Category: Bloody phone sex

Force Feeding Me Her Flesh

taboo phone sex stephanie

Oh my god I am so hungry. But I won’t do it. I will not eat her flesh. She was my friend. She was my only friend in this hell you have created for me. I don’t care how long you deprive me of food. I would rather die than become a monster like you. My ribs are showing, I can barely lift my head, but I will never succumb to what your evil mind has concocted as my only way to stay alive.

I watched you torture her. I watched you murder her, and I watched you carve her into your dinner. You packed the rest of her in the freezer in the basement where I am chained and thats when you started starving me. Has it been weeks since I’ve eaten? I have no idea. My world comes in and out of view as I slowly wither away to nothing. I see you’ve defrosted some of her flesh. Is that a breast… yes I believe it is. You put it in my face, I am too weak to turn away. I can smell the blood, almost taste it. But I won’t do it.

You start a fire in the fireplace and put the breast on the spit to roast over the open flame. I watch, aware of the drool pooling beside me on the floor as I smell the meat cooking and my mouth waters beyond my control. You marinade the flesh in blood as you slowly cook it over the fire, I can see the nipple as you turn the meat, and it does look delicious. My brain is turning to mush, and my senses are deceiving me. You tear off a piece and eat it in front of me. The meat and blood being crushed between your yellow teeth.

taboo phone sex stephanie2

My stomach aches and my throat is burning as my mind screams for me to eat. I cannot even vomit, I have nothing left. You place the hot meat on a plate and bring it to me on the floor. You roll my face over into the dish and it smells so fucking wonderful. I hear a voice in my head, a dark and demonic voice, or is it you? It says to eat it or I will die…. I open my mouth, still unsure if its for my first taste of her flesh or for my last breath of life…


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 A special friend and myself met up one night to practice a ritual to invoke Pan. I met Karma one night as I was sacrificing a sweet virginal male. This dude was such a pathetic excuse for a male in that he was just awkward and unable to man up. I needed his penis and blood to offer up to Pan, my demon lover. Karma was at the club that night when I picked this dude up. She must have  followed us to my private area in the woods.

Taboo phone sex Dusty Pan

 Karma joined me under the full moon for the invocation of Pan. Karma was in charge of bringing along another virgin male for us to snuff out, bleed and fuck. Fucking his dead corpse as he entered rigor mortis was so fucking exhilarating and empowering for both of us. But achieving our main quest is the most exhilarating thing by far.

Upon our chanting and painting out naked flesh with the virginal blood our arousal levels grew. We were making out by the fire enticing in our carnal needs of sex, sex and more sex. The two of us fucked fireside until our incantation appeared. Pan came to us in the peek of our carnal feast.

taboo phone sex dusty im

Having Pan actually standing before me was beyond my wildest desires. His form was amazing and his cock was even more amazing. The three of us fucked and savagely  went at each other into the break of dawn. Having my demon lover Pan cumming inside me was more fulfilling and ecstatic a sensation than I have ever felt before.

Snuff Phone Sex Karma

Bloody Phone Sex with Cassandra: Master’s Favorite Thing to Cut

bloody phone sex kidnap tortureI have a few sick masters who enjoy hurting me. Some of them call me for bloody phone sex too. One in particular is obsessed with blood. My blood. The other day he was in a particularly sadistic mood. You see he wanted to fuck me, but it was my time of the month. He likes to hurt me until I bleed, however he finds me dirty and disgusting when I’m on the rag. I got punished extra for menstruating. He said if I was going to have a bloody pussy, I might as well be all bloody, everywhere. He then tied me to this restraint device that resembled some medieval torture rack. There were little razor blades all over it and I could feel my skin slicing open and bleeding the tighter he made the ropes. He then took a razor blade and sliced my clit and one of my pussy lips right off. He said, “You are just a stupid, nasty cunt. You don’t deserve pleasure, just pain.” He then made slices of all my body. Master knew how to make me bleed all over without killing me. He want me to hurt. And I did. I could feel myself getting aroused however by the feeling of my crimson hot sticky blood running down my thighs. Master was not pleased. He took that razor blade and sliced off each nipple. He dangled them in my face and said, “Now your big ass titties are as worthless as you.” He then forced them in my mouth. I wanted to gag and puke. How disgusting to be forced to swallow your own nipples.

