Category: Bloody phone sex

Self Mutilation phone sex


Mutilation phone sex

Self Mutilation gets me horny. I am a worthless piece of shit. I cause pain to myself to try and feel something. Then I get fucked up to make it disappear. I will do anything to get fucked up. I will sell my bloody cut up body to anyone on the street to get a fucking high. I play the victim but really I am my own worst fear. There is nothing you can do to me that I haven’t done to myself. Do you have an idea of what you want to do? Give me your worst. Make me scream again. Make me feel something again. Cut my pussy off, make me eat it. Give me a bloody hole. Get me so fucking hair and rip my nails out of my fingers. Break my bones. Call me names. Send me to the fuck streets to get gang banged by nasty homeless men. Make me your pain whore. If you think you can make me what you want.


fantasy phone sex

fantasy phone sex

I am going to bed earlier then usual tonight. As I close my eyes me and my friend are in the woods. We started our summer adventures earlier then usual this year with some camping. She is a busty brunette, who is super sexy. You could say I might have a girl crush. We are in our tent touching each others wet cunts until we hear movement outside our tent.

We both freeze and stop what we are doing. She gets out of our tent first. There is a whole bunch of men dressed in black. They look like an evil cult. They snatch her and me and bring us back to where they are all gathering at.

They start singing and bringing out knifes. They take my sexy friend and tie her up. She screams but we are so deep in the woods that it really does no good. They tie her body onto a stick. Her hands tied tight by her face around the stick and her legs wrapped around the stick and rope tied around her ankles.

Her ankles and wrist are purple and red and look like they are going to fall off because they are tied so tight. They take a knife, cutting all of her clothes off. Her naked body is squirming.

They cut her from her ass hole up to her cunt and all the way to her nipples. Blood is dripping all down her as she screams and cries. They make me watch her. They start shoving sticks up the big gash they made from her ass hole to her tits.

Her blood just gushes out, they start rubbing her blood all over them and drinking it.

Oh my gosh is this still a dream? I want to wake up now! They start dragging me next to her lifeless body as their singing gets louder. Please wake up, please wake up!

Use me as you please…

accomplice phone sex kaliWhy are you wasting your time reading my blogs? You should be calling me. You and I, we need to find our next victim. I want them to hurt, I want to see the pain on their face and we are going to love it. That’s what gets us off and we can torture our newest victim as long as we want then at last relieve them of their pain and misery in any way you see fit. I hope they beg a lot, they always do. “Please don’t, no, please, I will do anything!” And we look at each other, making our victim have a glimmer of hope, then we get right back to it. My favorites are virgins, or super sluts. Virgins because their sweet pussy is untouched, perfect, and innocent… but not for long. The sluts, they deserve it and I know they fucking like it. Well, some of it haha. I know I am the perfect accomplice because my sweet looks and young face makes it easy to get any victim you want. It’s me or them, and truth it, as much as I am Daddy’s little accomplice I am also going to be his favorite victim. The one that get to live…Ugh, we need to do this soon, the whores will be flocking the streets in their slutty attire. If we don’t find the kind of slut that you want, then you should know I will always be horny, because I never stop wanting to fuck, and I never say no accomplice phone sex. I’ll be the best of both worlds for you, use me as you please. I’m waiting.

Freaky Cannibalism Feasting

Cannibalism Phone Sex

Every now and then I get a craving for some fresh young flesh. I crave it in an entirely different way than you’re probably thinking right now. I mean sure I do enjoy fucking fresh meat but I also enjoy tasting it. Not just licking a fresh young cunt but literally eating it, taking the pieces of flesh into my mouth chewing and swallowing it down. Of course part of the fun of cannibalism is the hunt and the tormenting of my chosen victim. I attract a lot of the young innocent girls at the club. They’re drawn in by my big tits and my piercings they think that I’ll be a good time between the sheets. I am a good fuck but fucking is the very last thing on my mind tonight. Come with my and join me as we hunt for our evening meal together. Wait in the car while I lure her into my web.

