Category: Bloody phone sex

Bumping for The Hunt

Its time for the hunt again. Its raining outside so I know the hunt will take place inside. I am naked and tired, but I know I don’t have any choice. Your mansion is huge, but so run down, its almost like an old haunted house. I much prefer the hunt to take place outside, at least I get fresh air and dreams of escape, even though I have never suceeded. I can hear you in the basement sharpening your arrows. You enjoy making it “fair” by using an old fashioned bow and arrow.

You come upstairs, pumped for the hunt. You know I am worn down from all the torture and you only get your thrill from me being terrified prey. You look disappointed, but then get an idea. You go to the kitchen and come back and have a baggie of powder. I’m so tired, and I know you are going to make me bump coke, to give me the wildness you desire. You are a monster. I am sitting on the floor leaning against the dirty wall. You take you cock out and stroke it right in my face until its rock hard.  You sprinkle a line of cocaine along your dick and yank my head by my hair over to it and make me snort it.

Suddenly my brain is alive. The surge of energy courses through me, and once again I feel fear. My heart starts to pound and you make me do another line off your cock. You see my eyes widen and my energy pour in as my body twitches. I stand up and tell you I am ready. You place the bag of coke in my hand and tell me that I will need it. Your hunts last for days usually, and I cannot sleep. I take the baggie, and he draws his first arrow. The sound of it coming from its sheath gives me the same feeling a deer has when its in the sights of a shotgun. My terror takes over, and myheart races even faster. You simply say, “Run.” And I do.

I scramble up the stairs hoping you give me enough of a head start to get around the first corner. An arrow hits the wall behind me and I scream. I run faster down the dark hallway and now I hear your footfalls coming up the stairs after me. The hunt is on and I am running for my life. I know you will not stop until you have shot every arro win your possession. Thus far, I have escaped with only arrow wounds, but you have been practicing, and you are planning to mount my head in the living room with the others. I wonder if this will be the hunt where you finally get the perfect shot.

taboo phone sex stephanie

Knife Play Phone Sex with Venus

knife play phone sex goth girlOne of my callers asked me how I got into knife play phone sex. My love for knives is actually hereditary. My great grandparents were carnies. Yes, circus freaks. They both threw knives and swallowed them.  I inherited their knife collection along with some other vintage carnival items like their morphine needle. It is great to use for subduing victims, even today. I fancy myself a knife thrower like my great grandparents. Only I am no circus freak and it is not for entertainment, well not public entertainment.

knife play phone sex sadistice pain

I have these stairs that lead down into my basement where I practice my knife skills on worthless humans, usually men.  Just the other day I picked up this stupid guy who thought he was gonna fuck me.  Really, do I look desperate and so cheap that I would go fuck some guy because he said I was pretty? I have zero tolerance for stupidity and even less for horny pervs who don’t know how to treat a woman. I told him in my basement was a love den. Yeah right, I look like I have a love den. But it got his stupid ass down those stairs. As I was following him, I injected him with my grandparents old morphine needle to incapacitate him. That shit works fast too. He got all woozy and began to stumble.knife play phone sex drugs butcher girl

He actually fell down the last few stairs which was perfect. I then strung him up to the concrete wall where I practice my knife throwing techniques. The less they squirm or move around, the less the likelihood I will hit a major artery. Moving targets I have not quite mastered yet. While he was semi conscious, I broke out my grandparents knife throwing collection. They were all nice and sharp too. I just tried to concentrate and throw them along the outline of his body. I usually do pretty well. But this guy was fat and maybe he needed more morphine because he was not as limp as other practice playmates have been.knife play phone sex goth girl killer

I told him be still or he would fuck up my aim. He started getting belligerent with me and calling me names. The fat fuck of a pervert had the audacity to call me a fat whore. So, I decided to practice with a blind fold on. My grandparents could do it. Turns out I can’t. As I was throwing blindly, I heard  screams and yelps. Kind of just turned me on. No one would miss him. The more he screamed, the harder I threw and the less I concentrated on where the knife was going. I wanted to hit his flesh, impale him.  I wanted to make him bleed. After I went through all the knives, all I heard was gurgling sounds. I giggled in amusement when I took my blindfold off and saw about 30 knives in his flesh. Even one dead center between his legs. I literally nailed his balls to the wall. He didn’t deserve them anyway.

I made quite a mess as it turns out. He bled out, slowly, but he did pool his blood on my floor. I kind of like the red stains on the wall, so I just cleaned the blood and sinew off the floor. I don’t really care if I never become a master knife thrower like my grandparents. I enjoy the sport of impaling flesh with sharp objects. Especially flesh on worthless pieces of shit. Are you a worthless piece of shit?

