Category: Bloody phone sex

International Slut Hunt

I knew when I saw the camo you bought for me that the hunt was on. What I didn’t know is that this year the game had been ramped up. As you loaded up us cum whores in your truck, you handed us each a passport. Wtf? One of the older girls told me that this year was going to be an international hunt – men from all over the world would be meeting across the border to hunt us. I couldn’t figure out how it would be possible – you would never get through the border with a truck full of naked and half naked cum slaves like us… not even with passports.

But the girl who told me obviously had been thru it before so I figured you had a plan. Sure enough when we pulled up to border patrol, your truck was pulled over. I could barely see out the one dirty window in the back, but I saw a wad of money exchange hands and then the back doors swung open exposing all us girls. There was a border agent and he pointed at a couple of the other girls and you grabbed them abd dragged them out. Of course – I should have known – you traded them to get us through the border.

You left them there and I watched out the window as we pulled away and the border agent brutally fucked the girls. You had it all figured out. We finally stopped hours later and got out in a large open field. There was a dead woman impaled on a pole. She must have been the prize from the last hunt. There were men everywhere. Some with guns, soome with bow and arrows, and some didn’t even look armed. We all got dragged out of the truck. I remember thinking how happy I was to be wearing anything at all – especially camo. My desperate mind told me it might help me survive this hunt.


We ran, as we always did, and then heard one gunshot in the distance. That meant the hunt was on. I didn’t want to end up like that woman on that stake so I ran my ass off through the jungle. I found a deep brush area and decided to hide. I didn’t see anyone for hours, and then I saw you.  Your gun was drawn, and you looked right at me. My heart froze. Then for whatever reason you turned away, and went the other direction. Why did you spare my life? I know you saw me. I laid down in the brush and began rubbing my pussy. The thrill of you seeing me, and expecting your bullets to be fired was just too much. I came all down my legs and then fell asleep in the bushes…

Home Invasion Phone Sex with Dusty

“Serial Killers Turn Me The Fuck ON! There I fucking sad it, are you happy now?” that was one of the final things said by me as I left home. You see I had a online relationship going with this complete psycho from a Serial Killer Newsgroup. Well I was always seeking darker and more deranged and it started young.

Home invasion Phone Sex Dusty Acco

Well I met up with him one afternoon and let him drive me home. I just sort of felt he was lame and kinda brushed him off. One night I heard a loud noise outside, and got up to look. My younger brother and mother were asleep. I didn’t notice anything unusual and figured it was just a stray or raccoon.

Heading back to bed something didn’t feel right so I turned some lights on and the television and grabbed some juice. As I walked back into the living room I saw a shadow in the hallway. I crept back to the kitchen but was grabbed from behind a leather hand on my mouth and a knife held to my neck. God, I was getting mother fucking wet.

home invasion phone sex dusty merry

I hear my mother scream and some thumping around back in the bedroom. My brother is whimpering and keeps saying please. I hear another man’s voice, it sounds familiar as he is throwing out commands. His buddy was laughing as he ran the knife blade across my skin. I could feel his dick hard against me. He walks me down the hall to my mother’s room and I see my brother and her are naked and bound.

It just crosses my mind – oh fuck – this is all too familiar. While talking and joking with the psycho I half heartedly played out an Home Invasion Phone Sex scene I would love to put a good scare in the bitch called my mom. I was stripped right there as I watched my mother and bro get anally violated by the other guy. My psycho acquaintance took his knife to me slightly grazing the skin as he started pushing his cock inside me.

As he fucks me he whispers how we are going to fuck his accomplice and how he has a nice big strap-on for me to use. We are going to fuck him, beat him, and stab him to death and then fuck his corpse. While we snuff him we will be recording it.

Home invasion phone sex Dusty nutcase

I think I came so fucking hard just listening to what we would do.

Pregnant Cows

Mutiliation phone sexAren’t pregnant women beautiful? Doesn’t it bring a smile to your face every time you see one? That ‘glow’, the swollen belly, the pure joy on their faces? What the fuck is wrong with you?  There is nothing special about a fat swollen cow carrying around a parasite.  Something that sucks the very life from you.  Pregnant women are nasty.  Sweaty, complaining constantly, puking, pissing themselves, walking around thinking they are special because they have a lump of meat growing inside them.  So the fuck what? All female life forms can reproduce.

