Category: Bloody phone sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies With Mind Melting Cora!

Murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies make a dirty victim bitch like me nice and hot. I love all the pain that comes with being a human torture device, ready to receive the wrath and anger that leads to your sexual climax. Human trafficking? I have been there, I guess you can say I really loved every minute of being treated like a dirty fuck slut. My life is useless if it isn’t being used and tortured by horny men who want to take advantage of my youthful appearance and bald pretty cunt. When a stud finds me so sweet and innocent and spikes my drink up for his good time, I consider it a great time of my own. I get to feel the rapid penetration of men who pay just to pleasure themselves inside of my half-dead body. Sometimes what they give me to keep me lucid is too much and I find myself half on the verge of death. I love it whenever someone panics and just decides to take me the rest of the way out. A lamp cord around my neck several times it doesn’t take long till I am fully knocked out Men continue to have their way with me, assuming I am no longer alive. Their dead little fuck toy to take their loads till they wrap me in plastic and throw me out at night. I am a useless fuck toy, do with my body what you like. 


I’ll Be Your Mother: Slice Me!

Mutilation phone sex


Your mom is such a bitch, isn’t she? Haven’t you ever wanted to torture and kill her? Don’t you dream of slicing her throat open for nagging you  or stabbing her chest for getting in your business? 

You can’t kill her, though. Social conventions keep you from ending that bitch’s life and walking away free. In addition, she makes some amazing food that you would miss if you took a machete and sliced off her head. So, what can someone like you do? You get a surrogate. 

I look just like your mother, don’t I? That is, if your mother was a vulnerable teen cum dumpster. Your mother has been on your ass about some bullshit and someone needs to pay. Take your knife and cut me from clit to tits. Make me scream and wish I was never born. Make deep cuts all over my body to make me feel how you feel right now. Get all of your anger out and, if I haven’t died from blood cut, slice my throat. 

Jail bait Ass rape porn

Snuff pornI can still hear the final screams of those diapered sluts right before I snuffed them. I went to the playground today.. I had a craving for young bald cunts and needed my fix.. I took them out into the woods and shoved twigs inside of their cunnies.. I just wanted to hear the screams!

I wasn’t expecting some old man to be walking by.. It’s normally pretty quiet back there.. It’s literally where I do the majority of my rituals.. I shot him with a stun gun and tied him up with duct tape.. I wasn’t too sure how he was going to react to some random goth bitch in the woods, clearly doing things that should have me incarcerated or at least registered.

When he snapped back to reality he was completely naked watching me make live Snuff porn out of whining brats. Come to find out he was just as sick as me.. His cock got rock hard and I could hear him murmuring something.. I removed the tape from his mouth and he pleaded to let him stroke his dick.. I didn’t trust it so instead I slid their bloody cunts one by one down his cock and let him drain his balls inside of those single digit holes like they were human condoms.. Accomplice phone sex

The veins in his forehead were popping out as those tight snatches gripped tightly around his p daddy dick. After seeing how aroused he got fucking those bald cunts I trusted untying his hands and letting him snap their tiny necks.. As every neckbone cracked, I was preparing a pit to throw them in like pigs..

My favorite part is watching them burn to dispose of the evidence.. I always make sure to put there tiny teeth in a blender and keep them in an urn with a dash of their remains.. Souvenirs are always good to keep! My rape phone sex fantasies tend to be a bit more of an actual experience of mine.. Most would believe I am a good story teller but Torture sex is my life!

Castration Phone Sex is What I Love Because I am a Sadist Not Your GFE

castration phone sexIt is no secret that I love castration phone sex. I am clear about being sadistic. I am not your typical phone sex operator. I am not here to blow your cock or let you fuck me in the ass. I am not here to be your therapist or GFE either. You are my victim or my accomplice. There is no gray area in between. I find men mostly useless to me. Yet every day, I have to whack some guy’s junk off because he cannot read or he cannot listen. You try to fuck me, or you try to spoon me or show me typical affection, I go crazy and not in a good way. Just ask Josh. He thought I would satisfy his Goth girl fetish. Not my job. I am here for dark fantasies not romance. I am a sadist. That is just fact. A sociopath too. I do not care if you good looking and rich. Nor do I care that you paid $2 bucks a minute to get off. There are plenty of women here that do BJ calls or typical fuck calls. This is a snuff phone sex site. If you are looking for love, well you are looking for love in all the wrong places. Josh got castrated with a rusty blade for trying to fuck me. He kept calling me honey and baby, and that kind of puerile talk just pisses me off. I made Josh think I would suck his worthless pecker, and I cut it off instead. The balls too. I had to make a point. I had to emasculate him permanently. I do not care if you pay $1,000 a minute, you are not treating me like your paid whore. I carved Josh up like a side of beef, making sure to inflict the most painful torture sex I could. Josh had to pay for his stupidity. Don’t be like Josh.

