Category: Bondage phone sex

Tortured and raped by Terry

I wandering down some road, my thumb out for a ride to somewhere… Anywhere really. I didn’t care. I was out to explore. I’d had a few cars pass me by when I finally got lucky and one pulled over for me. Climbing in I was happy to see it was a woman. She looked decent enough and I was just glad it was not some creepy old dude. We chatted along the way, she told me her name was Terry. It was a nice ride and she invited me to stay with her and a friend for the night. I thought well why the hell not.  Taboo phone sex

She took me to this nice looking place that was down a long road into the woods. And he introduced me to a guy friend of hers. We ate and chatted. They were super nice. After dinner they brought out some drinks and a few drugs. By night fall I was a bit wasted and high, so when their moods changed, I didn’t notice at first. They said they wanted to show me something, so I followed them down into the basement.


It was there I learned their real intentions as they got me to lay down on an old bed and they strapped me too it. As they removed my clothes, I thought it was just going to become a sex thing. Well.. just not sex for me. Spread eagle and strapped down, the man came to me. He fucked me while Terry was messing with some kind of bag of tools. When she came back, she had something in a pocket and a knife in her hand.


“Let’s give you something warmer and wetter to fuck.” she told the man and then she shoved the knife right into my thigh. I screamed with pain, which seemed to delight the man as he moved from fucking my pussy, to slipping his cock into the hole Terry had made him. It hurt so fucking much. While I screamed, Terry came to me and held my head down as she grabbed the pliers she’d put in her pocket. “Isn’t this so much fun!” she said with a happy smile on her face. “I love new friends.” And then she put the pliers in my mouth, gripping a tooth and with some twisting, yanking and pulling, she started ripping my teeth from my skull, one by one.  “Can’t have you biting anyone now, can we?” Her eyes were alight with such joy.


All night she kept making new holes from the guy to fuck while rubbing her wet cunt all over my bleeding mouth. What kind of hell have I gotten myself into?Evil phone sex

The Gourmet’s Accomplice

accomplice phone sex I’d been watching the brunette for over a month. She was tall and muscular with a ponytail that bobbed when she ran. She should’ve known better than to run down by the swamps of Louisiana. It was a dangerous place, inhabited only by alligators, snakes, and drug dealers. I guess that little bottle of pepper spray that she carried gave her a false sense of security. Too bad that I would soon use it against her.
Rick and I had been friends for a while. We met at a gourmet cooking class in Baton Rouge. We discovered that we shared a taste for wild game and how to prepare it. It didn’t take long for him to share his special fetish with me. Rick had a craving for young, tender girl-flesh, cooked to a savory, smoky deliciousness on an open pit. And he had picked me to help him.
I eyed the brunette for a while, contemplating my move. She was young, firm, curvaceous, but slim. Her round bottom was evidence of her work-outs and she had a pair of tasty, muscular calves. She reminded me of one of the “perfect” girls in high school, the cute ones who wouldn’t give you the time of day. I hated her already. I could barely wait for our Barbie roast to begin.

