Category: Bloody phone sex

Psycho Movie Serial Killer Wannabe

knife play phone sex killer snuffLast night I went to a midnight showing of the original Halloween. It’s a classic. One of my favorite films. Michael Myers is my hero. Gets to kill annoying people with a big ass knife, always allude capture, some how never get killed. I often fancy myself a psycho movie serial killer like Michael, Jason, Freddy, Chucky or Pinhead.  Brutal, evil, cold, invincible. A killing machine who does not worry about that silly thing called guilt. A true sociopath.

There were these two blonde bimbos in front of me that were texting and talking through the movie. I find that annoying. When I asked them politely to shut the fuck up and watch the movie, they got rude with me. I channeled my inner psycho movie serial killer, followed them out when the movie was over. I hide in the shadows,  stalked them, watched them, followed them home. Stupid bitches left a window open. Of course I took that as an invitation. I found them laying in bed together.  They looked like they passed out. Clothes and makeup still on. This was too easy. But sometimes a quick easy kill like one of my heroes would do, is just good for the soul. I plunged my knife into the heart of bimbo #1 and her eyes opened wide, she took a big gasp, then slumped back down on the bed in a bloody pool. Bimbo #2  never even woke up. Her BFF is being snuffed out right next to her, and her drunk ass is snoring. I slit her worthless throat.

I went over to a chair in the corner, licked the blood of my knife, rubbed the blood on me into my pussy as I masturbated. Then I went home, left with an unquenchable desire to kill again. Yes there was lots of blood, which makes me hot. But they were drunk, oblivious to dying. I get off on the fear, the tears, even the screams and resistance. Where is the challenge if they don’t even realize they are being hunted, stalked and killed?  I’m like a vampire, needing to feed.  Would you like to be my accomplice? We can find some unsuspecting bitch, hunt her like an animal, kidnap her and torture her for hours, maybe even days, until we decide we are finished with her.  Sometimes I feel sorry for  my psycho movie serial killers because they play alone.

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My Parents Turn To Die

I woke up to the sound of my mother screaming downstairs. I looked at the clock and it was 3 AM. What the hell was going on? I snuck out of my room and went to the top of the stairs and peered down. I saw my father tied up, his face bloodied, and laying on the floor. His eyes were open and he looked on in horror as you raped my mother right in front of him. She was also bleeding from her mouth and her hair was everywhere. I watched as you fucked her until her ass bled.

She was begging for her life as you grabbed her by the throat with your black gloves on. I realized we were being robbed and I don’t know why, but my pussy was wet from watching you fuck my mother like that. Your cock was huge, and much bigger than my father’s. I mean, its not like I was going to feel bad for my parents. They had been abusing me for years, so its about time they got a taste of their own medicine. At that thought I accidently let out a little giggle. You heard it and immediately stopped, looking around for who had made the sound.

You eyes met mine, and you let go of my mother and raced up the stairs towards me. I couldn’t get back to my room in time and you grabbed me by the hair and dragged me down to where my parents were. My mother had crawled over to my father, trying to comfort him. Blood was everyhwere. You cut my clothes off with a large knife you had and told me that you were going to rape me in front of my parents and then kill us all. I was terrified but I begged you to please listen to me, and tried to explain that I hated my parents anyway. I told you how my daddy fucks me all the time and I hate him, and so he wouldnt even care if you fucked me.

You became furious, and let go of me and headed towards my father with your knife. I jumped up to try to stop you, and you swung around and accused me of lying. I told you, “No I swear he fucks me every night – and my mother knows too – they both deserve to die.” But then I whispered, “But, please, mister, let me kill them?” Tears were in my eyes and you stared me down, afraid to hand over the knife, not sure what to think. You told me to lie down on the floor so you could fuck me, and then I could have the knife to do whatever I wanted to them. I laid down, spread my legs, and took your gorgeous cock inside me.

