Category: Bloody phone sex

The Evil Sitter

torture phonesex angieI get to baby sit the fucking brats again. Last time was so much fun and this time I have some really interesting things planned. I have their drugs packed and ready to administer at dinner time as soon as their parents leave. This time I have some toys and I am going to make them torture each other with while I watch. My cunt is alive with the sound of crying…I can’t stop thinking about how much fun this is going to be. I have fish hooks that they are going to put though each others bodies. I have a cattle prod and they are going to shock each other in their little pussy and cock. I have a jar full of red fire ants and they are going to pour honey on each other and then put the ants on each other. I am going to watch them cry and scream while they obey my every command, knowing they won’t remember a thing in the morning. I love watching others torture each other with me in control almost as much as I love to issue the torture myself. This is going to be a fun night for my cunt to cum and be happy!

The Perfect Accomplice

torture phonesex karmaI love it when a plan comes together. My cunt gets all worked up as we grab the little bitch and carry her off. His dick is rock hard and he can’t even wait till I get home. He pulls his hard cock out and shoves it between her lips, in her mouth and all the way down the back of her throat making her choke and puke in my fucking car. For that I punch the bitch square in the face and blood spurts out of her nose all over the seat. When I get this cunt home I am going to fuck her up the ass with a wooden stake before my accomplice has a chance to touch her. We are a good team, he and I. We know just what the other likes and how to fuck up young girls that are born and bred for one thing and one thing only, to be our worthless fucking whores and be tortured for our pleasure. Her ass was so fucking bloody when I got done with it that he couldn’t resist shoving his cock up her and getting her blood all over it before making her lick it clean. And this is just the start of our fun today. Back to fucking her up I go with a fresh drink in one hand a cigarette in the other and one immediate goal in mind, to burn this bitch and pour alcohol on her open sores while we listen to her scream!torture phonesex bloody dick

Last Mother’s Day for this Bitch!

Accomplice phone sex with StormThere’s this bitch that lives in my apartment complex. She’s always throwing the snide little comments about how I don’t have brats of my own. Like she’s queen of the world cause she has a snot nosed bitch running around. And it’s always the same thing close to Mother’s Day. Awwww she keeps forgetting I’m not a Mother I wouldn’t understand. I’m really fucking tired of her trying to make me feel bad, because the greatest thing she’s ever done in her life was have sex and pop out a little bitch. And this year she just caught me on the wrong fucking day. Now at first I was just getting kill the whore. I had it all planned out how I was going to torture her by ripping out her fucking teeth and her tongue. But then I decided the thing she fucking loves the most in this world was that fucking little snot nosed bitch, and if she lost her it would be far worse than killing her. She put all of her self worth in being a Mother. So I needed to show her that she was fucking nothing, worthless. So I waited for that little slut to go outside to play. Normally I plan these things better. This time I just fucking grabbed her and slammed her up against the wall. She was out like a light. I dropped the bitch in the car before anyone noticed, and drove to a friend’s house. Oh Martin is going to have so much fun with this little slut. He likes to torture little whores first. He fucks them and rips open every hole, and this time I loved watching that little slut take it. She begged for her mommy. She pleaded for me to help her. She screamed out in such beautiful anguish. I was even the one to strangle her little used up body. I left her corpse there with Martin. He will use her for a few more days before he feeds her to the pigs. And then I went home to watch the show. Her Mother screaming for her Panicked and crushed. I’m going to enjoy this for years. As she slowly loses hope. As she dies inside. She’ll never fucking have a happy Mother’s Day again.

My First Kill

torture phonesex karmaAre you an evil fucker that loves blood, torture and cumming while creating it? Then you are my kind of dark soul. Don’t you just love walking on the darker side of life? I know I do. So is your cock hard waiting for my next revelation? If it is, pull up a chair and let me take you back to my first kill. It was a cold day, the snow was fresh and white on the ground and the chill hung in the air waiting for me. I was walking along the sidewalk of our well manicured neighborhood when I saw him there. I was drawn to him immediately so small and frail, playing in the snow all by himself. He had a playful look in his eyes as he built that snowman. My body began to shiver but not from the cold, it was from the excitement I was feeling as I envisioned his blood spilling over the lily white snow, turning it red. I walked over to him and began helping him build his snowman, laughing wickedly as we worked. I started a snowball fight and as we ran and played I lured him further and further from his yard. In the distance we heard a woman calling his name but before he could run toward the sound I scooped him up, covering his mouth and as he kicked and fought I carried him to his doom. Once in the clear I held him down in the virginal white snow and picked up a huge tree branch. Lifting it high into the air I watched it connect with a sickening thud that made my cunt tingle and my heart flutter. Smashing it over his head over and over again I watched the blood poor out of him as his body fell limp and the snow became tinted with his crimson blood. The primal urge for more spurred me on and when I finally finished his face was not recognizable, his head split wide open and brains and blood mixed with the snow. I grabbed his dead, limp hand and used it to fuck myself until I came hard all over it. The clouds on the horizon told me that another heavy snow fall was quickly approaching so I left him there to be covered by the new virginal white snow.torture phonesex bloodsnow

