Category: Bloody phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex Organ Strainer

I live to serve you. Tonight is the night of your special dinner party. I can hear the guests arriving upstairs. I can smell the cigar smoke and the perfume wafting down through the grates in the walls. The music, so creepy, and I can’t imagine who these freaks are that you have me make these drinks for. You’ve got me dressed in new black lingerie. Its the only time of year I get to wear “clothes”. It barely covers the bruises and scars you have inflicted on me, but dare I say I still feel pretty?

You come down to the dungeon and tell me to prepare the cocktails. I hope that the rest of the slave sluts will supply enough blood to make your party a success. Last year I wasn’t so lucky and you beat me unconscious for not doing my job. I wasn’t going to let you down, I had a plan and a secret tool. I had found a small strainer in one of your torture toolboxes, and I knew it would help me get every drop of blood I could out of the other pathetic whores traopped down here with me.

I have a tray of glasses, and take my knife and strainer into the first slave’s cell. She tries to crawl away, but she is too weak. As I suspected, cutting her wrists yielded practically nothing. Not enough to even fill two cocktails on the tray. She has been bled so many times to satisfy your own appetite, that flowing blood is hard to come by. I raise the knife to her left tit and she begs me not to kill her. But there is no other way to get the blood out. I ram the knife into her chest and twist and turn it until I can reachin and grab her still beating heart.

Her eyes go glassy as I pull it from her chest. I hold it over the third wine glass, and squeeze it like an orange. Blood pours out, and the smell is so fresh and metallic.  I am able to fill a  few more glasses, and then I take her heart, as she watches unable to move any longer, and cut it into smaller pieces. I take each piece and put it in the strainer. I squeeze each piece like little sponges full of blood, into the remaining glasses. This was working perfect, I would be able to squeeze every drop of blood out of these slaves tonight.

I take the first tray upstairs and serve your guests. They marvel over the fresh blood cocktails and drink them. You pat me on the bottom, and send me back downstairs with the empty tray to get your guests another round of drinks for your Taboo Phone Sex CockTail Party….

Cooking With Raven

Accomplice phone sexWelcome to my kitchen.  It’s a bit of a mess, but no worries.  Today we are going to be making the best cupcakes EVER!  Sure you can get cupcakes anywhere, but these…THESE are extra special.  They are not only made with a false sense of love and care, they are made with blood, sweat and tears.  Not mine mind you, but they are used none the less.  First, you will need to find an unwilling victim.  This is easy, just grab someone.  Next, you will want to make sure they have good veins.  I would stay away from any type of Intravenous drug user, or drug user of any type.  Who wants cupcakes all Herioney tasting? Not me.  I suggest something sweet, young, and innocent.  Full of spice and everything nice don’t you know.  You want to make sure they are trussed up nice and tight at this point, because this is how you get those blood sweat and tears I was speaking of earlier.  The secret ingredient so to speak.

Rape phone sex fantasiesYou will want to take a kitchen utensil, whatever is handy.  I am using a spoon for demonstration purposes.  You take your utensil of choice and start shoving it into places no kitchen utensil should ever been shoved.  Up little tight cunts, small tight assholes, back of throats, or just skip the utensil all together and use glass.  I only use the spoon to get the sweat and tears really, glass however is used for the blood.  I find that a few pieces jammed into the lower part of the inside arm in a diagonal direction seems to produce the best amount of blood.  Put the blood, the tears that you have collected, and some sweat from their forehead into a mixing bowl along with some Betty Crocker cake mix.  Your choice of flavor, it’s fucking Betty Crocker, all her shit is good.  Then mix and bake according to the directions on the package.  Do NOT remove the glass from the arm, you will need that in the next step.  After you have taken them out of the oven, place the hot from the oven cupcake pan on your victims back to cool.  Once they have cooled, it is time to decorate.

Snuff phone sex

Grab a can of frosting, swirl that shit on top, then for the piece de resistance…remove those glass shards from your young thing’s arm. Make sure you are careful not to drip any blood until you get to the frosted cupcake.  Shaking your hand from side to side, while holding the glass firmly between your thumb and forefinger splatter the top of the cupcake.  Go all Jackson Pollack on it.  Then simply place the glass into the cupcake to complete the decoration process!  Now you have a very dangerous yet rather tasty cupcake.  Feel free to give them to people you hate for a memorable gift.

