Domination phone sex is what I crave. I need a strong man for some slave training. I got more than I bargained for with Master Teddy. I answered an ad for a fetish model. Although, I am not super model pretty, I am no stranger to bondage modeling. The add called for a woman willing to be subjugated for a series of photos. I have done it before with no pay, so why not for fun money, right? When I arrived at the address that was texted to me, the set looked authentic. Turns out it looked authentic, because it was a real life dungeon. I was trapped. If I got out, it would not be because they let me go. It would be because I escaped, which I did. I think they underestimated this coke whore. I was collared, chained and thrown in a pen with other women. Food and water was on the floor in dishes with our names on it. We were being treated like dogs. It was a human dog fighting ring. We were the bait dogs. I watched a round in fear. I watched a waif of a girl be thrown into the bull pen with the hounds from hell. Within minutes there was nothing left of her but blood and a pile of bodily tissue and crushed bones. My head was held up so I was forced to see the carnage. I had been stripped down into my bra and panties, but no one searched me. I have a pierced clit with a long needle through my labia. When no one was looking, I yanked it out. When I was being walked to the bull pen, I stabbed the eye of the cunt leading me to my death. I ran like a bat out of hell. I escaped through a small basement window. I ran to the cops, but no one believed a strung out whore like me. They thought I was on an acid trip.
Category: Bondage phone sex
Domination Phone Sex: I’m a Human Dog
Torture Sex Doll for Abuse
I love torture sex as a pain slut. In real life, I don’t want my pretty face maimed or my hot body carved up. I also don’t really want to die. I just want to wish to be killed because I cannot take the pain any more. When it is fantasy, we can get as violent or deadly as you want. Thinking about that kind of excruciating pain makes my whore holes wet. Guys ask me all the time, what do I have at home to hurt myself with. They think this is nothing but fantasy for me. I have a few devices e that every pain slut like me should possess. It is my chest of horrors as I call it. I have impact toys like a paddle, belt, cat o nine tails and a riding crop. I have bondage tools like handcuffs, rope, zip ties, duct tape, dog collar, chains and electrical wire. I have several types of gags: funnel, ring and ball. I have a large array of insertable toys: vibes and dildos of varying sizes, butt plugs, anal hooks, pony tail and speculums. I have nipple clamps. I also have a diverse collection of piercing instruments: needles, hat pins, safety pins, veggie skewers, nails, tacks and an ice pick. Did I mention I have other things like ice, cigars to burn my girl parts and weights for my tits and my clits? I am a true pain whore. I just need a strong, sadistic man like you, to tell me just how to hurt myself for his pleasure. I am waiting on the couch like a good submissive whore for you to take control.
The Belt
I was so scared walking towards my front door. I didn’t make enough money to keep my crackhead boyfriend high all night. I opened the door and handed him all of the money I made from hooking up and down the boulevard. He counted the cash with an evil snarl on his face. He threw the cash at my face then slapped me so hard that I fell to the floor. He spit on me and relief briefly flooded through my body. I thought his tantrum was over, but I was so wrong. He gripped my hair in his fist and dragged me upstairs like I was a rag doll. He flung me towards the bed and pulled his belt from his pants.
“Get your fucking clothes off NOW!” , he demanded.
I took my clothes off and he started whipping me with his belt like I was a runaway slave. He hit me over and over again, each last worse than the one before. He hit me until his arm got tired. With welts all over my body, I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.
Bondage Phone Sex Whore
Bondage phone sex? Are you into that? I am one of those girls who loves to be tied up and abused. I am a submissive whore. Tie me up and fuck the shit out of me. I got more than I bargained for the other night, as usual. I was checking out a new club. BDSM club that matches servants with masters. I was at the club’s mercy to be paired with a master who would not do any real damage. I didn’t fair so well. Master Toby was one of those guys who hates women. He was not so much a Master as just a cruel man who hated all women. He took out his anger on my body. I was his punching bag for a good hour before he even pulled out his cock. He smacked my tits. He pierced my clit with some sort of pin. I was in pain. Lots of it. I was screaming to get out of the room. I didn’t sign up for torture sex, but it was what I was getting. I didn’t get but one scream out, when Master Toby took off his belt. I felt leather around my neck. He tightened it so tight that I couldn’t breathe. That is when his dick went up my ass. The harder he fucked my ass, the tighter the belt became on my throat. Some help came. I knew the club had to have some rules. All the BDSM clubs do. Instead of helping me, however, the guys joined in. They saw free pussy and ass. Two cocks forced their way into my cunt and ass. One guy rammed his dick down my throat. He was holding on to the belt with both hands as his big dick choked me. I passed out. Woke up in the room covered in cum and bruises. Another day in the life of a worthless whore.
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies
If you have murder phone sex fantasies, you are not alone. Most men harbor them; usually for a woman. My stepson has them for me. Since he was a wee boy, he has hated me because I was his father’s whore. But daddy married the whore and left the Madonna, my step son’s mother. Now, he is all grown up and his hatred is fueled by drugs and years of plotting revenge. He got in my face the other day and let off some steam. I called him a pussy who couldn’t get over the past. I didn’t realize he was high on meth. He flew into a rage, claiming he had fantasized about killing me for two decades. I told him he couldn’t kill me because pussies don’t act, they just whine and bitch. He snapped. He smacked me across the room. I tried to run, but he lunged at me, grabbed my leg and pulled me back towards him. He ripped off my clothes and set them on fire, while he tied me up. “Who is a pussy now, bitch,” he seethed. He pulled his cock out. I knew what was next. First, he pissed all over my face while laughing at me; then he fucked me. My cunt and my ass got fucked like a man with pent up rage would fuck: savagely. I was bleeding and crying. I couldn’t make him listen to me. I didn’t think he had this in him. Years of nothing but passive aggressive comments and now, I felt like he might very well kill me. He kicked me in the gut repeatedly like he was channeling A Clockwork Orange. I thought he was done, when he fell backwards on to the couch. Then he picked up the light, tightened the cord and wrapped it around my neck. Everything went dark.