I looked over at my parents as they watched you fuck me better than they ever had. My father actually looked mad, even through all the blood. That made it that much easier when you were done fucking me, to get up, take the knife,, and slit his fucking throat, while my mother awaited her turn…

Sweet fuck holes

violent phonesex maceyI am here waiting, wanting, needing to be abused. It’s been two days since my last party. I need meat sticks, and a bunch at one time. I am hungry for cum. I need you to throw me on the ground, drunk and not understanding what is even going on, and fuck me till I hurt. Where are you? Cum find me, party with me, and take every one of my sweet fuck holes that you want. Bring all your friends, we will make a party out of it. Bring alcohol, drugs of all kinds. Get me fucked up, and beat up every dripping wet spot I have. I need you to cum take your aggressions out on me with your cock. Please I need to be punished, and you and your friends are the only ones who can do it. We will make a night of fucking, skull fucking, and raw abuse that I crave so much, I even love you to forcefully take my ass. Bring me the pain, and the abuse, and you wont be sorry. I’m a cum slut, and I am waiting for you.

Teeth for Your Collection

You put me on the table, your tools by the side. I was naked and cold and had no idea what type of torture you had in mind for me today. You actually looked me up and down and I don’t think you knew either? I begged you to please kill me, and told you I would do anything to be taken out of my pathetic little whore existance. I told you I am worthless and don’t deserve to live. I begged you to take your scalpel to my throat and snuff me. You just whispered, “all in good time my sweet..”

You ran your hands over my body, almost lovingly. You touched my scarred and blood dried nipples like it was the first time you had seen them. Then you looked in my eyes, and it was the first time you had done it in so long that it sent shivers down my spine. Your eyes are ice blue, and they felt like daggers. I couldn’t look away and couldn’t figure out why you were staring. I didn’t know what else to do, and so I tried to smile at you. My cracked bloody lips seperated and I gave you a meek little smile and just said “please?”

You became furious, and grabbed a pair of pliers from the tool table. You grabbed me by my hair and told me to smile again. I shook my head no, and you slapped me so hard my vision faltered. You growled, “SMILE YOU LITTLE WHORE”, and so I pulled my lips apart and attempted a smile. As my vision cleared, I saw you staring at my teeth. I didn’t dare stop smiling, and you just kept staring. You said “these will be perfect for my collection”. My mind started racing – what would be perfect?? You took the pliers and grabbed one of my teeth and yanked it out of my head! Blood poured down my throat as you laughed like a maniac.

One after another you grabbed and yanked my teeth out, as I choked on my blood and spewed it all over your face. I finally passed out, and woke up in my cage. I ran my tongue inside my mouth and there was nothing there but bloody gums. You took all of my teeth. Now I am even more worthless and ugly and pathethic. Why won’t you just kill me. I don’t understand.

