Category: Bloody phone sex

A little fun

rape phone sex fantasiesSometimes I just need a release. Everything makes me so fucking mad! Rude fucking people always pissing me off. And all I want to do is break stuff! Rip someone’s head off. Make them fucking pay. I can only hold it in for so long. Until I cant fucking take it. Until I have to fucking do something or Im gonna explode. And I know exactly what will make me feel better. Taking some whore right off the street. Some stuck up pussy of a bitch who needs a lesson. Tying her up good and fucking tight. Putting nipple clamps on her tites and hanging her from the roof. I want to use that bitch as my punching bag until my arms cant swing anymore. Then I gonna use the thickest longest rod I can find and im gonna fuck her till her pussy bleeds. Then I will swing her around and rip that pretty ass hole open. She wont be able to sit for a month. But I will let her live.. I will leave her hanging there…lol and let strangers find her naked bloody body. I want her to have nightmares forever. I want her to never forget… That will make it all better. Sometimes.. just a little fun makes everything better.

Home Invasion phone sex with Storm

Home Invassion phone sexHome invasion phone sex means much more to me now.  My friend has been telling me for weeks how she hates her fucking ex. How he screwed her over and stole from her. She is always making up stories on how she wants to fuck him up. To break into his house and make that fucker PAY!  I had finally had enough. We got so fucking wasted and went over to his house. I kicked the fucking door in and surprised him and his new little girlfriend watching a movie. I had to knock his ass out with a bat and tie him up. His girlfriend was easier.  I was able to take her down with a few punches.  I let my friend  cut her ex boyfriend up like a roast as I made his pretty little girlfriend watch. Then I turned on her.  Slicing up her pretty little face really turned me on. slow cuts to scare her as I worked up to the good stuff. By the time I made it to her perky tits I was really worked up. Cutting her up was pure heaven.  And when I finally got around to killing her…mmmmm I haven’t cum that hard in a while. Cant wait to do it again.

Mutiliation Phone Sex


Is causing something not to have life any more really demented and evil? Is death really all that bad like people make it seem? Just look at how peaceful someone is once they take their last breath. There is no evilness,sadness, or even happiness in their face any more. They are just there a lifeless soul with no feelings, or thoughts towards nothing or no one.

Every one seems to think that when you have blood dripping down your wrist after slicing it up with a sharp razor blade, they should rush you to the hospital. But, why just look at someone when they are bleeding out in front of you the emptiness in their eyes tells you their are no longer mad, or sad about whatever just made them want to cut themselves. Now, they are just lost in the moment waiting to see what is on the other side.

Are we the ones to truly stop them from just letting go of all the feelings. Being a cutter is something we want to do not something that someone made us do.

Sometimes taking the last breath from something is not always evil,sometimes just cutting gives you a pleasure no one will ever understand. Evil Grin

Master Piece

knife play phone sexSometimes I need to blow off steam. Sometimes I do it just for fun. The hunt, the thrill of the catch. The Omnipotent grace that washes over me.  Covers me as their blood covers me.  It is perfection. An art of sculpting with my blade and painting their blood on a clean pure canvas that makes me realize just how perfect life can be. The feel of the cold metal placed in my hands as the warm blood pouring over my instrument. Washes over me as I create my ballad of pleasure and pain. The smell of fear and life fills my senses.  As I  bask in the glory of life as it slips thru my  fingers one cut at a time. The sweet anguish of its cry’s as I empty the vessel of it life force.  And when I am  done I get to look at my  finished master piece and know that I created the single most important even it its life. And no one will ever forget what I have done.  The art I have created with my hands and my knife.

Knife Play with Erotic Accomplice Aria

Aria black latex corset1You never knew what hit you, you stupid bitch when you walked through your door. All at once he grabbed you and pulled you close to him and muffled your pathetic screams with his hand. You saw me waiting for you both in your very own bedroom waiting for the fun to begin. 

