Category: Bloody phone sex

Castration Phone Sex with Sadistic Bitch Venus

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is among the most fun a sick bitch like me can have. I remove junk for all sorts of reasons. My parents and grandfather did not raise me to roll over for any man who looks at me twice. Just the opposite. They raised me to be an independent woman who does not need the attention or support of any man. I have no time for the kind of men my family warned me about. As I age, I realize the group of self-entitled men who think women are just props for them has grown, not dwindled. I am evening the score. Avenging women who are not as strong and independent as me. I get wind of where predators hang out and I dupe them. I do not look like the type who attracts the shallow men looking to explore their rape phone sex fantasies, but I am a chameleon with my looks. I dress up, don a blonde wig and act dumb and unsuspecting and the predators flock to me. At this hotel bar, the predator was the bartender. He has been spiking the drinks of women staying at the hotel alone and getting their room numbers when they bill a nightcap to their room. He has a master key of some sort and comes into their room once the roofie kicks in. You cannot outsmart this sadistic bitch. I was waiting for the pervert with my big knife. When he crawled into my hotel bed, I sprayed him with mace and handcuffed him to the bed. As I suspected, a little dick no one would miss but him. Why is it that I can count on the sexual predators of the world to have shrimp dicks? I thought about the torture sex pleasure I would get if I took his stump of a cock too, but I opted for just his worthless nuggets. This way he will never get an erection again. That means his days of forcing his pathetic nub on women are gone.  Another predator bites the dust.

My Favorite Accomplice Game!

Accomplice Phone Sex What makes me the best accomplice for your violent fantasies? I have a real lust for torture! Not just bringing pain and misery by slow physical pain, I love the long game of emotional torture as well. One of my favorite games to play is where I make friends with a much younger girl of your choosing. I bump into her, we start talking and boom, we bond and a friendship forms… I learn all her little secrets, gain her trust and even get her to start doing little things I tell her to do, like wearing sexy panties and smoking pot. Once you decide the time is right, we kidnap her together and bring her to our torture chamber. When she realizes she is going to be our victim and it was her new bestie who set it all up… the betrayal is almost as sweet as the kill! Almost…

Killing Lust: The Hunt

Home Invasion Phone Sex

The dark urge struck me the other night as it does when I can’t keep the boredom at bay. With only one corpse on hand at work, and just a boring one at that it was bound to happen. I stared at my utensils for what felt like hours imagining myself taking the tools and cutting them into flesh. Warm fresh flesh, where the blood flows freely and doesn’t dribble out slowly like black goo. I want the warm rich red liquid that replenishes itself as much as it can. Unable to shake the image, I started thinking of the woman I met at the last wake held upstairs. Runs a rug cleaning business out of her home, and it just so happens she gave me her business card. 

Seems like a silly thing to openly put your address on a business card, but it’s also in poor taste to be self-promoting at someone’s wake. Two mistakes she will be regretting very soon. As I turned off my cell and pulled out a local map. I’m not a rookie, I know not to leave a technology trail even if it means taking a few extra steps. I mapped out a route to her house, finished up my work for the evening, and set the course. Parking in the dark shade of trees in a good line of vision to watch her place. Observing her behaviors, and much to my delight confirmed my suspicions that she does live alone. I will keep watch on and off at night, this is not something I ever rush. But I do assure you by this time next week, she will be dead. *Grins*

Evil phone sex slut Stephanie

evil phone sex

I have the wildest fantasy about a sexy, muscular guy holding me against my will and torturing me for hours. In this evil phone sex fantasy, you would tease my tight pussy before force fucking my ass with your giant, spiked club. I can feel it ripping me open and destroying me but the way you tease my clit has me moaning between screams. I’m so terrified but at the same time extremely horny. All I can think about it how wet I am and much I want you to fuck me before you snuff me out! I can feel that club being slammed deep in my ass, all the way up into my ribs but my cunt keeps getting more and more wet. I hope the last thing I feel in this world is my wet pussy throbbing around your fat dick while you strangle me. I black out right as you ram your cock in me. As I fade away forever, I can feel you fucking the corpse you created and punishing me for things I’ve never done. Then just like that, my phone rings and I’m back to reality with soaked panties and a craving no average man can satisfy. I hope it’s you calling me…


