Category: Bondage phone sex

Caught In The Act (Almost)

torture phonesex angieAhhh babysitting the fucking brats again. This has turned out to be a super fucking gig. I love drugging the little bastards and fucking them up. And the parents have no fucking clue how sadistic I get with these little fuckers! I went about our usual routine, feeding them their laced dinner, rubbing my cunt under the table as it gets wetter by the minute. Thinking of all the twisted shit I am going to do tonight. Just as their little heads start to bob I get up and take all their clothes off before tying them to their chairs, legs spread and ankles tied to each leg. I am on my knees and just about to take that little cock in my mouth when I hear the front door open. Fuck me what the fuck are they doing home? They aren’t due back for hours. Standing up and straightening my clothes I emerge from the kitchen to find him there looking through the credenza for something. God I hope he doesn’t go in the kitchen, good thing the little brats can’t do anything but drool at this point. He has forgotten his credit card he thinks it is in his office on his desk. Fuck he has to walk right -past the kitchen. Luckily I am able to keep his attention and keep him looking at me as we pass the doorway. Finally he has his card and is walking out the door, none the wiser. Fuck that was close as shit and as I close the door the rush of almost getting caught sends a wave of cum flowing out of my cunt and down my legs. Time to get back to business. 


rape phone sex fantasies

I hated malls growing up, and I hate them even worse now. There are so many stuck up cunts walking around with their latte’s and coach bags, really pisses me the fuck off. I only went there to upgrade my cell phone since it was the only store local to me, but that’s when it happened. This stupid cunt with her pink everything asked me why I was dressed like it was Halloween. Then those bitchy friends of hers all started laughing. They wouldn’t be laughing for long. I simply stared at her and asked her name. “Honey.” she said, hmm fitting.

I followed that rich cunt home and waited till the wee hours of the morning and rang the doorbell. What a dumb whore. I quickly subdued her and dragged her to my car. It was time for a trip to my Daddy’s farm. His honey bee farm. A place for bitchy “Honey” too!

She was still passed out when I slapped her awake. Oh that look on her face was sheer terror! She tried to struggle, but I had her tied to that utility dolly good! I ripped her nightgown off and I started painting her with pure honey. Oh what a sight. I poured it in her mouth, shoved it up her nose and shot it in her ass and cunt. There was this cute apparatus that I stole from my gynecologist.  You know the one that opens up your cervix? Mm hmm… those bees were gonna find treasure up in there! I put honey on this “Honey” treat all spread eagle like, honey dripping from her gaping cunt,  and her asshole. Hell I even shoved it in her ears.  Can you just imagine how loud and hungry those buzzers are gonna sound in her actual eardrum! Maddening I tell you! My cunt was getting wetter and wetter!

I wheeled in that screaming teen and the crowd went wild! I literally jumped up and down with excitement as this young meat was stung, stung, and stung again. You could see those winged devils crawling everywhere they found a taste of honey. Her bites eventually turning to oozing bloody welts. There were so many bees in her cunt, and down her throat. It was sheer magic.

I bet you would love to have seen this!

taboo phone sex

Creep Up On Ya

What’s lurking in those deep dark shadows . . . distorted shapes that seem to be twisting around your ankles, and clawed hands that grab, the sharp fingernails digging in deep. Nightmares come from this inherent fear of the evil that lurks beneath the surface. Do you know what else nightmares are born from? Parties after dark . . . social hour. Everyone believes that more bodies means more safety. Isn’t that the idea behind the so-called “buddy system?” Haha. I know the truth.

More bodies just means more wicked fun. More sinister persuasion. More merciless fucking. All of those scantily-clad whores and drunken rich boys. Gyrating bodies and unsuspecting prey. The great thing about already being on a boat is the fact that there is plenty of rope lying around. This comes in handy when a sick, twisted slut like myself wants to tie up a couple of hos and man whores with tight, circulation deadening sailor’s knots. I like to maim penises. Some chicks like to tie hair bows, but I’m a little different. I especially love the feeling of a firm, juicy, cum-filled ball weighing down heavily in my hand. When the party guests wander off and leave their drinks unattended, I’m looming over the bar, shaking a little bit of magic potion in there to put them fast asleep.


