Category: Bloody phone sex

Ransom for Flesh

Kidnapping phone sex

I found the perfect dinner! She’s lovely, round in all the right places and young. The only problem is that she is wealthy and Daddy keeps with her a bodyguard at all times. I captured her friend, a little less meaty but still worthwhile and I told my young, plump prize that her friend would be killed unless she swapped places. Sure enough, she slipped past her bodyguard and arrived at my house. I gave the stupid little girl my address because I knew she wasn’t going to call the cops, and I also knew that none of my prey ever walked out of my house. Meanwhile, I had been fattening up the friend, who was filling out nicely.
When my little prize walked through the door, I noticed that she had crumbs of Oreos around her luscious lips; poor thing had probably been stuffing her emotions, worried about her friend. I appreciated that. This was going to require a lot of work, so I enlisted the help of a friend. He bound my pretty little prize while I took her friend out of the cage. Relieved, she thought she had saved her friend; and, the friend thought she would be released. Stupid things. My mouth was watering as I began preparing my tools and heard her little whimpers. My friend had already started carving her friend and I was glad. The smell of blood and meat permeated the air and made me even hungrier for the young chubby thing that graced my table. She didn’t even struggle; I could’ve forgone the restraints, but I knew she would be flinching when I began using my knife.
Her beautiful eyes were even more beautiful in death; and, the blood that followed the trace of my knife matched her hair. I had to stop at several points and admire her, committing the scene to memory and also memorializing it on film. Her breasts, large and natural, were going to make an excellent soup. I decided to even leave the cute little nipples on them…confident that they would soak up flavor very nicely. After the long, worthwhile work, I had a friend who specialized in taxidermy and had her head stuffed as a trophy. I took her rings and laced them around her lovely curly locks of hair. She sits in my study and I still enjoy admiring her, recalling our time together and how savory she was.

Kidnapping phone sex2

Rape fantasy phone sex with Mistress of brutality Geneva.

Rape fantasy phone sex heats up  as only a dream, and one hell of a taboo phone sex dream  fantasy it was. This fantasy  started with me sitting at the bar in some place I can’t quite place. This place was a majestic  bar and seems it could have been one in the French Quarter. However, you see I don’t recall ever being to the French Quarter only in dreams have I found myself there. Upon awakening from this dream everything seemed so real the blood in my mouth, the feeling of bruising all over my body.

I saw myself sitting there dressed like Mistress of the Night in the style of the 1900’s. I felt like I was in a Jack the Ripper rendition based in an Absinthe bar in New Orleans. Seeing myself get wasted on Absinthe and Opium as I visited with one John after another. The last one was an image burned in my mind as I was left for dead when he finished with me.

He got me high and used me, beat me, choked me and cut me before he even fucked me. Rendering my body lifeless this man took me like a rag doll. His hands around my neck as he thrust inside my pussy so raw and bloody from all his abusive fisting and object fucking. He slit my throat as he filled me with his salty cum. Pulling out he came all over my neck mixing his saltiness with my blood as he laughed and slapped me with his cock and left me there bound to the bed bleeding and gasping for breath. Then I awoke.

rape phone sex fantasy Geneva

Hunt, Bind, Kill, Eat

Bondage phone sex collage

My hunger for flesh has been undeniable; and, yesterday, I had the great fortune of talking with someone who has my same unusual tastes. He shared a picture and several ideas that captured my interest; and, with the proper planning, I went out to execute it myself…even though it was risky alone. It was almost dusk, so I had to hurry to the local hiking trail. The pretty little families and coeds walked past; but, in the distance, I could see a large group and one particular meaty chick was lagging behind. I double-checked my trap and waited. One of her stupid little skinny friends stopped to help her; but, I breathed a sigh of relief when she returned to a boy that was further ahead.

I smelled the group as they passed; this catch would definitely need a bath before eating and I was glad that I set-up next to a creek. She was teetering and I was afraid that she would miss the spring that would trigger the net; so, I stepped out in front of her and asked if she could help me…that I had sprained my ankle. Oh, the ones with a little bit of body issues are so easy to snag! And, quickly, she was floating in the air in the net! I forced her to drink a concoction that would make her easier to maneuver; and that was easy because her mouth was open as she sobbed. She didn’t even scream because she knew that she was destined to be prey. I cut the rope and she lay there as I drug her and washed her.

Then, I bound her wrists and legs. Not correctly gauging her weight or tolerance, she began to come out of the semi-unconsciousness and began begging for her life, struggling against the ropes. I quit listening until she said that she had so many people that I loved her; looking up at her, I showed my doubt. She instantly burst into sobs and was quiet the rest of the time. I was going to attempt to roast her over a fire that I had recently created. I hadn’t realized that she’d be so heavy, though; as I carved her meaty flesh, I decided to take what I wanted. I’d leave a little of her hidden in the brush for a friend, whom I’d call and offer that part of the kill.

I happily returned to my vehicle and placed the backpacks of fresh meat in the trunk; her friends hadn’t even missed her yet. They were all huddled around a truck and drinking beer. Yes, she was better off where she was going; at least she’d bring pleasure this way, and I was quite certain that her own seasoning would be delicious.

