Category: Bloody phone sex

Evil phone sex with a real murderer.

Bloody phone sex

A sadistic bitch like me is labeled as God’s chosen sinner. I walk this earth in its shadows and I never reveal myself to anyone. The only time you see my face will be your last time on this earth and that is when I suck the blood out of your arteries. I am a human form grim reaper.

There are assassins on this planet and secret society agents that can wipe off this earth but I am even more dangerous. I am the type to show up and smile in your face but underneath I have a flame burning through every inch of my heartless self telling me to commit more and more of the same sin that I call a routine.

Lately I have been going after my grandmother’s… Why out of all people… Well for one that is what my boss Mr. Satan, Mr. Hellfire himself demanded. I’m in a deep hell pit and it’s bottomless and the only way I feel alive is by drinking the blood of the innocent. For two, I sacrifice grandmothers because their old aged blood is perfect to keep my heart strong and healthy for many decades to come.

As long as I breathe it’s a very high possibility that you will die under my blade right before my own two demonic eyes. That is what you turn into once you taste blood once… They will know my real identity so they won’t ever try and put me down.

I love Evil phone sex and teaching lolita’s to take cock

Evil phone sexEvil phone sex is something my fuckhole craves for. I love seeing helpless Lolita’s and teeny tots be put through unforgivable torture. Some days, I have fathers who pay me to train and teach their Lolita daughters how to take their big adult cocks, and I’m more than happy to train the little brats and brain wash their little bodies and mind to want and even crave their daddies’ cocks as if it will be their last meal. A daddy gave his daughter to me for the night for some, “special babysitting.” When I was alone with her, she asked if I had any cookies, toys, etc. The usual things Lolita’s loves. “Oh, I have toys alright.” I giggled. She looked so excited… Oh, but little did she know what I was going to do to her. “Come with me sweetie, I’ll show you, my playroom.” We went down to my basement, which I cleaned up after last week’s Snuff porn making. I had all of the proper things that Lolita’s love set up. I told her to sit in the “Princess chair,” so she’ll be a princess, and daddy will love her. Before she knew it, I had her undressed and strapped to that disgustingly bright pink and sparkling chair. It was time for me to whip this whore for her daddy. I’ve done all sorts of Sadistic phone sex fantasies, and this one is definitely in my pussy’s top five favorites! I started whipping that little whore and sexually torturing her. She cried, screamed, and begged me to stop it. I kept going and watched her skin welt and break. I took out a small razor blade and made little cuts in her thighs. This Lolita’s daddy requested no permanent scaring, so they were only little ones that caused small droplets of blood. It doesn’t take a lot to break a Lolita. Even Torture phone sex could simply make the girl break her mind. I took out a small dildo and lubed that thing up. “This is a toy cock; your daddy has a real one. You were born to take this, baby girl. You want this, and you always have. You were bred for it.” I kept repeating these words to her, to break that bitch’s little head in and make brainwash her pussy and brain until all she knew was just daddy’s cock. I fucked that little whore’s tight and unused cunt with the small dildo and watched her scream and cry until she became numb. “Daddy… Daddy…” She kept repeating bluntly while I abused her tiny fuckhole. There was Lolita pussy blood everywhere all over that pink chair, painting it in a delicious red. I know her father wanted to have some Sadistic phone sex with her too, I can’t wait to see how she’ll do it. “Yes, little one, daddy. All you want is daddy’s cock.” I took out the bloody toy and shoved it into her mouth. “Suck it like a popsicle and lick it clean.” She obeyed, she cringed a bit at the taste, but due to how numb she was, it didn’t matter. I love brainwashing stupid Lolita’s like this. Once the process was done, she was nothing more but a bloody limp whore, who was ready to take daddy’s dick.

Watching Ass Rape Porn While On Bloody Phone Sex

Bloody phone sex is what I use when I have to talk about all the fun I have had. This time of the year is perfect for Snuff movies and Torture sex. The best way to find a dumb young slut this time of the year is to go to haunted house. These little sluts dress up like baby whores around this time. They are so scared from the haunted house that they are so trusting with a hot chick like me. What they don’t know is I love Snuff movies and Ass rape porn. It is hard to find exactly what I like, so IBloody phone sex make the Ass rape porn I want to watch. On the way there I gave them some roofiies with their shots, like dumb sluts they didn’t even notice. By the time we got to my place they were knocked out.