Once we get to the car and she sees you she realizes that something isn’t quite right but the drugs that I slipped into her drink are already beginning to take effect. We get back to my house just in time to take her in before the paralysis sets in for her. She is fully aware of everything that is about to take place but she is literally helpless to even lift a finger in her own defense or to even scream. We have her just where we want her. Strip those clothes off of her while I prepare the special marinade and grab the turkey baster. Mmm the look of horror on her face is so very divine as she begins to realize what we are doing. I take that turkey baster suck up that buttery marinade and begin to squirt it all over her naked body. Then it’s time to bind her hands and feet together with twine like a pig and put her on that spit roast over the fire pit in the back. My privacy fencing is absolutely perfect for keeping prying eyes away as we slowly roast our victim alive. As her flesh begins to cook I reach out and poke her with a fork, her flesh flaking off as I savor the taste of it in my mouth. Our dinner is still awake and aware though she is slowly dying. I can only imagine the horror she must be going through watching us eat the flesh right off her bones as we burn her alive.

My First Snuff Porn Experience

Snuff Porn

I couldn’t resist answering your ad for a new snuff porn movie that you were casting for. I’ve done tons of different types of porn before and I’m one kinky fucking bitch so I knew this would be the perfect opportunity for me to make some extra money while indulging my freaky extreme side at the same time. I showed up at your studio and was very impressed with the set. You had me follow you down into a space that was set up like a bdsm dungeon. There were shackles, whips, paddles, cock cages, electrocution devices pretty much every sort of torture device imaginable. I was pretty impressed with the props and I couldn’t wait to see what scene I would get to play out. Once you brought in the girl that I would be auditioning with I realized that you weren’t just pretending. This was all 100% real and I would be using those instruments of torture on the little shaking sobbing blonde mess curled up in the corner.

She looked like she had been pretty badly beaten already, she had two big black eyes and a couple of cracked ribs from the looks of her. That’s when you told me that it was my opportunity to prove how badly I wanted to star in your latest snuff porn. I looked around the room to decide where to start. I reached for a wine bottle smashed it against the wall and rammed the ragged shards of that glass bottle straight up her twat. She shrieked as her body convulsed in pain, her skin turning a sickly gray as the blood began to pour in rivers from her bloody tortured cunt. Then I reached for the hooks hanging from the ceiling and shoved them through each of her nipples, then I turned the crank and slowly raised her up off the ground by her nipples. I reached for a baseball bat that was covered in spikes and I rammed that straight up her ass. Then I reached for a massive butcher knife and as she was hanging from the ceiling by her nipples with that broken wine bottle up her cunt and the spiked baseball bat up her ass I decided how I would deal her final death blow. I decided to cut her clitoris from her body and once I had done that I looked over at you jerking off behind that camera as I slowly drove that knife into her belly button and dragged it all the way way up the collar bone, cutting her right open up the middle and completely gutting her. All of her insides fell out and hit the floor as the red bloody puddle beneath her quickly grew larger until she bled out. How was that Mr. Director? Did I make the cut?


Natasha LOVES Castration phone sex.

