Category: Bloody phone sex

Party all Night


Accomplice phone sex with stormThere’s nothing I hate more than not getting enough sleep. So it really pisses me off when those little punks down the street, throw a big party. They turn the music up so loud, it keeps the whole neighborhood up. After the third day straight of partying. I decided I would have to do something about it. I waited until it was about three in the morning. Right when they were starting to wind down. I snuck into the back door of their house. The music was so loud they didn’t even hear me. Most of the six guests were passed out on the floor. There were only two still awake. A couple that was making out on the couch. They didn’t even notice when I walked up behind him. I hit the guy over the head with a brick. And knocked him out completely. The girl was about to start screaming and I slit her throat from ear to ear. She just gurgled and spit out blood. I went around the room slicing up each of the guests while they slept. Until I noticed, the last two girls there were twins. And it has been a long time since I played with twins. So instead I just tied those two little bitches up. I carried them out one by one to my car, that was a block over. And then I burned that fucking house to the ground. last time those bitches are going keep me up. I took the twins out to my cabin in the woods. And called a friend to come help me. I remember him saying how he had never had twins to play with. And it was on his bucket list. They were pretty little things. At least before he got a hold of them. See Rodney likes to play rough with his toys. He really wanted to see if one twin could the other twins pain. Rodney took one of the twins into a back room. I could hear screaming for hours. He beat the shit out of her. He ripped her ass hole to her cunt wide open. Then he came running out to see if her sister knew what he had done. He was upset that she didn’t. But he made it up to himself by fucking her just as hard as her sister. Rodney did the dirtiest things to her cunt. I loved watching how brutal he was to those little whores. It really turned me on to watch him. I played with myself so much I came all night.

Out Of The Shadows

Step out of the shadows with me and explore the dark and depraved side of the sadistic, hardcore and oh so bloody world of an expert accomplice.

I know that the very thought of those young, sweet and innocent bodies gets your cock rock hard and ready to fuck, that’s the easy part of it.

Do you think you really have what it takes to succeed at stalking, luring, abducting these delicious pieces of flesh? Well, that’s just one aspect of it, you have to possess the desire to torture and fuck with their little, worthless minds and bodies.

It has to be a hunger inside of you that you must feed, when you hear their pathetic and desperate cries out in terror and pain, does it make you take it even harder and further? Nothing will deter you from your ultimate goal and that is after taking your most twisted and evil fantasy into a satisfying reality are you able  to seal the deal?

It’s up to you just how much and what you want to get out of these trapped and caged young prey. When you grow tired of their constant begging and pleading for mercy, the final and in my opinion most satisfying part of this experience is snuffing out the pathetic, useless little worthless fucks.

Share with me just how bloody and rough you want to get, what part gets your cock throbbing twisted mind racing. I can‘t wait to discover what new and interesting ways to get the job done and seal their doomed fate.

How to skin a Bunnie

accomplice phone sexSnow bunnies. It’s a funny term isn’t it. Little bitches running around dressed for cold weather and throwing snow balls. Pissing their name in the snow. Just being all over bastards. I hate the accomplice phone sex with Blaze2cold weather. I was hurrying home when I got “accidentally” hit in the head with a snow ball. It was fucking Melody. Laughing and giggling. The way she said sorry, let me know really fast it wasn’t an accident at all. That fucking whore did it on purpose. And I am going to make her pay! First I waited for her to be all alone. Then I snatched the fucking slut right off the street. I took her out to the cabin in the woods. Ice cold and all alone. No one around for miles. I knocked the bitch out with a log. And then stripped her down naked. Then I laid her face first down on a metal plate in the driveway and covered her nipples in water. They froze to the ground in matter of minutes. When the fuck whore woke up and started screaming I just had to laugh. I tied her hands behind her. Put a spreader bar on her thighs and there she was. Spread wide open like a fuck whore and stuck to the ground. She kept trying to pull herself off the plate but couldn’t. Her tits were turning completely blue. I took a few pics and sent them to a friend who like a few miles away. I am sure David will want to teach her what a whore is used for. This is one snow Bunnie that wont get away. I am going to watch David use her meat. And then I am going to skin this bunny alive.