Snuff Porn Saturday Nights with a Sadistic Bitch

snuff pornSaturday nights are for snuff porn. Well, with me, any night is. I will kill anyone any night of the week. But Saturday nights are prime hunting nights. Now that colleges are back in session, you can count on some annoying drunk coeds to piss me off enough that I must kill them. It is really community service when you think about it. I hate cock teases and there are no better cock teases than coeds. I was not in the mood to be fucked with last night. But this one blonde sorority cunt was all up in my face in a Goth bar. She did not belong. She was drunk and stumbled in trying to get guys to buy her booze. She was being a drunk bitch and the guys in the club were not into sorority girls. She assumed I was gay and was like you can buy me drinks and I will let you eat my pussy. Nope. I was not having anything to do with her and it was pissing her off. When she got in my face and told me I should be so lucky to eat her pussy, I had killer phone sex impulses right then. I kept my shit together until closing time. I followed her drunk ass until she stumbled into the park trying to cut through to the nearby campus was my guess. I had my knife with me because I always have it with me. I could make it look like a sexual assault or a robbery. I shanked the bitch. I made it quick because I did not plan this one out well enough to torture her for hours. I stabbed her in the right place to kill her with a slow bleed out. She fell to the ground paralyzed from the pain and bled out. I took her purse to make it look like a robbery. It was all over the news this morning, but it will just be another random act of violence to go unsolved. Nothing random about snuff sex for me. I kill the bitches who deserve to die.

Torture and Rape phone sex fantasies

 Bloody phone sex

That stupid teen whore shouldn’t have been wearing that skank outfit anyway! She wants to play victim but that bitch provoked him! Me and one of my favorite men went to the amusement park over the weekend and some skank slut prancing around in a pair of coochie cutter shorts and nearly a bra in public came throwing herself around. We were sitting there minding our business…

I mean of course all of the littles running around may have been a bit arousing in more ways than one but we promised one another it would just be a date night and we had no intent on harming anyone. Of course, some worthless whore bag had to get in the way of our Sunday cleansing! She wouldn’t stop! She had caked up makeup and was sucking on a lollipop…

my pussy was pulsing and his cock was rock hard. Screw it fuck the promise… I couldn’t help it! I knew how bad he wanted her… I hemmed that bitch up by her dyed hair and dragged her into a portable potty. We raped that bitch and had her disgusting head shoved in the toilet. “Eat shit bitch!” I chanted as he rammed his cock in and out of her dirty teen cunt!

I took my belt off and whooped that worthless bitches ass! She got what she deserved what her mom should have done instead of allowing her to leave the house dressed like a fucking street walker! He shot a hot load of cum deep in her slit. We had to have her dragged back to his pick up truck… No way in hell was I letting her get away!

Now, she’s in my basement and has been screaming for hours. “Let me out of here!” The only way she’s getting out is in a body bag!

So Sick Of Suffocation

Suffocation phone sex


I’ve got a couple of clients who love choking bitches out with a breathtaking round of suffocation phone sex, so I did what I do best and kidnapped some dumb cunt so they could have a little fun and I could make a little coin.  This shit’s getting too easy, I’m going to have to find a challenge for myself soon or else I’m going to go ballistic.  They love it, I mean just look at them.  They’re going at her like she’s the last steak on the buffet, but I’m just feeling pretty blah about it.

Yeah, sure the money’s great in snatching up a slut and selling strangle sessions to all of the sick and sadistic sex addicts that run in my circles, but it’s just getting to be so simple that it’s kind of boring me, now.  Stalk and creep on a fine fuck pig, hogtie her and throw her in the van, unload her dumb ass and dump her in my dungeon, call the crew, take their cash and let them get at it.

Of course I keep an eye on things while I go at my gash, but the thrill isn’t the same for me anymore.  Like watching a porn too many times, seeing a couple of hooded hornballs strangle and suffocate some random slut just isn’t doing it for my lady boner, these days.  I don’t know, I think I need to crank it up a notch.  Yeah, I’m going to have to just go in there and take things into my own hands.  I’m not giving any refunds, though.  Fuck that.