bloody phone sex submissive tortureMaster sliced just about every inch of my body. He eventually put a ball gag in my mouth to stop my whimpering. I could smell my blood. I was getting cold and starting to shiver when he left the room. The blood was running out of my gashes faster than in the past. I was afraid he was so pissed this time, he might actually allow me to bleed out. He has gotten close in the past, but always spares my life because as he says, “If I kill you, where am I gonna find such a hot bloody worthless bitch to cut up?” You see, I am Master’s favorite thing to slice and cut. Will I become yours? Bloody phone sex can get us both off.

And Then He Said “Let There Be Torture”

torture phonesex angieTHESE ARE MY EARLIEST MEMORIES.


In the beginning we were a happy family. Mommy gave birth to me and Daddy was in love with his sweet little Princess. Daddy got so jealous of Mommy giving me all the attention. Every time he looked at her with me he would see red. I was his, he made me. He would sneak in my room at  night and stand over my crib, looking at me with longing, his cock would grow until it ached. He had no choice, he had to pull his cock out and jerk his dick spewing his cum all over my little body, scooping it up with his fingers and feeding my eager young mouth. He would close his eyes and imagine my little mouth sucking the tip of his cock the way it was sucking the tips of his fingers.
One night after fucking Mommy with visions of his Princess in his head, his dark desires came bubbling to the surface. Something in Daddy snapped that night that changed both of our paths in life.
Daddy took me from my crib and showed Mommy how he loved his Princess every night since I was brought home from the hospital.  Her screaming and crying just fueled the fire with in him. She was out of her mind questioning how he could do that to me. How dare she question him? How dare she insist that I was hers and not his?
He bound her to the bed and made me watch as he tortured her. He fucked her until she screamed from the pain and then lifted his knife high in the air. The sparkles from the light were so pretty as they glistened off the blade. And then it came down and sunk into her soft belly. When it came back out it was a bright red the blood dripping down on to her body. Daddy made me lick it before making me watch again as he repeated the process twice more before ramming his hard dick deep inside one of her gaping holes. Ramming harder and faster as he repeated over and over how much he loved me and how I was his Princess, no one else’s, his and all his.
Then Daddy stuck his thumbs in her wounds and ripped her flesh wide open, her eyes grew wide and were staring into space. I know now that was from shock. He picked me up and let me sit in her abdomen as he continues to fuck her, covering me with his cum from inside her cunt.
Finally he grabbed her head by the hair, pulling her head back and exposing her neck to the beautiful blade. In on swift motion he severed her head and held it over my open mouth, urging me to drink her life blood.
From that point on, I never knew which Daddy I would wake up to. One Daddy kept me locked in the dungeon. he loved to torture me for being a whore like my Mommy. he could see her in me. In my eyes, in my features. He hated that slut and wanted to cause her as much pain as he could.
The other Daddy pampered and spoiled me. As long as I was his accomplice, going and getting pretty little things for him and helping him torture them. He would shower me with love and affection and my every desire was met.
Daddy is long gone. But I still have the house and the dungeon and the desire to torture.
Thank You Daddy,
Your Dark Princess~~Angie

Slow, Painful, Violent Phone Sex

violent phonesex karmaAll dressed in black. It matches my mood and fits me, don’t you think? I am in a particularly ruthless mood this afternoon. You laugh and say that I can’t get any more fucked up, my cunt growing wet with each violent thought that passes through my head. Culminating into the fruition of my dark, demented thoughts. My orgasms are so much stronger when I am acting out the things that float to the top of my dark and stormy thoughts. Tonight it is going to be exceptionally violent. I want several pretty things and decapitation is what I long for tonight. I want to take them apart slowly. Cutting off the smallest body parts first. Like the nose, ears, lips, and the nipples. I need to take things really slow, cutting where just enough blood is shed to make my cunt ache for more. I need the agonizing tease of blood building and heightening my desire to explode. By the time the last breath escapes the bleeding hole that once was their lips, I will have so much sexual frustration built up that I will erupt, Cum spewing from my cunt in long flowing spurts, my body racked with tremors making it imposable to stand. I will fall into the discarded pile of human flesh that was once beautiful, young and innocent  women. I will lay there convulsing in waves of orgasmic spasms, covered in their blood and flesh. Glorious spasms that  reflect the violent spasms or their last minutes.  I appreciate their sacrifice to satisfy my insatiable desire for blood, pain and lust.