Survival Games

The survival game is under way and I have a test run to show my skill. These tests are not for the weak or unfit, and they are far from being “play”. As a matter of how things are done these games are real. My weapon for survival this round is my makeshift bow with poison arrows. The arrows are very real, but for the test run they are without too much poison, a little on the tip as I’d hate to waste perfectly good poison on a stiff.

Taboo phone sex Dusty war

We ascended these stairs that led us into a natural arena for our battle. This test of skill and agility has my adrenalin pumping and I am so fucking horny! Once I get through this test there’s a nice prize awaiting me at the other side.

Running, climbing and jumping through the test course I have to be on my toes and ready to shoot. I see a movement to my right and I aim my bow and set in my arrow ducking behind a tree I take aim. I hear a thud and run to see my target, I had hit one of the other “players” and he was down. I got him right between the eyes and he is going into a series of spasms. Fuck, I think he was actually hit with more poison than I realized and is in the process of dying!

Taboo phone sex Dusty stairs

I have no fucking idea what to do as I  sneak back into the game and run through the rest of the course. It’s my knowledge that they clean up and I need not worry, after all I sign the very same release form. These games aren’t  play and we have to be over 21 and sign away releasing participants.

Taboo phone sex Dusty po

Awaiting me at the end was a wonderful party and some of the purest cocaine yet. My adrenaline was pumping and I was just wanting to snort a fat line and get my fucking dripping pussy pounded!

Taboo phone sex Dusty dr

War Lord

The Countries of Africa have always interested me. There is so much strife, poverty, sickness, malnourishment, beauty, sadness, majestic wildlife, corruption, genocide, and of course my favorite War Lords.  Just the name makes me quiver.  War Lords put a whole new meaning to the word torture.  They are some of the cruelest men on the face of the Earth, and I for one admire them.

Taboo phone sexFrom time to time I will travel to African American Museums to bare witness to their unconscionable thinking.  Recently there was one such exhibit at a Museum in Dallas.   I traveled there so that I could gaze upon certain artifacts that were, and in some cases, still used to this very day.  It allows me to fantasy about what it would be to be a powerful Woman War Lord.  I smirk when I think if they were to hear of Me they would just laugh due to the fact that I am a “mere” Woman, but they would soon realize that I can just be just as cruel and evil as them for no other reason than perhaps I feel like it.

Bloody phone sexAt first it would be rather hard to garner support but I would make sure I had something in large supply that a lot of other War Lords could not get their hands on.  That would be Khat.  Khat is one of the most wonderful drugs in the world.  I doesn’t look like a drug that we have access to here in the states.  We tend to smoke, snort, or inject our drugs, but Khat is simply chewed.  It is highly addictive, it makes you feel so very wonderful, and after just a little bit, you want more and more and more.  It would be so easy to have Myself a little band of addicts who will do what ever atrocities My wicked brain could come up with.  They would without question knowing that when they came back, they could settle in with a bundle of Khat and drift off into addict slumber. 

Violent phone sexAs I strolled through the exhibits, My thoughts turning more and more violent as I worked on My War Lord fantasy, I came across an object that made me smile fully.  It was the most wonderful Nzappa zap I had ever seen.  I knew about them, but I had never seen one for Myself in real life.  I could see Myself out at night, silently maneuvering My lovely dark skinned followers through the jungle.  Coming upon an encampment of our enemy, then deftly flinging this far range ax across the still of the night until it embedded it’s self into the side of someone’s skull. 

All in all I think I would make a fantastic War Lord.

Evil Accomplice Phone Sex

accomplice phonesex angieHave you ever seen the movie 13 Ghosts? I love the evil Cyrus and his demonic plan to open the eye of hell. I would love to live in his glass house filled with evil spirits held captive by the spells etched on the walls. My absolute favorite scene in the whole movie is when a glass wall is activated during one of the house’s morphing sequences and severs Cyrus’ attorney, Ben,  body in half. His eyes wide with disbelief as he realizes that he his body is no longer one. The movie so inspired me and stirred my need for some cold blooded fun that I decided to devise a way to re-enact that one scene for myself and a lucky accomplice.accomplice phonesex 13ghosts It took us several weeks to devise the sharp sheet of glass, rig it guillotine style and create a device to hold our “character” I couldn’t wait to see if the body, once severed, would slid down the glass in two parts like in the movie. Of course one time to test this theory would not be enough, We had to gather several “characters” of several shapes and sizes to see what effect this would have in real time. The planning and preparation created an anticipation level beyond belief. When the day finally came we had 13 “characters” to pay homage to the movie’s title that gave me the inspiration. One at a time we placed them in our device and released the sharp sheet of glass, delighting as the body was severed and the blood flowed. We took our time making the ritual last all day. It was the most fantastical and erotic movie reenactment I have ever created. I plan on keeping my device and plan on using it again in the future. accomplice phonesex ghosts2


