Category: Bondage phone sex

I am his


I can hear him walking down the stairs again.
I can’t help it but I’m shaking.
I don’t know if it’s because this hell room is cold or because I know he is going to touch me again.
I can smell his cigarette, his cologne mixed with whiskey and the smell of tide.
The smell of tide reminds me of home and makes me hopeful that he is just going to let me go.
I have been down here for 3 no 5 days? maybe its just been a couple of hours. I honestly don’t know.
I start crying as i hear him open one of the drawers behind me.. Please don’t let it be the whip again..
He sets something beside me. and spreads my legs open wide. I know what he is going to do..
I can hear the swishing of the air as he is working on his form..
Then he teases my pussy and ass with the whip.. then pulls back and i brace myself for the hit but he starts teasing me again.
SMACK and a cry out from me as he spanks my pussy. He is laughing and calling me his dirty whore.
He starts to tease me again and hits me so hard I felt my skin tear.
He stops, bends down and pours something on to my broken skin and it burns.
As its burning he shoves a hard and very cold object up my ass and it starts to vibrate.
My body is so overwhelmed by the pain from the tare and the pain of this thing in my ass but turned on by the vibrations.
He gets up again and pours more of his liquid on my ass checks as it burns more.
Then he starts whipping my pussy and ass even more. This time he hits my clit over and over again it makes me cum. I now know its his time to cum. He is going to fuck my mouth until I puke all over his cock and he will cum deep down my throat and make me swallow him.
I don’t know what is worse that he face fucks me to cum or that a part of me likes being his dirty fucking whore.
I am used to being used by men. That’s why I don’t fight. I know at some point he will just let me go but he will always be there watching and waiting for me to be alone so he can grab me and drag me into the dark and violate my ass again. And deep down inside of me I’m wanting it..

Silent Night, Bloody Night

torture phonesex angieOne of my all time favorite horror flicks is Silent Night, Bloody Night. One line from the movie moves me beyond my evil darkness.  “I have wandered in bitterness until all seasons have become as one. And that is a season of vengeance.”

Vengeance, a dish served cold, ice cold, straight from the freezer. It has taken me almost six months to prepare for my own special form of vengeance and the title of this film fits perfectly with my plan. I have set up a lane in my basement. At the end of it I have a created a bondage set up to hold ten of my worst enemies in the formation of bowling pins. The shackles are designed to hold each onus’s arms high in the air and will put them on their tip toes. I finally perfected my “bowling balls” . Skill saw bladed bowling balls specially designed to slice and dice. My human bowling pins will start in the standing position. Once I have hit a pin or several pins, I will lower them, gradually slicing and dicing them until they are laying on the lane completely helpless waiting for that one roll that will end the pain and madness.   

Violent, Evil and Sadistic

torture phonesex angieWhen I get the craving for violent, bloody, evil, sadistic sex I always let it simmer. I let that craving build so that when I finally satisfy the need, it errupts like a volcano, flowing hot spewing lava over any one and anything in it’s path, creating total distruction. Last week was no different, I got that feeling deep inside my gut for some extra wicked and twisted shit. I let that feeling build all week long making the longing almost painful. Last night the time was right and I let myself explode. I doubled my pleasure, finding a teen couple in a car making out and paying no attention to what was around them (which wasn’t much since they were in the middle of no where). Securing them both to trees facing each other. They were about to wittness everything up close and personal. First I grabbed her beautiful long hair and took my scalple out. Pulling her head back I began to remove her hair like a wig. Screaming the blood was dripping down her faceand onto her shirt, making it stick to her heaving tits. Watching in terror he didn’t make a sound. He knew he was next but what he didn’t know is that it had only just begun. Walking towards him slowly, deliberatly. I can’t help enjoying the surge that runs through me as his body begins to trebble. Ynking his pants down I lick the scaple clean before lowering it to his pubic hair. He rewards me by urinating all over himself as I begin to peel the hair off his body. We have so much more to do! It is going to be a long night for both of them. It was everything I dreamed of. Violent, bloody, evil, sadistic, twisted and a screaming good time!


Watching and Waiting

torture phonesex karmaWalking through he woods I hear a wicked laugh. It is deep and dark and it sends a delicious chill up my spine. Following the sound I take care to be extra quiet. Whatever is going on I don’t want it to be known that I am there. Slowly I creep closer and the sound of that laughter filled with evil sets my skin on fire. My cunt is reacting and I can’t control it. I haven’t even seen who is laughing or at what and my skin is covered in goose bumps. Finally I am close enough to see and there in the clearing is this man, He is tall and pale skinned, His hair is slicked back and dark as night. I can’t see his face but in his hand is a bloody knife and at his feet is a young one,. She is covered in blood and what little flesh is showing is pale. Her breathing is shallow and there is a gag in her mouth. He lifts the knife to his lips and licks it laughing as the flavor delights him. He slowly lowers it to her body and begins to peel the skin off her inner thighs, slowly, meticulously, not going to deep. I can see her body quiver from the pain and his laugh once again fills the air. My cunt is convulsing now, pumping cum all down the inside of my leg. I stand there and watch him for a long time, his torture so artistically administered. I struggle with the idea of making my presence known when he is done. Instead I follow him and I know I will make it a point to meet him soon and share the love of sadistic torture of the young and innocent.


