Category: Bloody phone sex

New Meat Market for Dinner

annibalism phone sex knife playI never grow tired of hunting my prey. This world is full of victims. Stupid worthless whores and jackasses surround  me making it easy for me to find someone to fill my need to kill. Finding suitable food for my peculiar tastes, however, is a bit more taxing. My personal chef, Rick, has taught me many things; he has given me not only a taste for flesh, but an appreciation for meal preparation.

cannibalism phone sex big tits A good meal is much harder to come by than a good snuff victim. Why? Because so many women are not natural and are underfed. They are concerned with appearance more than health. To find a good meal is challenging in the era of size 6 girls, bleach blondes, Botox and fake tits. I found a new hunting ground for my meals:  There are lots of natural beauties here. Some need fattening up and a handful need to have the silicone removed from their bodies before cooking, but the bulk of girls here will make a tasty meal with little prep work.

accomplice phone sexThanks to Rick, I know to be patient. Ginger, Felecity and Divina need to be plumped up a bit, but they look tasty. I can store the girls in cages for a few days and feed them healthy weight gaining corn meal shakes.  Three lovely women for three scrumptious meals. All whores that won’t be missed. Two strippers and a spoiled trophy wife can serve a higher purpose as nourishment for me and my friends. They are not fooling me. Sophisticated my ass. Worthless dirty whores, all of them.

cannibalism phone sex blonde whoreTake a look at these lovely ladies. They pride themselves as classy vanilla girls who would never be into snuff or anything dark. Stuck up bitches need to be put in their place, don’t you agree? I won’t have any guilt over stalking, kidnapping, skinning, basting, slow roasting and eating any one of these self righteous cunts. And the ones that do not end up in my belly, well they might be fun play things to cut, snuff, bleed, torture and force to do all sorts of perverse  things sexually. 

cannibalism phone sex ebony hottieThere is a meal for every taste. Older flesh, younger flesh, meaty flesh, skinny flesh, white meat and even dark meat. Who looks like the best meal to you? Think of all the fun we can have together hunting and preparing our meal together.

cannibalism phone sex murder fantasies

Whisper Hunting

Taboo phone sex


I was needing to feed the monster inside of me. Normally I take my time and search for people who wont be missed, but I needed it tonight. I got on my Whisper App and asked Who wanted to be my sex slave? Instantly I had replies. People said I was a freak, but there was one that caught my eye. I read the email and knew this was the one I wanted. The email said “Please make me your cum whore.” After talking back and forth for a little bit I asked her to meet me in World of Warcraft. She made a new character on a new server. I met up with her but pretended to be someone else. I fallowed her for hours. She started to think I was her friend. She made me giggle. I just wanted to cut this bitches tits off and pour salt on her empty chest. But she thought we were both played by the same guy. 

Taboo phone sex

I told her I was going to the store and that is when it came up. “Where do you live? What do you look like?” We decided to meet up but instead of me being seen I waited in the shadows. She was really a he. I told her I was waiting behind the building and he started walking over. I noticed in his hands he had some rope. I knew his game. We were playing the same one.  He walked right past me, that is why I am a goth bitch, I blend in with the shadows. I walked up behind him and cracked him in the head with a pipe that was behind the building. I struggled getting him into my car. This is why I take my time to plan things out, if not things go wrong. He wasn’t very big, he looked very experienced with this. I must have cracked his skull because he was out for a while. I took him to the barn and pulled him out of the car. I tied him up right away. I used my favorite knots, the ones that get tighter as he struggled. 

Taboo phone sex

When he woke up he started to struggle. I watched and laughed as he was choking himself. I walked up to him and kicked him in the face. I started in on him. I stomped on his chest, legs and arms. I grabbed the pipe from before and rolled him over. I covered the pipe in tiger balm and pushed it up his ass. I loved hearing him scream. I started screaming with him just to show him that I didn’t give a fuck. I rolled him over to see a semi hard cock. I smiled and asked him if he liked being fucked in the ass. Every time he didn’t answer I took my riding crop and hit him. He was my sex slave for the next few days. I guess he shouldn’t have been trolling me. It wouldn’t have been this bad on him. 

Taboo phone sex

I made him pray to god, I told him to beg god to kill me right then and there. I am still alive and well.. Ohh I need to go I hear him crying. He is awake now! 

