Category: Bloody phone sex

Ass Rape Porn: Castration Phone Sex

You were brought in for an ass rape porn session and I was the one to be raped. Well, you really got all fucking excited thinking you would get a chance to rape a badass bitch like me… For fucks sakes the fact you would be able to even get your little prick near me had you creaming your trousers. I took one look at you and your pathetic prick and laughed. Leaning over to the director I whispered how pathetic you were and how I was greatly amused in how this was to play out.

I had Bubba in the corner napping on his bed and smiled knowing he was going to get an extra special bone this evening. We took our places and the cameras started rolling. I was playing the drugged up helpless bitch that some geeky serial killer had abducted. Only thing is, I had a tolerance for the crap he thought he had drugged me with and had my own itinerary for him. I let him think he was getting away with putting his pathetic prick in my ass and just took it until I knew he was too into it to notice.

As he was in a daze fucking my ass I slipped my boot knife out from the drawer and in two swift motions had turned the tables with him on his ass. Leaping at him with one swift swipe of my blade I severed his penis at the base and tossed it to Bubba. The pathetic fucktard was screaming and spurting blood like a fucking fountain. 

ass rape porn

Sex with Dead Bodies Fantasy Turns Deadly

sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies was his fantasy. Since he owns me, I cater to all his dark desires. I watch Criminal Minds and Law and Order: SVU, so I knew about necrophilia. Master tossed me in a basement. No ordinary basement either. It was refrigerated. I was so cold; I felt like a slab of beef. I knew what he was doing; trying to lower my body temperature so I would feel like a dead body. He left me there overnight. I began to wonder if he really wanted me dead to fulfill his fantasy.

He fucked me cold. My fingers were blue. My circulation poor. I tried to be a good dead bitch, but I was not convincing enough. I still had a pulse. He dragged me upstairs. I thought for sure he was going to beat me for not playing dead to his liking. I wish he would have beaten me. He put his hands around my throat and squeezed my jugular until I passed out. I woke up in a cold dark place. I was so scared. I tried to sit up but I couldn’t move. I was in a box. Then it hit me. Master had buried me alive. I was the star of his snuff porn. He was going to get his dead body to fuck. I started pounding on the box, screaming, hoping maybe someone would hear me.

snuff pornThe noises I heard as I hit the box hard, convinced me I was under the ground, but not too far down. I mean Master hardly had time to dig a grave in the amount of time I was passed out, right? I started panicking. What if he had this all planned out and my grave was already dug? I started clawing at the box. I felt my finger nails snap. Splinters were getting embedded in my skin. My fingers were turning into bloody stumps. I was starting to lose oxygen. I just kept clawing at the wood despite by bleeding, likely broken fingers. I managed to get a small hole in the box. Mistake. Dirt started pouring in from the hole. Pouring in fast. I lost consciousness again.

Woke up in a coffin with Master fucking me. I knew better this time. I just laid there motionless. So grateful to be alive, I played dead.

bloody phone sex

Halloween is my favorite!

killer phone sexHalloween is my favorite holiday, and if you know me you know why, if you do not know me…then I think you should get to know me because I am a bloody fun time waiting to happen. Anyway, back to what I was saying; my favorite holiday is by far Halloween because the screams of my whores I kill are not paid attention to, they all think someone just got a good scare. People see the blood on my clothing and think it is that fake shit from the store, that I had simply covered myself in for my costume. On Halloween I can get away with murder, literally. I can even bury the bodies in my front yard, people walk by, unknowing, just thinking I have the best decorations. Last year I actually won a contest for my yard “decor”. I will never forget. It was a few weeks before Halloween and this whore was already wearing her little slutty bunny outfit and prancing past my house, my good day had been ruined. I invited her in and the dumb bitch said yes. When I got her inside I grabbed a lamp and smashed it on her head, knocking her out cold. I stripped her down and shoved the bunny suit in her mouth.I cut off her nipple and drug her outside where I had a line of fresh holes dug. I buried her still alive, paying special attention to leave a few bloody fingers out, so she could feel the breeze of out here while she suffocated in there. When the judges came by they were so impressed by the twitching bloody fingers that they had to give me the win, they wanted to know how I made it work, but I will never tell.