So there’s this bitch that lives down the street. She’s pretty much friends with everybody in the neighborhood. She’s always inviting them over for little Parties, card games and board game nights. I have never had any desire whatsoever to attend any of her functions. Even if I was invited I would decline. So I was pretty surprised when this uppity bitch walked right up to me at the gas station. She said that she had heard I was complaining about not being invited to her parties. I told her she was mistaken. That I would not wish to attend. When that’s fucking bitch started laughing at me. She told me that I would not be welcome at her house. That she would never have a freak like me around her. She said it really loud so everyone could hear laughing at me the whole time. Oh she doesn’t know me very well. I don’t give a fuck what people think about me. And I don’t let people make fun of me and get away with it. It’s time to put a bitch in her place. I walked away from her there letting her think that she had won. But when she came home that night she never made it in her house. I made sure there was a branch blocking her driveway. When she got out to move the branch I was waiting for her with a brick. The bitch never even saw it coming. When she woke up she was already in my cabin. She snapped to pretty quickly. Started screaming and yelling “somebody help me, somebody help me”. And then I let that fucking bitch know she could scream as much a she wanted, no body can fucking hear her. She had the nerve to invite me to some of her party’s. Like I would let the bitch go to go to one of her fucking parties. I laughed in the bitche’s face. I let her know that we’d be playing my game now. And surprise surprise the bitch didn’t like my games. I started by ripping out all of her toenails and fingernails. And I took to my knife and started slicing thin layers of skin off. Oh she was screaming so loud. And it was music to my ears. She kept begging for me to let her go. And she knew I actually thought about it. After I had torn big pieces of skin off of her face and knew she would be scarred up forever. I thought about letting her go but I hadn’t kept my face covered. So I had to kill her. When I told her that she freaked the fuck out. I covered her mouth was a piece of tape so she would hear me. “Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” That is my favorite quote from Stephen King. As I said it to her. I picked up my big knife and plunged it into her heart! The look on her face was fantastic! It will keep me wet for months!

Light And Dark

torture phonesex angieMy favorite saying is by Laurence Sterne: “Pain and pleasure, like light and darkness, succeed each other” How true this is, Especially in my world. I will lure you in with the promise of pleasure beyond you wildest imagination. I will tempt you with my sweet voice and invite you in with my soft tender kisses. The curves of my hips and the rise and fall of my breasts will mesmerize you and render you helpless to my will. Then just when you think you are about to experience heaven, I will take you to hell. I will take what I want from you, sucking the life and will from the depths of your being and making you like it, want it, even beg for it. As you go from the heights of sensual pleasure to the depths of intense pain you will feel the power of my black heart and my evil desires, Your need to please me over rides your sensibilities and the pain becomes and aphrodisiac that you beg me to give. If you’re lucky you will live to see the fruits of your sacrifice and see the juices flowing from my cunt as you bring me pleasure. But likely, you will only feel the hot, wet cum on your lifeless body. Light and dark, pleasure and pain…welcome to the dark side! 

Things That Make Them Go Boom

Going through the basement and spring cleaning I found a box of goodies. Left over fireworks from the fourth of July and a couple of little goodies that my friend in the military gave me to play with, a little brick of C-4. I remember when he gave it to me and told me to go blow some shit up I had all kinds of ideas and yet somehow I put it up and forgot about it. But now my cunt is dripping with cum as my mind decides what to do with my goodies. There are a couple of little twits that have been irking my last nerve over the last few months. I have been waiting for something special enough to take care of them and I believe this is it. I can see them shaking and naked right here in my basement, tied face to face. I can feel the sweet softness of their asses as I spread them wide and begin inserting fireworks in them before lighting them and watching as they jump and scream only to become a tangled mess that falls to the floor unable to escape the pain and horror of it. But the best part will come when I drag them to the field behind my house and break off small amounts of C-4, attaching a little piece to a finger and a toe before detonating it. Slowly blowing off bits and pieces of their bodies until I am left with nothing but two bloody torsos. That is when I will use the last of the C-4, placing it between their bellies and detonating it, enjoying the feel of the pieces of flesh blowing apart and hitting me as they fly into indistinguishable chunks of flesh. torture phonesex boom