When Little People Attack

Taboo phone sex collage

I was walking home from my latest kill when I saw a very odd-looking fight. The bartender, a little person, was charging over the counter at a guy. I could hear a woman’s voice say, “Vinny, he touched me. Beat him up!” I crept further so that I could see and hear better through the gigantic window. The bartender had the other man (of normal weight and height) in a headlock. I had to laugh at the scene. The guy grunted out, “She’s just a tramp, man. I bought her a drink.” Vinny didn’t like that much and slammed the guy’s face into the concrete floor. Vinny yelled, “Well, she’s my tramp now. My damn pussy.” I rolled my eyes at the reason for the fight: a frizzy-haired blonde woman with a short skirt…who, I just noticed, had her skirt lifted and was rubbing her clit over Vinny’s half-conscious victim. She was definitely jacking-off; and, when she was cumming, she released what I think was urine on the unconscious man. The bartender drug the man out into the street gutter and I disappeared in the shadows. Without so much as a “Thank you,” the woman left; and, the bartender who had so fiercely fought for the woman sat at the bar and drank a beer. I stared curiously at his bloody nose and wounds, badges of honor that he’d wear just for pussy. I shook my head and continued home; and, people think it’s weird that I eat them?! Hell, I think I’m doing some of them a service!  The fun part was already done or i would’ve brought the trash home…and tortured him.  And, as for Vinny, he needs to be out there somewhere.

Eaten Alive

taboo phone sex layla

She’s just so mean and rough. I never wanted to get on her bad side at all. I don’t know where Reagan came from but I’m sure it was some part of hell. She had fire in her eyes and I knew I would submit to her just like I do my husband. When she walked into the gang house I thought maybe she was one of their girlfriends until she ordered me to my feet. As I stood bare in front of her she inspected my body. She squeezed my tits, opened up my pussy lips, inspected my asshole and finally nodded approval. As soon as she did they put a bag over my head and knocked me out cold. When I regained consciousness she and I were all alone and she was holding a large box.  I on the other hand was uncomfortable as usual and extremely STICKY. From the way it smelled I was doused in honey. I had no idea what this Reagan girl had in her mind but it obviously it involved smearing me in edibles. To my dismay she dropped the large box and what looked like an army of  rats and roaches flew out. I immediately began to scream even though I was warned not to. Roaches were stuffing themselves down my throat as I screamed from the pain. The rats were enjoying a sweet treat as well as eating me alive.

taboo phone sex regan

Bonfire Delicatessen

Cannibalism phone sex collage

Summer is a ripe time to find young, fresh bodies; I prefer the ones with a healthy mixture of fat and muscle…otherwise, they taste too tough or too soggy. We cannibals banded together to go on camping trip of sorts; really, we were hunting for campers. And, as luck would have it, when we arrived at the park, we could see a blaze of fire in the distance; it looked to be the perfect length from the entrance. It wasn’t too close or too far away, nestled deep in the woods.

The teenagers were already fairly intoxicated, but we’d burn that off soon enough. We put out some great wines, perfectly seasoned for our purposes. The greedy youngsters were happy to drink our wines. We told them that we had something stronger if only they would do something for us. The girls agreed without even hearing the entire proposition. One of my comrades gave them some oils and told them to bathe each other in it. The guys thought it was hot and my party chuckled at their enthusiasm…and naiveté. Soon they were lathered, so we put out a clean blanket for them to sit on; we didn’t want grass in our entrees.

One of my male companions bound the girls. I had other things on my mind: I walked stealthily behind the chairs of the young men…and quickly slit their throats. To be honest, none of us liked the taste of males, and they were becoming more than a little annoying with all of their immature sexual innuendos as the girls sautéed themselves.

One of the girls noticed how quiet it was; one said the guys had probably passed out. Being myself, I said, “No, look at the way their heads are positioned.” One screamed, then another, until all of them were in unison. One of my companions chastised me but I shrugged and told them that their adrenaline would make the spices pump faster through their bodies. It was time: the sharp sticks that we had brought were set up over the fire; the young idiots really hadn’t done a horrible job assembling the bonfire.

Stakes were in the ground and now it was time to hoist our meals. I tenderized them by whipping them; and, then I jabbed several sticks with various vegetables through their jaws and thighs. I had the good mind to cut their vocal cords; and, then we were able to recline with a glass of wine and wait to devour our lovely meal!

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Cassandra: Hurt a Rich Bitch


rape phone sex fantasies bondage pain slut

Before waking up in this dingy disgusting bathroom, the last thing I remember is having a Pixie Stix Martini with this nice young guy at Malone’s. How did I go from an upscale bar to this? As I sat there on the floor trembling, I could hear guys peeing. I asked for help; asked where I was, but I was ignored. I started crying, sobbing actually. No chivalry in this dump. Suddenly the door slammed open, and a guy dragged me by my hair across a dirty tiled floor into a dungeon like room. I was in trouble and I was really scared. So scared, I peed my panties. I started begging for an explanation, pleading to be let go, offered up money. “My daddy is super rich” I said, “He will give you whatever you want.” I was met with a hard slap across the face, and a “Your daddy doesn’t have what we want.” That guy then ripped my clothes off and his friends surrounded me. They began tying me up, kicking me, spitting on me, calling me a stuck up rich bitch. I was so scared.