Typically, this is when useless little cunts like you begin to cry and beg for us not to hurt you, God no matter how many times I hear them do this it still manages to get my little snatch dripping wet. When he pushes you face down onto your bed, I crawl in next to you with my devilish grin and tell you about the amazing dirty painful hard fucking you’re about to receive. Well…..aren’t you going to thank us, bitch? Hmm, as I pull out my long sharp buck knife I only use on very special occasions like this, your eyes widen and are filled with terror. Oh, now you’re getting with the program, aren’t you sweetheart? I knew you couldn’t be that much a brainless cunt. 

I look over to him and know it’s time, we switch positions and climb on top of you and he pulls your trembling face into his lap. I laugh and tell you that you had better start to suck his cock the way he likes it or this evening to turn really bad for you. He pulls his hard throbbing dick out and forces it to your lips and you gag and choke and finally begin to suck it and take it like the worthless whore you are.

 “I really think this slut is enjoying this,” I say to myself as I’m slicing through your flimsy little skirt and top exposing your leopard print panties and bra.” I knew you were a cheap whore all along.” and In a couple of quick slices you are completely stripped and splayed out, and ready for some fun.

As your busily getting mouth fucked, you feel me glide my cool steel blade down your back over that sweet ass and down your creamy thighs. Such a pretty picture this is and I can’t resist having a nice long lick of your little fuck hole. “My, my, my, your snatch is delicious… don’t mind if I do.” I smile to myself and devour that tight cunt of yours as I fuck you so hard and deep with my expert tongue.

“Oh baby, we’re gonna have so much fun with this one, she may occupy us the whole evening. Let’s see if she can break the record and make it through the entire evening with us, cross your fingers bitch…..oh right never mind.” *giggle*


Taboo phone sexI went out Friday with a new boy. He was cute enough and smart. I do like a smart boy. But he kept checking out every other girl in the room. And he took me to his favorite burger place and all the girls knew him. Then his ex girlfriend came over and he let that bitch sit with us.. ON MY FUCKING DATE. I could tell pretty fucking fast he was using me to make her jealous… Who the FUCK does he think he is messing with???? I told him I wanting to talk to him in the truck. That bitch just started to smile… like she fucking knew what was coming. When we got out to the truck I pushed him against his door and dropped to my knees and gave her something to watch. I sucked his cock right there. Then when he was so close to nutting. I pulling off and told him to fuck me. I knew everyone was watching but I still let him dip his dick into me. I put on a really good show.. And right when he told me he was ready to cum. Lol.. I pulled off and turned around and kicked him right in the nuts as hard as I could. He was on the ground crying! I looked down at the piece of shit and let him know. His dick wasn’t good enough to cum in me. I could hear everyone laughing. I turned around a blew a nice big kiss to his ex… lol just letting that bitch know I could have him if I wanted him.. but I don’t!

Fucking Liars need to PAY


Taboo phone sexI spent days picking out the best bikini. I went to so many different shops to make sure I got only the best one! The girl at the last shop said that MY bikini was the only ONE and I go it. They had ordered some but wouldn’t be in for weeks! had to have it. It looked fantastic on me and I didn’t have to worry about everyone having one. So I was pretty surprised when I saw SEVERAL of them on the beach. And then when I saw the same BITCH who sold me my bathing suit… wearing my fucking bathing suit! The fucking slut LIED to my face. And everyone wearing this fucking bathing knows I fell for her shit! I am fucking pissed. I saw the slut jump into one of the cabanas and I moved in. I slide on a mask and I slipped in before she even realized it I jumped the Bitch. I had my hands so tight around her throat she couldn’t fucking scream! I pulled her top off and shoved it in her mouth! I reached in my bag and pulled out a knife. I cut her panties off and shoved them in her mouth as well. I could just make out her chocking. Her naked body weathering beneath me. The little fucking liar had to pay. I took my knife and carved LIAR in her fucking for head. The punched her over and over in her face and chest. I punched her till I was no longer pissed! Fuck that bitch. Then I got up and left. With her bleeding and chocking on the ground. I jumped in the water and swam out to a group of guys.. keeping an eye on the Cabana. It was almost an hour before someone found I wish I could see her face the moment she see what she looks like now!

