Category: Bondage phone sex

Hell Has Arrived

I could feel blood oozing from the 8 gashes he’d left on my body, never in the same place. I peeked one eye open just in time to see him taking the pipe back from Brandy. I took a deep breath, because I knew this next bit would be what would get the screams he was looking for. I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared myself as best I could in the few seconds between that time and the time I heard the pipe slice through the air, landing hard on the fleshy area between my rib cage and my hip on the left side. I shrieked with the pain of that pipe slamming into my innards. He swung it again quickly, striking the other side in about the same place. He hit both sides once more each, then swung lower and hit my hips on each side, then my thighs, drawing stronger screams with each blow.mutilation phone sex

When he finally stopped, I was heaving tearful wails, struggling to catch my breath. After a minute or 2, I realized nothing else had happened in a while, and I finally mustered up my courage to glance in his direction. He was moving closer, but the smile plastered on his face was ferociously scary. I noticed the pipe was still in his hand, and my worries doubled. My heart started racing faster, and I could literally feel the sweat start to pour from my skin. When he got just in front of me, he took that pipe, and he shoved it into my pussy until it hit bottom, then shoved more, almost like he was trying to force that pipe up through my body from my cervix. I screamed and thrashed, but that only made it worse, so I tried my best to be still and just endure it. He pulled it mostly back out, then pounded it deeper into my pussy, shoving harder. After what felt like another 5 minutes of that insistent, drilling pressure in my pussy, I felt it leave me.evil phone sex

I should have been prepared for it, but I wasn’t. Almost immediately after that was removed from my pussy, I felt it rammed into my ass, and I swear it felt like it went straight up my spine and into my neck, so forceful was his hand. I screamed in frustration and I cried. I looked pleadingly at Brandy, and she mouthed an apology for the pain I was going through, but gave me a thumbs up for taking it like a champ.


My Truck Driver

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If you follow my blogs, you know that what really gets me off are rape fantasies. I like to be taken by surprise and manhandled. So, when I went hitchhiking across town the other day, I was secretly hopeful that I would be picked up by a horny guy who was going to have his way with me. When the 18 wheeler stopped for me, I was a bit nervous, but I got in. I was wet and horny and got just what I wanted. This super hot guy just winked at me and asked where I was going. I replied that I was hoping to run into a guy that wouldn’t mind fulfilling a rape fantasy. He cocked his head to the side and grinned and I knew that it was on.

He pulled into the next truck stop and gave me just what I’d been waiting for, his long throbbing cock filled my pussy and ass with loads of cum. He took it rough and left me bruised, but I’ve never felt better.

Call Me

Want some nasty snuff phone sex? You came to the right place, and I think your in luck. I haven’t recently got a call from anyone that is as fucking twisted and demonic as me. I have had a few vanilla snuff calls but I miss the blood smearing, people eating, raping calls. Those are the calls that get this tiny cunt wet. I want you to fucking cut off pieces of my beautiful skin and fry them up right in front of me and feed them to me. Make me pay for being the nasty skank I am. I am on my knees begging for you to call and put me in my fucking place. I want a real twisted fucked up person just like me to tell me how they would mutilate me.Snuff phone sex

Storm Chasing and Fucking

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I decided to take a night off from fucking stiffs at the morgue and revel on one of my other hobbies, storm chasing. My friend, Rob and I will go out on occasion when there is a storm in the area, so when he called I thought it was just what I needed. When chasing a tornado, the adrenaline that fills my body is pretty intense. That’s putting it lightly.

So, when we got close enough and were running parallel to a huge tornado, my heart was racing. Rob’s too, I knew when he looked at me with those huge eyes that he was tapped out in adrenaline and feeling the rush. We stopped for pictures and took many. As the storm bore down on a small town, I wondered how many new friends I’d have at the morgue as a result. Suddenly, my pussy was tingling and very wet.

I grabbed Rob’s thigh, then began stroking his cock and unzipped his pants. “Are you fucking crazy?,” he asked. “We cant be doing anything with the storm so close!” But, his cock was rock hard and I wanted to fuck it, right then! So, I hiked up my skirt and climbed into his lap. Sitting down on his cock, I could see the tornado turning towards us. This only made my pussy wetter and we fucked fast and furiously. He started up the truck and tried his best to drive as I bounced up and down on his cock. We barely outran the storm and it was so fucking exciting!