Tell me a secret

Taboo phone sex Blaze

Taboo phone sex with Blaze

Come on baby. Tell me something dirty! I tell you that it turns me on. I whisper it in your ear as I slide my body over yours. I tell you how much I want to fuck you. You just have to tell me a secret. Tell me how much better I am than your wife. Tell me how it turns you on that I am soooo young. Tell me everything. My young tight body is rubbing all over you. I can feel how hard you are. I know how much you want me. You have been sniffing around for months. Hitting on me when you wife isn’t around. I am gonna let you fuck me. Ooooh you don’t know I am video taping this. You don’t how much this fuck is going to cost you. Lol…. And you wont until I start blackmailing you. The screwing you get for the screwing you got. I mean lets face it… That is exactly what a perv like you deserves. And I plan to make you PAY!


Sadistic Phone Sex

Lyrics from Nine Inch Nails

You let me violate you

You let me desecrate you

You let me penetrate you

You let me complicate you

Help me, I broke apart my insides

Help me, I’ve got no soul to sell

Help me, the only thing that works for me

Help me get away from myself

I wanna fuck you like an animal

I wanna feel you from the inside

I wanna fuck you like an animal

My whole is existence is flawed

You get me closer to God

You can have my isolation

You can have the hate that it brings

You can have my absence of faith

You can have my everything

I wanna fuck you like an animal

I wanna feel you from the inside

I wanna fuck you like an animal

My whole existence is flawed

You get me closer to God

Help me tear down my reason

Help me it’s your sex I can smell

Help me you’re making me perfect

Help me become somebody else

I wanna fuck you like an animal

I  wanna feel you from the inside

I wanna fuck you like an animal

My whole existence is flawed 

You get me closer to God

Blood Ties

I want for us to become closer.  I have just purchased a new box of razor blades. I have been cutting designs into my stomach, my legs, breasts, and my pussy; watching the blood trickle down my flesh. I love the feel of my cuts,  a unique hue of red.  Do you want to play in my crimson patterns? I will skillfully and gently slice your chest, multiple times, careful not to harm you, make it bleed and lick the blood. Do you like to lick a pussy  that is bleeding from menstruation? I’ll take out my tampon and let you devour my blood. I am a sexy vampire.  Let’s Smear our blood onto one another, make abstract paintings, like artists-just like Picasso. I can sprinkle my pretty crimson colored bloody love potion; putting you under my my evil spell, turning you into my mindless sex-zombie. Lets mix our blood, become blood-lovers. I have a nice collection of knives that I would love to show you. We can cut and have wild and intense sex.


Once a year a celebration takes place.  One in which I am honored to be a part of, as not many are.  We conduct this gathering to insure each and every One of Us protection throughout the coming year, so that We may continue Our work in the Name of The Ancients, and no I am not referring to the Christian God.  The Ones I worship are the Old Ones, from a time long past, whose dogma has been pushed under the carpet as it is considered barbaric. 

This year it was the task of Another to obtain the Sacrificium.  For one year, it is ordained that the Sacrificium must be kept safe, to be trained up in it’s foretold duty at the next celebration.  It is not to be taken lightly.  From what I have been told, the year with the Sacrificium is tedious.  You must spend each free second working with them.  They need to memorize the words to use, the proper etiquette, the proper mannerisms, how they are to address Those in attendance.  For the first few months, this would be a bit irritating to say the least.  However, by the time of the Celebration, they are ready.

They are dressed in what some would consider a Baptismal Gown.  They are pure, they are innocent, and they help to insure that We have a Blessed year.  This year, it has been told that the Sacrificium is particularly special.  They have made rapid progress in their preparation.  I am looking forward to this Celebration with great anticipation.  When We raise them up in Our hands to hold them before They who perform the Holy Act, the thrill that courses through Me is unlike anything else I have ever experienced. If you do not know what “Sacrificium” is, it is the term used for a “Blood Sacrifice.”

Violent Phone Sex

What Friends are For!