So now what do we have? A woman that forgot to take her birth control who is now super fat, huffing and puffing through the day acting like they are a queen.  Who gives a shit?  Not me.  I call them cows because that’s exactly what they look like.  Eating shit all the time, expanding to epic proportions.  The good thing about all this is, that cows get slaughtered.  That is right, cut up into nice bite sized bits.  And if that bovine just happens to be carrying a calf inside her, that just means double the protein.

Home Invasion Phone Sex with Venus: Your Evil Accomplice

home invasion phone sex knife play tortureI’m a sadistic bitch. I am unapologetic about that. The world is over populated by sweet, boring vanilla chicks.  I’m not the girl you date, I’m the girl you plot revenge with; the girl you stalk and kill with. I’m your evil sexy accomplice. An old friend of mine recently reached out to me for some help  with her philandering husband. My reputation as a sick bitch is common amongst certain crowds.  We devised a genius home invasion plan that would result in revenge with no culpability on her.

I broke into their home late at night. Walked right into the bedroom yielding my big ass knife. Told them to get the fuck out of bed. Of course he offered me money and the jewelry to leave. I wanted jewels that was for sure, but the family kind. I had his wife, my secret accomplice, tie him up, while I tied her up. I played cat and mouse games with them for awhile before I got to my nefarious intentions.  I untied my girlfriend and “forced” her to untie her husband and put him on the bed, where I tied him spread eagle. The fear in his eyes was intoxicating. I told him I heard a rumor that he has a little trouble keeping his pecker in his pants. “Is that true?” I inquired while I held the knife under his worthless balls. He looked at his wife and tried to lie. I pushed the knife harder under his testicles, drawing blood and he sang like a canary.

home invasion phone sex castration bitchI informed him that cheating was a sin and I was an old school Bible thumper; a believer in an eye for an eye. I was prepared to cut them clear off right then and there as planned, but I gave the knife to his wife.  I then pulled out my pretty little pistol and held it to her head. I explained it was simple. Take your husband’s worthless balls and you both live. She started crying. Crocodile tears I’m sure, but nice touch. He begged and pleaded to keep his worthless nuggets. I started Russian Roulette with my pistol. He had no clue the gun was empty, neither did she. It added to the realism of her fear, made our game more fun; well for me at least.

castration phone sex home invasionAfter 3 rounds of nail biting Russian Roulette, my pal looked at her husband, apologized and cut his balls clear off. There was a lot more blood than I imagined. A lot more screams and tears too. Blood, tears, screams…total turn ons for me.  I made her put his balls in a plastic baggie. Told her she should keep them as a reminder of her pathetic excuse for a husband’s infidelity. I kissed him on the forehead. Told him to keep it in his pants or he would lose his pecker the next time.  Told her she should get him some medical attention fast. Some folks see me as a sick bitch. I see myself as a helper. I assist folks in making better decisions in the future.

Perhaps I can help you with wiser choices. Perhaps I can help you get revenge. Perhaps I can punish you. I am the accomplice of your nightmares.

Worth the Pain

Pain can be such a release for a little fuck slut like me. I’ve been outcast all my life for being different and too thin and being too withdrawn. I was an easy victim for my latest Master. He has tortured me for months with needles and pain and humilation. Yet, once in awhile there was something almost kind about him. The way he would say my name at times, rather than just calling me a little cum dumpster. He would say it with a smooth silky tone, and let it roll off his tongue. And I noticed as much pain as he inflicted on me, he suffered his own pain. His cock stayed limp.

If he caught me looking, he made me pay dearly for it. He would stick needles through my clit and nipples and bruise me so badly that I felt it for weeks. Yet, he didn’t hide his flaccid cock. He had me so mind-fucked that for some reason I wanted to help him. I wondered if pain could help heal his mind the way it heals mine. Its a need, an addiction. Its the only thing that gets my cunt wet. So maybe, just maybe… I could try to turn the tables. Just once. I lay on my cot at night dreaming of what it would be like to inflict pain on him.

One night, ashe was arranging his tools to torture my little body on his table, I reached out and gently stroked his cock. He grabbed my arm so hard that I thought he broke it. He let go and then slapped me so hard I saw stars. But I persisted and reached out again and touched his flaccid cock. He raised his hand to strike me again, but caught my gaze and stopped. I took my chance and grabbed a clamp off the tool table. He watched my every move, but he didn’t say a word. I reached the clamp up to his cock and slowly opened it up.