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A Hell This Way Comes

I had an amazing day Sunday. Brandy, a friend of mine from, called me up and asked me to help her out with a caller. I agreed, because she’s a slammin’ hottie who can fuck like nothing. We usually have a good time.sadistic phone sex

This time, she tied me up immediately upon my agreement, and then hung me from a hook in her ceiling that I hadn’t really noticed before. Then, he walked in. I recognized him from a few of my own chats. My blood froze in my veins. The metal pipe in his hands did nothing to help matters, and my breath caught. I literally couldn’t breathe for several seconds. Brandy looked me in the eyes and promised she’d take care of me after we were done, and thanked me for helping her out. My eyes pleaded with her to let me out of this, but she winked at me and stepped to the side, out of my line of vision. rape phone sex fantasies

When she returned, she was carrying a whip in one hand and a knife in the other. He walked over to her and traded the pipe out for the whip. I closed my eyes and waited. I could literally hear the sound of the whip as it slashed through the air just seconds before I heard and felt the crack of it against my skin. It hit my left breast, gashing it, and I hissed in pain. The whip slashed through the air 7 more times as I gritted my teeth and hummed and grunted with the pain. I knew he enjoyed screams, and I wasn’t ready to grant him that pleasure. When he finally struck that 8th blow, and I heard him sigh, I knew he’d given up on the whip.


Strangulation Phone Sex

strangulation phone sexStrangulation phone sex? I was at this fetish club last weekend that was supposedly safe. The guys were screened I was told. I was in this room with a guy. I told him I was into erotic asphyxiation and pain. We agreed on safe words, but he ignored them and strangled me while fucking my ass until I passed out. He would slap my face really hard to snap me back out of it, then just do it again. I tried screaming for help, but I couldn’t get much out. Legitimate bondage and BDSM clubs don’t allow certain things. Body fluids can’t be exchanged like cum, piss, shit and blood. And no hurting the submissive whores permanently. What we do outside the club, they don’t give a fuck about. This was supposedly an upscale fetish club with clients well screened. This guy was trying to strangle me to death and make me star in his ass rape porn. After about the 5th time that I passed out, I guess I didn’t wake up as easily. What woke me up was piss in the mouth. He was inches from my face, so I bit his balls. I was afraid this guy was going to kill me. He punched me in the face so hard I think he broke my nose. I was choking on my blood. He was violating every rule they had in this club. I managed to get to the door in our struggle and yell for help. Several big burly security guards came to my aid, or so I thought. They looked at the room for a second, then me. In that look I knew I was in trouble. “Someone is being a bad whore,” one them said as the other two rushed me. They pinned me on the floor and took turns force fucking me, while my original master of the hour jacked off on my face. After they all sodomized me, they let me go and told me I was no longer welcome in their club.

Ass Rape Porn Mommy

ass rape pornDo you like ass rape porn videos?  I’m an anal sex whore, but sometimes I’m not a willing participant in my anal torture. This weekend I went camping with my boys. We rented a cabin in the woods. I don’t do tents, but the boys have been begging to go camping so this was it. My husband was set to go with us of course, but he got called to work at the last minute. The first night we were there we met some nice men fishing. They helped my boys hook some fish. I won’t touch a worm. Later that night, those nice boys showed up at the cabin with beer wanting to hang out. I should have known then something was off. But, I didn’t want to be rude so I invited them in. Everything was fine until I excused myself to the bathroom. I returned to find my boys tied up. Our fishing buddies rushed me, grabbed my red hair and dragged me to the bedroom. I heard my boys crying and screaming for me. One of the men tied me to the bed, but not spread eagle. My lower body was pulled over my head like I was a contortionist. It was so painful, but it exposed my ass and cunt perfectly for my assailants. One of the other guys ushered in my sons and made them watch as I got force fucked. They were laughing as they tore my holes up. They mocked my boys for being helpless and unable to help their whore mommy. I was laying there, tied up, contorted, with cum oozing out of my gaping asshole, when I heard one of my attackers say, “look those boys have chubbies.” My own sons were hard watching me get violated. That was the worst injury. The leader of the wolf pack untied my boys so they could fuck me too. My own sons contributed to my attack. The entire weekend I stayed tied up to be used and abused. I wanted to bond with my sons on our getaway. I guess I did. Just not the way I envisioned.

