You knew everything about me before you stole me from my room. You watched me for years, since I was a tiny girl. You watched my naked body through the windows of my parents house as my daddy molested me. It made you furious that he got to touch me and promised yourself that one day I would be yours. Three years ago, today, you made that fucking desire a reality. You caught me on the way home from school, and dragged me kicking and screaming back to your dungeon, which is where I remain. You tell me that makes today our “anniversary”.
I shudder at the thought of celebrating with you. Your an evil and cruel monster, and you revel in my pain. The only thing that gets you off is scaring us slave sluts. After years with you, I am much more difficult to scare, and you know it. You’ve cut my nipples off, made me eat other girls while they are still alive, and even stitched my cunt together with needle and thread. My mind races as I dream that maybe tonight you will finally go too far and kill me. My body is wasted away, I am not the little pretty slut you first started watching years ago. You have younger girls now.
You drag me out of my cell and upstairs to your kitchen. I kneel on the floor and you take a thick plastic bag out of your pocket and shake it out for me to see. Its the perfect size for my head, and I know that is exactly where you plan to put it. My heart leaps as I think you will finally snuff me. But to my surprise, you pick up the telephone and start dialing. As you do, you take your cock out of your pants, and tell me that you are going to call a phone whore for some suffocation phone sex. You are going to place the bag on my head, and if she can get your cock off before I die, you will remove the bag.

My life depends on some sex whore over the telephone? Before I could say anything, you jam the bag down over my head and secure it with tape around my neck. I can barely see through the bag as it fogs with my breath and I start to panic. I hear you talking to some whore on the phone and I can vaguely see you stroking your cock. I try to control my breaths, but I am immediately without enough oxygen. I couldn’t scream to try to warn the whore that I was there, as I was fighting the bag and becoming more dizzy by the second.
My lungs were on fire, and my senses started to fade, I felt myself shit all over the floor, and I could hear you slapping away at your cock while you degraded the bitch on the phone. I started to go limp, and tried to inhale, but there was nothing left. My vision fogged and I could no longer inhale. My consciousness left me and my head hit the floor. Suddenly you remove the bag and my lungs automatically gasp in as much air as possible, waking me up. My mouth wide open, and gasping, you shoot your hot load of cum right inside my throat. As Ilay there gasping and choking on your cum, you hang up the phone and simply say to me, “Happy Anniversary, slut”.