Playing Both Sides And Loving It Part 1
I love being beaten, tortured, mutilated, drugged, raped, and hopefully put to death someday. But the other night when I was making myself vulnerable by walking around in a bad neighborhood. Wearing a short skirt, with no panties. A low cut shirt, with no bra. And three inch black heels. I walked into a bar and ordered myself a drink. I went over to booth and sat down. I started to sip my drink Vodka tonic. I saw that there was this guy staring at me. I did recognize him from the neighborhood walking around as I do. I picked up on the vibe he has very nasty thoughts. They we were making eye contact I could read his every kinky dirty little thought. He walked over to me and sat down. He said that he recognized me as one of the druggy whores you give it away for free. I giggled at his words. Taking my foot and rubbing up against his leg. And biting on my lip. He leaned in and uttered the words if you come with me I will give you what you want and more you piece of shit garbage. These words going straight to my soaking cunt. I will follow I whispered in a lustful voice. I had no idea what he meant but I did not care. I was not sure what was ahead for the evening but I could tell it would be painful and satisfying all at once. I followed him to his apartment. When we got inside there was a young girl all ready, with her wrists cuffed. She was doped up on something the needle was still hanging out of her arm. He threw me to the ground and said in a very harsh voice. “You are gonna help me to fuck, torture and mutilate her. Then help me to snuff her ass right out. Then I am gonna turn on you and do all the same to you. So what you want done to you, you better do to her cunt hag.” This blog is getting kinda long so I think I will break it up into different parts. Look for part two. Cannot wait to share with you.
Endless Abuse
I’ve been in an abusive relationship with my crack addict boyfriend since I was a teen. I met him through my parents who are also crack addicts. All my boyfriend had to do to take me from my neglectful parents was toss them a few crack rocks. He took my virginity and my innocence. It wasn’t long before he was forcing me to sell my body to keep him high. He beats me for almost anything because he has a hair trigger temper. He expects food on the table and a spotless home anything less is another ass beating. I figured out the only way his dick can get hard is through violence. Sometimes when he’s feeling really sadistic he’ll force me to suck his cock for hours until my lips are swollen. I’ve tried running away but he always finds me and beats me for trying to escape. Sometimes I hope I get in the wrong car and the john ends my life, because that’s the only thing I have left…hope.
Master’s Foot Fetish
Master has a very dirty fetish for feet and he loves to use me as his sexy scapegoat to unleash all of his wild antics on to! After being tied up in bondage that I am unable to wiggle myself out of, he demands that I am his submissive slut while he’s massaging my feet with yummy smelling lotion, using his fingers to wiggle between the cracks of my toes, that shit feels so fucking good! Once i’m nice and moist from my rub down, he wraps the soles of my feet around his rock hard dick so that I can vigorously stroke him up and down, causing a slippery mess all over! The ridge on my big toes loves to be teased and Master enjoys teasing with his wet tongue, sloshing his saliva all over! This is pretty much the only time that Master ever allows me to actually enjoy something harmless while being his submissive cum whore while he dominates my pretty feet! I can’t lie, I really do enjoy it so much! I know that I am going to get into trouble for saying that but I don’t care, it’s worth it! When Master is ready to bust his huge load of cock cream, he aims to shoot between the slits of my toes, filling up each crevice with his gooey cum!
The Thugs’ Pet
It’s been 3 weeks and I’m still at the gangsters’ trap house. Every time my man shows up I think he’s taking me back to our house but he’s only there to get more crack. He sees the bruises all over my body but he doesn’t care. I plead and cry for him to rescue me, but someone slaps me to shut me up. Thug after thug fucks me in every hole until blood runs down my thighs. The big joke that keeps them rolling on the floor with laughter is keeping a leash around my neck and forcing me to crawl around on my hands and knees. They feed me dog food in a dog bowl and whip me with a leather belt if I try to use my hands to feed myself. I feel so humiliated, like shit on the bottom of a shoe. I cry out to God to rescue me, but I guess he’s ignoring me.
The Gangsters’ Play Toy
My man left me at the gang’s trap house for a few crack rocks again. These thugs treat me worse than a dog. For their amusement, they force me to eat from a dog bowl like an animal. I stay on my knees sucking cock all day until my lips are swollen and sore. They bend me over and fuck my asshole brutally until blood runs down my thighs. I’m not allowed to cry or scream out in pain or they beat me. They forced me to smoke crack until I beg for more. Smoking crack takes away the pain and sadness of knowing my body is worth 3 crack rocks. Minutes blend into hours, and hours blend into days as I’m fucked over and over again. As soon as one gangster fucks me and leaves my cunt filled with semen the next gangster steps up to take his place. I’m constantly hoping that my crack head boyfriend will come to my rescue, but he never comes.