Category: Cannibalism phone sex

Cannibalism Phone Sex: Kidnapping Young Ones For A Feast

Abducted in the middle of the night and drugged up to the point of being unconscious, this cannibalism phone sex session started out bizarre. I awoke in a strange bedroom bound and stripped. It felt like my ass and cunt were had been fucked raw and bloody and my tits were bruised and aching. I tried to scream but could barely whimper. Within moments of awaking a man showed up and barely spoke as he unbound me and assisted me out of bed and into the bathroom where he bathed me.

As I was given clothes to wear he explained that today I was going to cooperate and I will be saved from another session of ass rape porn. He explained that he had plenty of men waiting to take their turns on stuffing my slutty cunt and whore ass. I was his possession now, and he had plans for me. I was told that I would be used to lure a couple young tender fleshlings back to the house with me. 

Dropped off at a park where I was to find my prey and lure them back with my story that I needed their assistance in decorating cookies for my nieces Birthday Party. She has no friends here and I want to make it special so a couple of sisters were the perfect victims. 

Back at the house the girls were given some special fruit punch which made the victims mellow and submissive. I undressed them and washed them telling them we had special dresses for them to wear for the party. Once the two were cleaned I slathered their flesh with culinary oil. They tried to question and I had to gag them with apples. I lifted the two into a large pot of warm broth to get the stew started, and continued to cut some vegetables to toss in along with various herbs. The tender flesh would start to cook and we will need to remove their heads to avoid any hair. 

Dinner was served in a couple of hours to the Master’s friends and family.

cannibalism phone sex

Latex cleans off well in the Kitchen

Snuff phone sex

I love my latex body suit. I love how fucking tight it is against my body. I love how shiny I am and how the flames of the roaring fire look against my shiny Latex body suit. When I get splashed with blood and guts from our meal prep it’s easy to wash off or to rub in all over my sexy latex outfit. Watching him prep her body for our dinner makes me wet. I love feeling my pussy through the leather. It is so sensitive from being in tight squeezing bottoms, my pussy was so hot and wet as i walked down the stairs I was ready to fuck. That’s why as he was getting ready to shove the pole through her asshole and out of her mouth I got down and started sucking his cock as he shoved the metal spike through her. Hearing her scream as I sucked his cock and the sounds of his moans as he shoves the metal spike into her asshole made him cum. I didn’t have to suck his cock for long until he blew his load inside of me. He was half way through her body with the spike when he picked me up and slide a hole in my tight latex suit and stuck his throbbing hard cock inside of me again. He fucked me hard as we watched our dinner slowly suffer as he fucked me in-front of her!

Taboo Phone Sex Party and Feast

Have a taste for some taboo phone sex with a twist of fate added for indulgence? Well if cannibalism phone sex brings you to salivation I will offer you sweet salvation. Bring one item from my list in order to be admitted to the Den of Sin motorcycle clubs event of the year. The List is printed on the flyer that was mailed out to a select few non-members so consider it your personal ticket to the event of your life, or death.

A virgin sacrifice is needed for the clubs survival, and well a dirty little secret about our founders, they are real cannibals and need the delicacy of human flesh to fulfill their life lines and ensure their ageless radiance. I guarantee this event is not to be missed by any of you serial killer types that have been successful. I will not have any in attendance that appear to be on the radar. I know who you are as I have my insider information.

Let’s get to the details, shall we. Under the open night sky we will gather at the center of our founders 30 acre plot of which is cleared only in the center. What does that mean? Well, the way in is heavily wooded and folks have gotten lost trying to find their way in. That is intentional due to the nature of our practices. Once you find the hidden circle of sin you will be welcomed by the visuals of the damned with young precious virgins tied to pillars, nude. You’ll find some of the darkest evil bikers gathering, with drink and fires ablaze all about.

There will be debauchery and chanting. You will inhale the essence of sex, blood, and that of burning flesh and hair. The most curious wonderful scent of culinary excellence is also there. You may be best not inquiring as to what the various meat offerings are. In the very center you will see an Victorian claw footed  bath tub with a fire pit in the ground beneath it. You may also notice a few deep ditches about and what looks like a wood chipper. Those are to properly dispose of the remains.