I took the clamp and placed it on the skin right below the head of his soft penis. He inhaled like it was the first time he had felt anything. He grabbed my tiny breast as if to hold on to something. I took a needle from the table and inserted it through the head of his cock. He turned his head away, as if he couldn’t watch. I inserted another needle and added another clamp. I couldn’t believe my eyes – his cock actually started to grow! It was working… his cock needed the pain. No sooner did I think this before he turned his head back andlooked at me – furious – he reached down and yanked the clamps off and the needles out. His cock went down immediately.

He proceeded to torture my body for hours that night, never letting up with the clamps and needles and making me bleed from every hole I have. He was relentless. I had crossed the line… but I knew his weakness… and it was worth it. I knew one day I would try again.

Cooking With Ivy

Dr. Walter Jones is a idol of mine. In 1900’s he experimented with boiling hot water. He believed it would cure illness, which of-coarse it did not. It did however expose him to a whole new world. He conducted these experiments for years, with no result of it healing any kind of illness. I believe he did it to amuse himself. I think he watched his precious patients as they shrieked  in pain. I idolize his work with the boiling water. It turns me on to thing of some whore having boiling hot water poured on her clit makes me so fucking lustful I have to rub my pussy. 

Accomplice phone sex  Ivy 3


Like Dr Jones, I too conducted some experiments of my own. Pouring hot water on this whore I caught looking at my mate. She had beautiful skin. So soft, and white. She looked at my mate with her come fuck me eyes. So I set up for her to meet up with him at my house. I was all alone, and doing research on the good Dr’s experiments. I also had all four of the burners on my stove going with boiling hot water. 

Accomplice phone sex  Ivy2

When she knocked on the door I showed her in, She was in a skin tight red dress that made her skin flawless. As she walked through the door she turned her back on me. That is all she remembers. Now that she is tied up and waking up I can’t help myself.. I start to hit her with my riding crop, hitting her hard enough to make little cuts in her skin so the boiling hot water gets in them and burns her even more. I grab the pots of water, and I start at her perfect titties that I’m sure she paid shit ton of money for.. I can’t even explain to you how mind blowing it was to watch her skin puff up with burns and blisters. She passed out from the pain which is a no no. So I took the hose and sprayed her full blast on her clit and face until she woke up with from pain or pleasure. 

Accomplice phone sex  Ivy


I loved watching her skin boil off.. I sat myself on her face and made her eat my pussy until I came all over her perfect face. Well I guess it’s not so perfect now.. 

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies ~ Addicted to Pain ~

It was so fast, everything was a whirlwind and then BAM! I turn around and at the very second I was punched right in my face. I must have fallen and knocked my head on the chair rail at the bar. My hair was matted, I was black and blue and awoke to a cock in every hole.

The drugged coma lifted a few hours after I last recall consciousness. My clothes were ripped off and my breasts, face and thighs were sticky with cum. I tried moving only to find I was bound  to an old military bed with a pillow under my backside. Seems I have been receiving cock since they dragged me to the warehouse behind the bar.

As I showed signs of waking up they had a big glass of water for me they forced me to drink. As I spatted out the bad taste in my mouth they forced the glass to empty in my mouth and down my throat making me choke. I was gasping and spitting trying to recover. Before I was able to take a clear breath I had a huge black cock shoved down my throat. I started puking on this cock but another guy yanked my head back forcing all the water back down my throat.

rape phone sex fantasies Geneva 001

My face is being fucked hard as I am choking on water, cum and stomach acid and forced to swallow it all. Further impacting my breathing there was rope pulling against my trachea. This enormous  black cock started spurting thick streams of cum in my mouth and head still held back. I felt all breathing cut off, was gasping and struggling. Near dead I came to in the back of a speeding ambulance. I kept hearing how lucky I was… And that was exactly what was going through my mind as I reached to feel my drenched panties.

Hunger Games with Ivy and Taylor

Its that time of year – time for a new apprentice for you. I remember all the fucking sicko’s you let play with us in your dungeon in the past. Perverted sadistic old men who like to mutilate all of your slut whore slaves. I remember last year you had the pyromaniac guy. I still have the burn marks and brandings he inflicted as he jerked his cum all over me. You said I would get tomeet the new apprentice tonight. I knew that meant some new version of pain – you loved watching me be tortured by someone else.