Violent Phone Sex with Venus: Bloody Acts of Violence

violent phone sex knife killer

Violent phone sex really gets me off. I guess you could say I am prone to violent tendencies. Vanilla is not my thing, never has been. I was fucking Wednesday Adams as a wee one. I wanted to play with knives not dolls. Now the only dolls I wanna play with are the living breathing kind, but they never stay like that for long. All ages, both genders, all races…I am an equal opportunity violent offender.

Just the other day I was feeling all bitchy and sadistic, well more so than usual. I let myself in to this old farmhouse where I knew a middle aged couple lived. They reminded me of my parents. I hated my parents. The woman was home alone. I decided to butcher her first so that her husband would come home to find her bloody, dismembered body all throughout the house.  She was easy to take too, barely put up a fight. Kind of no fun. But I had fun with my massive knife collection cutting off body parts and leaving a trail for dear old husband to find. I started at the front door with a hand, and ended in the bathroom with her head.

violent phone sex knife playI relaxed in the old claw foot bathtub, with my favorite knife and her head, covered in blood and waited for Dad to come home. I heard the screams, the tears, the footsteps following my bloody presents. When he entered the bathroom, I bolted up from the tub wielding my knife, covered in wifey’s blood and went Lizzy Borden on his ass. He got 50 whacks, 50 deadly, violent whacks. I was covered in even more blood now and it was intoxicating. Blood, death, pain, violence are all aphrodisiacs to me.  As I laid there in a pool of blood, I rubbed my clit hard. I came, gathered up my knives, cleaned up any evidence that could lead back to me, and headed home. See, random acts of violence perplex the authorities. They always think a family member responsible. But, sometimes violent acts are just committed by random strangers like me in need of a good hard cum.

violent phone sex taboo goth.gif

Spare Me


Taboo phone sex Dusty bloody

    We were out at the park after dark just after midnight on the night of a full moon when it happened. I have no idea what came over me or how the hell it happened, but the guy I was with didn’t survive. Having stepped out from the Black Metal show we were attending…

Taboo Phone Sex Dusty spatTaboo phone sex Dusty horror-tongueTaboo Phone Sex Dusty spat

    I didn’t even know the dudes name we were flirting, drinking, and decided to go smoke a joint together. I always keep my bag with the door guy and grabbed it on the way out as I never step outside without it. I carry my gun and a couple knives in there, along with my special “party favors”. Pulling out a joint from my bag I noticed something didn’t seem right. Once the joint was lit it had a different taste to it in fact it had us feeling pretty whacked.

   We smoked and decided to go over to the swings in the park and chill. I pulled out a flask of what was supposed to be Jack, but in taking a swig it had an acrid taste to it, like blood. Fuck it was blood, and what appeared to be vodka, where the hell did this shit come from?! I actually kinda liked the warmth it gave me and had a couple more swigs. Dude was hitting a fifth of jagermeister and suddenly I was in some sort of daze. 

taboo phone sex dusty im

Knife in hand, blood everywhere, and a cold dead body of some dude beneath me with his pants down. My panties were off and I felt something sticky dripping from my cunt… blood and seaman. In a daze I lick my knife clean and it still isn’t quite registering with me what had happened. Looking at this corpse of a man I notice his penis has been severed, and I had a very upset feeling in my stomach. There is no way, I couldn’t have, did I?! 

