Category: Bondage phone sex

Torture Sex Fantasy: Death by Orgasm

torture sexHe had a torture sex fantasy. I was the perfect star. He bought me at a black market auction for bimbos. He bought me for a steal too because I had outlived my usefulness to any man. My new master immediately put chains on me. Leg irons and handcuffs too.  He thought I was moving too slow. “Let’s go Bitch,” he yelled as he slapped me across the tits. I picked up the pace. I inquired where he was taking me. He informed me he was some sort of scientist. A mad scientist who was using me as his Guinea pig for a new assassination technique. He planned to inject me with some microscopic robots that would invade my heart and when I orgasmed would kill me by stopping my heart. His plan was death by orgasm. He stripped me naked, put a leather collar around my neck that kept my head from moving.  I was lead downstairs into the dark death chamber basement. I was scared and aroused. A spreader bar kept me from closing my legs as he examined my wet pussy and mocked me for being aroused at my ultimate demise. He injected his mad experiment into my right thigh. I felt weird suddenly. My body was taut, restrained and spread eagle. He used a variety of instruments, including his fingers to masturbate me. As hard as I tried to think of other things, unpleasant things, I found myself aroused. My wet pussy betrayed me. He was determined to make a snuff porn with his purchased whore. I fought the pleasure, but it was impossible. I am a pain slut. Deep down, I knew I deserved to die. I had just hoped, I would not go out like this. I came. I came heard. I felt my body stiffening and soon after chest pain.  In the end what gave me the most pleasure in life, killed me. What is your snuff fantasy?

Snuff Sex by Suffocation

snuff sexSnuff sex by suffocation was his plan. I was his bondage whore and his coke buddy. I was completely bound tight. I was wrapped up like a Christmas present. I couldn’t move. When he sat on my face, I thought it was just to lick his ass, but he shoved his dick so far down my throat I started to choke. I was unable to breathe because his asshole was over my nose and his cock was making sure I couldn’t breathe out my mouth. I started flailing about. My arms were restrained behind my back, so all I could do was shrug and rock a bit. He was not a little man. I thought he was joking when he said he was going to smother me to death. He is a drug buddy. We get high and we fuck. He never has been violent towards me. He is one of the few mean who has not abused me. I still thought it was some sort of joke until I passed out. I thought that was the end, but his urine stream in my face woke me up. He was laughing at me. According to him, we were just getting started. He invited other guys to join our kinky snuff porn. Every guy sat on my face, choking me with his cock until I passed out. They woke me up by pissing in my face.  I have rope burns on my wrists and ankles. Veins are visible on my face and in my eyes. I look like I survived something, but I can’t tell anyone that I look like shit because guys smothered me with their nut sacks all night and pissed on me to revive me. That doesn’t sound like something a soccer mom would let happen to her. But then, I am no ordinary soccer mom.


Gangbang Nightmare Ch.4

Taboo phone sexMy man traded me to the 5th Ward Crips for four crack rocks. They keep me in a room with a boarded up window and a dirty mattress on the floor. These thugs treat me worse than a plastic sex doll. My jaw aches from blowing multiple men for hours at a time. And my pussy and asshole hurt from this never-ending gangbang.
Tec-9 walked into the room with a dog leash and an evil grin on his tattooed face. He put the collar around my neck and walked me into the front room on my hands and knees. I was completely naked and felt totally exposed being the only female in room full of dangerous gang members. In the corner of the room, a gangster had a furry friend on a leash. The gangster let the leash go and the furry friend ran straight towards me. He mounted my back and his pink cock enter my tight cunt. He humped me and the gangsters laughed. The furry friend panted in my ear and his drool slid down my back. His cock knotted inside me and I couldn’t pull away. The gang laughed even more at my struggle to get away from the furry friend. I felt totally humiliated and completely defeated. When will the living hell end?


Snuff sexI have been close to death before with men and sex. But they always chicken out and don’t take the final step in snuffing my life out. They will torture my body. Suffocate me until I pass out. But no matter how much I beg I cannot get them to finish the job. The ultimate orgasm that I could have would be death after I am beaten and tortured. And this is something I am denied over and over. Guys talk about loving to fuck a whore and then kill her but I have yet to find me one of these guys to follow thru. Maybe they are scared they will get in trouble. Lol, I will be dead who is gonna tell? And really the law does not care about another dead whore.