Blood Doctrine Part One

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I remember being pulled out of my room, I couldn’t see anything, it was so dark, I woke up to hands around my arms, I thought it was a dream, they were gentle, it was surreal. How was I supposed to know that in the darkness of my safe home five people were very gently taking me into their hands all at once, scooping me up and lifting me. I didn’t realize it until we descended the stairs and went to the driveway of my home. I don’t remember being scared, I was too tired, I thought it was some fucked up joke my dad and his friends were playing on me.
It wasn’t them though, when my eyes were fully open, I was sitting in the back of a dimly lit van, there were other girls in there, the ones that carried me, and a few boys, but I wasn’t use to seeing girls.
“We saw you,” one said, brushing my hair from my eyes, “through your window, yesterday night…”
One of the guys, much more firm in tone, unlike the girl’s airy voice said, “they just sorta knew you were our number six,” then he smiled at me, turning back to the face the front of the car after having backed up.
“Right… for what?” I asked, but one of the girls was already unbuttoning my shirt, pulling it off of me slowly, stripping me.
I wasn’t resistant, being stripped was something I was use to, she seemed pleased by this, but I was not use to being reclothed, and when she draped a cloak, over my shoulders, I was shocked. The people in the back quickly did the same, stripping and pulling on cloaks.
I could see a house, we were pulling up to someone’s house, the lights were still on, two cars in the driveway. Where were they taking me?
“What’s your name?” A young blonde girl asked me as she slipped out of her panties.
“Kali, my name is Kali.”
“I’m Debby, you can call me Debs, everyone does.”
Then, one by one, the five strangers added names to each of their faces as they cloaked themselves.
We left the van, they were telling me I was going to join them, this was like an initiation, they all went through it at least once, and I would be stronger if I made it out of it fine.
I decided not to question, and I realized there was a knife in the pocket of my cloak, and Adam, he was loading a gun.
When James came back around from the other side of the house, he had blood on his face, and his hands, “Someone was outside, you guys, but they left the back unlocked, we gotta do this quick, ok?”
I didn’t know what to do, I’d never hurt anyone, why were they doing this, who were they, what kind of group was this. My mind flooded with questions that seemed to come with no reply, so I stood there, stiff and awkward, my chest rising and falling a little more quickly as Sophia took my hand and lead me down the path to the back yard in which we would make our entrance into the house.
That’s when I saw the corpse, neck slit, stab wounds to the head, bubbled blood pouring past his lips.
I felt sick.
I felt…..
Nora leaned down, looking the man in the face, handing me her knife and whispering “hold on a second, a necklace slipping from her robe, I hadn’t noticed it until now, but it was decorated in human teeth, why could I only see them now? In the car I was so dazed, I thought they were shells.
But there she was, bending down and placing a foot on the corpse’s head, fingers firmly placed on one of his front teeth only to give a rough yank, enough to slip it from the bloody maw with a cruel snap. 
She looked pleased…
I, without much pride left, vomited in the bushes. 
Then they pulled me inside… 

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New Jewelry From My Master

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We all know how master is when it comes to me, his pet. The one he uses and the one he pleases. My master loves to have control over me and does NOT like it when other people men or women even look at me wrong. I was allowed to go with master to the store so that I could help him get all the things that we needed for the house. I was eager to get out and breathe some fresh air. Maybe do a little site seeing, just the places that master will take me. I am not allowed to venture out on my own yet. We were in the supermarket and I would say I was dressed appropriate, master even approved of my outfit. Wasn’t too short or too glamorous. We were getting something we needed off of isle 7. A mean looking man walked by, bumped my master and called me a slut. We just kind of blew it off, it was not much that we needed to get upset over.


But once we were done shopping and getting ready to check out the same man ended up behind us in the check out line. While I was helping master load the groceries up on the counter that man came up behind me and smacked me on the ass and started grabbing it. I just knew master was going to hurt him. I was trying to talk to master telling him its okay and not to do it in public. We checked out and headed to the car. Loading them into the backseat then hopped in the car. Once we were in the car I could tell how pissed with that man that master was. So I leaned over and started rubbing my master’s cock. Getting it nice and hard for me. I leaned down and took his head into my mouth. I heard master sigh like that was exactly what he needed. I sucked him really good. I took him deep into my throat making me gag on his cock. He fucked my mouth and shot his load down my throat.


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By then the same rude man was coming out the store and putting his groceries in his car. When he left we followed him. Followed him to his house. Sat outside and scooped him out. To see if he lived alone or what was up. We found out that he lived alone, so we went back home to take the things to the house. I unloaded and put up the groceries while master was in his room. He came back out with his black bag around the same time I finished up. We got back in the car and headed to that mans house. We knocked on the door and when he realized it was us, he was shocked and master pushed his way through the door. Knocked the man on the head and we drug him to an available chair and tied him up.