Torture Sex with Venus: Inspired by Hostel 2

torture sex evil dominatrixI am a horror movie junkie. I think my parents poor choices in what they allowed me to watch as a young girl, contributed to the sick, twisted bitch I am today. There is no movie that gets me as wet as Hostel 2. In fact, it has provided me the inspiration to step up my game. Stalking and stabbing have become quite blasé to me. The thrill is gone. The first Hostel made my cunt wet, but the sequel spoke to me. It was like the director knew I needed a little kick in the ass to be a better killer. The opening scene is spank material for me. A woman, much like me, lies underneath a hanging female body, then slowly cuts the girl so she bleeds on her. Hot, sticky sweet blood cascading out of her victim, on to her body, until she has bled out. I love blood, but to bathe in it, is my ultimate fantasy. I cannot think of anything hotter, than killing some bitch I hate, then bathing in her blood, watching her die as the blood spills from her worthless body as I am masturbating. I’m already converting my basement into a blood bath.

bloody phone sex kill fantasiesThis movie is filled with ideas for wicked women like myself. The concept is that for the right price you can do whatever sick, perverse thing you want to another person. People are disposable. Want to castrate a man, you can. You want to eat another person for dinner, you can. You want to perform macabre experiments on a living person, you can. You want to force yourself on little ones, you can. You want to dismember and disembowel someone while they are alive, you can. In the Hostel flicks, anything goes. Money is all that matters, and people are just a commodity. I want to start a torture club. An elite group of women with their own money, like the protagonist in Hostel 2, Beth. Women, who like her, were once victims,  but turned the tables on their predators.  Instead of money, revenge and pleasure are my goals. We rid the earth of useless, worthless men. And we do so rather graphically and tortuously because killing is fun.

Women do not need to be victimized by men. Men think they are stronger than us, but we are craftier, more patient and far crueler than they could ever imagine. I like the idea of running my own hostel. Having my own torture club. Because as we all know, there are plenty of men that aren’t needed, that no one would miss right? Tiny dick losers. Sex offenders. Misogynistic assholes. Cheaters. Fat bastards. Hostel 2 has inspired me in more ways than one to put the pizzazz back in killing. Not only am I going to bathe in the blood of my victims, but I am going to empower other women to kill too. There is a special joy that I get sharing the art of torture. Especially, the torture of men that serve no purpose on this earth. Well, no purpose until now….

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Snuff Sex Reagan * Twisted Twisty the Clown

Snuff Sex ReaganI have been growing tired of the same old Snuff Sex adventures lately. I have been craving something more twisted and disturbing. Then last night I found Twisty the Clown. On the TV he Frequents small towns, reigning his style of bloody terror. Taking the young ones. He wants so much, to be a good clown. But he craves blood, and the fear he smells from his victims. Yes Twisty the Clown.. he is quite Twisted indeed. You have seen the series “American Horror Story” I am sure. If you have not seen it you have definitely heard of it. Twisty the Clown is by far my favorite freak in the show. Twisty runs around with a half dead skin mask on his fucked up clown face. He stalks young people and takes what he wants. Keeping the sweet ones captive, and continuously tortures them with disturbing Snuff Sex Reaganimages of a psychotic sort. If Twisty is provoked, who knows what this twisted clown will do to them. The little ones he has kept for himself are in constant fear. I can only imagine the sexual energy these little ones must provoke as they beg for their lives. The fear of death is the only thing that will make you feel alive!

I decided to create a mask like the one that Twisty wears, one that will transform me into a macabre clown. Ass Rape Porn while wearing such a mask made out of human skin and teeth, will be my grand adventures, I believe. I think it will be very humorous to stalk a small town and leave a trail of death and blood in my wake. Taking only the very young and innocent to do whatever it is blood thirsty Clowns do. I think a small town in the Midwest would be best. One that has not felt the hand of a murderous clown. This will be more fun that I can even imagine. I smile as I begin to pack my bags. It is time for a new adventure. I have yet to use a mask to transform my appearance. This will be a wonderful new way to quench my thirst for malice, don’t you think?Snuff Sex Reagan

Sadistic phone sex with Ivy

It was my luck to find her in the parking garage. All alone she was standing there crying for her mommy. What mother would leave her sweet blonde angel in a scary parking garage. To me she wasn’t wanted to I took her. She was such a whiny little cunt then I should have known better than to snatch her up and take her to him.