Torture Sex Facilitator

Torture sex

You don’t have to come to me for all of your salacious torture sex desires.  You can go through the whole rigamarole of finding your own fuck pigs, trapping them, imprisoning them and keeping them hidden from the rest of the world so you can do whatever you want to them all on your own.  Why would you need an accomplice like me to help you?  Well, let’s think about that.

First off, how much free time do you have?  If you work a job forty hours a week and then have to go home to feed and entertain a boring family, how much time are you going to have for the hunt?  A proper abduction takes planning and a good amount of prep time.  Do you have the energy to do your due diligence before you capture some dumb cunt to keep in your basement?

That’s the other thing; are you going to be able to hide a whore from everyone?  Do you have any little crotch goblins running around that might find her hidden away in that secret room you keep downstairs?  If she screams loud enough, will they hear her?  If you have a family, you’re better off going with some sort of shed or outbuilding for storing your cream taking catch.  Storage containers are cheap, just put it far enough away from your house so none of your brood can hear her scream and cry out as you do your worst to her.  

I’m not here to give you free advice.  My point is that you don’t need to do all of that.  I keep a constantly rotating lineup of greasy fuck pigs in my basement for you to use and abuse.  I already did all of the legwork for you, all you need to do is pick your favorite piggy.  After that, you can do whatever you want to her as long as you pay me for the pleasure.  It doesn’t even matter if you go too far and turn your abusive round of raunchy reaming into bloody, rage fueled snuff sex.  It’ll just cost you a little more, no biggie.  Then you can clean yourself off and head home to your regular house and normie family without any worry about the cum filled bitch that you don’t have captive in your home.  That’s why you need an accomplice like me.  Figure it out. 


Fantasy Rape This Cock Tease

Gangbang rape porn


This is what I get for being  a cock tease. 

You saw me from across the bar with my dress barely covering my ass and my tits falling out of my dress. Every time a nipple would become exposed, I would be apologetic but you knew better. You and all the other men in that bar knew I was trying to make you all hard and was planning on leaving you all with blue balls afterwards. None of you guys were going to allow that to happen. You locked the door and the rest of the men in the room held me down. You all ripped off my clothes and took turns groping my breasts and rubbing my cunt. I screamed for help but none came. I beg for you to let me go and not fuck me, but you don’t listen. You each take turns ripping my cunt with your cocks and stuffing your cocks in my mouth. Some of you have fun in my ass, fucking it so hard that I start bleeding. This is how you teach a cock teasing cunt a lesson. 

Bloody phone sex with the highest bidder my Master could find.

Bloody phone sexMy master isn’t very selective on who he gives me to for horrendously bloody phone sex. If they can pay and manage to impress him even al little bit, I find myself sold off for a short while like a tool or electronic you can rent at a store. It’s degrading, I belong to master, he deserves my attention and I his! If it was up to me I’d spend all day and night cradling his balls while ensuring his every whim and fancy are tended to. He’d be in his own paradise. Unfortunately it’s not up to me, I have to give my beautiful body to random men, and sometimes those men are like this. Sometimes those men tie me down with metal rope – chains – and don’t care that they’re too tight and are digging into my evil phone sex skin. Sometimes those men are really rough with my bare ass, spanking it hard enough to make it loud. My insides always shift when that happens, squelching a little and forcing a moan from my lips. I don’t like it when that happens, but just like being rented out I don’t get a choice at what my evil body decides to do to my wills and whims. I’m not just a slave to master, I’m a slave to this cursed conditioning and all the lewd ways it makes me a toy to the highest bidder. It doesn’t take me long once I’m tied down and being roughed up to get me gushing and my cheeks red. I’m a blushy girl for a lovely evening on a stone table with a ritual knife. Knife play phone sex actually really gets me going, I love the feeling of my skin being separated while I’m blindfolded and don’t even get a warning. Pain is invigorating and almost makes me forget that I’m not with master making his night a fantasy.