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When he woke up, he demanded to know what was going on. And master told him for his actions today there was to be a punishment. The next thing I knew master was grabbing tools out of his bag and just started puling the mans teeth out. You could probably hear him screaming from a mile away, but i guess it was a good thing he lived far out in the country. With each tooth master was telling him what he did wrong and that I was he pet, no one puts their hands on me unless he gives them permission. There was a lot of blood coming from his mouth. I swear master gets off giving people pain. That day I seen a man have all of his teeth pulled out, how much pain my master was able to inflict with not even putting his best effort and I got new jewelry that my master made all by himself.  I say all in all, a day full of shopping and torture, it ended pretty well. I don’t think that man will be bothering anymore ladies……. hehehe



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A Sadist in Sheep’s Clothing

torture phone sex mommy bloodyEvery now and then I encounter a very sadistic man. A man who truly believes women are worthless whores on earth only for their pleasure. And that no matter what they do to a woman, it is justified because we are all just whiny, bitchy, cunts who do not deserve to live. I met such a man recently. On the outside, seemed like any other hipster. Owned a little coffee shop I went to daily, liked music, college educated, easy to talk to. That is how he trapped me. I felt safe with him. Felt like he really wanted to just be my friend. I get lonely. My husband is long gone, and my son travels a lot with his job. So when David invited me to his place for dinner, I accepted, totally clueless about what was in store for me.

He slipped some sort of roofie in my drink. I woke up bound and gagged in his basement on his work out bench. He was standing over me with an evil smile. I saw on the wall a plethora of torture devices. Now I am rather accustomed to extreme bondage devices, but what I saw looked more like the tools of a serial killer. Knifes, saws, an ice pick, dental and surgical tools, a flame thrower, drills, hammers… All deadly and painful instruments. He grabbed a pair of pliers and held my nose tightly, forcing my mouth open and for no reason other than his sick pleasure, pulled one of my teeth out from the root. He was a true sadist. The pain was excruciating. I could taste the blood. He said, “Now you aren’t so pretty. All pretty women are whores.” I was crying and shaking. He got tired of hearing me and shoved a ball gag in my mouth which made me choke on my own blood.bloody phone sex sadistic torture

The next tool of pain he brought out was a scalpel.  He began making small cuts all over my torso like some Dr. Demento. He sliced my breasts up, made a trail of cuts down my stomach. He then dripped hot wax into my wounds. The wax slowed the bleeding, but the pain was awful. He laughed at my tears. What he pulled out next horrified me. He had a torch flame like welders use.  He told me there was nothing more intoxicating than the smell of burnt flesh and a whore’s tears. He fired it up and aimed it straight for my stomach. He didn’t leave it on long enough to set my whole body on fire, but he did take a layer or two of skin off my belly.  It hurt so much I lost consciousness.

I woke up in my car, back in my clothes. I thought maybe it was just some horrifying dream, but then I checked myself in the rear view mirror. I was missing a tooth. The bloody roots still hanging from where the tooth had been. The pain really hit me. I lifted up my shirt, revealing a charred stomach.  He had cauterized my wounds so I was not bleeding, but it was horrible looking, very raw,  and even worse smelling. I wanted to wretch. I searched for my keys, trying to figure out if I could even drive. I found a note in my purse that said “Tell anyone what happened Blair, and that pretty little face you love so much gets burned.”

There are sadists all around us. Men who take extreme pleasure in hurting and degrading women. You would think by now, I would be better at recognizing them. Are you a sadist in sheep’s clothing? DO you harbor dark desires like David?


My Nightmare

Asleep, deeply asleep but it all seems so real, feel, smell, taste… real. It’s as though I am in some weird wacked out trance or some alternate reality. This all started out rather fuzzy but progressed into a very real experience. Have you ever experienced a dream or nightmare that was very real?

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I was in bed asleep when he came in through my window. The feel of leather caressed my thigh and I stirred as this individual, creature of the night stood over me with his leather gloved hands upon me. I gasped and felt his gloved hand over my mouth, and he leaned in close to me. As he leaned in I smelled a rancid dead flesh smell emanating from him. He leaned in really close as he punctured two tiny holes in the fleshy part of my breast. I felt immobilized instantly, and when he removed his hand from my mouth my attempt to scream was no more than a silent scream.