Accomplice phone sex with Storm 1I had a special friend call me up for some fun. He normally likes for me to hunt for him and find  some hot little Mama to play with. Once he wanted a pregnant woman. Once he wanted to Mom and her fucking little brats. A few times he’s had me find him a guy, and I won’t even mentioned what he asked for on Valentines Day. He woke me up at 3 AM asking if I could come right over. While I can tell you I don’t get up at 3 AM for just anybody. But John has been a good friend for a long time, and he is very interesting. I do like the crazy things he comes up with. I got dressed and went to the address he gave me. I saw his truck parked out side of this tiny little hut. It was 80° outside and there was smoke Accomplice phone sex with Storm 2coming from the chimney. When I walked up to the hut John was waiting for me with the door open. I could feel the heat pouring out of this little hut. It was like a fucking sauna. John asked me to come in and it was like stepping into hell. The room was filled with smoke and heat. I looked at John and said it’s so hot! John started laughing and told me will that’s how you smoked meat. When I looked around the little hut I realized there was a giant grill in the center of the room. It took up the entire shack. John got this big smile on his face. He walked over to the grill and flipped the lid open and inside this grill was a funking woman. He smoking a fucking woman. I looked at John and asked him what the fuck are you doing and why he needed me there. He said he has been slow roasting this bitch for a few days. I looked and she had a funnel going into her mouth, and then I saw this bitches eyes move. Holy shit she’s still alive! She fucking looks like a beef jerky. I looked at John and asked what the fuck is going on. He said that as long as the heat is on he keeps water or liquid pouring into her. He’s literally cooking the meat while she’s still alive. John said the problem is the first day and a half he could pull her out and fuck her whenever he wanted to. But now he knows if he pulls her out she is going to rip in half and she’s going to die, and that’s where I come in. John needed me to help pull her out, but that wasn’t  all. He was going to fuck this slut one more time. He wanted me to pour water over her pussy while he’s fucking her. I can see it in her eyes, that agony. She wants me to kill her. She’s begging for it. I do love that look, It’s so hot! I’m all in. I pull her out. Start pouring water all over her legs and pussy.  John pushes his way inside of her. He was screaming oh it’s so hot, it’s so hot! When he came inside of her he pushed back on her legs which ripped open like chicken peeling off the bone. I heard some type of sound escape her. Her eyes were wide open! That bitch is still alive! John had me help her put her back in the oven. He closed the door and turned the heat all the way up. Then asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. I had to pass, but I did enjoy the show!Accomplice phone sex 3

Glub Glub


torture phonesex angieDay two of torturing the perfect little family. The little girl did so well with boiling water yesterday I thought I would keep the theme up and show her some good old fashioned water torture. War supplies me with so many various methods of water torture and I love each and every one of them. However I have a select few in mind for this girl today. I think it is only fair that since I burned the little thing yesterday and gave her a taste of heat, that I show her the opposite end of the spectrum. Don’t you? I fill the tub with water and ice as they watch all cried out but shivering from the fear. Just looking at their fear filled, tear streaked faces makes my cunt so fucking wet I can barely stand it. As I grab the little one her parents let out desperate cries that make me tingle with goose bumps. I drag her limp body to the tub and throw her in shoving her head under as she struggles against my grasp. Pulling her up, her lips are blue and she is gasping for air. Again and again and again I dunk her under until she passes out. Pulling her out of the water I throw her to the floor with a hard thud bringing her out of her darkness. But I am not done with her yet. I pull the plug draining the freezing water and go to my shelf. One by one I empty jugs of urine into the tub. Not only is this going to be fun but the bacteria from the urine is sure to infect her burns from yesterday. The thought of watching the infection set in makes me cum again. Oh how fun it is to be twisted!

My New Torture Method!

I know I’ve told you how much I like BLOOD and TORTURE but there are sometimes I use torture methods that don’t involve blood, at least at first, lol. One day I was stalking this little bitch and scheming a way to take her and torture her. I waited until late at night, when she was at home alone, and broke into her house and took her by gun point. I duct taped her mouth and dragged her by her hair to my car and throw her in the front seat. I drive with my gun pointed at her head telling her not to move or scream. I am taking her to my abandoned torture house. I have a new torture device I plan on using tonight. I have built this new contraption where I can chain up her legs and hook them on this device that is used to lift slaughtered cattle up in the air. Underneath is a tank full of water. So I get to my warehouse of torture and I drag the little bitch into it. I have her sit on a chair and I proceed to put chains around her ankles and padlock them. I push a button on my contraption and it starts to raise her up above the water. I lower her into the water and keep her head under for a while and then pull her back out. Then I dunk her head under the water again and keep it there for a while and then pull her head back out. This type of torture is called water bondage and it is a lot of fun! I could do this all night long! I keep dunking her head in and out of the water holding her in longer and longer. Finally the last time I do it I just keep her head underneath the water until she stopped struggling and she was dead. Totally different torture device for me but totally fun!

Your Pain My Pleasure


torture phonesex angieIt is time to inflict pain again and this twisted bitch is feeling extremely wicked. I am feeling like this should be a family affair. And that it should last a few days maybe even a week. I know just who is going to satisfy this wicked and twisted desire building in my heart, my head and my crotch. They are a story book family with a sweet little mommy and a rugged handsome daddy, the little boy looks just like his daddy and the little girl looks just like her mommy. They couldn’t be more story book then if they came off the pages of a rustic novel. Makes you want to gag doesn’t it? I took them this afternoon, a lovely Sunday, sun shining, birds chirping and them in their Sunday best returning from church. Fuck me I think I just puked a little in my own mouth. Once they are secured in the basement I start the fire pit in the middle of the room. torture phonesex caulronMy huge iron kettle filled with water is heating to a beautiful boil. They are all sobbing and scared just like I want them. I slowly undress in front of them rubbing and pinching my hardening nipples and licking my fingers covered in my juices while I wait for the the water to boil. As the steam begins to rise and the bubbles start to rise and pop I know it’s so hot it will burn the skin off of that cute little girls arms. Grabbing her by the hair while her parents and brother watch I take her arm and shove it in the boiling water. To my satisfaction she screams and pisses all over the floor and when I pull her arm out the blisters begin to form as soon as her arm hits the chill in the air. Her mother is hysterical, her father is furious and I am in my element. I go upstairs for a drink and dinner leaving them there. But I will be back for more. I think after dinner I will remove daddy’s balls and cauterize the wound. We shall see….torture phonesex arm