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Rick waited in the car as the brunette swished past us. I fell in behind her, jogging at a leisurely pace. I was deciding to make my move when she bent to tie her shoe. I jumped on her, grabbing her pepper spray and giving it to her full-blast in her eyes. She screamed and I threw the burlap sack over her head, pulling the string tight. She fought me hard as I dragged her back to the car. We quickly stuffed her into the trunk and sped off, eager to begin our special feast.
Rickrick had this great commercial kitchen with oversized stainless steel appliances. His pantry was filled with every kind of seasoning and exotic spice. He even grew his own organic vegetables. He was more than stocked to prepare any type of cuisine. Today’s menu would be a feast of Cajun delights. cannibalism phone sex
I led her in and had her lie on the long steel table. It was more like a mortician’s slab than a table, really, in all of its sterile coldness. She was in shock and barely protested. I could smell her fear and it whetted my own appetite. I quickly snipped her clothes off with kitchen shears, revealing a Grade-A choice cut of flesh, all tanned and ready to roast. I ran my hands over her body and was pleased to find her pussy and legs freshly waxed. I would only need to shave her long locks.
Chef RickRick took over from there. He hung her head over the side of the table and quickly slit her throat, leaving her to bleed out into a washpan. Her heels drummed on the table as her lifeblood gushed from her. Her skin was deathly pale as her heart gave its final beat.
We had decided to just roast her whole in the indoor grill. I rubbed her body with coconut oil as he readied his special bourbon marinade. He began to snip off her toes and fingers for some Cajun-style chickenfoot soup. Next, he gutted her and gently pulled out her intestines for me to clean. I amused myself by looking at her poop to see what she had eaten. It looked like salad and cum!!! While I was doing that, Rickrick readied some rice and a piece of her liver to make some Cajun boudin. It’s a savory dish that is stuffed into intestine links. They would be returned to her carcass to simmer. He also placed her head into a pot of water to boil down into headcheese. Her lips, titty fat, and pussy lips would be deep fried into southern cracklings. Nothing would be wasted.
The grill was ready as we finished her seasoning. She looked very tasty, tightly trussed, under the coating of scallions, fresh garlic, cayenne pepper, and “Slap Ya Mama” Cajun seasoning. I had tucked a few garlic cloves and onions under each of her split breasts and her pussy was stuffed with large shelled shrimp. I’d also shoved carrots in her asshole to keep the juices from leaking out.  I could barely wait for the first bite. Neither could RickRick as his erect cock poked through his Chef’s apron. The final touch was a spurt of his “special sauce” for extra tenderness. Laissez les bons temps rouler.  (Let the good times roll!)

I poured us some wine as RickRick pulled her from the oven. She looked magnificent, all grilled to a toasty brown, crispy on the outside, moist on the inside. As he fed me the first bite, I almost orgasmed. It was so good. We both fell on the feast and fed like sharks in a feeding frenzy. Her fat dripped from our chins as we crammed chunks of girl-meat into our mouths. I was hooked.
Now I’m watching a fat chick who walks at the park. We plan to trap her and grind her into chili meat for the local chili cook-off. I’m sure our special recipe will win us the blue ribbon. Thank you, RickRick, for introducing me to the Joy of Cooking!!!

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Rump Roast!

Cannibalism phone sexI knew I had found the perfect piece of meat. I noticed her instantly. Those long legs strutting past me on the street. Her tiny little gray dress barley covering her round rump. So firm and full. I knew the second I saw her she was perfect for Rick. So fucking sexy! I followed her for awhile. Watching her strut. When it started to rain I knew I had the PERFECT excuse to talk to her! I told her I lived in the penthouse right across the street if she needed a dry place to wait out the rain. She seemed to hesitate. Perhaps she could feel what I have planned.

cannibalism phone sexSo I slipped off my 800.00 dollar pair of Dolce And Gannana pumps. I told her these things were KILLING my feet. Of course she had to say how sexy and perfect they are. I told her she could have them! I was done with my feet hurting. And actually… I do have a few more pairs she could have if she really wanted. Of course she really wanted! So she happily followed me to my house. I poured her a drink with a little extra in it! Just enough to make her complacent. She was putty in my hands. And I waited for Rick to arrive! I kept my self busy in the kitchen. Mixing up a fresh batch of Ex-virgin olive oil with just the right herbs. And I peeled and cored several apples. Then mashed them into some real butter. A nice marinade! Rick arrived just in time! I helped slip it’s gray dress right off so Rick could wash it down. He scrubbed her clean. I pulled out my biggest roasting pan. And Rick and I placed our guest in the pot. I let Rick rub every inch of her body down with the olive oil. And then Rick packed the apple butter into our guest pussy and ass. I even held her mouth open and force feed her the remainder of the butter. Rick and I slid her into the industrial over and watched as her skin started to glow. She shimmered in the heat. The smell of the slowly simmering meat was delicious! And the look on her face was divine, as her skin tightened up and browned. She was slowly cooking to death. I could hear her moans and whimpers as the time passed. It really was sexy! I could barely wait for the finally! But finally you could see her skin get almost see threw. You could see the bubbling juices rolling under her crisp skin, letting you know that she was finally done! Of course Rick went right for a piece of rump roast. She was so juicy when he cut into her delicious meat her juices squirted out! She melted in our mouths! Mmmmmm I do love a good rump roast!

