War Lord

The Countries of Africa have always interested me. There is so much strife, poverty, sickness, malnourishment, beauty, sadness, majestic wildlife, corruption, genocide, and of course my favorite War Lords.  Just the name makes me quiver.  War Lords put a whole new meaning to the word torture.  They are some of the cruelest men on the face of the Earth, and I for one admire them.

Taboo phone sexFrom time to time I will travel to African American Museums to bare witness to their unconscionable thinking.  Recently there was one such exhibit at a Museum in Dallas.   I traveled there so that I could gaze upon certain artifacts that were, and in some cases, still used to this very day.  It allows me to fantasy about what it would be to be a powerful Woman War Lord.  I smirk when I think if they were to hear of Me they would just laugh due to the fact that I am a “mere” Woman, but they would soon realize that I can just be just as cruel and evil as them for no other reason than perhaps I feel like it.

Bloody phone sexAt first it would be rather hard to garner support but I would make sure I had something in large supply that a lot of other War Lords could not get their hands on.  That would be Khat.  Khat is one of the most wonderful drugs in the world.  I doesn’t look like a drug that we have access to here in the states.  We tend to smoke, snort, or inject our drugs, but Khat is simply chewed.  It is highly addictive, it makes you feel so very wonderful, and after just a little bit, you want more and more and more.  It would be so easy to have Myself a little band of addicts who will do what ever atrocities My wicked brain could come up with.  They would without question knowing that when they came back, they could settle in with a bundle of Khat and drift off into addict slumber. 

Violent phone sexAs I strolled through the exhibits, My thoughts turning more and more violent as I worked on My War Lord fantasy, I came across an object that made me smile fully.  It was the most wonderful Nzappa zap I had ever seen.  I knew about them, but I had never seen one for Myself in real life.  I could see Myself out at night, silently maneuvering My lovely dark skinned followers through the jungle.  Coming upon an encampment of our enemy, then deftly flinging this far range ax across the still of the night until it embedded it’s self into the side of someone’s skull. 

All in all I think I would make a fantastic War Lord.

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