Blood, Blood and More Blood…

bloody phone sexmonetta

I think I have gotten to the part where I am absolutely turned on by the site of blood

bloody phone sex monetta

. My master has come to find that out also. Every time he would cut me or himself I’d start getting so wet. We’d have sex and it’s like one of best times we’ve ever done it. When there is blood involved it get’s pretty nasty if you know what I mean. So he decided it would be fun to bring back some random strangers for us to play with. Always the loners, people who wont be missed. *giggles* Master gets their hopes up high with thinking that someone, that we, care about them. We don’t, we just care about how much fun we have when we torture them. We get their bellies full and give them a few drink. One by one master incapacitates them for me. So they can’t run away or over power me.

bloodyphonesex monetta

Blood is splattering all over the walls. That is when I start getting excited. Seeing my master beat these people to bloody pulps, just so I can have me some fun. I like playing with his many tools, cutting off fingers and pulling out eyeballs. I even love chopping them up into little pieces. Starting with their hands. I do it nice and slow, almost like I want perfection, but really knowing that the slower I do it, the more pain they will be in. Which just gets my jollies off even harder.

bloody phone sex monetta1

But my really really really favorite part is just the blood in general. Even when I’m trying to clean up. Knowing that the blood running down my hands and face and clothes, is because of all the fun I just had. I love watching it splash and run down the sink and drain.

bloodyphone sexmonetta

I love looking up at the mirror and not only seeing blood all over me.. but seeing that the mirror is smashed in with blood all on it, and even a little bit of hair and skin. It looks so yummy and delicious.

bloody phone sex monetta2

I just love having days like this with my master. Once we clean up we are both hot and ready. The way he just bends me over and fucks me is amazing. I could get use to this. I think we might have to schedule days when we torture and kill people. And fuck all in their blood and whats left of them.

Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus: There is More Than One Way to Skin a Cat

knife play phone sex goth girl mutilateThere is more than one way to skin a cat as the saying goes. And for me, there is more than one way to skin a useless piece of shit. But my favorite is the dorsal incision. It is an ancient medical practice of circumcision, but I apply it to the entire body to skin a POS alive. It is slow and painful because I do not believe in numbing the body. The point is to feel pain, to feel your skin tearing from your body. For the dorsal incision, I start with the POS lying on his back or hanging upside down and start my incision several inches from the armpits in the center of the chest and cut down the center of the chest cavity, stopping right above the pelvis. Then flip the body and do the same down the spine. I always use a scalpel blade, which is sharp as a razor. This provides a nice clean cut, tears the flesh smoothly and evenly. Just takes a steady hand and a hell of a lot of patience. Because I got to pull the flesh from the rib cage and off the back. Pulling the skin away from the center.

After the main incision is complete, and the flesh is off the torso, I move to the legs. I start at the feet, working the scalpel blade up along the outside of the leg and then the inside. This provides two flaps of sort for which I can pull the skin off. It takes patience to keep separating the skin from the leg until all the skin is removed around each leg leaving the arms, sex organs and face to skin later. The key is to go slow and keep working the skin away from the body. That scalpel will tear the flesh well and get it to a point that it’s like peeling the skin off a piece of fruit.

knife play phone sex sadistic accomplice Once the skin is off the body, I move to the face, I take my scalpel, and make a slice along the gum line. I start in the rear of the mouth, and work forward on the lower jaw. After I have made this cut, I start at the front of the lower lip and skin the whole lower jaw area back to the corner of the mouth so that the skin is free from the skeleton. Giving a Joker like appearance. Repeat for the upper jaw. Now the fun part. I return to the neck area, and pull the skin over the skull. I grab the skin like a rope, just in front of the nose, and keep pressure on the skin as I work the skin toward the nose. I then start to cut around the scalp line and around the ears. Once I have skinned around the ears, I pull the flesh back towards the eyes. I have to put my finger inside the eyelid, and pull forward as I skin. I slice through the membrane on the back of the eye, and cut slowly until the skin around the eye is free from the orbits. Then I pull the loose flesh off like a mask toward the nose. You have to work from the bottom to the nose, then form the scalp to the nose. Then I stick my fingers in the nose and scrape the skin off if it doesn’t just peel off easily.

I try to peel the skin off evenly, but I am not a pro yet so sometimes its messy and I take a huge hunk of flesh or tissue with me. Ooops me bad. Once the skin is off the torso, legs and face, I can focus on the worthless pecker. This is the easy part. I make a single incision along the upper length of the foreskin from the tip to the corona, exposing the glans, then I peel away the flesh. But because I am a sadistic, I then cut off the penis and testicles and stuff them in the POS’s mouth. Sometimes I will salt the skin and try to tan it like the hide of  cow because I can. Sometimes I am lazy too and use a bone saw to sever off the feet and the hands, making it easier to pull the skin of the limbs.