Cannibalism phone sex

The Dinner Party

Taboo phone sex

There is nothing worse than going to the store and not finding what you want. I found the perfect vegetables, even the best golden and red potatoes. Then I was disappointed looking for the perfect kind of meat. Everything looked over processed and old.  Nothing seemed to reach out and grab me. I was having friends over for a dinner party to meet my new partner in crime. While I was searching through the meat department I saw the perfect rump roast. It was juicy and looked so tender. I could roast it in my oven, and watch the meat turn to a beautiful golden brown. She was underage and just perfect. If I could catch her off guard and take her home I knew my new friend would approve of her. He is a fantastic chef, he could make anything taste so fucking good.

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I wanted to impress him. I wanted to make something where the meat would melt in his mouth. I wanted his cock to get hard slicing into her golden brown skin.  I followed her to the same check out line, had some small chat with her. I thought I lost her as I walked out to my car. I saw her waiting at the bus stop, I didn’t want her to burn her beautiful white skin in this Vegas heat. I pulled up next to her and offered her a ride. Young girls are so trusting with another female. She got in the car and I started to drive, with all the construction going on it is easy to get lost. I pulled the car over and reached in the back seat “looking” for my phone. I grabbed my rag that was soaked in chloroform and covered her face. I don’t want any added stress to the meat, it makes it stringy and nasty. After I got her home and got her into the bath tub. I got right to work, washing her body and shaving every inch of her. After I had her all cleaned up I filled the bath tub full of a brine.

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I wanted her to soak int here to get her nice and tender. As I was getting the veggies ready I heard her wake up. She was trying to scream, and trying to get out of the bathtub. Poor sweet angle, her eyes were red from her crying. I helped her up, pat dried every inch of her body off. She tried to get away but I had her tied up really well. I started to explain to her what was going on. “You see sweetie, I could not find the right kind of meat at the store. Then I saw you, and you look Delicious. I knew you would taste so yummy.” She tried to scream again. I shoved a onion in her mouth to stop her from screaming. I grabbed the olive oil and started rubbing her down with it. Rubbing her breast and ass cheeks. My fingers even slipped inside her tight cunt, making sure she would stay nice and juicy. I grabbed some spices and covered her oiled body. I even stuffed her pussy with some veggies.

Cannibalism phone sex

I kept telling her how good she is going to taste, how full she is going to make us but that didn’t seem to make her feel any better. I wanted to roast her in the oven so I could check on her as she cooked. Make sure she wasn’t drying out in some spots. I knew I was going to impress my new friend. I knew he was really going to enjoy her. Every bite was going to leave him wanting more. I am sure next time he is going to want to go shopping with me. We can prepare our next meal together, even play with her before we eat her. I can not wait for him to walk in the door and smell her cooking. His mouth is going to water as soon as he walks in the door.  

Torture Sex to Make Her Scream

torture phone sexMaster loves to hear me scream. My pain is his pleasure. I have no clue what my latest offense was to him, but he pulled me out of bed. Dragged me across the carpets leaving rug burns all over my body. He strung me up to my shower rod, stripped what little clothing I had on off. He flicked his cigarette ashes on me to hear me whimper. He whipped me with a leather belt that had a huge belt buckle to hear me scream. He put hat pins through my nipples and clit to hear me scream louder. The entire time he was abusing my body, his cock was out of his pants and hard as a rock.

taboo phon sex funThe louder I screamed, the harder he got. Of course he had to take the abuse to a higher level. Master is always pushing my limits; attempting to find a higher level of pain that will make be scream louder than before. Every time he does this, I think there is nothing else he can do short of killing me that could make me scream louder than the last time. And every time I am wrong. Master held before my eyes a long sharp needle. At first I thought he was going to pierce my clit or my labia, even my nipples with it. In hindsight, I wished he had. He used a spreader bar to keep my legs apart. He then slowly inserted the needle into my pee hole. Not my pussy, but my urethra. The pain was worse than anything I had ever felt. I screamed bloody murder right before I passed out from the pain.

snuff pornI woke up still hanging from my shower rod. A metal instrument in my urethra. Bloodied and bruised pussy mound. Pins through each nipple and clit. And cum all over my face. Master nowhere in sight. I served my purpose as his torture sex doll. I know he will be back. He cannot get enough of my blood curling screams of pain.