Taboo Phone Sex

Ass Rape Porn: Geneva Meets Her Demise

  Lost and roaming the alleys of the meat packing district trying to find the location for the audition, I started to doubt the directions I received. An ass rape porn shoot was going to pay out a good chunk of cash that would cover my rent. I was just about to try hailing a cab but realized the area was pretty desolate and I had no cell coverage, *Shit*!

Not paying attention to my surroundings and trying to get to an area with a signal I was suddenly grabbed by a leather gloved hand over my mouth. I felt the stabbing pain in my kidneys as a knife penetrated me and I was dragged into a doorway. Seconds pass and I feel my clothes being cut off and the blood loss had me losing consciousness. Barely aware of what was happening I felt a massive cock forcefully enter my ass as my face is shoved into a raw cold carcass of something skinned and bloody.

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Completely unconscious, the continued violation and fucking of this damsel in her cunt and ass by a meat processor who just happened upon the lost victim was like heaven for him. He took his use of her and would just skin and hang her just like any other piece of meat he processed. This would certainly make the most tender cuts for his culinary creations for the next week.

It was an interesting meal…

castration phone sexIt was an interesting meal… though to be honest it went nothing the way I imagined it would. It all started with my newest slave boy, he has been submissive for his entire life and so he was very obedient… to a degree that I have never seen before. I have had a million slaves but this one… he was very different, it was like he was a robot just ready to die if I commanded it. I decided to test him, I wanted to see just how far I could push him before he would say no… but he never said no! I told him that I wanted to cut off his cock and fry it up for our lunch and he didn’t even flinch, he just asked me if he should pull it out. He didn’t whimper or protest as I cut through his cock and when I put it in the pan to fry it up, he just smiled. He even helped me eat it… every last bite…

Who doesn’t want a home cooked meal with Ivy?

Cannibalism phone sex

The smell as you walk into the house just wraps you up in its arms and makes you feel so good doesn’t it. I love to cook. I like to think I pick out some of the best meats that you can find in this sin city. I love that you agreed to come to my place on our first date. I am excited to feed you some of the juiciest meat you will ever taste! Hopefully I can taste yours later. She has been marinating all day long in special sauce! It is a family recipe and if I told you, well I’d have to cook you and eat you! I bet you taste so fucking good.  Sit down here at the table and let me get you the best wine that will go perfectly with our meal. Its so deep it looks like blood doesn’t it. I love a dark deep wine.

Fantasy phone sex

As I walk back into the dinning room I see you have drank half that glass and it has hit you. Well hopefully this warm meal will make you feel better. You keep asking me over and over again about this delicious meat. What do I marinate it in, Where did I get it, What cut of meat is it! All these questions and I’d just rather show you.. Your eyes go wide as you follow me to the kitchen. You are a little more drunk than you thought but you don’t give a fuck as to why I am slowly taking my clothes off. I turn and kiss you as we walk through the kitchen. You closed your eyes for a moment to kiss me and you got so dizzy. You can’t keep your eyes open, you can not believe what you see. That meat was …. Didn’t I tell you i’d have to eat you once I told you my secret.. I am going to show you step by step how I prepare for date’s like these!


Taboo phone sex

Cannibalism Phone Sex: Delicious Porn Snuff Extreme

cannibalism phone sexCannibalism phone sex is my favorite form of porn snuff extreme. I am a sadistic bitch. I don’t do the traditional girl thing. Never have, never will be the kind of girl who conforms to societal norms. Cannibalism is consider taboo. We are not suppose to eat each other literally. Why not? Have you ever tasted human flesh? Seasoned and prepared right, it is quite delectable. There are plenty of us Hannibal Lectors in this world. The only difference is that we are real, not fictional characters. And, we aren’t crazy or insane. Being labeled crazy or insane for eating human flesh is silly. People fear what they don’t know. What they have never tried. That is why I like to take a flesh eating novice under my wing and guide them through the entire process of cannibalism. It is more than just chopping someone up and boiling them in a big pot. The hunt and preparation are just, if not more, important than breaking bread with some human flesh.