My BBC accomplice was waiting to help me get them inside. As soon as I ripped their clothes off, i had my BBC accomplice give me live Ass rape porn. He got his cock wet by shoving it in their slobbering mouths. Watching their assholes getting ripped open like mines used to turned me on, I used one of the dumb slut’s hand and fingers to pound my pussy hole. When my BBC accomplice moaned out, he was cumming in one of the sluts asshole. I started squirting all over her hand, Ass rape porn always makes me squirt. 

Torture sex is the only way I can cum!

Torture sexThe sounds of her thrashing and screaming rings out and echoes so loud I swear I can feel the vibrations on my clit.  It may just be that I’m throbbing, so excited to play with this dumb slut in the most sadistic way. Torture sex is the only way I can cum! God damn I’m horny as hell, the irony is that I’m about to put her through it before sending her straight there.

As soon as I open the door a get a taste of hoe feisty my catch is. She managed to wiggle out of her restrains and got a hand free that the tried to hit me with. “Haha bitch you really think you can hurt me? If you can’t tell you are kind of at a disadvantage and I’ve been wanting a feisty fighter like you for a while! Bring it on bitch fight for your life!” I spit at her with amusement

Bloody phone sex I grab a clever and I hold her hand down before I slice her hand clean off. The blood started spewing everywhere all over me and all over this stupid worthless whore. I too start gushing cuming as I open my mouth to catch a few drops of that warm salty blood.

I bring out an old rust fire poker and a nail covered stick I spread her legs as she tries to kick and fight. She is begging me not to and fighting with all her might. I laugh as I decide which one I’m going to use to fuck her whore holes with first. Fuck it! She has two holes, and we have all night to try them both out!  I just hope she keeps fighting this hard the whole time

Accomplice Phone Sex with Me Means You Get to Fuck a Lolita

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex gets my cunt wet. I love helping you fuck and torture brats. I spent decades on the receiving end of men’s anger. It feels good to help men like you find a much younger, fresher piece of meat than me. I guess you could say that I have paid my dues. Now it is some young slut’s turn to be the star of your dark fantasies. Earl is a man I hang with a lot. We are friends, and I know all about his kinks and needs. He likes Lolita pussy. He has fucked plenty of them too. But he has never gone to the dark side with them until he met me.  I have been egging him on to explore his rape phone sex fantasies. No better time than Halloween. Little girls dressed up in sexy clothes, cock teasing men. I showed him a bunch of images of little whores in his neighborhood. When he picked one out, I brought her to him, so I could watch him fuck a less willing little tart. He really worked up some wood for her too. I mean his cock was rock hard for that little whore. She was in some Wonder Woman outfit. Little bare midriff. She had long legs, blonde locks and a sizeable thigh gap. When Earl ripped her clothes off, she screamed and started fighting. I held her legs down and shoved my fingers in her bald snatch to subdue her. I popped her cherry with my fingers, then shoved my bloody digits down her throat to make her taste her own cherry juice. Earl treated her like an ass rape porn star. I watched him put his fingers in her ass to open it first before ramming his dick inside her. Earl fucked her pink and her stink for hours. Turns out Earle much prefers to fuck an unwilling Lolita pussy. Do you?

Killer phone sex with a sadistic bitch like me!

Killer phone sexSweet, sweet revenge in the form of Killer phone sex with a sadistic bitch like me! The perfect excuse to put my sadistic mind to work. Some may say I’m sick, I just say that I’m creative. My sister’s boyfriend decided to be a disloyal little pig, and though I love my sister, any reason to make this waste of space suffer was enough for me.

I’ve been thinking of the best, most painful ways to really make him suffer and I think I came up with the perfect plan for his demise. Of course, I’ll need your help! You are the perfect accomplice and always have the sickest mind. I think we should start by hanging him by his dick and balls. Wrap that worthless sick little pecker and those worthless balls tight with a rough rope. He wanted something tight wrapped around it right, well his wish is my command! I command you to hang him from that tiny cock that he wanted to throw around town. He thought I was a heartless bitch before, well now he will know how truly heinous I can be.

Our shared lust of bloodletting will get your wheel turning and I have a tray of various tools. I start with beating him with a stick that has rusty nail coming out in all directions. Each whack impaling him, and I slowly rip it out. His screams and the smell of his blood causes mine to rush! I take pleasure and making him suffer. No vital areas just yet I want him to suffer for hours yet!

I see you grab a knife and start slicking him wildly each time I hear the knife sever the flesh I feel my pretty tight pink wet pussy throb and drip. You know I am a sadistic bitch! I love to see him suffer and to make him cry for help. Too bad no one can save him he has a one-way ticket straight to hell! He knew better than to cross me unless he wanted death, I guess he now regrets play Russian roulette!