Hunting Snow Bunnies

He unloaded us off the back of his truck. He shoved our naked and cold bodies into the snow and told us to run for our lives. You pulled up, along with the other men who had paid for the hunt, and sat and watched as we ran like hell out into the cold forrest. Many of us already bleeding and falling down in the slippery snow. Gorgeous snow bunnies, bought and paid for. You felt your gun, and checked your jacket for extra bullets. Thats when I ran past your truck. I saw you glance at me as I ran, and our eyes met.

You didn’t look at me like a person, but like I was a rabbit, a piece of meat. Your prey. And I knew in that moment that you would be coming after me. You had chosen me. My heart was pounding in my chest as I ran naked through the blinding snow. My barefeet began to go numb and I was barely out of your sight before the gunshot went off signalling the start of the hunt. You got out of your truck, grabbed your gun, and moved slowly in the direction I had ran.

I stopped and knelt behind a log, freezing and terrified. My nipples were hard from the extreme cold, and my pussy had ice forming from the moisture. Then I saw you. A figure off in the distance, but I recognized your vest. I was right, you had chosen me over all the other girls. I was going to be your prize. You wanted my body to hang above your fireplace. I panicked and started running again. I knew I wouldn’t last long in the cold. But I had a choice to freeze to death or to be taken down by you like a wild animal.

I ran as far as I could and decided to hide. I had lost track of time and place and I knew you would be able to follow my prints in the snow. I had no escape. I began to lose consciousness from the froxzen weather, and I laid down in the snow to rest for a moment. As my vision cleared, I saw you there, standing above me. Your gun was at your side, and you began to unzip your thick pants. I couldn’t move or resist as you fucked me, your little snow bunny, right there in the snow. You came deep inside me, flavoring your meat.

When you were done, you stood up, stepped back, and raised your gun. Our eyes met again, and I heard a loud popping sound. The last thing I saw was my blood coloring the snow bright red……

Bloody Phone Sex with Venus: Revenge Fantasies

bloody phone sex knife play snuffI was watching some stupid ass old TV show last night called The Love Boat. Corny as hell, but it gave me sweet dreams of murder and mayhem. I dreamed I was on The Bloody Boat, along with all the bitches and tools that were mean to me in my life. In my version,  I was Venus, the evil cruise director. Every room was rigged with some torture device fitting for whatever offense that individual committed against me. Make a great horror film, don’t you think? Just need an accomplice or 6 to help me execute all the bullies and mean girls from our youth. Think about it, all the unsuspecting morons we hated under one roof, held captive at sea. We could torture, mutilate and kill them all. Dump their bodies into the sea to be shark bait.

So many scenarios. We could poison them at dinner, rendering them sluggish making it easy to slaughter them. We could gas them in the ballroom, but that would be too quick of a kill and hence no fun really. We could design rooms like in the Saw movies with torture devices. Each person has to decide how bad they really want to live. What extreme measures are they willing to take to spare their worthless lives? Or, we could use my knife collection, sneak into their rooms at night and butcher each one in their sleep like a serial killer. The possibilities are endless. I love revenge kills. Revenge fantasies.

I just need the right evil minded accomplice to help me flesh out my fantasy kill. Is that you?


You have her tied to the bed, and me tied up in the corner. I can only assume you’re about to make me watch something I don’t want to see. She is so young and tiny and scared. Her little naked body is stretched as far as it can go – each arm and leg spread to the four posts of the bed and tied tightly. Her ankles and wrists are bleeding from her attempts to get loose. The ropes have dug into her flesh and her face is stained with tears. Her front teeth are missing, and I don’t know if you did that or if its simply her age.

You enter the room and come over to me. My body trembles in fear. You stroke my hair, seemingly with affention. You tell me that I get to watch  today. You tell me that I get to see how to deflower a princess. I hate that your voice is so soothing and makes my cunt tingle. I can’t even look in your eyes because you terrify me so much, but I can’t help but need you and want you. You walk over to the bed and the girl starts to squirm again, screaming a shrill little girl’s scream.