Faded Hope

I couldn’t believe my luck. I had finally freed myself from my captors. First place I went was home.. Home sweet home. I showered for the first time in who knows how long and put on clean clothes. But that was then I learned that I had missed the death of my father. There was a note on the counter in the kitchen about his funeral. Putting on shoes, I headed out to the graveyard. It was just getting dark, but I needed to see it.. my father’s grave. The dirt in front of the new headstone was still dark a fresh. I felt the tears burning down my cheeks as I had missed the last days my father was living. He’d never know how his sweet girl had been taken and raped and tortured.

I was about to turn and head back when something hard hit me in the back of the head, sending me sprawling forward into the fresh churned earth. I groaned as I was seeing spots in my vision. Then I felt hands on me… their hands. My captors had found me. “Time to teach you a lesson my dear..” one of them laughed as they used a knife to cut away my clothing. They were not gentle as the blade sliced into flesh a few times.

My hands dug into the ground as they started forcing their cocks into me, one after the other they used my body. I screamed and clawed at the earth but no one way around. I only had the dead to hear me. Then one of them grabbed my hand and using a ground spike, he forced it through my hand. I cried and screamed, but he just went to the next. When he was done, I was pinned like an X above my father’s fresh grave. They beat me, used the knife to cut my soft flesh and as most of them jizzed on me one more time, the oldest slit my wrists. They left me cold and mostly naked, bleeding to death above my father. I was so happy when I felt the darkness taking me.Snuff phone sex

Dinner Party

Taboo phone sex

I saw Taylor selling her body on the street. Poor little dirty Taylor. I drove up to her, asked her how much for 4 hours. She seemed shocked but she told me $400. I pulled the money out and told her to get in. As we drove to my house I explained to her I wasn’t buying her for sex. I had been in her shoes before and I know how good it feels to have a bath and a bed to sleep in. The poor girl started crying right there in the car. I told her not to worry. When we pulled up she kept asking me if I was sure. I smiled and said yes, The entire way home I thought of a great dinner to make while she got cleaned up. I showed her to the bathroom and gave her a razor and some clothes. I told her to clean up good. As she walked out of the bathroom The house was smelling so good! I had all the food prepped and ready to be put in the oven except for my meat. Taylor walks up and checks out what I made. “Oh my gosh Ivy, this all looks so good! There is so much food who is this all for?”  I looked at her as I held the hammer in my hand behind my back. “It’s for me and a friend to enjoy.” I slammed the hammer into her head.

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She woke up as I was shaving her head bald. She started screaming. “Oh Taylor stop screaming, you are giving me a headache! Besides I need to get your prepped. My friend will be here soon and he liked to play with his food before we cook you.” Her eyes were wide, “Yes honey, I am going to cook you. I am going to spread this oil all over your body, season you to perfection and even play with you before I shut the oven door on you. I want to watch your skin tun golden brown. Then I’ll slice you up and eat your body!” Oh We are going to enjoy our dinner. I hope my guest shows up soon, I am starving! 

Cannibalism phone sex

2 Girl Phone Sex Fun: Never Underestimate an Old Subby Bitch

2 girl phone sex tortureHis instructions were clear. Find a young bitch for me to play with as you are getting old and boring. I have been with this particular guy for over a decade. I’m older now, and he wants a young new model to torture and abuse. Taboo phone sex has always been his thing. Snuff, torture, BDSM, young girls, force fucking, forced intoxication….. all things he loves, all things with me he has grown bored doing. Suddenly I went from victim to accomplice. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but I knew I had to find him a young teen girl fast or he might kill me since he had decided I am no longer worthy to be his fuck pig slave.

I saw Taylor at the mall. A cute barely legal little whore. I was like her once. A young cute bitch eager to please men, willing to do anything for their attention. I told her about this rave my friend was having; showed her his picture and soon she was back at my place where I over powered the whore and chained her to the couch as a present for him. Taylor tried to get away, but could not break the chains or wiggle her tiny frame out of the shackles. I felt oddly dominant. Seeing her strung out scrawny ass tied up to the couch like that made me want to hurt her. I think I was jealous. I knew where he kept his torture tools. I came back with a riding crop and a whip and started smacking the whore around. She screamed and yelled. Even called me names, which made me strike her harder. I wanted to ugly up his new teen whore. Maybe if he saw a damaged slut he would realize how valuable I still could be to him.

domination phone sexMaster came busting through the door and punched me square in the mouth. He then kicked me repeatedly until I was in fetal position. He went over to check out Taylor to make sure I had not hurt his new pig. I didn’t see what the big deal was; I mean I picked her out, not like he knew her or anything. I just wanted to have a little fun with her too. He dragged me down into his dungeon and whipped me so bad, my skin broke. He tossed me on the floor. “You belong in the gutter you worthless pig,” he yelled as he started pissing on me. Kicked me some more, then strung me upside down and skull fucked my mouth. After he shot a load down my throat so forcefully that I puked, he cut me down and used me as a punching bag some more. He made it clear to me that Taylor was his new bitch, and I was a worthless whore.