I heard you coming down the stairs. And another set of footsteps. What hell would it be this time? Some sick ugly fuck that wants to bite my nipples off and chew them like gum? Some fat old perv who wants to circumsize my clitoris? Then I saw… HER. It was a fucking girl. Well, sort of. She looked like the devil but a female one. He introduced her as Ivy She made some sort of sound, almost more of a growl than a moan. Then she smiled, and even in the darkness I thought I saw blood on her teeth. Her eyes glowed even though there was no direct light that would cause them to.

She looked at me like a starving person would look at a meal. Ivy’s gaze gave me the chills in a way that none of the men ever had. I felt my pussy start to throb despite my fear. She was barely any bigger than I am, so what the hell was wrong with me? I felt like she had cast a spell on me, and my head began to pound. I crawled over to her feet and looked up. She reached down with her sharp nails and grabbed my face. She threw me towards the table and told me to get on it and lay back.

I always do as I am told, and this bitch had some sort of power over me. My pussy was still throbbing, there was something about Ivy that screamed sex and although I knew somehow she was going to hurt me, I wanted her. I wanted to feel her and I wanted my blood to be on her teeth. I stretched my body out, trying to tempt her, showing her I secretly wanted it, and she began running her nails across my bare nipples. I pulled my hair back, exposing my neck, and I saw her hunger flash in her eyes. She leaned over me, put her fingers up my cunt, and I came as the bitch placed her sharp teeth against my throat. I closed my eyes and took in her scent as I became dizzy from her feeding. Then my world went black…

Cyber Stalking Our Victims

taboo phone sex goth girlDid you know we offer cyber text sessions? Same rate as our phone calls, and just as discreet. Some times when you are my accomplice, texting is easier and less noticeable when stalking. Like when you spot the bitch that made my life hell in school and you stalk her for me. We can cyber text back and forth as you follow the worthless whore at the mall. We can exchange ways to hurt her, plot ways to get rid of her body. And the best part, you can send me pictures of what you have done to her. I want to see her bound and gagged for me. I want to see the fear in her eyes. I want to see tears in her cheeks. I may even want to see her corpse to masturbate too,

Then once you have the bitch in the trunk of your car, we can text where to meet. Devise an elaborate plan for revenge. I will want your help, your input on how to snuff her. I get off on the bloody, graphic details of mutilation and torture. I know you do too.

bloody phone sex taboo snuffBefore long we are sexting because revenge, killing, torture turns us both on. I get wet thinking of that bitch suffering in pain, crying, begging for mercy. You get hard helping me kill the bitch I hate most in this world. We can have so much deviant fun texting back and forth. I am wet now with anticipation of stalking our next victim via cyber text sessions. Let’s cyber stalk and kill together.

bloody phone sex taboo girl

He Only Had One Condition

torture phonesex angie

She is his fucking whore. A cheap little slut that knows her sole purpose in life is to be abused at his hand. He has her trained well. When he found out how much I love to torture and fuck up bitches he made me a deal I couldn’t refuse. I could have her for the night to do with as I wanted. I could hurt her as badly as I wanted. He just wanted her alive when it was over and he wanted to be able to watch the whole thing. He promised he wouldn’t interfere in any way. He was to tired after a long weeks work to do it himself but he needed the pleasure of her pain. He needed the stress relief he derived from her suffering. Of course my cunt was delighted with the idea. I spent the day rigging up my torture device. Her legs will be bound to the floor spread eagle, her wrists to the ceiling also spread wide. I will bind her tits until they are purple and blue. But the Pièce de résistance will be the sharp metal cord that will be firmly attached to the ceiling behind her and  run down her back, between her ass and pussy lips and back up to the wench wheel in the ceiling in front of her. Attached to the end will be a weight which I will add to slowly with her watching as the torture goes on. With each added weight the steel cord will pull deeper into her ass crack and pussy. Eventually the metal cord will cut her skin. If it was up to me I would split her ass all the way up the middle from ass hole to nose and watch it slowly slice her in half. But I promised I wouldn’t kill her so it won’t go that far. Poor Cassandra when I am done with her she will have earned what she believes to be her worthless purpose here on earth, To be tortured while her man enjoys it. He won’t have to do anything but sit back and cum and I will gladly cum while administering the pain for our pleasure. torture phone sex cassandra