Accomplice phone sex


He gives me the pure crystal for the pretty young blondes. He has a thing for blondes. But he hates it when the cry for no reason. It made my pussy wet watcing him slam her down on the couch. He thew some toys at her and told her to play. She screamed but then calmed down. He is so good with little ones, its a shame what he does to them. I went into the back with him to get my beautiful crystal rocks to get high but he told me to sit with the brat. I got over to her and sat down. I was still gonna get high, I don’t care what he tells me to do. It’s not like that is the only horrible thing she is gonna see tonight. After doing a few lines I started to get hot and sweaty. I took all my clothes off and sat back down on the plush toys. They were so soft on my skin, I was taken back by how soft they were I didn’t even see him walk up. 

Accomplice phone sexHe had his black rubber apron on and I knew it was time. She looked at me with here big blue eyes. She was scared and confused, just the way he liked it. He grabbed her by her hair and dragged her screaming and kicking to the cold table. I was right there behind him ready to do my job. I got on top of her and kissed her screaming mouth. I licked up her tears and kissed him. I leaned over her to grab the needle and thread and she bit my fucking tit so hard. I started pounding her in the head to make her let go of me. He was laughing so hard. I smiled a crooked smile and told him to hold her mouth open. There are a few things that the pure crystal makes me do and that is shit like crazy.

Accomplice phone sex


He was holding her mouth open and I squatted over her and released my bowels in her mouth and over her stupid fucking face. She started gagging and I didn’t want to have her spit out my smelly runny gift all over the place so I sewed her fucking lips shut. That muffed her gagging and her high pitched screams. He bent me over and licked my ass hole clean and even stuck his tongue in and out of it.  I started to moan but knew that this was just the begging. I know that by the end of her life she will be in little tiny pieces and fucked every way possible. 


Accomplice phone sex


Fuck Forensics

You picked me up at the goth bar, with some silly line about how nice my teeth were – not even my smile – you said “teeth”. You seemed evil as fuck, but there was something about you that turned me on. Every cell in my body was warning me not to go home with you, but my pussy was dripping just from the sound of your voice. I felt hypnotized and I had no control over my actions. Your charm was intoxicating, and looking back I realize you had slipped me something as well. I am a foolish cum slut, and drank it right down without knowing.

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Once we were back at your house, you lit candles and told me that you like things rough. My legs felt like rubber and my vision was blurred. I felt you rip my clothes off and begin to violate my pussy and my ass with huge dildos and your cock. But something was off, and even in my stupor I sensed something was wrong. You were fucking me like a madman and yet you weren’t getting off. Yes, your cock was hard, but it was almost as if you were toying with me. You started telling me what a stupid fuckpig I am, and I tried to nod my head in agreement.

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Thats when you grabbed me tight from behind and slid the blade up under my neck. It looked like a large knife that would be used to gut a deer after a hunt. My blood ran cold, and I realized I would never be going home. Somehow though, my cunt was still throbbing, and I craved the blade. You pulled my hair back and growled in my ear. You told me that you kill for sport and that no one would ever know. I tried to resist, telling you that you wouldn’t get away with it.  
As you sank the blade into my throat and began to slice off my head, you laughed and spun me around so that I could see the shelf on the wall. There were several large jars, and each contained the severed head of different women. Each was smiling, and they all had beautiful teeth. You told me as long as you kept my teeth, no one would be able to identify my body. My vision went dark and now I watch from one of the jars on your shelf as you bring women home every night for your forensic proof collection of slutty corpses.

Blasphemy phone sex with Toni: Corrupting Young Minds

Blasphemy phone sex

Corrupting religious hypocrites is just one of many hobbies and also one of my favorites too. There’s nothing more satisfying so I do it almost every single day. It isn’t always extreme, when I’m too busy I settle for just a little taste. What I’ll do is drive past a private Catholic or Christian school looking for some feeble sheep brains to corrupt. You wouldn’t recognize me most of the time when I do this because I dress like one of them. I’ll wear a school girl uniform even the socks just to get them to trust me and it works like a charm.gore snuff porn
Sometimes all I do is plant a seed of doubt in their hollow skulls. That will make them start to question things or completely loose all faith in God right away. Other times I show them things that have been denied or hidden from them by their parents and the church. That is a lot more fun obviously. Even the most innocent lil’ one can be broken in just a few short hours of spending time with me. All I have to do is expose them to drugs, sex, and gore snuff porn. Seeing their eyes glow after I’ve revealed what’s really behind the curtain makes my cunt sloppy wet. At that point it doesn’t matter to me if the person I’m re-educating is a boy or girl, I’m going to play with them whether they like or not.
For the ladies, I have plenty of phallic objects that will stretch their virgin pussies out nice and wide. A lot of girls bleed their first time, but not as much as they will with me. Some of my toys have nails, spikes, or broken glass that slices the flesh deep inside them. Oh, I love the way those stupid bitches scream and squirm while their blood pours out of their busted fuck holes.

