Category: Bloody phone sex

Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: Oops, Did I Do That?

bloody phone sex knife sadisticI was trying to see my future with my crystals and tarot cards today. This is a weekly ritual I do. But this stupid cunt in the apartment below me was blaring her music and interrupting my concentration. I pounded on the floor and yelled at her to turn her music the fuck down. It was some god awful modern country crap about a tractor being sexy. What the fuck? This bitch needed some manners, not to mention some fucking taste in music.

I grabbed my big ass knife to scare the cunt and pounded on her door. I was like what the fuck did you not understand about turn the music down. The bitch got mouthy with me. I pushed her outta my way and back into her apartment. I slapped her hard across the face and told her to shut the fuck up. I explained I was not the bitch to mess with, especially today. I was PMSing big time. Well, she called me a troll. What the hell? So, I cut her. No one talks disrespectfully to me. Especially not some rude little cunt. I slashed her face harder and deeper than I intended. Blood spurted on my face and I got a bit intoxicated from it. I love blood. Well, other people’s blood. She was whining and holding her face, trying to stop the flow of blood spurting out when I just go so enthralled, I slashed the bitch again and again and again. Blood was spewing out her face like a fucking geyser.   Me bad. I just lost control. She was rude, whiny and disrespectful.  Plus she had bad taste in music. The cunt didn’t deserve to live. There was blood everywhere. It was a mess, but a quiet mess. I marched back upstairs, hide my knife and got my tarot cards. Went back down to her place, laid in the blood and read my future. No jail for me because no one will miss a rude, whiny and disrespectful bitch. Do you got one in your life who  needs to be snuffed out? I am the perfect accomplice.

bloody phone sex knife evil

Taste For Virgin Blood

You enjoy taking me from the inside and working your way out. Nothing excites you quite like that first stream of blood running out of my pussy. I remember the first time you made me bleed. It seems so long ago. U spread my leg and your digusting mouth hung open, drooling over my fresh virgin blood.  You dipped your fingers in and tasted it like a tot tasting cotton candy for the first time.

You made me taste it as well. The coppery flavor of the first blood drove my senses wild. I was so young, and you are so evil. I didn’t want to like it. I didn’t want to like you. But there we were, sharing my virgin blood. Together in a moment of horrow with blood on our lips. You took everything from me that day, and have continued to own my life every day since.

Now you must use your knives and your barbed tools to create that blood dripping from my tiny pussy. Its red, its real, but nothing is satisfying you like that first blood. You get angry and take your rages out on me. You beat me, cut me, burn me, and yet nothing can give you what you want. You took it too soon you stupid,greedy,evil man. That earns me another slice across my chest. But it enrages you even more that you know I like it.

You taste the blood from my chest, and spit it back in my face. It will never be good enough. My body is full of the blood you thought would quench you, but it doesn’t. You need my help. Please let me go and I promise I will lure in what you desire so. I promise I will come back. You have power over me, and I know you are almost ready to trust me. Trust me and make the deal that will quench your bloody taste.

Demon Fucking Tearing Me Apart

You let the creature loose inside my cell. He is grotesque. Some sort of fucking monster. Is this what you’ve been working on? This is the evil creature you swore you would create to terrorize us girls, your prisoners? Oh my god, what the fuck does it want? Its not even human but you gave it a huge cock?? You’re going to have this monster fuck me?

You rage with laughter as your creation is alive and hungry for exactly what you programmed to be hungry for – pussy and flesh.  My blood runs cold as your monster grabs ahold of me. There is nothing behind its eyes except blackness and hunger. Its no less than a wild animal with the strength of 5 men. It grabs me and begins to sloppily grope my naked body, hungry and curious. Its cock is huge and hard and slimy, just like the rest of it.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Get this thing out of my cell before it hurts me!! Its too late, I am in its grasp and even you couldn’t save me now. You’ve created an evil even greater than your own. You plan to watch this thing fuck me to shreds.  I feel faint but I feel its digusting breath breathing all over my body, smelling me like a fucking animal. It shoves me to the ground and climbs on top – its cock poking at my tiny body searching for the wet pussy it wants as it howls a noise like I have never heard before.