The Killer Clown


torture phonesex killerclown1The Clown, a character created to bring laughter and happiness to young and old. However being the dark twisted and sadistic bitch that I am, my heroes are different then most people’s and I love a clown of a darker evil nature. In fact not only do I love him, but I admire him and strive to emulate him He is my all time favorite, The Killer Clown, Mr Gacy himself. The greatest serial killer of all time because of his M.O.! Tomorrow, May 10, is the anniversary of the day he was executed in 1994. I have the perfect day planned to show him some love, wicked and twisted style. I will dress as a clown just like him and go find me a little brat to torture and kill the same way he did, suffocation or asphyxiation with a tourniquet. I will likely stab the little fucker to in honor of his first victim, This is going to be so much fun! I hope he is watching from the great beyond. torture phonesex killer clown2

Kiss Of The Dragon

torture phonesex dragonI have always been fascinated by the mystical creature, the dragon. A large flying scaled creature with claws sharp enough to slice a human in half and breath that shoots flames burning down towns and searing the flesh off the bones of anything it touches. I imagine it’s huge cock pointy and red like the flames it breathes, able to shoot gallons of thick milky cum that would cover my body several times over. It was no surprise when he showed me the dragon ornament that he bought for his cock that I wanted it deep inside my dripping cunt to help fulfill a life long fantasy. But first I wanted it to cause as much carnage as the creatures of folk lore. So I had to find a young virgin for him to fuck. I wanted her virginal blood to cover my dragon before it kissed my pussy lips and brought me to the heights of ecstasy. I watched as he held her down while she was kicking and screaming as he forced the dragon into her, ripping her tight pussy lips wide open before penetrating her sweet little cherry. The blood was every where and I couldn’t tell if she was bleeding more from her ripped flesh or the loss of her virginity, but it didn’t matter, my beautiful dragon was fucking her and soon it would be inside me covered in her blood. I could hardly keep myself from cumming as I waited to finally feel the kiss of the dragon. To finally live my fantasy even if it was in a small way. To finally feel his claws and teeth as he penetrated my waiting cunt!torture phonesex angie

Never Tease a Sadistic


torture phonesex angieWhen he called and asked if I would be his accomplice I didn’t even hesitate to say yes. He wanted to kidnap some brat that has been a prick tease for weeks now. He wanted to teach that little whore a lesson once and for all. He had several specific things he wanted to do with her and all of them were wicked and twisted and right up my alley. First we were going to beat her ass for being such a cock tease and then I get to hold her ass down while he lives out  his p rape fantasies on her, fucking every hole she has until she is horse from screaming and ripped wide fucking open. The more she screams the more severe the fucking will become. He has such a wonderful sense of fun! I can’t wait to help him torture this little prick tease and show her what happens when you want to be a naughty little girl. My cunt is aching to feel her flesh rip and tear as I beat the living fuck out of her and then hold her bloody little body down while he abuses every inch of her!

Home Movies

Accomplice phone sex with BlazeI do love to video all the little whores I babysit getting fucked. I get so excited. I used to think that watching those little sluts taking all that cock was the best thing in life. The fact that I get paid for it was even better. I get so focused when I’m watching, that all he can see is the big fat cock sliding into that tiny little pink pussy. Normally Accomplice phone sex 2am so busy playing with myself that I don’t even notice anything else. That is until this last weekend. Marcus wanted to buy some of my videos. He wanted me to watch them and pull out just certain scenes and copy them for him. I thought it was going to be a pain, but he offered me so much money I agreed to do it. So I started watching my home movies. I couldn’t believe all the things I captured on video. Every single disk had different views. It was like I was watching each girl getting fucked for the first time. Instead of just focusing in on that big fat cock being squeezed by that tiny pink pussy, I got to see her little whore face. I was able to watch her eyes swell up and get bigger as she was getting pounded. I even was able to see the goose pimples all over tiny little body as she was getting reamed out. I could rewind and watch it over and over again. I can’t believe I never notice how fantastic it is to watch these videos. It’s so hot! After I compiled all the slut scenes that Marcus wanted. I gave Marcus a text and told him it was ready. I was re-watching the movie when he showed up. I was so turned on. Marcus asked how good the movie was and I told him it’s so hot! I told Marcus I needed dick right then, and he was more than willing to let me use his. I could hear the movie going in the background. I could look over his shoulder and watch all those little sluts getting fucked! Marcus climbed right on top of me and shoved that big fat cock deep inside my pussy! Pounding me so good while I was watching all those little sluts getting stretched open! I came four times on that big fat cock of his, before he finally shot his load inside me. I’m going to have to sit down and watch every one of these fucking movies again. I am still so fucking turned on!Accomplice phone sex 3