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Boy’s are almost too easy. All it takes is a slutty outfit or brushing against their cocks, after that they’ll do almost anything I want. But that’s not surprising is it? Once I see their pricks pressing into the tight pair of faggy khakis their mommy forces them to wear I know they’re ready to play. I pull their dick out and do whatever I want with it, they rarely resist or say no. It’s not like that would stop me anyway, it just might be fun if they tried. No matter what hole I force them into, the outcome is the same. Just as their about to cum I pull their cock’s out and aim their cum at whatever religious paraphernalia is around. Usually, it’s their copy of The Bible that I steal from their back pack’s when they aren’t looking. One time I shoved a boy’s rosary down his little piss hole and he hated it so much that it actually made him cry. Obviously I laughed in his face, but at least I was nice enough to lick some of the tears from his face.

blasphemy phone sex
Don’t think that I just target foolish brats either because no one is safe. Doesn’t matter if they’re a pastor, priest, nun, or Sunday school teacher their all fair game to me. The last time I had fun like that was about 3 months ago with a Sunday school teacher named John. After about a week of stalking him to learn his habits, I made my move. I waited for the brats to clear out of class and made my way down stairs in a very sexy latex nun costume. When he first saw me he was a little afraid, but It didn’t take a lot for him to let his guard down. What happened that Sunday he’ll regret for the rest of his life because I recorded the entire thing. Now I own his ass! Blackmailing him is a lot more fun than fucking him too, I could hardly feel his pencil dick when it was inside me.

blasphemy phone sex

Shadow and… Becka?

2 girl call phone sexI have always dreamed of finding someone to go on a cross country murder spree with, I wanted to be the next Bonnie and Clyde or Mickey and Mallory but so far I haven’t found my  psychopathic soulmate so I decided to improvise. I went and found a sweet little bitch named Becka and forced her at gunpoint into my car. I told her that I would only let her live if she did everything I said, the first fuck up and I would kill her slowly. She was fucking terrified but seeing as how she was securely handcuffed to the door handle, there was no chance for her to escape, she wasn’t going anywhere but where I wanted her to go. We drove down the highway in silence for almost two hours before I found the perfect place to commit our first crime. It was a little mom & pop diner with only a few people inside so it would be an easy first target. I told Becka that she would be the first to die if she didn’t follow my orders but honestly, I don’t think the stupid whore could have disobeyed me if she tried! I definitely picked an obedient slut! We went in and I shot the biggest ones as soon as I walked in the door and left the bitches for Becka to take care of. She was shaking and crying, she even begged me not to make her do it but I was merciless. I made her get up close and personal with each and every one of them, she felt their hot blood spray on her when I forced her to slit their throats. Poor little whore had to try several times before she actually killed them but that’s ok, she will get better with practice…

Travelin’ Terror

bloody phone sex angieWillow and I have been talking about hitting the road and spreading our own brand of wicked and twisted across the county. When it comes to reeking havoc no one does it better then we do! Violence, torture, blood, gore, pain and so much more is what we are spreading and our journey has just begun! Our dream began to take shape when I found this old and hideous hears with a for sale sign in the window. Knowing it carried many corpses over the years made my cunt quiver with delight and I couldn’t resist buying it. As soon as I got it home I called Willow and she came over so that we could begin making it our mobile torture chamber. It would see more death in the months to come. We hooked it up with video cameras so we could record our journey and began pimping our ride the evil and sadistic way.bloody phone sex hearse When we got done we set out for the open road. We have been traveling for a month now and the blood on our hands is delightful. A couple of our victims have served us well, providing us with the song of their screams the beauty of their last breaths and then nourishing our bodies with their delicious flesh. Our method of killing varies on our mood, From mutilation to strangulation to just plain hours of torture in the middle of nowhere leaving the bodies for the vultures and animals to feast on. We have no clue how long we will be out here or where we will go next. Our victims fund our journey and nourish our dark hearts and evil bodies. We do know that if you follow the blood trail and find an old green hears you will find us, Licking our bloody fingers with soaking wet cunts. Better to be the hunter then the prey, or so they say. bloody phone sex willow


I Wanna Be Your Bonnie, not Your Juliet

accomplice phone sex knife killerWhile my girlfriends were dreaming about having a Romeo and Juliet kind of love, I was dreaming about being Bonnie to Clyde. You see I suffer from hybristophilia, a strong attraction to bad boys. Not just any bad boy, but the criminal kind. Boys who love to kill, maim, torture and eviscerate others. I did not masturbate to movies like “The Notebook” or “Titanic.” What got me wet were films like “Hostel” and “Saw.”