I try to look away, but I cant, as you pull a metal rod out from under the bed. It is about 3 feet long, 5 inches in diameter, and already has blood dried on it. The girls eyes bulge at the site of it and she loses her breath, unable to even scream anymore. I want to beg you to stop, but I know better than to speak. I keep my head down, but watch you with my eyes. You take the metal rod and swing it with all your strength into her stomach. Her body is tied so tight she hardly even moves from the strike, but I hear her ribs crunch inside of her. Blood begins to pour from her mouth.

You wipe the blood from her mouth onto the end of the rod and then move it down between her legs. You position it perfectly to jam it directly inside her as she starts choking on her blood, trying to scream again. With one strong thrust, you jam the rod so far inside of her that I know her tiny womb had to be destroyed. Blood pours out around the rod as you twist it even further up inside her. I feel sick to my stomach, but I can’t take my eyes away from her demolished little cunny.

You turn around and look at me, to make sure I am watching. Then you pull the rod out of her tiny body. At least 16 inches of it are covered in her fresh blood. You dribble the blood over her naked body as she convulses. I know she is of no use to you now. She has been deflowered and you have lost interest. I watch as you raise the rod over your head with both hands like an ax, and swing it down onto her face, crushing her skull with one hit. Blood splatters so far that it lands at my feet. You toss the rod on the bed next to her dead body and leave the room.

I know this is where I will be sleeping tonight. Tied in this chair, in the dark, with her corpse in the bed. You know how to break us sluts. I already have the evil thoughts and I am actually happy it was her instead of me. You’re making monsters out of us by fucking with our minds. I no longer feel shock, or even pity, just exhaustion. I lean my head against wall and close my eyes to sleep. 

Taboo Phone Sex with Venus on Halloween

taboo phone sex goth girlEvery full moon, something comes over me. I seem to become more homicidal. Like a werewolf, I cannot control my urges. Combine a full moon with Halloween night and I make Michael Myers look like Hello Kitty.  I know it’s taboo, but I want to kill some innocent young flesh on Halloween night. I have my knife collection out and ready. I have a bayonet, a switch blade, a dagger, an ice pick, a trench knife, a combat knife, a shiv, my rampuri, scalpel, butcher knife, machete and my straight razor. And, I have a ton of good candy to lure my little victim into my evil clutches. And, a ton of razor blades. I will be leading her like a lamb to slaughter.

taboo phone sex accompliceI just need my victim. Is it wrong to want to snuff out a young life? I mean in reality, I could be sparing her a life of abuse, drugs, poverty, pain….The real hell is on earth. The real devils are folks like me, with taboo, dark desires. I know there are lots of annoying spoiled brats or self entitled twats or little lost souls with devils as parents that I could take. I just have to find the right tender morsel to be the Angel of Death too.

I usually stalk my prey. The hunt is part of the fun. Like Michael Myers or Freddy Krueger. But tonight, on Halloween, I am going to be an opportunist. The streets will be paved with wee witches and goblins. In the darkness, no one will notice if a little one strays from the road, lured by a sick twisted bitch with a knife and candy. I think you need to help me capture and torture a little one. Taboo is fun. Taboo is hot. I can pierce her flesh with my knife; you can pierce her flesh with your big cock. I can give her candy with razor blades; you can give her liquid candy. Either way she bleeds. Either way she cries. Either way we win.

taboo phone sex knife play

Bloody Moon

Tonight is the blood moon, and I have been waiting for this night forever. We get married tonight and you take my womanhood the way only you can. I have seen your bloody brides in the past, and I cannot wait to finally get what is mine. Obviously a fuck slave like me lost her virginity a long time ago and I have been fucked with every tool in your dungeon. But Tonight you will take my uterus, and we shall eat it together to signify our forever union.

You slice my stomach from navel to clit, and drain the blood into two cups, one for each of us to drink to symbolize my final passage. I am a worthless piece of garbage, and tonight is the only night you will ever let me feel anything but hatred from you. I suck your cock as you prepare to make the horizontal cut on my waist. The knife is sharp, for once, as tonight it is not only about the pain, but the sacrifice of my wicked and evil uterus.

You cum on my face as you insert your hands inside me. There is blood everywhere and my white gown is now red with blood. The other slaves watch and wish that they were your blushing bride tonight. You grab my uterus and hold it above my bleeding body. You take the nice and make one final slice to free me of everything that makes me a woman. The cut feels like fire and I cum on the table, mixing it with my own blood.