Fucked to Death by BBC

sadistic phone sexYou wouldn’t think a woman my age could be this horny. I mean, most proper ladies settle down to crochet and raise grandbrats. And here I am still wanting every cock I see. I got in a little over my head this weekend while being a druggy slut. I picked up this black guy at the club and followed him home. He said he had some good drugs. What he forgot to tell me was that he lived in a halfway house with 6 other guys on parole or were recovering addicts. We were making out on the couch and I was sucking his big black cock. It was at least a foot long and my pussy could barely wait to be stuffed full of nigger meat. I felt hands on my back as one of the other guys approached me from behind, rubbing his thick shaft against my wet cunt. And then another pressed his fuck stick against my tits. I could hear them all jerking off, the sound of skin on skin as horny bodies pressed against me. “Fuck me, please.” I moaned and they all rushed in, eager to stick cocks in every hole. One by one, they took turns pounding my pussy and my shithole, often two at a time. Then it got all crazy. They were fighting over my holes. One ripped a chunk of hair from my scalp. I screamed out to the man above. That made them laugh, hearing a slut like me trying to get all religious. Another pulled a knife, holding it to my throat as he forced his cock deeper, making me gasp for air. Suddenly, he slashed me and I felt the blood spurt. They were like sharks in a feeding frenzy, fucking me and beating me with their fists as I gurgled my last breath. Even in death, as my carcass chilled, they used me like a blow up doll, filling every hole until they all overflowed.

Tentacle Whore

Snuff phone sex I meet this really creepy fucking sexy guy at the bar. He bought me drinks and flirted with me, and asked if I wanted to come home with him. It did not really seem like I had a choice because I started to feel really cloudy like he drugged me. I started to stumble to the bathroom and I could see his shadow following behind me. When we got in the bathroom he drug me out the window into his car and tied my hands and feet together and put me in the trunk. When we got to what I pictured was his house he through me downstairs to his basement. He made me but a cowboy hat and boots on and he has this machine that had tentacles all over it. When he turned it on it would rotate and put the tentacles inside me so deep over and over again. I couldn’t tell when it was going to be over but I didn’t mind it after all.

Castration Phone Sex Fever

castration phone sexCastration phone sex follows full moon fever. Men want my junk removal services in far higher numbers after a full moon. There is something about a lunar eclipse that makes people crazy. The term lunatic is centuries old and was coined after people started exhibiting crazy behavior following the lunar cycles. I don’t know if I believe the moon makes people crazy. I think it is just an excuse to act on your darker desires. You can later say, “the moon made me do it.” But, following every full moon, I see an increase in junk removal calls and personal requests to castrate men who know I will do it for them. So last full moon was Aug 18. The very next day, I was flooded with not only castration calls, but 23 personal requests for  junk removal. That was a record in one day. Did I do it you ask? Hell yes. Not only does it make my cunt wet to cut off some loser’s testicles, but I make them pay for the honor of my time. I’m doing all the work. I’m taking all the risk because the stupid law says a man cannot consent to castration. It is viewed as mutilation to the body and no one can legally consent to that. I know. Stupid laws.

snuff porn There are plenty of wise men who know they don’t deserve balls; they are just total chicken shits and can’t do it themselves. I have a castration chair and all the tools necessary to take your balls and prevent you from bleeding out. Most of the time, I prevent you from bleeding out. But one of my 23 full moon fever guys may have not survived. Consider this a warning. If you pay me to take your junk, there is no wiggle room to back out. If you are strapped to the chair already, you are losing your nuts.  And, don’t say you are going to turn me into the cops. Well don’t say it unless you want to lose your junk and star in a snuff porn too. So who needs junk removal today?