Its cock finds my cunt and it doesnt hesitate as it slams it deep inside. I can feel my pussy rip apart and the blood begin to flow. I see the creatures eyes dilate from the scent of fresh blood, and it shows its teeth – like a row of knives – and it buries its mouth deep into the side of my neck as it fucks me…  The last thing I see is you, youre watching with such pride… Your work is coming to fruition right before your eyes.

Devil Boy’s First Orders

Evil phone sex 1b

I recently sort of adopted spawn, not to raise 24/7, but to cultivate his evil, sadistic side.  You may wonder how something so young could have so much evil; well, I know it’s possible…I am a prime example, myself.  I know that he has the sadistic, bloody hunger inside of him.  What I do not know is if he will be meticulous enough not to get caught and patient enough not to make huge mistakes.  We will see; but, right now, I’m just enjoying it and eager to send him on his first task.

His instructions were to get off on the bus at a further exit; the ride would be a couple of hours.  It was time for him to mentally prepare as well as a test of his patience.  His task was to find a little girl and do whatever he pleased with her; but, he must kill her without being seen…and within half of an hour.  Of course, I did not go with him; instead, I hooked an untraceable camera to his shirt.

I knew the moment he had chosen her: she was dainty, blonde-haired…almost like a sprite, really.  And, instead of following her to kiss her, he was hunting her like the prey she was.  I could barely contain my excitement; and, I was a little nervous for him.  Maybe I should have given him more instructions, but it was too late now.  He was talking with her, leading her into the woods by the nearby park.  The canopy of trees made everything seem eerily dark; but, I could see the glimmer of a knife.

He pushed her down; she was already crying.  He covered her mouth with his hand.  I could see that he was pushing his hand very hard against her lips; her eyes were huge.  I couldn’t see the knife raised; but, I saw it find it’s target.  He straddled her, his ass smothering her face; and, he lifted the knife again and again.  Slicing the little girl to the point of overkill, I was impressed with his strength.  When he was done, he admired his work; then, he peeled off his bloody clothes and replaced them with the clean ones that were in his backpack.  So far, so good; now, for the next lesson!

Evil phone sex 1a

Crimson Part 4


   The screams of fear are far sweeter than any other sound; the primal noise ripping through the throat and reaching a volume one could never believe could be coming out of their own body is simple delightful. I almost felt bad to the poor girl suffering at my hands… almost. The blood slowly blossoming on her white dress looked like a beautifully twisted work of art. I took my finger and captured some of the crimson blood and painted my lips with the vibrant color. She was pleading for me to release her, telling me that she would do anything and pay anything for me to let her leave and go home to see her mother and father. Oh if this little cunt only knew… I placed the scalpel down of a surgical tray and picked up a pair of tongs. Her eyes grew so wide it looked like they would pop out of their sockets! Oh, what pretty blue eyes she has… not for long though! As I dug the tongs into her right eye socket, crimson blood seeped from around the wound and down onto the metal bottom of the gurney… tonight will defiantly be worth the months of planning…

Hanging by a Hook

I woke up in the meat locker. Cold and afraid and hanging by a hook placed firmly through the skin of my back. I tried to move, but it only made the chain I was hanging from swing, and caused me a great deal of pain. Where the hell was I? I looked around, and all I could see were other girls and what looked like young ones, maybe fetuses, hanging from other hooks of all different lengths.

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Some were alive, like me, some appeared to be dead or maybe just sleeping.  The girls body closest to me was skinned from head to toe and her eyes bulged with no eyelids. It was difficult to determine if she was dead or alive. I tried to speak and realized my tongue was gone. Cut out no doubt. It was silent in the giant freezer room, so I assumed no one had a tongue left. But how did I get here?