You prop me up and I watch as you slice it like a filet. One piece for me, and one piece for you. I take my slice of the organ and you take yours and we wind our arms around each others’. I feed you the blood and gore dripping from my fingertips, and you feed me the same way. My blood tastes like copper and sweet evil and I am so happy to finally be rid of my womanhood. We gorge on the pieces you have sliced and throw what remains for the slut slaves for them to taste. They eat it hungrily, and I know they are jealous of my night.

Then you spread my legs and begin fucking my pussy, and I can see your cock going in and out of me through the hole you created where my awful womb used to be. I stroke the top of your cock with my hand and its magical.

Because He Can

bondage phone sex master slaveI was in my bed, waiting for my son. He never showed. I decided to go to bed. I was startled awake by a noise in the garage. The dogs were barking too. I thought my son was drunk and had stumbled into the garage. I went to go check it out and a guy grabbed me and threw me down on the concrete floor. He straddled me from behind and began to choke me and smack my face on the floor. I started to scream and fight, but he shoved a ball gag in my mouth, ripped my clothes off and forced his cock in my ass.  He came almost instantly. That was a blessing and a curse.

I thought he was done with me. That this was a typical breaking and entering with forced sex. But, he had more in store for me. He strung me up. He found my son’s bondage equipment and used it against me. He had me tied up and suspended in my own garage. So many ropes around me I had very little movement.  He then put clamps with weights on my nipples, pulling them down. They started to bleed. He grabbed my throat and choked me some more. I could feel my windpipe collapsing. I was struggling for breath.

He suddenly let go of my throat right before I was about to pass out and shoved his cock down my throat till I gagged. My eyes got watery, I started choking and I started to cry. He shoved his fingers up my nose restricting my air. He yelled at me, “Stop crying bitch and you can live.” I tried my best to stop crying. I tried to think of this as just another extreme bondage game like I play with my son. Only this game had no safe words.bondage phone sex torture boobs

He shot his load down my throat. As he was cumming, he pulled on the weights attached to my breasts and made them bleed more. In fact he ripped a nipple. I was afraid to cry. He messed with the ropes to get me in a different position. He wanted my ass up in the air. He got behind me, sort of like a wheel barrel position and started ramming his dick in my cunt and ass. No condom either. I just prayed he did not get me pregnant or give me an STD. As he fucked my holes, he stretched them at the same time with his fingers. He enjoyed watching his dick torture my cunt especially. My pussy was raw looking. Red and swollen. I wanted to survive, so I did not cry despite the pain.bondage phone sex forced blowjobs 

As he fucked me, he kept choking me. I know this is suppose to  intensify a woman’s orgasm.  But, no way I was cumming being forced by some stranger who broke in to my house. I like rough sex, but consensual rough sex, one between a master and his servant. Suddenly, I heard the garage door open, but one of my ropes was attached to the door so I started to levitate up to the ceiling as the door opened until I was smack dead against the garage ceiling. This tightened the ropes so much they started to cut my skin. The ball gag was in my mouth so all I could do was moan. I saw my son come in and I was relieved. I knew I would be cut down and this nightmare would be over.

But then I saw my son pull out his wallet, hand my attacker a wad of cash, and shake his hand.  My attacker left. My son looked up and waved at me, then turned off the lights and left. I stayed up there, in that awful position all night. Scared, in pain, cold. Next morning, he came back and let me down. I had purple marks all over my body. I could barely talk, and my right wrist was broken from the constriction of the ropes. I asked my son why he would pay a man to assault and torture me. His response, “Because I can.”

bondage phone sex mommy torture

Fucked In Church

You told me to get ready in my sunday best. Whatever the fuck that means. You just like to mess with me and remind me that I have nothing. Tehn you toss me one of your button down shirts and tell me to put it over my ugly body, and that it was time to go to church. Church? I thought you were kidding, but I watched as you got dressed and tucked your cock neatly into your dress slacks. I asked what else I was supposed to wear, and you said nothing.

So I hopped in the car with you, and wearing nothing but your shirt I wondered how I would be allowed in any church. My ass and pussy were hanging out, b ut you didn’t seem to mind. As we pulled up to the place, the parking lot was empty. We walked up to the big beautiful wooden doors and made our way up through the pews. You grabbed my arm and threw me down on one of the hard wooden benches and told me to stay there.  I did as I was told, like I laways do for you.