Teen Rape Porn: He Knew I Would Be A Silent Victim

Teen Rape PornI could be a teen rape porn star at this point. Sometimes I wonder if I am wearing a sign around my naive innocent neck that is just begging for forceful fucking by superior strong men. My teen cunny is ripe with the scent of pheromones beckoning old horny men to rape my perfect bald pussy as rough as they need. There is no need to fight back whenever I am tossed inside a stranger’s vehicle and wake up tied face-first to a bed. I can feel the chill in the air on my now naked young body, my slippery wet bald slit exposed for my capture to fuck. As I try to whimper I realize that my lips are covered up, probably by duct tape. My capture enters the room and whips my skin with fierce blows from his flogged. My body writhes in pain as I shriek out past the tape covering my mouth. Although my naked pussy is starting to swell up with the excitement that the pain of being hit brings it. It is not my youthful hairless cunt that takes the force of the stranger’s cock. It is my dry ass hole that gets filled up with his girthy eager cock, shoved deep inside of my tight teen ass no way to scream no. He had a craving for anal teen rape porn of his own, recording every scream that I made trapped behind the tape blocking my mouth. He knew I would be a silent victim, dropping me back off where he took me from after days of fucking me up.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Rape phone sex fantasies gave me what i needed to turn the tables

Every man I have had around me long enough or even a few I came across are depraved sick bastards. They all wanted to use me for their Rape phone sex fantasies. The last time I decided I was going to turn the tables and use all the things I learned from being used. When he tried to force my hands behind my back to tie me up, I thought about ball torturing. I grabbed his balls hard and pulled them and dug my nails into them. He got weak and I just pulled more and more, that is when he dropped his knife. After I picked it up I made him cuff himself to the same post he was going to have me on. Like a bitch he begged and begged for me to let him go. I pulled his cock out his pants. he was going to fuck me and have me bloody, so i was going to do the same to him. I forced him to bend over and I started kicking his balls and asshole hard. Seeing him cry and look like a weak bitch turned my cunt on. His cock and balls were red and swollen, even a bit blue. I started jerking him off as he whimpered begging for me to not let him get hard. I laughed and my pussy twitched when i told him that he wanted to get hard and have Torture sex with me. It shouldn’t be any different now. When his cock finally got hard, I took my knife and cut it right off. When he screamed I shoved his bloody dick in his mouth. I face fucked him as i fingered my pussy. Watching the blood drip from his weak body was a turn on, no wonder my uncle and every guy loves it. When I was about to cum I shoved his bloody severed cock all the way down his throat until it disappeared and he stopped moving. That powerful feeling i got, i crave all the time now.

Rape phone sex fantasies

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Can Be Fulfilled

murder phone sex fantasiesMurder phone sex fantasies? Anyone? I know there is some one you want to kill. Maybe you cannot kill your wife or your boss because suspicion immediately falls on you, but we can find a surrogate for you to kill and that is almost as rewarding. I had this guy over the weekend who wanted to murder his girlfriend. She cheated on him. Personally, I thought he was a whiny loser. Your girlfriend cheats on you? Maybe you are the problem. Ditch her and date someone new. He could not kill her because he would be the scorned boyfriend. But we could find a girl in a different county who looked like her. We could make some killer phone sex memories with a girl who looked just like her. Since he was paying me, I took all the risk so he could have all the fun. I drugged her drink, and walked out of the bar with her. Led her straight to her death. I had nothing against her personally. This was simply business. I mean a girl must eat, right?

We drove to my kill shack in the middle of nowhere to off the bitch. My client could not believe how closely she resembled his cheating girlfriend. He wanted to force fuck her before we killed her. When he pulled out his tiny dick, I knew exactly why his woman cheated on him. Men with small dicks should be used to cheating girlfriends. I mean this loser had maybe 3 inches hard. No way this surrogate girlfriend would even realize she was the victim of his rape phone sex fantasies. He fucked the girl. He killed her too. Then I gave him a hard dose of reality. Women are going to cheat on you dude. I mean you have a small dick. I told it too him straight, but he did not take it well. He thought he could fuck me, so he got a free castration. Now, he will not have to worry about cheating girlfriends because he will not have any more girls in his life, LOL.