I heard a door slam behind me but I couldnt bear to look, I was too afraid. I decided to shut my eyes and pretend to be dead in hopes that whatever evil just came in would leave me alone. I heard footsteps echoing towards me and I began to tremble uncontrollably. I knew this would give me away, but it was out of my control. I felt a hand grab my face and heard a voice tell me “Welcome to Hell”. I cringed and opened one eye, and immediately wished I hadn’t. It was him. It was the man who had been following me.

Memories came rushing back – being grabbed and drug through the woods and then horribe visions of experiments in his laboratory. I remembered him severing my clitoris and indeed now felt the stinging pain between my legs.  He saw my terror and laughed like a demon. Maybe he was a demon, maybe this was hell? I could no longer wrap my mind around what was happening. I felt him reach up between my legs, as if he were looking for something inside me. He grinned and said “You’re almost ready now.”.  It made me shudder. Ready for what?

Snuff Phone Sex: Kill it with Fire

Snuff phone sex 1

“‘[W]hen all else fails, kill it with fire.”

–Larry Correia

I was visiting a few friends in California when one of the massive fires broke out.  Instead of cowering and worrying, we descended on the city like dark angels…almost like sisters of the flames.  It was the most gorgeous sights that I had ever seen.  Our first adventure was together.  We chose one of the houses on the lower side of town where the lower class lived.  It was easy to spot our perfect target: it was a man in his 30s yelling at his little daughter (we assumed).  The mother figure was angrily pulling clothes off the line, talking to herself and most likely complaining about her male companion.

The went inside the house and chaos erupted; yep, this was our natural selection of sorts.  No one would think anything about them screaming, and no one would probably even miss them.  We entered like angels from purgatory; we didn’t destroy the house because it already was in ruins.  But, we did enjoy stabbing the grown-ups to their chairs; then, we bound them.  We grabbed up the young ones; I can still remember the little girl’s face.  Her eyes seemed to say that she had been waiting on me and wondered why I had taken so long.  One of my friends took particular interest in the mother, whose belly sliced open like a nice, ripe melon.  She didn’t have much time before the woman bled out; but, she was able to verbally and physically humiliate the woman.

Another friend and I wanted to pair the little girl and the male.  There were other brats running around, but they were being taken care of; some were being beaten like dirty little objects, and others were being sexually assaulted like little whores.  But, the girl…her name was Jasmine.  He reached her little hand up toward my belt where my knife was.  She waited for me to react; I handed it to her; she took it in her hands and straddled her bound father.  She leaned down and whispered something in his ear.  Then, without any hesitation, she stabbed him in the throat.  She watched him gurgle his last breaths.  I admired her; but, before I could do anything, my nearest accomplice scooped Jasmine up and slit her throat.  I was a little sad, thinking my friend could have at least played with her a little more.  She deserved that much.  But, we set the house on fire and moved to the next one.

Snuff Phone Sex Finale

bloody phonesex karmaI was running out of places to dispose of my victims. A cunt warming dilemma that was fun to figure out. How was I going to dispose of the body I had at home just sitting in the tub? Such a wickedly evil thing to think about while roaming the streets with a wet cunt. Thinking about her laying in her blood in ice. And then I walked by the soup kitchen. Perfect. I am going to share my victim with others. rushing home to butcher and package her I would deliver fresh meat to the soup kitchen. What a delightfully wicked solution. All those homeless people eagerly enjoying fresh flesh. Marveling at the taste and tenderness of it. It is the perfect way to dispose of her. I would even help cook and serve them. That evening I delivered the “gift” and offered my services. I could not stop cumming while we cooked her. And when I served her and heard all the comments about how good she was. I kept cumming. In fact some of them wanted seconds. They said it was the best meal they had in a long time. This would go down in the record books as the best way to dispose of a body and the biggest turn on ever. I went home and fucked my cunt until the early morning light thinking about it, knowing I would do this again soon. bloody phonesex2

Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: How to Dispose of a Useless Carcass

knife play phone sex bloody bitchLast night some of my evil bitch friends and I were sitting around the fire pit drinking moonshine and talking about how we dispose of useless carcasses. I have a million ways to dispose of a body, but my favorite is what I call the “Joachim Kroll.” See, he is my idol of sorts. A German born serial killer who kidnapped and tortured wee ones and adults alike in the 60s and 70s. In 1976 when he was caught, the police discovered girl parts cut up: some parts were in the fridge, a hand was cooking in a pan of boiling water and the intestines were found stuck in the waste-pipe. He was fond of knives just like me. But the major difference is, I’m not silly enough to get caught and I do not kill for sexual arousal, although it does get me off. I kill for pleasure and sport. Brings me joy to hunt and kill a stupid cunt or a cheating bastard or an annoying fuck or a whiny ass brat. I’m an equal opportunity sadistic bitch.

My latest victim was this blonde whore who called me a freak at the mall. I’d rather look like I do than some blonde bimbo plastic Barbie doll. At least I am unique. Well, I followed her for days, lurking in the shadows, learning her routine, her habits, her patterns. She was a stupid cunt who hid her house key in her mailbox. How original. She deserved to die for stupidity. So one night when she was whoring around, I let myself in her place and waited for her drunk ass to come home. She was not even a challenge. She came home, tripped over some ugly ass way too expensive designer shoes on the floor, landed face down on her hardwood floor. Passed out without the pleasure of seeing me and my little friend waiting for her. Well, I was not going to waste precious time taunting this one. I just plunged my big ass knife in her back, then took it out and sliced her throat. She made some gurgling sounds then bled out on her floor. So I was left with a carcass to dispose of. I had no ties to this bimbo bitch, so no reason to suspect me. Regardless, I am still careful and have my methods. I used a big meat cleaver to start cutting limbs off. Then I cut those limbs into smaller parts, and then I dissected the torso. I had brought my plastic disposable waste bags lol. I started putting parts in bags and tying them up. I dumped them in my  trunk and disposed of body parts all over the country and city roads. Dropped some in the river, some down sewers, a few I threw in the forest… I brought the head, fingers and part of the torso home. The key is not leaving any parts with fingerprints or teeth out and about for the police to identify. Small parts decompose much faster also, or get swallowed up by the wildlife. The police may find a stray part here and there, but they never find them all, and never find any part that is identifiable.

At home I am a Hannahaball Lector of sorts. I have an industrial meat grinder in my dungeon. I throw the parts I bring home in there, grind it up fine and make a stew. A stew I often serve to guests I don’t like much. I take sadistic pleasure in watching some cunt or bastard sipping on my tomato bisque soup and wondering what my special ingredient is. My special sauce will always be revenge.

If you need assistance disposing a body, let me help. Or better yet, let me help you snuff a whore out. Life is too short to be surrounded by useless and annoying people. Don’t you agree?

Stalking My Snuff Phone Sex Victims

snuff phone sex jadeSomething I learned a long time ago in the art of stalking is, if I dress like my victim they won’t suspect a thing. So when I go out on my adventure I make sure to dress sluttish. Short skirt, high heels, heavy makeup and don’t forget the phony attitude as well. Stupid bitches don’t see me coming. They embrace me, after all they think I am like them. Only here to have a few drinks and have a good time. Little do they know I will lure them into my trap and by the end of the night they won’t be anything but a pile of blood on the floor. See when I trap them I don’t show the real side of me, not just yet. I continue to give that phony attitude and talk to them in a sluttish manner. I whisper very vanilla thoughts into their ear. How I’m going to eat their pussy and fondle their tits. They believe that’s the only thing that will happen. They start to cry and beg. Fuckin cunts. I haven’t even gotten to the good part! After and only after they start to cry and beg will I unleash the beast. Calling the bitch names and telling her after I fondle her tits I’m going to dismember those worthless titties and put them on a shelf as a souvenir. And that’s only the beginning.  Oh Trust me, I have more evil plans in mind for these ratchet whores.