Erotic S & M And Bondage With Wicked Aria

We know each other like the back of our hand, sometimes all you need to do is give me that certain look and I know exactly what it is you need. I’m the perfect Accomplice because I am a chameleon when it comes to switching up my look to deceive and confuse these worthless, doomed little fucks.

I can sound and look so demure and sweet, no one could possibly envision me doing anything that would hurt someone so innocent and defenseless…Mmmm, such fucking fools! I get off on luring these brainless, useless little cunts into believing I am someone they can count on to protect and care for them.

In reality, I want nothing more than to see the look of sheer terror and disbelief in their wide eyes after it dawns on them that I am their worst nightmare come true, and their fate is sealed. Do I feel any pity for these pathetic pieces of flesh…..fuck no!

They let their guard down with the wrong Bitch and now they’ve let the Devil inside their own home, so they have only themselves to blame for the deviant, evil and sadistic torture that we are about to inflict upon her young, untouched, tiny body.

Mmm, my pussy is aching and so wet at the thought of how we’re going to relish in the pleasure of devouring and shredding her perfect, little cunt. Your cock is throbbing right now isn’t it baby, are you ready to begin satisfying our hunger for that bald, tight pussy? Fucking with her worthless mind and body is all set up and ready to begin…

Money Can’t Save You


torture phonesex angieI can’t believe my luck. I found an ad in the paper looking for someone to care for an ailing elderly man that is fucking loaded. His wife is to old to care for him herself. I decided to give them a call and make an appointment for an interview. As I pulled up to the house, it is a creepy looking old mansion that reeks of secrets, age and money. Good thing I like that look, the darker the better and this place looks like it is straight out of a Steven King novel or something. Just looking at the joint was making me hot as fuck. Grabbing the huge brass knocker I pound it loud, these old fucks might not have their hearing aides turned up. I was surprised when she answered the door and not some hired help. She looked younger then I had expected and had a nasty fucking attitude. I decided right then I wanted this fucking job and I would derive great pleasure form not only fucking her up and taking her down a notch or two but robbing her rich ass blind. She offered me tea and she sat interviewing me all prim and proper with her nose in the air. I answered her questions while envisioning how I was going to torture and fuck her up, slowly and with great pleasure. I started right away and after meeting her bedridden husband and touring the mansion she had me change into the uniform that she had for me. During the tour I saw many of her own things that I would use to torture her over the coming weeks. I learned that there was no other staff in the house, just her, her husband and myself. Going to the basement to start the laundry I found the perfect place to tie her up. Pretending there was something wrong with the washer I got her to the basement and bound her to the radiator pipe. Warning her that it was about to get hot I went up stairs and turned the furnace on, letting it heat up while I gathered all the things that caught my eye earlier. When I got back to the basement she had already burnt her arm pretty good trying to get loose and touching her arm to the hot pipe, she was sweating so much I couldn’t tell if she was crying too. My pussy got wetter the closer I got and the more fear I saw on her face. This was going to bring me a lot of pleasure!

Now You See Me Now You Don’t

torture phonesex karmaI love Hitchcock movies but one of my favorite is “The Lady That Vanishes” I imagine myself being on a train, sitting next to a stranger. Her beauty is breath taking but as soon as she opens her mouth she is a bimbo. Her voice is high pitched and whinny and nothing she says makes any sense. She instantly gets on my nerves and the overwhelming desire to slit her throat is becoming more then I can stand. Knowing that I can vanish and no one will believe I was ever there, I wait till she falls asleep. As soon as she is in a deep slumber I tie her arms to the armrest on the seat and stuff her dainty, lacy kerchief in her mouth. I take out my knife and begin slicing her wrists. Her eyes fly open and her crys are muffled. I know I am not cutting her to kill her but enough to cause the blood to flow and the pain to be felt. As she stares at me wide eyed and the blood drips from her wounds, I bend down and lick the blood off her flesh. I sit up and wipe my mouth before smiling sweetly at her. As I pull the handkerchief from her mouth I vanish. Her screams bring the other passengers to her side and her incoherent babbling about the vanishing woman lands her in a padded cell at the next town’s psychiatric ward. I often visit her there, causing her pain, driving her crazy slowly as I smile and vanish each time. No one believes her because it is impossible for anyone to get in and out of her cell without being detected. What a perfect version of Hitchcock’s movie, with my own special twist!torture phonesex hitchcock