Snuff Sex in a Haunted House is an Easy Way to Kill

snuff sexSnuff sex in a Haunted House? Hell, yes. I crashed a haunted house tour the other night. I was dressed up hiding my face and gender. No one asked questions. I just acted like I belonged, and I was just one of the fellow actors ready to scare some lightweights lol. I had a huge knife under my black cape.  I stabbed countless folks going through the haunted woods attraction. I was on the last stop. I told the dude there that the boss wanted us to switch. I wanted that spot because of the lake. Some folks never make it through the entire woods, so knowing who is who would be impossible. I am a smart killer phone sex bitch.  I only killed the solo folks who ended up getting through the woods.  No one would immediately look for them. The setting was perfect. Dark and Gothic. It is a well-known haunted house in the country rated very high for their realism. I stabbed folks who came around the corner to what they thought was safety. Some bodies I dragged to the water, but most I turned into haunted woods props. It was so dark no one would know the bodies were real. The blood was real but in that kind of darkness, you could not tell the fake blood from the real blood. I killed several women, and a few men. It was weird that more girls got through the maze alone. Maybe they got separated from their friends during the course of the maze, or their friends were at another attraction. By the time people realized their friends were MIA, it would be too late. I would be long gone. I mean I was just there to do a mass murder spree that would never get solved. Nothing in the paper yet. The Haunted House is still open. I guess they have not found the bodies yet thanks to my excellent snuff porn skills. They will eventually though. The smell will soon permeate the woods.

Evil phone sex with Stephanie the slut

evil phone sex


I’m once again looking for a kinky master to serve. I need someone wicked and  depraved enough to make me their victim and finally end my life. My evil phone sex whore cunt gushes at the thought of being your torture slut and taking whatever abuse you inflict on me. My panties are soaked right now imagining being tied up, and having you hold a red hot branding iron to my cunt. I’ll be screaming and whimpering as my flesh sizzles under that smoldering iron. Tell me how you can’t have a stretched out, used up slut. I want you to burn my worthless fuck hole closed and then rip me back open with your stiff dick! Make me cry and scream but don’t stop no matter how much I beg! Let’s see how wild and evil you can get with a rotten, little slut like me before you snuff me out!

Gangbang Rape Porn Streams Amuse My Evil Stepson

gangbang rape pornGangbang rape porn is what men like to watch. At least that is what my evil stepson keeps telling me. He says men pay good money to see milfs like me shredded on a live stream. In his mind, I owe him. He thinks his father loves my sons more than him and that I was the homewrecker who broke up his marriage. What can I say? My husband fell in love with me at first site. I was getting gang banged on a pool table in a bar he was at with friends. They were out of town, but my husband watched the free show and fell in love. He did leave his wife for me, but my husband loves all his sons equally. My stepson just likes to think I fucked up his life, so I let him because I cannot argue with him. He is one of those guys you cannot argue with because he is always right. He was in one hell of a mood last night. Drunk, high and angry. That is a painful combination for this taboo phone sex bitch. He wanted to stream a gang bang. He has blackmailed me for years. My husband thinks I just do a little coke now and then. He does not know I am still a daily cokehead. My stepson knows and he has tons of video and photos of me doing nasty things while fucked up too. My husband would leave me, so I bow to my stepson’s whim every time.  I regret it every time too. Last night he had a bunch of his friends over and they took turns fucking my ass and cunt until I was bleeding cum. They made me shit and piss the cum out of my holes and lick it up. All of it was captured on his little ass rape porn film. He has all my nasty doings on film, so I guess he can keep on blackmailing me forever.

Snuff porn Accomplice phone sex

Rape phone sex fantasies

I am looking for my dream accomplice who lives for BDSM and Torture like I do… I am accepting applications and will be interviewing soon. I need a man who is skinny, tall and laid back. You must have tattoos and lots of piercings with a beard. I need your go-tee to rub on my pussy lips as you eat this mean cunt.

I need to to know if you are a handy man because I have always dreamt of building a torture Dungeon in the middle of the woods for us to enjoy. Most importantly your only source of transportation must be a Harley and if not then don’t bother submitting an application or I will kill you.

I need you to be traumatized… That makes you more stern. I love a man with character… The colder your heart the better! I do not want to be around a wimp… You have to love alcohol and live the night life… Of course, all of our torturing will be done at night.

Our main objective is luring in drunk girls to our Dungeon to torture them and then kill them. Oh most importantly you have to have a strategic mind because we have to come up with new ways to torture these drunk whores.

(855) 733-5746 ext. 4629 Call me if you wish to be interviewed.