You walked away and came back with some holy water in a little bottle. You said today you were going to christen my ass and then fuck it, right here in church, to ensure that when you snuff me out that I go straight to hell. You bitch slapped my slutty face and told me to go face down and ass up. I buried my face in the seat and you began to rub holy water all over my tight little ass. You started speaking insome language I didn’t understand, but it sounded evil like a demon had taken over you.

You rammed your fingers, covered with the blessed water, right up my ass and then spread my cheeks and began pounding me with your hard cock. Your hannds grabbed me hard, and I could feel them still wet from the water. It burned my skin, and I knew you had made me something evil today. Something like you. You poured more holy water on my ass cheeks as you pumped inside me where people usually pray. You kept mumbling in your other language and finally came out of your daze.

You told me my ass belongs to hell now, and that I will die from the claws of the demons you shoot inside of me with your hot cum. I felt fire as you shot your cum deep in my ass. And I forgot to pray. It didn’t even occur to me as I lay there, ass up, covered in holy water. I had been cursed to hell by you and I know that is all I deserve. Please wrap your hands around my throat and take me there. Take me where I belong.

Satan’s Sex Slaves

Evil phone sex torture submissivesMy girlfriend Stephanie invited me to a Halloween Party. She met this hot guy at a club and scored us an invite to an exclusive underground club. I was pretty excited actually. I needed a good time. We both did. The location of the party was a secret. We were told to be at a warehouse at 9PM and we would be driven to the party destination. Stephanie and I arrived promptly at 9PM looking very sexy. There were other women there too, but they were not hot like us. None of us seemed to know  what was going on, but I beginning to feel uneasy.

Then several men arrived. Very handsome men and Stephanie and I lost our senses. We are good submissive fuck pigs. Men tell us what to do, we do it. We know no other life. These men instructed us to get into this white bus. All of us, got on that bus, somehow knowing it might be the death of us. Like lambs to be slaughtered, we followed.

evil phone sex bondage bitchWere drove in the dark, in the woods, for several miles until we stopped at what appeared to be an abandoned church and graveyard. A creepy ass old church in the middle of nowhere. This could not be good for Stephanie and I, or the others.  They led us into the church. I saw the pentagram, the candles, the blood… It was clear we were in the church of Satan. Why, we were not sure, but Stephanie and I were scared. There was blood all over the alter.

Stephanie and I were together, but the other girls they separated from us. Stephanie and I got tied up in the back of the church. I did my best to calm her. I had a plan. If we could convince our captors that we were good fuck toys; good breeders for virginal sacrifices, perhaps we could  survive. We were clearly the pretty ones in the group. The Satanists seemed intrigued. Stephanie and I were forced to watch as they slaughtered the other girls at their bloody alter. Each girl was bound, gagged and forced to lay in the center of a burning pentagram. Their breasts were cut off, their pussies sowed shut, some sort of animal blood spilled on them, then they were lit on fire. It was the most horrifying thing either of us had every witnessed. And as subby fuck pigs, we have seen a lot. I can still smell their charred flesh and hear their screams.

evil phone sex sacrifice virginsI looked over at Stephanie and told her to trust me. We had something those women did not. We had rocking bodies and pretty faces, and we had youth on our side. We could appeal to their primordial urges. It worked. They did not kill us. Instead they took us to the basement. It appeared to be a sexual torture dungeon. All sorts of S and M devices.  For days we were Satan’s sex slaves. Fucked in all our holes. Whipped. Tortured. Deprived of food and water. Forced to pee and defecate on the floor. They even forced us to play with each other as they jacked off on us. They were insatiable. They didn’t seem to need sleep. They did, however, need to fuck.  They were determined to breed us.

evil phone sex satanic ritual killerWe survived the church of Satan. We survived being the devil’s sex slaves. But barely. They passed out after being up for close to two days. I’m double jointed and freed my hands, then freed Stephanie. We ran naked through the woods, in the dark and the cold until we reached the highway and the kindness of a stranger. I’m not sure if the devil exists, but he certainly has followers who believe and they kill and fuck in his name. What would you do to us in the name of Satan?