Am I going soft?  Do I actually feel bad for the bitch?  They cut off all her air, she doesn’t even know that dude’s big donkey dick is inside of her or see the other guy jerking off in her hair.  I don’t feel bad, she got herself into this position by not being careful.  I don’t feel anything.  Except for boredom.  The only thing that’ll get rid of this feeling is a bloodbath.  I just so happen to have three meat pumps ready to give me exactly what I need.  Like I said, no refunds.


Sex Slave On My Slab

Snuff sex

So many people have layers which I know has been said before, but no one has more layers than the dead. Yet they are also the easiest to pull back their layers to find out just what kind of secrets they harbored. For example, this lovely blonde specimen on my slab right now came in a few hours ago. Cause of death trauma to the brain, been dead for about twelve hours now so it was time for me to begin the cleaning process. Which is when I notice all the strange bruising in some odd places. Tiny areas of small-degree burns along her backside, and her thighs. As I continued to investigate these familiar markings it dawned on me. That little blondie belonged to someone, not just related to but she was regularly giving her body to be used. The love marks of a sex slave were all over her. To the untrained eye one would think she was strangely accident prone or being lightly abused but no….I see someone was a good girl. Repeatedly so, and judging by the swelling still left between her legs it was maybe just a day ago since she was being someone’s little slut on her knees. Such a shame, good sex slaves are so hard to find.

Snuff Movies Need a Young Whore of Your Choosing

snuff moviesDo you have some one you think should be in snuff movies? I sure do hope so. I can find little starlets on my own, but I have no personal connection to them, so part of the luster in it all is lost on me. I still get a thrill from the kill, but if you have a daughter, a niece, a girlfriend’s Lolita cock tease to snuff out it is more fun. Plus, it makes for a better film. I took an ad out a few weeks ago in this mercenary underground magazine. I said I was looking to make a realistic snuff flick with a young girl but wanted them to provide the young girl. I was not charging money this time. If I must supply the victim for the snuff porn, I charge a price. If I just want to make a movie and have some fun, you can bring the girl and we kill her together. That is like foreplay, not work. Did I mention that I am a sick bitch who enjoys killing young girls. They bleed a crimson red at a certain age, plus that is the sweetest tasting blood. I get why vampires like young blood. Sweeter and stickier. I found a guy with a brat problem. He knocked up his girlfriend’s teen daughter. Now the girl was blackmailing him. I agreed he should not have to go to prison for fucking some willing cock tease. He was weak, but she was dumb. I was happy to kill her with his help. I love dissecting preggo whores too. Like this world needs more brats who cannot pay their way. She was not very far along, so that was disappointing, but we mutilated the fuck out of her tiny holes. He fucked her some more since it was the last time he would see her. It was a teen rape porn and a snuff film. I gutted her like a pig in the end, and I was feeling extra sadistic, so we fucked in her entrails that had spilled out onto the floor. Warm blood is very erotic. Another dumb whore for the books.

Evil phone sex is an understatement with me

Evil phone sexEvil phone sex is an understatement with me! I love to torture and use little pretty tight things! Things that don’t even understand what we are doing or why. The ones that are so naive that they beg and cry for mercy not knowing this is the place they die! It is always good to have a partner that has the same interests as me. One that will pick out the perfect treat for us to feast on!

I get so wet at torturing these tiny whores. They were the dumb ones who trusted me and will now feed our deprived needs! I want to rip that pretty pink hole open and make her your fuck toy. Afterall that all that cunny was made for! You have always been my favorite! You understand my sick mind. You know how much gore I need to get mine!

This pussy is dripping as I hear her screams. I wish she knew how much the screams were what we need! I’m a sick dark bitch who needs blood and gore. Good thing I have you who wants even more!

We can rip her apart torturing her for days. And no one will notice or stand in our way! We will have our fun plus some with this little whore. And when we are done well just throw that worthless body out the door. No need to hide what we are doing we are in the right. You know survival of the fittest and the only thing she fit was your cock in those virgin holes. So, use her and dispose of her she is nothing but a tool. Just know baby that I am here and will do anything for and with you!