Accomplice phone sex 1Men who say women belong in the kitchen. Obviously don’t belong in the bedroom. So what good are they? I was doing some errands and I overheard some guy laughing with his friends. He was bragging that women shouldn’t be allowed out of the kitchen. And then he had the BALLS to make some rude comments to me when I walked by him. He mentioned how I looked like a whore. And no woman of HIS would have tattoos. Like women are property. To be owned and controlled. To be used. And as I was walking away… I got more and more PISSED! How dare he talk like that to me. That is what is wrong with men now days! And there is NO way I will allow some worthless piece of shit to talk like that to me. To call me a whore! Fuck him. I turned right around. And walked up to him. I got right in his face and asked him what the fuck he said. Well he bolstered and preened for his friends. Called me a dirty whore and made the fatal mistake of pushing me back. That was all I was waiting for. I needed him to put his hands on me first. I grabbed his hand and twisted it hard hearing it SNAP. As I planted my 4 inch heel, right into his knee cap. He went down like a sack of potatoes When I ripped my shoe out it took a big clump of his knee with my heel. All his friends shut their fucking mouths fast after that. I told that fucker that if I ever saw him again. It would be much worse. And to keep his fucking thoughts to himself. I am not sure he heard me over his screams. But I am sure his friends will remind him … Forever!Accomplice phone sex 2

A Book For Her

I don’t often keep my slaves for very long. A few months is pretty much the longest they survive. Either I get tired of them and they no longer bring me pleasure, which insures their death in a slow and painful fashion as punishment for displeasing me in any way. Or they simply can’t stand  the torture inflicted upon them for my pleasure and they wither away. Weakness tends to take most of them and yet this too makes my pussy wet, knowing that I wore them down physically and emotionally. Demonstrating my dominance and superiority yet again. However Val was with me for almost nine years. She was in her late 20’s when I “obtained her” I won her from a friend who had enslaved her a few months before she became mine. When I first won Val I inflicted as much pain as I could upon her to test her will. Each time she surprised me. Torture that had caused others to pass out, cry, plead and beg for mercy, she took with a glassy look in her eyes, rarely flinching and never, ever crying out. She challenged me each and every time to push things further, to find more ways to inflict more pain. The constant challenge she presented brought me earth shattering orgasms and spawned more deviant ways to torture her. Yet each time she withstood my abuse, and I would cum not only from the pleasure of torturing her but from admiration of her resolve. After having her for about a year she happened to get pregnant  when a close friend won the chance to fuck her in a poker game one night. Fuck I was pissed when she started showing and I stepped up the torture for the rush of watching her loose the fucking thing at my hands. But true to form Val didn’t loose it, she had that little fucker and to my delight it was a girl. I made sure it was well cared for because if this little fucking thing had half of what her mother did in guts and fortitude she would be an excellent second generation slave. Over the years the mother/daughter duo has provided me with many hours of pleasure. Val died last week and I have to say I felt a slight twinge of sadness, but knew I still had her offspring. As a slave she certainly was not getting buried or getting any type of ceremony honoring her life or service. However I did feel like I wanted to keep a piece of her. So I gutted and skinned her, feeding her flesh to her daughter over the last week. I bottled her blood and stretched and dried her skin. I have cut her skin into pages creating a book bound by her dried intestines and using her blood as ink. I have begun to pen some of the most horrific moments of our time together to enjoy in the future. I am naming it “Valley of Death”torture phonesex angie

Accomplice Phone Sex with Jade

accomplice phone sex jade

I’ve always been a bit of a rebel. And by rebel I mean dark sadistic little slut with a need to be pained and bring pain to others as well. I’m so good at it too. I can grab up a cute little unsuspecting whore and bring her to you. I know how to pick them too… young and tender right? I love playing the sexy accomplice. I thrive on it. Fuck breakfast, sadism is the best meal of my day. I’ll follow your lead. I would love to watch you fuck her deep in her virgin ass hole while I play with my pussy that’s getting wetter every time a scream leaves her lips. I’ll even lick the blood off of your dick and then we can fuck right next to her almost lifeless body. If that bitch is too banged up I’ll snuff her ass and use some of her body parts as sex toys. How turned on are you right now? Your hard on will be a great asset to our journey. Lets plan our next evil adventure together tonight. Midnight is our meeting time. Be there or be square.