Category: Bloody phone sex

Fuck off and Die Bitch!!!

Bloody phone sexSo I babysit to earn extra cash on the side. I like to practice my mind games on the little fucks I watch. And it is easy money. Most of the time I have the daddy’s so wrapped around my fingers I really rake in the money! But every once in a while I have a problem. Normally from the moms. But I have NEVER a mistress show up at my house to curse me out and tell me to stay the FUCK away from her man. I mean WTF! How did this BITCH get my address anyhow! And the Balls she has showing up HERE! At my house. FUCK no! That is not how I roll. I made sure she came alone. Then I picked up a lead vase. And I knocked that bitch out. When she woke up. I had her tied to a tree in the woods. I let her scream as I cut her clothes off. I told her I wanted to see the size of her BALLS. I mean they had to be pretty big if she thought she could fuck with me. Oooh she begged and pleaded for me to let her go. She said she was sorry. But I knew she wasn’t. This bitch was gonna pay before I killed her. First I beat her blue and black. Then I started cutting off pieces of at a time. Fingers and toes. She begged for me to kill her. I drug it out as long as I could. But then before I finally put the whore out of her misery. I let her watch a little video I had of me and her lover. I let her watch him tell me I was the best he ever had. How he loved me. I could see the defeat in her eyes when I slit that bitches throat. And it felt GOOD!

Home Invasion Mutilation

angieWe crept into that fancy ass house. I was hoping for a mommy and daddy and some cute little tidbits to watch the carnage before getting fucked up themselves. But what I got was a lot more fun. There was a mommy and a daddy all right and on little morsel but there was also a young couple living with mommy and daddy till they got on their feet. She was the one that was the most fun. I helped him tie mommy and daddy up and I made the others watch as he made daddy suck his dick till it was hard so he could force it in mommy nice and rough while choking the life out of her. I let him have the little morsel and I had big plans for the star crossed young lovers. I gave her a huge railroad nail that was nice and sharp. I ripped all her clothes off while he watched and handed her the nail. His pain, torture and mutilation would be based on her self mutilation. I wanted her to fuck herself up to save him. Which was never really going to happen, there was no salvation for him. There never is any mercy or salvation once I get started. My accomplice watched the whole thing jerking his dick with his blood covered hands, By the time she was done she was laying in a pool of her own blood, her arms looked like they had been put through a meat grinder. Her young lover had chunks of flesh hanging from his body in various places and he was bleeding all over the floor as well. I told my accomplice to pull her up by her bloody matted hair and hold his knife to her throat, while I held my knife to her young lovers cock and balls. Together we were going to slice as deep as we could, she was lucky she would die quickly but he would have to look at her body jerking and convulsing while he bled to death. I love mutilation especially self mutilation.torture phonesex angie

Pain Bitch!



Accomplice phone sexI love to torment bitches. I mean really drag out their pain. I like to make my prey suffer. Hardcore Pain Whore! That is exactly what I am. I love that first scream. The smell of fear that drips off your body. I love to show you the instruments I am going to use to punish you. My fist cuts will be shallow. Just to scare the bitch. Next will be deeper. To really get the blood flowing. I love the crimson flow of fresh blood. I love the feel of it on my fingers. And the smell of it on your body. And then the work out. The punching and pulling. The turning that beautifully bloody body into a purple and blue piece of art work. The grunts and groans of the sprit breaking. And the crunch of bones shattering! Mmmmm I try to drag it out as long as possible. My pussy gets so wet with every hit. I can feel the cum dripping down my legs. And I never want it to end. But eventually my prey just gives up. Stops screaming and stops fighting. Then it isn’t as much fun. I might as well kill the bitch if she is no longer entertaining. The last thing she will ever hear is me telling that Bitch to die!

Will You Join Us???

torture phonesex angieThis is the craziest fucking idea that my girl has ever thought of. It is so fucking out there that it would have my panties in a knot, if I wore panties. In honor of the bewitching season we are going to have a two day festival that is going to be like no other. Each of us are bringing a victim and on the first night of fesitvites we are going to beat and torture them and then fuck their lifeless bodies. Then we are going to harvest their meat but each of us must keep one body part in tact. On the second day of our festivities we will prepare our fresh meat for a feast and after dinner the real fun will begin. Each of us must have our severed body part and we must fuck that body part in front of the others, Topping off the whole thing we are going to have a seance where we are going to attempt to conjure up the spirits of our victims. With luck they will be angry and seeking revenge just the way we ant them. Just thinking about the possibilities makes me tingle all over and I just want to fucking cum all over the place. This is going to be the best Halloween celebration that we have ever put together. I don’t know where my girl comes up with these ideas but I love her for them!


torture phonesex karma4The night is pitch black except for the glow of the new moon high in the sky. Not one star flickers in the sky and the thrill and anticipation is heavy in the air, looming like the thick fog that surrounds my naked body. I am glistening with a mixture of sweat and dew as the pulse beats hard and steady in my neck.
She is laying there on the alter, eyes staring blindly upwards. I have shaved her head, her arm pits and her sweet little pussy. I was surprised to find that her clit is pierced and has a silver ball through it. I decide to leave it in, I think my lord of evil will be pleased with the ornament.
The moon must rise just a little further so that it is directly center in the dark sky before I begin my decapitation and sacrifice. I speak to her softly and offer her a dip of red wine as I wipe her brow. She has long since stopped fighting and has accepted her fate as inevitable. I thank her once again for her gift and kiss her gently on the lips before raising my machete high into the air. I can’t help but notice as the moon light glistens off the blade before I bring it down to sever the first limb. She lets out a ear piercing scream before loosing consciousness and I cum hard as the blood pours from her body.decap