What I did not see coming was that he would let Taylor use me. He freed her and ordered her to get some payback. The little bitch kicked and bit me, even scratched me. She called me an old bitch that should be put out to pasture. I ended up in a cat fight with a bitch half my age over a Master I should have been grateful was cutting me lose. Stockholm Syndrome perhaps, but I fought that bitch hard for him. In fact, I ended up snapping her little boney neck and killing his new pet instantly. Honestly, I didn’t know I had that kind of rage or strength in me. I guess the thought of being traded in for a younger model didn’t sit well with me. But my jealous rage and willingness to kill the competition made me his top bitch again. Oh no, what did I just do.

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Used and Abused

I don’t know how long I was out, but hearing their cruel laughter in my ears made me want to return to that silent darkness. But my body was waking and I was becoming aware of what was around me. My hands were shackled and strung up before me while I could feel my legs had been strapped to a spreader bar. I was naked with my ass out. I could hear growls and it made my bare skin shiver. The first thing I felt was a cold wet nose, then a long tongue licking at my exposed and vulnerable pussy lips. “Please!” I begged, “please don’t do this!” I knew my please would fall on deaf ears. After all they had done to me… I was a source of entertainment, nothing more. I screamed as the large furred beast mounted me. His long thick cock slid into me while his claws dug into my shoulders, holding himself on me as his hips started moving. The pain and the fear swept through me as he growled right next to my ear. Inside I felt a knot starting to form, pulling and tugging at my insides. Just as the pain was getting to the point I was seeing spots, the creature found his release. A mouth of fangs bit down on my shoulder as hot seed filled my womb. I screamed then and as soon as he let my shoulder go, I slumped to the ground, a sobbing bloody mess. Darkness reclaimed me as I felt the beast pulling painfully with his knot still stretched within me.Bloody phone sex

Home Invasion Phone Sex Nightmare

home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex was pure fantasy for me until recently. I was asleep soundly, during a summer storm. I sleep right through thunder and lightning. I didn’t even realize that the power was out until a hand was over my mouth. I thought it was one of my Master’s needing some perverse force fuck session, but I quickly realized I had no clue who this man was; I had never seen him before, but he seemed to know me. I am a submissive whore, but I didn’t know how to act with a total stranger. I tried to fight him as he restrained me to my bed. He punched me in the face then used my tits as punching bags.

He shoved my panties in my mouth, then helped himself to my goodie drawer. He showed a dildo up my ass while he punched my “worthless tits” repeatedly until they were black and blue. I was trying not to cry, but I was scared. I had no safe word with this guy. This was not some master and servant game, but an act of random violence. When he forced his cock into my pussy, he put his hands on my throat to choke me. I felt light headed. I started trembling. As he penetrated me bare back, I had fears of pregnancy and STDS. I begged for him not to cum in me, but he insisted he wanted to leave a present in my belly to remember him by.

rape phone sex fantasiesAs he talked about impregnating me, it was obvious this attack was not so random. He knew I was ovulating. He knew my monthly schedule. He knew I was not on any oral contraceptive. He left me tied to my bed while he force fucked me for hours.”I left 4 loads of baby batter in your whore cunt, bitch. I know you will have a permanent reminder of me in 9 months,” he said. I told myself if I ended up pregnant, I could terminate the pregnancy. “Oh bitch, don’t even think of aborting my seed. I will be watching you and if you even think of an abortion, I will gut you like a pig and rip the spawn right out of your whore belly,” he seethed as he carved a W in my belly for whore.

He punched me some more, which got him hard enough to dump another load of batter inside me. He left me tied to the bed. I laid there for almost 24 hours, covered in blood and piss until my friend came looking for me and rescued me. As she helped me into the bathroom to clean up, we saw the note written in my blood on the mirror, “Tell a soul and you die.”