I stalk my dinner for days like a starving wolf. You want a young person with some flesh on their bones. There are plenty of young bitches with junk in the trunk floating around the world now.  Many, no one would miss or be glad they were gone. Occasionally, I find a skinny whore that catches my fancy. I just fatten her up with protein shakes for a few weeks first. Young flesh is tender. Meaty flesh is the most succulent. Once I kidnap my victim, the preparation begins. Cooking a young girl is similar to the labor that goes into preparing a Thanksgiving feast. There is lots to do. First, you want to ensure your meal is void of all chemicals. No bleached hair, no nail polish, no perfumes or dyes, no piercings…. Your dinner needs to be washed just like you wash your vegetables.  Cooking live flesh results in a better meal. Not to mention it just gives me perverse pleasure to hear the life being cooked out of a stupid slut.

porn snuff extremeThis weekend, I had my evil protégé Amy with me. She has killed with me before, however, she has never had a human meal with me before. She picked out our victim. This thick girl from the mall who was all drunk and stumbling. We just let her detox for a couple days, then we used a nice garlic butter sauce all over her body so she would be extra tender and a nice golden brown. An apple in her mouth and some carrots up her fuck holes, she looked like a turkey when we put her in the oven. The smell was so arousing as she cooked to a golden brown. You have to be patient when eating human flesh. To have the best dining experience, it takes time to prepare the flesh. Trust me, if let your meal cooks thoroughly, you will have the best meal of your life. Amy is still raving about much she enjoyed her rump roast and breast piece. I saved the internal organs for another meal. Human heart is scrumptious. New to cannibalism? Let me guide you through the process so you have the best meal of your life.

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A taste for blood

snuff pornHe and I made such a good match. He told me he was into odaxelagnia. One who is sexually aroused by biting or being bitten. Mmmmm. I was immediately intrigued. I could tell that he would make a good accomplice.

We set out to find our victim. Young and pretty, with a long slender neck that begged to be bitten. I knew exactly where to look. The local YMCA gave gymnastic and dance classes to low income girls. Poor little impoverished girls who wanted to be ballerinas but their parents didn’t give a shit about them. We sat in the car and watched them all leave on foot until we saw the one. She was tall and slim with a beautiful. He got such a hard-on just watching her. She was easy to pick up as it was raining outside and she needed a ride.

He was already biting her on the way home, making her neck bleed as he rubbed his cock all over her in the backseat. My pussy got wet watching them and I could barely wait to join in. We never did make it to the house. “Pull off in the woods.” he moaned. We dragged her out on the ground and ripped off her dance outfit revealing a bald cunny. She was taut and toned. I had her head in my lap as he drove his cock into her over and over, biting her neck and making her bleed. He kissed me and I sucked the blood from his lips. “Help me, Natasha. I’m gonna cum.” I grabbed her hair and stretched out her neck. He bit deeply into her throat as she screamed for her God. I came hard as I heard her gurgle in her own blood. He screamed, his mouth bloody, blasting his jizz all over her dead body.

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Next time, we’re getting a man so he can fuck him in the ass as I gnaw on my victim’s  cock. Hey, a girl has to have her fun too!!!


Cannibalism phone sex with Ivy

Cannibalism phone sex

Cannibalism phone sex is the best way to get back at that mother fucking whore. She ripped your heart out and stomped all over it. You gave her every fucking thing you could and this is how she repays you. She gave birth to that fucking niglet. Made you think it was your seed growing inside her evil womb. You found out the truth. You knocked her up first and that miscarriage was really her ripping your real seed out of her and killing it. She ruined your life and fucking humiliated you. You came to me to do what I do best. We walk up to the door together but I don’t want her to see you yet. When she opens the door I am on. I reach in and grab her by her throat slamming her against the floor. She passed out as you walk in.

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She starts to fucking scream when she starts to wake up. Now she feels me ripping her hair, one hand full at a fucking time. She can’t fucking move but she hears her niglet screaming. I lift her head up to show her that niglet slowly roasting in the big oven. She is going to taste so fucking good too. Your whore of a wife screams as she watches you rubbing your hard cock. I fucking hate hearing her scream. I put a ring in her mouth that stops that fucking bitch from closing her mouth. Now slide your cock down her fucking throat. Force that fucking cunt to finally suck your cock. While I shove my fist up her oiled pussy, fisting her whore hole so I can stuff her with yummy seasonings to make her taste even better. Oh her cunt is so fucking wet. I think she loves smelling her niglet roasting as you throat fuck that whore!