Paralyzed and unable to make a sound I felt myself get up and on my feet. I was embraced by this thing and lifted into the air and out my window. As we soared over rooftops and trees I felt weightless and had this amazing sensation overtake me. We landed in a room that was exquisitely decorated like a turn of the century rich man’s den or gallery.

Within this room there laid a young maiden pale and fair haired. She was drugged up, and her eyes looked filmed over but wild. I was led to her side and told to eat. I looked at my companion abductor but could not quite view his face, I saw dark glasses, grey skin, and red lips that smiled upon me. I turned back to the girl only to see she was indeed bloodied and flesh ripped about her small frame. “Eat” he repeated to me as a hunger suddenly overcame me and like a rabid animal I began tearing flesh from her body with my mouth. I ingested this flesh and blood stained my mouth and chin.

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I awoke and felt a pang of hunger and upon arising from my bed I noticed dirt and blood stains on my gown. I also noticed that I had been violated sexually in both my ans and vaginally. What actually happened?

Beat Me, Bleed Me, Torture Me, Today, Tomorrow, Forever…

bloody phone sex torture submissiveThis new Master I knew was unusual, not like the others.  I only saw him at night. He was pale. Skin was cold. He was sensitive to light. He was an amazing lover. Strong as an ox. Keen senses. Could heal my wounds he inflicted quickly and quite miraculously. He was extremely into blood play too. I should have known. I have seen enough horror films. But I had trouble rectifying reality from fantasy. That was until the night my Master made me his. Really made me his.

It was a dark and dreary night. I was tied to a wooden table spread eagle. Master had made over a 100 small but deep cuts on my body; on my worthless flesh. Blood was covering my body. Master was hard at the scent and sight of my blood. He would get off not so much on my pain like other masters, but on my blood. He would lick it off my body and never seemed to get enough of my sweet tasting crimson juice. If I got too weak from the bloodletting, he would cut his wrist and make me drink up. It somehow made me stronger, healed me.

This particular bloodletting, Master hit an artery on my neck by mistake. Blood was spurting out everywhere. I was choking on my own blood. I knew I was going to die. Then Master bit me, hard. I felt a chunk of my flesh separate from my neck. I began convulsing, twitching, dying. But then I awakened, almost like new. Master released me. I immediately looked at myself in the mirror, but I had no reflection. My skin was pale and cold. I was on sensory overload. I could hear bugs in the wall, birds outside, toilets flushing. And I was ravenous. So hungry. It scared me. I looked at Master and I knew. I just knew what he was, what I now was.

I have an unquenchable desire for blood now. I’m in need of accomplices to bring me something to feed on, preferably young and tender. In my new found state, I can be beaten unrecognizable, tortured, bled, mutilated, burned; anything brutal I can handle because I have the power to heal myself. So please, hurt me, destroy me, snuff me out.  I assure you I won’t stay dead long. I will heal myself for you to hurt, destroy and snuff out another day.

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Mr. Vamp.

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You ever wonder what it would be like to be a vampire and take me and have your way with me? Not only would you be licking sucking on my cunt and little nub, but you would be biting my neck and sucking my blood. Having that metallic taste in your mouth as I would kiss you and feel your fangs scraping against my tongue.


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You would be super strong so you could hold me told and make me take your big cock. You would not need restraints or drugs to keep me down. Oh how I would love for you to be able to make me do all those dirty things you have wanted me to do. Force me to suck your cock. Making me lick on your balls. Tell me to sit on your face and lick my little clit. I love feeling your fangs glide across my little nub. Riding your tongue begging you to make me cum. I feel you getting ready to blow your load in my mouth so I start humping your face faster and harder. I feel myself starting to cum. My body is shaking and I am screaming out… Then all of a sudden I feel you bite into my thigh, which only makes my orgasm peak.


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Hmmm, yeah, I wonder what it’d be like to have my very own personal Mr.Vamp. 🙂