castration phone sexI saw him at the club. He was flirting with every girl there, thinking he was God’s gift to women. I hated him immediately and after a few drinks, I knew what needed to be done.
I approached him at the bar and he hit on me immediately. He was older, all dressed up in this nauseating pair of skin-tight jeans and an open shirt. Barf city, but I pretended to respond. He had his hands all over me and was undressing me with his eyes. “My cock needs sucked bad. Let’s go to your place. We can’t go to mine.” SO I knew this fucker was a cheating BF or hubby for sure and that made me madder.
We made it to my place, his hands groping me all the way. This asshole was gonna pay. There is no way that this guy should be allowed to breed..or even breathe.
I forced myself to kiss him and he had his hands under my shirt, grabbing at my tits. “Easy, loverboy.” I laughed. (with an evil smile) “You’re in my house, so my rules.” I said, reaching for my handcuffs. “Oh, you kinky slut” he grinned, his cock waving in the air in anticipation.
So, I had him chained to the wall and I dropped to my knees. I barely grazed the tip of his cock with my lips and snapped the shackles on his ankles. He looked confused as I stood up.
“So, you are a cheating asshole.” His face fell and he changed. “That’s none of your business, cunt. I just use bitches like you to suck my cock. Now, let me out of this shit.”
I punched him right in the gut and he wheezed for air. I cupped his nuts in my hand, pulling out my switchblade. “Men like you are dogs. They need to be neutered.” I watched his face as his cock deflated. Cupping his balls, I cut them, just superficially. Blood spurted and he screamed in pain. “WTF. You crazy bitch.” I made another cut and popped out a teste. Rolling the still-warm sac in my hand, I smiled. I carved the other one out, severing his nutsac from his body. I held up my bloody prize. Nothing like a little castration phone sex!!!
He was delirious from blood loss now as I pulled up a rolling metal table with a cutting board top. I laid his shriveled cock on the block and reached for my machete. “You should never be allowed to breed. You are nothing but a pussy and I’m making you one.” With a loud CHOP, I lopped off his cock.
His new pussy was bleeding in spurts. I grabbed a pair of my panties, put a Kotex in it and put them on him. I shoved his severed penis right in his mouth. “Suck that, bitch. Here’s your pussy” I laughed. Then I took a pic of him with his own phone and sent it to his wife.

mutilation phone sex

bloody phone sex

bloody phone sexI know how to make my master happy. I have been very bad lately and not obeying him. So I am going to go try and make it up to him. As soon as he sees me he grabs me by my hair and pushes my face down on his table.

My face slams down and my head starts pounding. He grabs his pocket knife and makes a small slit on my collar bone. It burns as my blood runs down my neck and into my mouth. My blood taste so good, like a metal.

He gets my shirt and rips it off of me. He ties up my hands cutting the circulation of my hands and wrists off. They feel cold and I imagine are turning purple. I deserve his punishment he is going to give me.  I just want to make him happy.

I crave to please him. He grabs my body and ties me up with my legs spread wide open. He cuts my pants off of my body, leaving me naked and freezing cold. He gets his knife begins making me covered in my blood.

I cry, telling him how sorry I am and begging for him to forgive me. He is just getting started as I look over to the left of me and see his power tools laying on the floor. My body shakes as I embrace each hit. I don’t want him mad anymore.

I can not even tell what part of my body is bleeding. He took a screw driver and jammed it up my pussy, over and over again. My pussy is gushing blood out. It feels like he is ripping me open. He puts his fingers inside of my bloody wet pussy and makes me lick his fingers up. I don’t know how much more I can take.

Taboo Phone Sex With A Killer

 Taboo Phone Sex



You are so very gullible and trusting although I think that a large part of your stupidity right now is coming from the fact that you’re mesmerized by my big tits. You’re always thinking with your cock instead of stopping to use the head on your shoulders for once. I approach you completely confident and lean over to whisper in your ear that I think you’re incredibly sexy and I want to take you back to my place and fuck you. You’re so egotistical that you never stop to think for one second that I might have ulterior motives. You’ve slept your way through half the women in town and you just see it as any other night. You make such easy prey I am really going to enjoy this. Once we get back to my place I take you down to my basement all I have to tell you was that I’m really loud when I’m getting off and I don’t want to bother the neighbors. You eat it up and get rock hard.

Strip naked while I take my time peeling my clothes off. I can feel your eyes glued to me as you stroke your cock in anticipation. I walk toward you with my hand behind my back holding my favorite steel blade. As I get closer I wrap my arms around you and press my lips to yours. I can feel your cock twitching against my thigh eager to fuck me as I plunge my blade into your ribcage. The gasp of pain makes my cunt tingle as I feel and see the blood trickling from your ribs. You double over in pain and shock and that’s when I pull the blade back out and plunge it into you over and over again laughing at the look of horror on your face and the muffled cries gurgling from your throat. Killing brings me more pleasure than the biggest cock could ever do. Once your body is drained of every last drop of blood and you’re slumped in a heap on the floor, I use your blood to masturbate and I squirt all over your dead lifeless face.