Taboo Phone Sex

Taboo Phone SexWhat is Taboo Phone Sex?  Do you even have a clue?  Here’s the difference between vanilla and hard core.  If you think a fuckin pinky up your ass is Taboo…. Yeah you’re vanilla cupcake.  Now if you like your pussy with a side of blood, gore and hardcore violence, then you are the sick fuck who understands what Taboo Phone Sex is all about!  Hardcore all the way!

One of my favorite pervs Corey and I love to get as taboo as possible on our sick and twisted journeys.  I had all the pretty little brats naked and waiting.  The fools thought we were playing a game.  I made them choose who to “Vote out of the circle”.  It was all giggles and smiles until the first unfortunate victim was pulled from the group and violently assaulted in front of their wide little eyes.  My blade found her throat and sliced her open like a fucking pig drenching his cock in her sticky warmth.

This continued on and on with the shrieks and screams getting louder.  But I do say I always make an entrance and an exit worth remembering.  The entrance was carved into one sweet lil petites belly and presented to Corey to fuck her “stiff” lol.  He made her splatter all over the place!  The exit was me slicing the scalp off our last little victim and using that hunk of moist chunky flesh to coax his p-cock to squirt all his hot sticky load.  We make such beautiful messes together don’t we babe? 

Pure Perfection

snuff phone sex storm

She use to be so pretty. Her hair was so long. Her eyes were the deepest darkest blue. Her lips were the pretest pink. I can still see her creamy white skin. Her pink perky nipples. The way she got goose bumps all over her body when she got scared. Even over her bald little pussy. She use to be so pretty. But now.. now she’s beautiful. I had to tie her hair into the chains that held her down. She pulled so hard to get up, even though it ripped  some of her hair out by the roots. Just beautiful.  Her white creamy skin really set off all those beautiful purple burses. Like a living stained glass work of art. When I sliced up that perfect skins and mixed all those deep dark reds. OOOHhhhhh pure perfection. Even when her eyes swelled shut you could still see the hint of blue. Even her voice was perfection.  Soft and innocent. When she begged and pleaded. It never got harsh. Normally the ending is the best.  Watching the life drain out of them. But with something so perfect. I didn’t want to end it. I have such plans. Letting her go. Letting her heal. Waiting and watching till she feels safe again. Till she gets that light back. Then I’m gonna take her again. Pure perfection should always be cherished!


Heads Up

hot phonesex angie1“Angie baby, as soon as I heard the “POP” I started cumming like a mad man!” Music to my ears!
Trust and believe that my cunt was squirting at the same sound and when I looked down at my handy work, I had a full fledged orgasm!
This little bitch thought it would be fun to have a threesome with my friend and I. It was great for us! We had so much fun gagging her with his huge cock. Watching her eyes bulge as she gasped for air. Beating her ass was a hoot. The feel of her flesh giving way under my blows and watching as the blood squirted out of her wounds as I inflicted them. Ahh and the piece de resistance, hearing her cry and beg as we fist fucked her ass and pussy shoving our arms so far in her we could hear her flesh rip and the blood began to flow. She brought us so much pleasure as we caused so much pain that she lost consciousness.
The wide eyed look of fear when she came to after I put the smelling salt under her nose was priceless!
We fucked her up long into the night. Just as the sun was rising I went and got my sledge hammer. I held it high over my head and took a mighty swing. When it hit her skull it made the sweetest “POP” noise. As I looked upon her mangled and disfigured face with blood and brain matter flowing from her skull I came so hard I could barely stand.
Now for a good days sleep. I believe I am craving more….angies