Accomplice phone sex with Storm 1I had a special friend call me up for some fun. He normally likes for me to hunt for him and find  some hot little Mama to play with. Once he wanted a pregnant woman. Once he wanted to Mom and her fucking little brats. A few times he’s had me find him a guy, and I won’t even mentioned what he asked for on Valentines Day. He woke me up at 3 AM asking if I could come right over. While I can tell you I don’t get up at 3 AM for just anybody. But John has been a good friend for a long time, and he is very interesting. I do like the crazy things he comes up with. I got dressed and went to the address he gave me. I saw his truck parked out side of this tiny little hut. It was 80° outside and there was smoke Accomplice phone sex with Storm 2coming from the chimney. When I walked up to the hut John was waiting for me with the door open. I could feel the heat pouring out of this little hut. It was like a fucking sauna. John asked me to come in and it was like stepping into hell. The room was filled with smoke and heat. I looked at John and said it’s so hot! John started laughing and told me will that’s how you smoked meat. When I looked around the little hut I realized there was a giant grill in the center of the room. It took up the entire shack. John got this big smile on his face. He walked over to the grill and flipped the lid open and inside this grill was a funking woman. He smoking a fucking woman. I looked at John and asked him what the fuck are you doing and why he needed me there. He said he has been slow roasting this bitch for a few days. I looked and she had a funnel going into her mouth, and then I saw this bitches eyes move. Holy shit she’s still alive! She fucking looks like a beef jerky. I looked at John and asked what the fuck is going on. He said that as long as the heat is on he keeps water or liquid pouring into her. He’s literally cooking the meat while she’s still alive. John said the problem is the first day and a half he could pull her out and fuck her whenever he wanted to. But now he knows if he pulls her out she is going to rip in half and she’s going to die, and that’s where I come in. John needed me to help pull her out, but that wasn’t  all. He was going to fuck this slut one more time. He wanted me to pour water over her pussy while he’s fucking her. I can see it in her eyes, that agony. She wants me to kill her. She’s begging for it. I do love that look, It’s so hot! I’m all in. I pull her out. Start pouring water all over her legs and pussy.  John pushes his way inside of her. He was screaming oh it’s so hot, it’s so hot! When he came inside of her he pushed back on her legs which ripped open like chicken peeling off the bone. I heard some type of sound escape her. Her eyes were wide open! That bitch is still alive! John had me help her put her back in the oven. He closed the door and turned the heat all the way up. Then asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. I had to pass, but I did enjoy the show!Accomplice phone sex 3

Solving Problems!

Accomplice phone sex with StormSo I have had to deal with my new neighbor this week. She’s such a fucking bitch. Fucking slams her door at four in the morning on her way to the pool. She makes sure everybody knows how she works out every morning. She’s always trying to show off her body and point out how much better she is that everybody. The fucking bitch gets on my nerves really bad. So I had a little party on Friday night. The music was kept pretty low. Just a group of friends hanging out. We had pictures and stories to tell all about how nasty we really are. When that fucking little bitch from next-door came banging on my door. She started saying how she saw one of my guests come in. And she couldn’t go to sleep knowing he was in my house. Because he was covered in tattoos and looked like trash. I told her to get the fuck off my property! It is none of her business who the fuck I have at my house!. She said she was going to call the cops because she was scared. Really she was just fucking threatening me. How dare her think she can decide who comes in my house. But her threatening to call the cops did scare my guests, and she broke up my party. After my guests left she called over to me and told me she’s not going to have any trash around her, and I better keep that in mind. Now this little whore is deciding who I can have over at my house! And she’s threatening me! After the guys left my house we met up at my cabin. We decided how we were good take care of this fucking problem of ours. The next morning when everyone was snug in their bed. When that slut left for her daily swim. We were fucking waiting for her. She didn’t make it to her car. We grabbed her and threw her in the back of the van, and took her to a little place in the middle of nowhere. It had a pool we’ve been filling up since last night. It didn’t have all that much water in it, even though it had been filling for hours. We stripped the slut down, and the guys took turns fucking her ass and her pussy. I even put a spider Gag on her, so the guys could fuck her mouth. The whole time she’s laying in the bottom of the pool as the water iss getting higher and deeper. I tied some 25 pound weights with ropes around her tits. I put a spreader bar between her legs and tied her ankles together. The water was deep enough to drown her. Of course the guys pulled her out of the water whenever they wanted to fuck her. She was begging for someone to help her. Every time they pulled her out of the water. She would sputter and cough, and beg to be freed. Then someone would shove their dick in her mouth and fuck her for a while. Then pull their cock out and let her sink in the water again. They fucked that whore like that for hours. Twice I had to give her CPR to wake her up! But it was so worth it to watch her surfer more! Finally I didn’t give a fuck if she lived or died! I watched her cum filled body sink to the bottom of the pool. The last thing she ever saw was my face. When she died, I let Michael have her. He is going to use her dead body! I am sure.. VERY sure her body will NEVER turn up. Problem solved!