Bend Over Bitch

Torture phone sexI know you know her. That Bitch that you dated once. You know the one. She made you feel like shit. She treated you like she was better than you. Like she was better than everyone. I know how that Bitch made you feel. Even if you don’t want to admit it. You want her to pay! You want to put that stuck up Bitch in her place. And I know just how to do it. Something she will never forget. Something she will never get over. I am going to snatch that fucking whore. I am going to strip her naked. Of course I will let you watch. I know you want to hear her beg and plead for her life. Then I am going to sing her a little tune. In my sweetest little voice “Roses are Red… Violets are twisted… Bend over Bitch… You are about to get Fisted!” I wait for my words to sink in. And then I shove my fist right up her tight Bitch ASS! I can’t wait to tell you everything we are going to do to her… How much she is gonna suffer! and we can decide if she dies or just wish she did.

Im gonna bathe in that Bitches Blood!

Accomplice phone sexI know what you like. You like them young. Young and sweet. A tiny little morsel. Something small and petite. I will ripe her clothes off so you can see that pristine body. Her little pink nipples and soft smooth pussy. Look at how delicious she is. Her skin is as soft as a baby blanket. Her hair billows around her body like a halo. She is purity at its finest. I have a special table of little ones like this. It has groove to funnel all the blood to a big bowl under the table. I will let you have some fun by shoving your dick in all her little wholes. I want to hear your rip her apart as she screams. And while you are deep inside her. I am going to pull out my knife and slice the bitch up. Just deep enough to make her bleed. To make her scream louder. To cover you in her blood. And when you are ready to fill her little body with cum. I am going to slice her neck open. I am going to bleed that bitch out while you are pumping your cum deep into her. I will let you fuck her dead little body while I take the bowl of blood and poor it all over my body! OOOH a perfect night. AND when you get doing playing with that TOY… Then you may fuck my bloody body!

Tear Her To Shreds

torture phonesex angie1I have noticed the wolves coming closer to the house as the weather gets closer. I don’t know if it is out of curiosity or in search of food or why they are creeping closer and closer but it is to my advantage. I had a bit of fun last night with a sweet young thing. I brought her in and gave her a good meal with a plan in mind. I made sure to put a good dose of a special herb I have that paralyzes the consumer yet they remain conscience, they are completely aware of everything going on around them and they can feel everything as well, they simply can not move. Once the potion took effect I had some good old fashioned fun torturing the little bitch. I ripped her clothes off and branded her with a nice hot iron that I put in the fireplace, relishing the smell of her burning flesh. I took out my knife and had a great time making her scream as I cut her flesh and drank the blood while it poured out of her. And finally I gagged her and drug her out to the yard where the wolves have been cumming and sat in my window watching. It wasn’t long before I saw the glow of their eyes as they approached the tree line. I watched with delight while my pussy got wetter and wetter the closer they got to her. I knew she would feel every agonizing minute of their feast and I would sit and enjoy every minute of it. She couldn’t scream and scare them off with the gag in her mouth and I watched as they sniffed her bloody body. I began to feel the orgasm work it’s way up my body as they began to rip bits of flesh off of her body jerking her and slinging her paralyzed form as they tore at her. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and I will be feeding them more in the future.

Evil Bitch Ivy


evil phone sex

Evil is pretty much my specialty. I don’t give a fuck about long walks in the park or the hottest clubs in the city. I want to see people bleed and beg for their pathetic little lives. I want people to scream and cry for help. I laugh at death. Maybe I’m a vampire, maybe I would enjoy the taste of blood and watching people get scared as I walk in the room and fear for their lives or maybe not knowing of the danger that’s to come. One second you’re having fun and the next I have you in the corner draining you and leaving you lifeless. Although, my reflection would be something I’d miss, because I’m so damn hot, don’t you agree? I’d be a sex crazed superhuman! I could probably fuck all day and night. I love the thought of me being the thing that goes bump in the night. Better be careful… you may just be my next victim… or maybe your household. Your wife and little critters all sound asleep. Time to have a lot of bloody fun! …Oh gosh, that’s makes me horny. I could definitely go for some rough, choke-me-til-I-almost-pass-out, bite me hard, sex right now. I think I’m going to  masturbate  and conjure up some wicked evil fantasies for our next torture session. That’ll have to do for right now….. until next time. 


Oh the wickedly delicious evil streak I possess amazes even me sometimes. I try and warn them not to annoy me, to just walk away. But they insist on partaking in a game in which they are so out of their league.

BeFunky_Aria redhead topless.jpg

What can I do, if one chooses to poke at a deadly tigress, don’t be surprised to find yourself her lunch. Are you stupid enough to think that just because I’m a petite, demure girl I can be out witted and fooled by you? You may have the brute strength, but I possess the cunning and boldness most men covet.

 I also have the gift of simply not giving a fuck about the pain and misery I inflict upon these worthless bits of flesh. It’s the oddest thing, it’s almost as if they’re drawn to me, knowing the harm that awaits them they still come.

I’ve been accused of putting them under a spell, using black magic, but no it’s simply their own weakness and blinding lust for me. I suppose I should be flattered and should owe them some bit of compassion….never.

Once I get a taste of blood, I cannot stop myself. My thirst for it is unquenchable, all I see is red. literally and figuratively. I become a machine and I cannot and will not stop until I consume ever last drop