Cabin Fever…


I had to run out to my cabin early this week. I was expecting some company from a friend and his plaything. I just wanted to make sure everything was set up right. It turns me on so much to even walk into this cabin. Hanging on the walls are the knives that I first started with. It floods back all the memories of playing with them. The table in the middle of the room is the first table I ever killed somebody on. It’s a heavy wooden table stained from the years of blood being let out on it. Just walking in and smelling the room gets my pussy dripping. It is like you can smell the fear in here. I make sure that the straps are tights on the table legs. I pull out my little table with all my new knives on it. I set up the videotape and the extra lighting. Because I know my friend John likes to relive his kills. John has a special fetish. It’s a little brutal so it’s right up my alley. I pull out the wooden baseball bats, the brass nipple clamps, the iron spreader bar and the old wooden billy club. That billy club is one of my favorite toys. Since it is as big around as a Pringles can. And it’s an old wooden club. The wood is splinting all up and down it. I hear John pull up into the yard and I wait patiently for him to come inside. He’s dragging with him the most delicious looking little toy. She’s got long fire red hair big pouty lips and skin as pale as ivory. The second she saw me her big green eyes locked on to mine. Even through the gag I could hear her begging for me to help her. I could see the tears welling up in her eyes starting this drizzle down her face. John started laughing as the grabbed a big handful of her hair. He yanked her towards the table by her hair even picking her up off the ground. I liked seeing her dangle there is so much, I grabbed a cinderblock and stood it up under the main beam in the cabin. Then I threw a rope over that beam. John started to smile when he realized what I was doing. He held her up so her feet barely touch the cinderblock. And I threw the rope around her neck in stretched it nice and tight. I tied off the ropes that she had no slack at all. If she moved to much she would hang herself. I pulled out one of my big knives and started to cut her clothes off of her. John just sat back and watched the show. I could see exactly how turned on John was getting. So I looked at his new little fucked toy and told her “You know he is going to fuck you don’t you”. She started to squirm a little.  I left her stretched  there like a rubber band.  As I cut all of her clothes off of her. When she was completely naked you could see those fear goosebumps covering her entire body. I grabbed her nipples so tiny and pink and I pulled and twisted them as hard as I could, until they puckered up for me. I grabbed the nipple clamps and latched them down as tight and hard as I could. She jumped back so fast she fell off her cinderblock. She was swinging like a pinata.  John busted out laughing. We both sat there watching as she was kicking and screaming trying to get her feet back on the block. John picked up the bat and swung hard striking her right in her little ribs. She started swinging that can forth on the rope. Then John hit her again in her hips and then her legs. I loved watching her swinging back and forth. When she stopped kicking very hard I put the cinderblock under her. She stood up as she tried desperately to catch her breath. I walked up to her, looked her dead in the eyes and said “when you fall off the cinderblock, you get beat.” She shook her shaky head yes. I pulled up the big comfy chair for John. I picked up my littlest scalpel and asked John “are you ready to begin?”. He looked like a little one in a candy store as he shook his head yes. I turned back to look at the new little toy and I whispered into her ear “this is going to hurt very badly… If you fall off the cinderblock you get beat. If I have to start over because you get beat it will be so much worse for you.” then I took my little scalpel and started slowly cutting around her cute little pink nipples. John’s got this thing for blood. It really fucking turns him on. I had to tell John to slow down. We’re going to enjoy this little slut for days!

Take Your Punishment

Nothing pleases your Mistress more than seeing fresh meat like you bound and gagged and waiting for me to arrive for your torture session. You know better than to look into my eyes until I have given you that right, and you pass the first test.

Seeing you there, your arms bound above your head hanging from the ceiling, ropes around your chest and ankles get my pussy dripping wet in anticipation at what is in store for my new pet. I see your big thick cock harden and begin to throb when you see me all in black shiny latex and thigh high stiletto boots with a flogger in my hands.

I ask if you’re ready for your punishment, any you mumble yes Mistress. Mmm, very good slave. And then I proceed to whip your body all over with my intimidating leather flogger, you impress me with your strength and fortitude.

It makes me very happy and very wet when I see how hard you are trying to show your Mistress just how serious you are to show me your complete devotion and submission. I remove the ball gag and give you a deep passionate kiss and get onto my knees and ask if you would like your Mistress to tongue your throbbing hard dick that’s just dripping with sticky pre cum.

Oh and you beg and plead for me to, and I give you a little treat and slowly tongue your cock up and down and suck up all your delicious pre cum. You thank me over and over and I accept it but now the fun begins, and I proceed again. It’s going to be such a long night of extreme pleasure and pain, but I have that certain feeling about you and I can’t wait to prove myself right. Are you ready for more?


Sweet Little Pussy Lips

torture phonesex angieCastration is such a wonderfully fun procedure. I love it when I can use a dull, rusty blade and make pain so much more intense. I love when the wound gets infected and my newly castrated patient becomes weak with fever which is always followed by them becoming delirious. If course when most people think of castration,the instantly think of males. However I do not discriminate when it comes to administering pain to my victims and I am just as happy castrating young pussy as well. And today I have some sweet young bald pussy lips to remove. Slowly and carefully. No anesthesia is necessary. A nice sterile sharp scalpel is not required. All I need is this sweet young victim, tied to my table. Legs spread wide open with her eyes wide and full of fear. This nice dull knife that has so much rust on it you can’t tell it was ever silver. And this yearning deep in my pussy to draw blood and cause pain. My cunt tingles as I grab that pussy lip and pull it, placing the blade on the top part, pushing the blade into the skin the first drop of blood and the scream flow forth together and my cunt contracts in anticipation of the orgasm that will surely come. torture phonesex casteration