I actually passed out for awhile. When I awoke, I was tied up spread eagle and had a huge cock in my ass and every hole I have was being violated. Two cocks in my mouth gagging me. I tried to resist but they just got rougher with me. They punched me in the stomach, smacked me across the face, throttled my throat till I passed out from lack of oxygen and when I would come to, they just repeated the cycle of abuse. They kept saying I was a cock tease and a stuck up whore who needed to be put in her place.  I have explored rape phone sex fantasies before, but this was no fantasy. This was real. I was drugged, kidnapped and abused for hours by complete strangers. I had cocks in every hole I got. I was covered in cum. I had bruises and restraint marks all over my body. My face was swollen and bloody from being battered. My ass was bleeding and I think they tore my vagina. I’m not a virgin, but my thighs were covered in blood too. When they were done using and abusing me sexually, they laughed and took pictures of me. I was in the fetal position, crying on that dirty floor, begging for mercy.

Mercy never came. Only fear, only pain, only darkness.

Tear Me Open

Taboo phone sexWhere are all your instruments? I thought you’d be giving me more glorious excruciating pain by cutting me at will. How will you do that without all those cold stainless steel tools I desire pressing into my white skin and creating the crimson and copper smell?

You put my legs in stirrups and secure them with duct tape.  You tell me my pussy is too small, too tiny for the games we are going to play tomorrow. Your fingers and your hands are going to be your tools today! Jam your fingers from both hands inside my pussy. I would cum already from your touch, but I already know whats coming next and I hold my breath waiting for your next move. 

You pull and stretch my little pussy to it’s absolute limit and i feel the stinging begin as the edges of my pussy give into the expansion of your fingers. I begin to tear and bleed. You keep pulling with all your might. My cunt lips are so far apart and my slit is tearing at the top and bottom while I scream for mercy. I scream for the mercy of a scalpel, but you ignore my screams and continue to tear my pussy another inch, blood all over your hands and laughing at me. 

Now I just want more. How far can I possibly tear before my asshole and pussy become one? Please keep tearing me, inch by inch, split me open sideways. Show me how far you can take this, rip me open like you’re trying to get in.

A New Victim

torture phonesex angieShe is a sweet young thing isn’t she? All pretty in pink with her long curly hair. Who would think she had a dark side….desires that take her over the edge and into my world. My cunt is alive and pumping the juices that are preparing me to give her all that her heart desires. She wants pain, she wants torture, she wants to live on the edge of life and death, living in a world of mind numbing pain with no control at all over her own fate. No idea what that fate will be. She will live out her desires at my hand this fine night. I have more planned for her then she could ever imagine in her tortured mind. I have prepared my rat cage, this will be her first taste of what torture can be, I will cover her face with peanut butter and then fix the cage to her head before putting my three big, beautiful and very hungry rats in it with her. They will eat the peanut butter off her face taking little chunks of flesh with it. When I am tired of hearing her crying out from the pain and her face is covered in blood. When they have feasted and their little bellies are full, I will remove this device and move on. Next I will scalp that cunt of hers and pour the whiskey I am drinking all over it, making it burn and sting with no relief. This is just the beginning, I am going to bring her to the edge of life. Slowly, methodically, enjoying every second of it! Will I go all the way and snuff her? I haven’t decided just yet. But I think it would be much better to keep her alive. Let her heal just a little bit and begin the process a new in a few days introducing her to new and more torturous means of pain. Stephanie my sweet new victim.torture phonesex stephanie

Human It’s What’s For Dinner

Cannabilism phone sex1

They were herded like cattle, forced to bathe under high-pressure hoses, and watch as their family members perished. After the first couple of sawed, mutilated, and tortured bodies, most of the victims were more worried about themselves…than showing outward feelings about being disgusted as their spawn were executed. The large basement looked like a slaughterhouse, and it was.

It took four of us to carve out their bodies, remove intestines, and season. The fattier ones were grilled like stake and anointed with pineapples. One particularly attractive red-head was sliced up to be pepperoni for the pizza, which would surely be a hit among the munchkins that attended dinner.

We sampled everything, taking delight in our creations before sharing them with our next victims. Once they arrived and were seated, we presented the courses on white napkins and formal place settings. They were all curious about why some of their family members were not there, but they made the normal excuses (too busy, drunk, etc.). The adults and spawn thanked us for our creations.

Offering up a video from one of the family members who could not make it, we turned out the lights and dispersed. Pressing steel blades against their throats, we turned on the film. They agonized and moaned, watching their loved ones being hacked up. One woman looked down at what remained of her fillet minion and vomited; what a waste, I thought, because she had so enjoyed her aunt only minutes earlier!

We began torturing what remained of the family in our own special ways. Preferring knives, I sliced off the woman’s breasts and peeled back the flesh on her stomach. Her eyes were the last to go because I wanted her to see the bloody scene until she died. Then, it was time to prepare our meal from our newest kill. There’s just something about the taste of fear that seasons food like nothing else!