From Ass Rape Porn to Dinner

ass rape pornAss rape porn is like a daily thing for me. No one fucks me gently. I don’t know what sweet love making means. No one gives me sweet anything. Men treat me like a whore. Women treat me like I am a worthless bimbo. When I was invited to a swank dinner party, I was so happy. I thought perhaps things were changing for me. It started off nice. All the other guests were giving me attention I was not accustomed to receiving.  I started feeling woozy. Next thing I knew I woke up tied up and strapped to the dining room table. The guest who had been chatting me up earlier were know standing around me in a circle with evil grins on their faces. Looking hungry. They were talking about my thick thighs and scrumptious ass. One lady started rubbing melted butter all over my skin, while a man rammed a stick up my ass. When the apple went in my mouth, I realized I was the main course of the dinner party. They were fighting over who got to eat what part of me. I tried screaming but I was weak from the drugs and I was gagged with an apple. They carried me out to an open fire and started roasting me like a pig at a luau. Fire made my skin crackle. I was being burned alive like a witch and it was painful. I was afraid; it showed in my eyes, but they just sprinkled me with seasoning and continued to cook me alive over an open frame. I was worthless in life, perhaps I would be worth something in death. I could at least provide some folks with a satisfying meal. Do you have cannibalism phone sex fantasies?  I sure do. I want to be your satisfying meal.

Gangbang Nightmare Ch.3

Gangbang rape pornThe gang stopped feeding me two days ago. The only thing I’ve had in my mouth is dick, cum, and piss. And a few of them like having their assholes licked and these thugs aren’t very clean. The room they keep me in is dirty and dark. I sleep on a sheetless mattress on the floor and every 20 min one of the thugs comes in to fuck me. There’s a horrible stinging pain every time a new dick slides between my cunt lips because they don’t give a fuck if I’m ready. The blood, cum, and shit stained mattress reek so bad it turns my stomach. Tec-9, the head nigga in charge, has the biggest dick. It’s 11 inches long and thick like a Red Bull can. He loves to make me choke on his monster cock. He holds the back of my head and forcefully fucks my mouth until I vomit. And he doesn’t stop fucking my face until he fills my cheeks with jizz. If I’m lucky they’ll let me smoke a few rocks. Being high is my only escape from this hell.Violent phone sex

Monty’s Bloody Auction House- One

Evil phone sexI woke up and the room felt very cold, my head still was a little fuzzy. I attempted to get up but felt held down. I attempted to stare down to faintly be able to make out straps holding me down across my body. I wiggled around and noticed I was on a metal slab and felt very naked. I heard footsteps coming closer and then a light turned on burning my eyes. I looked around more once my eyes adjusted and saw a room dirty and blood stained. A workstation with tons of sharp blades was against the wall and in front of me was a man and a tripod. He turned and set up a monitor which was currently black with a bright red word showing on the screen as OFFLINE. The man turned to me and smiled. “I got you for a good deal, a crack head sold you to me for a mere $200. And I’m going to make a fortune off of you bit by bit” he chuckled. I squirmed trying to push against the restraints. He frowned and slapped me hard across the face “Escape attempts are not good for business” he yelled. “If you are lucky I’m slip you things for the pain, but you must put on a good show and smile for the camera. Let your fans know how willing you are for them to…own you even just small parts” he gleamed. Turning around he started the camera and headed toward the door.

Alternative Sex With A Sadistic Bitch

Gothic Phone SexIt’s so fucking funny how pathetic most guys really are. I am alternative and a cunt, I will never care about anyone’s feelings. I am willing to bet most guys haven’t had sex with a gothic chick just those lame ass basic bitches guys fuck. How funny and then they complain, someone like me brings guys into almost like a dante’s inferno with a little bit of pleasure. I love pouring candle wax and hot grease down your nipples while you stare at my bright black lipstick. It makes my pussy so wet knowing your skin is peeling off and I am smothering you with my fat pussy. If you bite I will do something you won’t like very much, most guys don’t know what they got into with me. I love jumping up and down and pussy slamming on a face until I come super hard. Why don’t you see what mood I am into, are you going to be able to cum or am I going to let you suffer….

Please Kill Me

Murder phone sex FantasiesMy life is worth much I’m just a pathetic whore who’s only feels things when it’s pain. My existence isn’t worth much, I’ll never be important enough to keep around. Want to give me some worth? Why don’t you let me be your victim, give into your dark desire. How powerful you must feel having me completely at your mercy. You could end it all for me, you could do it quickly or you could make me suffer. It’s up to you. I’ll surrender to my master completely no matter how messy or painful it may get. All you have to do is take my life, it’s yours I don’t need it. I’m only useful to you as a toy, even then I’m easy to throw away.  Will you be the one to end my pathetic existence? Please master release me from my own torment.


Strangulation phone sexI was asleep when I felt really cold all of a sudden. I peaked my eyes up just a little bit and saw my window was wide open allowing the wind from outside to chill me. I felt the bed go down a little as if someone was sitting next to me. I slowly turned over, and was quickly met with a hand roughly covering my mouth and another one around my throat. I felt pressure closing down against my throat making it hard to breath. My head was getting dizzy and I felt floaty without any air. The room was now fading more around me and I can’t recall hearing any sounds. It was like a quietness was surrounding us. I stared at my attacker, can he tell that my body is enjoying this? Can he look back at me and tell that I’m smiling?