Picture Perfect Gothic Phone Sex

gothic phonesex karmaSo as I was  flipping through one of my favorite goth magazines I see this picture. I can’t stop looking at it. What a wonderful way to sacrifice a hot young thing to my Prince of Darkness. I can’t stop looking at tit and I can’t stop the dripping that has started between my legs. The ache I am feeling in my chest as my nipples grow rigid. Moaning and rubbing my cunt I close my eyes and imagine how it would feel to string him up on that wooden cross. Knees bent and nailed to the cross bar. His hands nailed to the place where his feet should be, His dick hanging towards his face and his feet in the perfect position to nestle the stake that will be the last part of the infliction of his pain as I ram it up his ass and deep into his body. The blood dripping down his body and up his nose, assisting in the loss of life as it suffocates him when he inhales. All while I am sucking on his flaccid cock as he hangs there. slipping away. Cumming all over my fingers, I open my eyes, get myself dressed and head out to find him. I know he is out there waiting for me. I am cumming darling, you won’t wait long and neither will I.gothic phonesex sacrifice

Gothic Phone Sex with Reagan * New Accomplice

Gothic Phone Sex Reagan

Growing up, I knew I was different. Things that repulsed others, gave me excitement. After noticing how I shocked and cause fear into others, I felt this level of pure joy and I knew my life was going to be full of darkness and blood. Not many people can relate to me and what I do, so I love when I find someone who is just as dark as I.

Just the other night I was out partying and I saw this guy. He had the blackest hair and even blacker eyeliner. He had piercings, and some fucking sick ass tattoos. I could smell the malice oozing out of his scarred skin.. He noticed my look was similar and so we kinda just hit it off.

Gothic Phone Sex ReaganAfter hours of talking, we found out we were fellow deviants. But what I liked most about him was his thirst for blood and his love for the hunt. We shared a lot of music and art interests, and we loved to invoke fear. We got off on the smell of it in the air. He loved to degrade and humiliate his meat and turn them into pain sluts. Just talking to him, knowing that he has pissed and shit in his bitches mouth, treating them like a toilet.. only to cut their pretty skin, and then set them free to hunt down.. I knew I needed this more than ever. We decided to hunt together, be each others Gothic accomplices. Living for the death and stench of rot in the eyes of the innocent. I had a heightened sense of awareness, and I knew he did too.

That is when we found our prey. Pretty little stuck up bitch, Gothic Phone Sex Reagan ready to be treated like meat. We were ready and I saw that she had cigarettes, so I causally walked over and made up some stupid story about recognizing her.. asking her to come outside and join me for a smoke while I figure out where I knew her from! The dumb bitch fell for it 🙂 Not more than 10 minutes later, she was bound and subdued in my trunk as him and I drove off heading for the woods. He told me his cock has not been this hard in a long time.. I maneuvered myself between him and the steering wheel and grind-ed my cunt bone against his cock, and felt how hard his meat was! Bulging through the crotch of his pants… she started to scream and punch the inside of the trunk.. which made us even hotter…. I can not wait to get this bitch naked and running for her life….

Gothic Phone Sex Reagan

Self Mutilation Phone Sex Fun

mutilation phonesex karma

When I meet someone that says they are into mutilation, I love to find out what they mean by mutilation. Are they into mutilating others? Or themselves? Or both? But what is more fun then anything is to force self mutilation on someone who would never think of doing it themselves. That is exactly what I did last night. I invited a cute little thing over and partied with her till she was nice and wasted, The power of suggestion is such a wonderful thing. It didn’t take me long to talk her into joining me. First I showed her how to stick a nice long needle through her tongue. Of course I did mine first and let her watch the blood drip down my face, Laughing the entire time and letting the effects of the drink and drugs alter her senses. When she leaned in and took the needle mimicking everything I just did, my panties filled with juices from my quivering pussy. I had to have more, A lot more. Taking a huge shoeing nail that I had sharpened long ago, I began self mutilation on my arms. Showing her how hard my nipples got from piercing my arms and letting the blood flow. When she took the nail from me and began the assault on her arms I had no clue she would be so brutal. Watching her crawl through her blood towards me just made me cum like crazy. I took a picture to keep forever. Of course for her it didn’t end well. It doesn’t for any of them. But hey that is the nature of the beast so to speak.mutilation phonesex 1

Mutilation Phone Sex with Venus: Some Guys Don’t Deserve a Cock

mutilation phone sex knife play tortureMutilation phone sex is perfect for a sadistic bitch like me who enjoys castrating useless men. And let’s face it, there are lots of useless men out there. Let’s just say I subscribe to the old adage if you can’t use it properly, then you should not have it. Case in point. This total tool I encountered on the subway last week. It was rush hour, and we were crammed in like sardines. This loser in a business suit sits down next to me. He tries to make idle chit chat with me and is oblivious to the fact I don’t give a fuck about what he is saying. He actually put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him, and very calmly stated, “Touch me again pervert and I’ll castrate you.” He recoiled his hand and I thought he got the message. That was until he set his briefcase on his thigh to block the view from the other side of the train and whipped out his pathetic cock and started stroking it. I knew what I had to do. Indecent exposure equals not deserving a cock.

