liked what I saw and of course I did. But, not in the way that he thought I did. I told him he looked quite tasty and he just smiled. I offered him a drink he accepted as I was making it for him, I made sure he was not looking and I placed some sleeping meds in it. He drank it all up and when I started noticing that he was nodding off. I asked him if he wanted to know what I liked about him. He blushed, and said yes. I leaned over and whispered I was checking you out cause you look quite tasty for dinner tonight. He started to panic but he passed out. I dragged him to the bathroom where I stripped him down and scrubbed him clean. Then dragged my delicious dinner and placed him in the oven. All he needed was a few spices and he was perfection. Now, I have something to fill my fridge with for a few weeks. 

Late Night Hunting


It was a perfect night for a late night hunt. I met up with my friend Pandora and we went looking for a little victim. We walked upon a young lady walking alone in the park that we were driving by. Pandora got out of the car and walked over to the young girl and put a rag covered in chloroform over her mouth and drug her to the car. Where we took the long drive back to Pandora’s morgue. We carried her inside and laid her on the cart and began cleaning her. We hosed her down and scrubbed all the dirtiness from her. Pandora then grabbed her autopsy tools. As she started to cut her the prey started to awake. I held her down till Pandora could tie her up. She cut her all the way down opening her chest cavity. She was screaming and crying all we could do was laugh. Asking her what kind of diet she was on. She could not answer she was bleeding out to much. I leaned over and told her we eat HUMAN! Young pretty girls like you as she took her last breath. We took the little girls body all apart and called a friend over to help cook dinner for the party we are having tomorrow night.

Blood Red Night

torture phonesex karmaTonight is the night for fucking carnage and chaos. The sky and the moon are blood red, reflecting the blood flowing all around me here in the woods. They didn’t want to sacrifice their lives, they didn’t want to be my victims, but they had no choice. They were just what I fucking wanted, they were just what I fucking needed this eerie night cloaked in red. The mother, with her swollen fucking belly, begging for the life of the little one. The father trying to stay strong and be brave in front of his wife and son, but not doing a very good job at it. And the little boy, shaking and crying begging his parents to help him, knowing they could not. They lived together, they loved together and they fucking died together. In horrible agony, feeling every inch of life slip away,watching one another endure my wrath, bring me great pleasure. As I stand over their corpses, dipping my hands in their still warm bodies and covering my naked body in the warmth of their blood, I feel my energy soar! It won’t be long before I open her up and remove the only one that didn’t feel pain or fear, he or she will be my dinner tonight. What a glorious gift they gave with out even fucking knowing it!

Underground Blood Bath Rave

Pandora 6This Friday night I was invited to go to a special but private event. It is an invitation only type of place where the general public would not even know exists in a discreet location. There are two types of guests that get to be invited to this underground gathering. There is the predator and the prey type of guests. However, only the predator guests know about what this rave event is all about. It is called the Blood Bath Rave because it is suggested that you wear red clothes to this rave if you were the prey but there is something extra for the predator guests. I got the invitation as a predator guest and I was really looking forward to wearing something very special for this occasion. 

When I arrived, I quickly hit the dance floor and grabbed a guy that was dressed in red. I was grinding my sexy ass up against his crotch while I placed his hands on my big tits. I could feel his cock throb against my ass as we danced with each other. I could feel my cunt get wet in anticipation to what was to happen in any moment. The music was loud and I felt the vibration all throughout my body and that gave me chills of desire. 

Later into the night, I was still dancing with that fool when suddenly the fire ceiling sprinklers came on full blast. However, instead of water squirting all over the place, it was blood. Now the fun has begun…

The crowd went crazy as we all were shower with warm metallic blood. It tasted so good on my lips that I wanted more than that to quench my hungering, lustful thirst. So I turned around and smiled at the loser to show him my specialized capped extensions to my teeth. They are sharpened to a fag like point. He screamed as I lunged at his throat and bit in deep on him. That was the beginning of the predator feeding frenzy.

By the end of the night, all of the guest prey we gone from the event and the rest of us were completely satisfied of our driven thirsting desires. Now to wait for the next underground blood bath rave to commence …

Blood party

Horror Movie Night

BiancaTonight I did something a little different. Normally, I am the one out doing the hunting and then the torturing. But, tonight I wanted to just stay home and have dinner of course that consisted of a little victim of mine from last week. After that I decided to just relax and watch some horror movies. The first and second one were okay but then I started to watch this movie called Karla it is about a couple that got married and the husband wanted young girls to fuck and the first one he wanted was Karla’s sister they got her drunk and then drugged her and then started making a small porn video with them two while she was passed out before long they realized that she was actually dead. That part got my pussy a little moist so I started rubbing myself thinking about all the innocent blood I have shed. Then, they got to the part where they kidnapped their next victim a young girl in her school parking lot. They took her home and her husband made her suck his cock, and then he wrapped a cord around her neck and began fucking her little ass hole over and over again as his wife just stood there and watched. After he was done having his way with her they took her to the basement where they proceed to cut her into pieces and then placed her into cement buckets. The cutting over her young body made me cum so hard. Just the thought of being there and being able to cut her up made me feel so hot. Makes me want to go out on my own hunt.