Snuff Sex Queen Makes Snuff Porn Movies to Die For

snuff sexSnuff sex gets me into a world of trouble, but it also gives me access to the best cocaine around. Everyone in my community knows I only make snuff porn movies for two reasons: drugs or blackmail. The little films I make aren’t real. Sure they look real, but it is common knowledge no real snuff porn film has ever been verified. I felt safe answering an ad on Fet Life for an amateur victim and anal scream queen. I met Steve and Ty at the park. Public place, broad daylight so I knew I was safe. I’m an addict, but that doesn’t mean I am a dumb whore. That day, however, it did. The premise of the movie was that I was a jogger in the park who gets gangbanged. Typical male violent rape fantasy. I have done a ton of gangbang rape porn. If it gets me coke I don’t have to pay for with cash, force fuck me all you want.

snuff porn moviesTo keep the reality of the film, I would go jogging in that park every night at the same time for three nights consecutively. This way the element of surprise would give the film a sense of authenticity . Seemed logical to me. I decided to jog a night earlier to practice. I’m not exactly athletic, unless snorting, sucking and fucking are consider feats of athleticism. I heard a woman scream. I thought maybe another woman was making a film, so I ran towards her cries. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a blonde MILF I knew from the local drug scene pinned against a tree by two men. They were fisting her cunt, biting her tits and choking her. I hid in the bushes watching. I think I’m the best snuff queen around so I wanted to check out my competition.

snuff pornThey brutalized her for what seemed like an eternity. Fisted her cunt, shoved twigs up her asshole, gave her bark burns on her back from fucking her so hard against the tree. I was beginning to regret my deal with the Steve and Ty, then I remembered I didn’t have enough coke to last through the weekend. I’d just dope up on some Oxy to dull the pain of the savage beating this MILF whore was getting. Then out of nowhere a knife flew hitting her square in the head pinning her to the tree like a bug. Arms and legs flailing about, blood gushing out of her head. I peed myself in fear. I wanted to run away but was paralyzed from the fear of being detected.

gangbang rape pornI wanted to believe it was staged, but she was convulsing, bleeding and shitting herself. All the things you hear happen to someone when they are dying. Her eyes were wide open. She looked desperate. She knew she was dying. The two masked men were cumming all over her dying twitching body. It was like a scene out of an X-rated Friday the 13th film. I closed my eyes, counted to ten hoping it was a bad dream. Before I got to 10, I felt a hand on my back and a voice say, “Joining us a bit early I see, Blair.” Just as I startled up I saw the girl on the tree get her throat slit. As blood was pouring from her throat, a masked man dragged me to the tree next to her. The last words I heard were, “Double feature.”

You’ll love my snuff porn movies!

snuff moviesWhy does porn have to be so boring!! It is all basically a happily ever after story where in the end everyone cums, and then gets to go home, it gets really boring and is no turn on to me at all. I like watching hos die, and bleed and cry, nothing is more of a turn on than watching the life drain from someone’s face. Apparently though, there is a lack of people out there that are not huge pussies that are too scared to record any GOOD porn, so obviously the saying holds true, if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself. Yes you read it right, I make my own snuff porn movies in which the stars include me, a friend or two, and at least one whore that we are going to snuff. I do not make short movies either, I make long movies for the enjoyment of everyone, and especially to me because I get to watch the whores die a long painful death. I recently made my favorite movie yet, and I cannot stop watching it. We brought a whore to the park for public humiliation and we stretched and tied her between two trees. Then we cut her clothes off with a razor blade, making sure to dig deep, leaving big gashes on her body so she would slowly bleed out. They then took turns whipping her with different objects, leaving welts and bruises on her, even her nipples were purple. I had never seen a whore cry so much it was going so well. They put rubber bands around her tits to cut off blood supply causing more pain as time went on. They had not even started fucking her and I was behind the camera getting wet as hell.

snuff porn movies