I followed him off the train even though it was not my stop. I had my favorite knife in my backpack.  He was so stupid, he didn’t even realize I got on the same bus with him. I sort of stick out in a crowd too. I could tell he was trying the same thing to this chick on the bus. I could read the horrified expressions on her face loud and clear. Yes, this douche bag falls under the category of if you can’t use it properly, you should no longer have it. I got off at the stop he did and stalked him to his house. I waited a few after he went in; realized no one else was home yet or maybe he lived alone. Hard to believe that this pathetic fuck had a wife or family. But there are lots of stupid, naive cunts out there.

I knocked on the door, then pushed my way into his home wielding my big ass knife. “Remember me asshole,” I screamed as I lunged at him with my knife in the forefront. I backed him into a corner, till he slid down on the floor like a coward. I sliced his hands a few times so he would feel some pain and it would weaken him a bit. I grabbed him by his suit tie and strung him to the kitchen faucet. I tied his bloody hands to the pipe under the sink. So he was on the ground, struggling for air, tied to his kitchen sink. I took my knife and slashed his thighs a few times. Big baby was whining. “Did I whine when you jacked your worthless pecker in front of me bitch,” I yelled angrily. I then unzipped his pants with the knife exposing his worthless pecker. He looked scared and all I could do was laugh. Payback is a bitch.

mutilation phone sex castration bloodyI took the knife and mutilated his chest. I carved Loser into it. I mean you have to be a loser to expose yourself on the subway to a total stranger, right? He was shaking and crying and I just kept carving up his flesh. Mutilating his skin, but saving his cock and balls for last. I was enjoying this. Mutilating flesh on a worthless human is so fun. So fun it makes my nipples hard and my cunt wet. We were both covered in his blood. I kept licking the blade too. As he lay there covered in a pool of his blood, I grabbed his testicles.  I twisted them until I thought they might pop off on their own, then I sliced the right one off, followed by the left one. I shoved his balls in his mouth as a ball gag. “Shut the fuck up loser,” I quipped.

I left his penis, his dick, his worthless little pecker, whatever the fuck you want to call it, for last. I carved my initials in it first, then I lobbed it right off. Blood spurting everywhere. All I could do was laugh and masturbate. I told him he asked for everything he got and then some. I went and got a mirror so he could see his mutilated body. I told him be lucky I didn’t kill him for what he did. All I did was  take away his cock and balls and maybe mutilate his body a wee bit. If you don’t know how to use your dick, you don’t deserve to have one. Pure and simple. I left his balls in his mouth but took his severed pecker and put it in a zip lock baggie and left it on the kitchen sink for him. I explained I was being generous this time buy not flushing it down the toilet or feeding it to Fido over there. Perhaps a skilled doctor could reattach it. They was of course, if anyone finds him before he bleeds out.

Do you deserve to have your cock and balls? Because if you don’t, I am happy to take them away for you.

mutilation phone sex castration fantasy

I am Going to Die for Being a Snuff Phone Sex Slut

You wake me up again, and we are still in the woods. The sun is setting but I don’t even know if its the same day.  I am naked and there is something carved into my chest. Its upside down but my eyes focus just enough so that I can read it. It says “Snuff Phone Sex Whore” and it goes from my breasts down past my navel, carved and prominent in my own blood. How did you find me? I hear your surley voice call me a stupid bitch, and I recognize it from so many phone calls prior to you finding me.

snuff phone sex taylor2

You were one of my best clients. Evil, yes, but I had the safety of the phones between us. I dreamed of the things we spoke of because you are so demonic and evil and your power was apparent even then. But now you had me. In real life. Terror doesn’t even begin to describe what I feel. All I can think of are the unspeakable things you and I masturbated to together. All involving cutting me up and snuffing me out. Is that your plan? And if so, which scenario? They raced through my mind, and I frantically tried to remember which one turned you on the most.

You begin punching me again, this time in the face. Every blow sends shock waves through my brain and I can feel my teeth shattering into shards and cutting my tongue. You scream at me and that tells me that we are somewhere that no one would hear me scream. That was always your way in what I thought were only your dark desires. You having me all to yourself, abusing and torturing my body until you own my soul. But I never thought I would cum face to face with you. In the woods, just as we imagined.

You scream at me for talking to other men, for being their snuff phone sex slut, and I try to apologize but you don’t even hear me. You swear to make me pay and with every blow I believe you more. This is how it is really going to end for me. All those dark nightmares, all those bloody orgasms. I was going to pay with my life for being such an evil little bitch.

snuff phone sex taylor1