Regardless of how you skin your victim, make sure you have plenty of sharp knives and a knife sharpener as flesh and bones will dull even the best knife money can buy. And never do it in your house. It is messy and the screams of your victim will alert the neighbors. I’m still practicing my methods as I am a novice butcher still. But I enrolled in taxidermy school to learn more ways of skinning a POS. Seeing a skinned body for some reason gets my cunt all wet.

Wanna help me find worthless pieces of shit to skin? Or maybe I can practice on you. Or at least castrate you? Few guys deserve their cock and balls anyway.



Snuff Phone Sex Slut Must Pray

I have no clue what day of the week it is, you keep my in my cell, away from the world. But today, you came to me and told me it was Sunday, and that it was time for worship. Sunday worship? You? My head was cloudy from starvation and loss of blood, but even still its clear you are not a religious man. You are known to me as only a monster. An evil monster with a lustful taste for blood and cruelty. But who am I to question anything you want? I am a piece of shit, a captive in your dream and my nightmare. I try to speak, to ask, but my tongue has long since been removed – I don’t know how I keep forgetting. And you still get joy out of watching me try to speak. It was my punishment for being a snuff phone sex girl. You tracked me down, and decided to make me your own. I would never speak of snuff again, I would only get to live it. 

You grab me by my arm, whats left of it, and drag me across the floor to another side of the dungeon. The light is different here. Its lit by something blue, its almost too bright for my eyes, as they are so used to the dark and low candlelight. I cannot make out the source of the light, but it illuminates you in a way I have never seen. You are almost…. dare I even think it…. godlike. The shadows the blue light casts down on your face and your body make you look otherworldly. I look down at my own naked body, and my scars appear black instead of the usual purple. You place me on an altar of some kind, my body limp and unable to fight any longer. Laying there, naked and injured, I feel almost beautiful.

I think back to the days before you captured me. I was never happy, and I never felt beautiful. But now, beaten beyond recognition, broken bones, and drained of every human emotion, I suddenly felt desirable. You know there is no need to chain me up, but you do it anyway. I love the feel of the cold chains, and they clank together in such a unique way. Like church bells, yes, church bells. You chain my feet together and my arms spread out to my sides, chained to the alter. The blue light covers my body and I see your eyes glimmer for just a moment as you look me up and down. Then the glimmer is gone, and they are simply cold and black again.

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Your cock is hard, and you tell me its time to pray. I look at you helplessly, not understanding, and not able to ask. You scream at me, “PRAY!” and I shudder, unable to move, unable to determine what you want me to do. To my horror, you grab me by the top of my hair and yank my head forward until my neck snaps and my chin is now resting on my chest. You made me bow my head, in prayer, and I am stuck in this contortion, no longer able to move my head myself. I now have a better view of you, standing over me. You reach for something beside the alter, its a hammer. And something else… what are those? Nails? They are giant nails, over 8 inches long each and you have a handful.

My eyes bulge in horror as you take the first nail and place it right inside my belly button. Without hesitation, you swing the hammer and blast the nail directly through my middle. I hear it thud into the alter as it leaves my backside. You scream at me to pray! I cannot pray, God left me long ago. Fuck him. I glare at you in defiance. Asking me to pray. What a joke. You take another nail and place it on my right nipple. Again you swing the hammer and drive the nail through me and into the alter. I cannot look away, and I cannot scream. You stare me down and growl at me to pray. How can I pray with no hope? You made me disbelieve. You took that from me a long time ago.

You take more nails, pounding each into my body, nailing me to the alter one by one. You avoid my heart, but my blood is dripping everywhere, I can hear it splattering on the floor. All the while screaming at me to pray! Then you stop. I can see you have one nail left. You place it over my left nipple, set to pierce my heart. You tell me this is my last chance to pray. I have no tears to cry, my eyes are dry as sandpaper, but I close them slowly. I shut you out. And I pray. I pray to die, and I pray with every ounce I have left. Then nothing. Silence.  I open my eyes and you are gone. I am laying there nailed to the alter. But there is  nail through my heart. You bastard. You fooled me again. You made me believe you were ready to snuff me, and you made me pray. Never again. You will never fool me again.