I had this fantasy, I still do, of being a serial killer’s accomplice, girlfriend. Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz, Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy…these were the men I wanted to fuck. I had this elaborate fantasy life involving some of the most notorious serial killers in history. Fantasy #1: I witnessed Ted Bundy murder some of my sorority sisters. He sees me, with my hand in my panties, rubbing my clit, as he bludgeons to death my stuck up sorority sisters. Instead of killing me too, he realizes I am his soul mate. He kisses me with the blood of my sisters on his face, and fucks me on the bed where one of their dying bodies lay. We then go on a killing spree together, where he teaches me how to lure young stupid cunts into the car, and to their death.

killer phone sex snuff fantasiesFantasy #2: I meet Son of Sam Killer, David Berkowitz, at a satanic cult ritual. He teaches me how to shoot a 44 caliber Bulldog revolver. We go around NYC shooting people in the head that the devil tells us to snuff out. After every shooting, we fuck on the hood of the car that our victim is dying in, listing to the Partridge Family’s “I Think I Love You.” It’s our love song. We kill because there is no God, thus no need for guilt; and to celebrate our love. Blood gushing out of heads on to dashboards while I watch and fuck makes me horny still.

Fantasy #3: I am a young hippie in a cult. Charlie Manson is my God, my lover. He takes me under his wing. Teaches me that war is the answer, but sometimes you need to kill to incite a righteous war. A war against greed and excess. Charlie teaches me how to find the worst offenders of avarice. We find a young couple living high on the hog while others are homeless. We massacre the family and fuck in the blood bath while singing “Helter Skelter.” People need to learn not to flaunt their excess.

Fantasy #4: I meet Jeffrey Dahmer while furniture shopping. We share a kindred fascination for flesh. He invites me back to his apartment for a very special meal. He gives me my first taste for human flesh. Even gives me cooking lessons. I lure a victim back to the house. One that has enough meat on his bones to sustain us both. As we celebrate the joys of cooking flesh, we fuck up against the stove, as a pot of soup bones boils on the burner. The smell of flesh falling off of bones gets my cunt so wet. Still does. Jeffrey makes me understand that I need to appreciate my kills, use all of the body. Eat the flesh, use the bones and skin for furniture. It’s really hot to fuck on a table made of human remains.

killer phone sex hybristophiliaFantasy #5: My parents hire John Wayne Gacy as a clown at my birthday party. Even at a young age, I am keenly observant. He is eyeballing my little brat of a brother. I don’t know how, but I understand that look. I go to his house one day, there is an intoxicating odor coming from underneath the house. John teaches me how to stalk young prey, lure them to my house, play with them, then snuff them out without needing to worry much about body discovery. I learn how to asphyxiate and strangle victims. Even though he prefers young boys, he fucks me from behind as I squeeze the life out of a little plaything with my hands.

My attraction to bad boys has served me well over the years. The many loves of my youth, have made me the sick, violent, twisted girl I am today. From each fantasy lover, I have learned things to make me the best kind of killer. The kind that goes undetected. From Ted, I got a love for blood and an appreciation for beating my victims to death. From David, I learned that there is no God, thus no heaven, so why have guilt? Plus, he taught me how to shoot a gun. A bullet to the head is a sexy quickie kill. From Charlie, I learned the best type of folks to kill. The self entitled assholes that get richer why the poor get poorer. Greed is a deadly sin after all. From Jeff, I learned that human flesh is quite tasty, and nourishing. And, I garnered an appreciation for using the entire body. I’m not killing for sport, but survival. And from John, I gained a love for killing the little ones. Using them for my pleasure, then snuffing them out. Added bonus, learning that lye can leave a body unrecognizable.

Hybristophilia makes me your perfect evil accomplice. I know how to kill in a multitude of ways. I love to stalk and select the right victim. I have an appreciation for killing all sorts of folks; I lack a true type. I know how to dispose of bodies. What kind of evil fun can we get into bad boy?