Killer Phone Sex on Halloween

killer phone sex fantasiesHalloween is my favorite night. No one notices me. It is the one night of the year a creepy Goth girl doesn’t stand out. With everyone dressed up to go get drunk and laid or to trick or treat, no one suspects that this is my everyday look. The big ass blood tinged knife I am carrying, is believed to be nothing but a prop. It doesn’t get a second look. I skulk along the sidewalk, watching for the right homes. I knock on the doors with babysitters and brats too young to go trick or treating. Surprise the stupid babysitter with the tidbit that my knife is not a simple prop, but the tool of my trade. I can always spot the bad babysitters. The ones who sneak their boyfriends in to fuck and raid the liquor cabinet instead of watching the precious little ones trusted in their care. Stupid cunts.

babysitter phone sexNo one pays any mind to the blood curdling screams coming from the homes of the privileged on Halloween night. It is just expensive sound effects to anyone who can hear the screams. But what is really going on behind the walls of gated homes throughout my community isn’t discovered until the parents arrive home. Dismembered dead babysitters and castrated barely alive boyfriends become Halloween decorations in the homes of the wealthy. Bad babysitters get their limbs cut off with a rusty old saw. I save my knife to slit their mouths from ear to ear. I cut out their tongues. I stitch up their mouths so they cannot cry and whine. I chop off the cocks and balls of the boyfriends. My little apprentices feed all body parts to their family pet.

taboo phone sexThe little ones watch and help. The brats love to assist in the mutilation and death of bad babysitters. They think it is a game. Just a Halloween game. They finger paint in the blood. Parents come home, find their wee ones sitting in blood, playing with their new life size dead dolls. Crimes are blamed on tweakers, not some Goth girl from their community. The brats never tell. They want me to come back and play with their parents.

Ava Made Me…

accomplice phone sex kali (1)

Looks like my nightmare isn’t ending any time soon… Daddy has made best friends with Ava. She’s practically in control of my whole life. She told me she had a special Halloween idea for me to do for her and Daddy and if I thought about not going through with it she had a particularly painful punishment in mind. I know better than to argue with her, I know exactly what she is capable of. I went to school the next day and invited the prettiest girl at school over for a sleepover, her virgin holes were about to be no longer. I already knew it. Of course Ava and Daddy couldn’t let me off with just doing that for them so when my friend was here they took me upstairs and made me cry and scream as they fucked my holes and tortured me. She did exactly as expected of her and came running upstairs to save her best friend and she was too slow to realize it was a set up. There was nothing I could do as she was forced to the ground and her clothes were ripped off of her. At least I made Daddy happy, I’d do anything for my Daddy and his rock hard cock. Little did I know though, this Halloween treat was going to be more bloody than I could ever imagine. Ava made me do it I swear… made me hold her down while Daddy took her precious virgin cunt. While he made her suck the blood off his throbbing cock. She made me hold her legs open as she fucked her cunt with her blade. Made me take the warm knife from her hands and finish her off… I swear Ava made me do!

2 girl phone sex ava

Thirty-one days to Halloween means Thirty-one Days left to live!!!

sadistic phone sexHallo-fucking-ween. My favorite day of the year. One where I can be myself and let my freak side shine. Oh, I have such big plans this year. I plan to catch me a trick or treater and make her SCREAM as I chop her into bits. I’ll decorate that abandoned house into a nightmare chamber or horror. And best of all, NO ONE will care if she screams. Everyone screams on Halloween. No one will even pay attention to the little slut that I am dismembering. I’ll put her parts in a plastic pumpkin and throw in it with the trash from the local haunted house. She’ll blend right in with the fake gore and pig guts.
I want to go to a party and find me a skank. You know the type. She uses Halloween as an excuse to dress up and wear some cutesy outfit that shows it all. Halloween is supposed to be scary. Those fake cop outfits, or slutty Dorothy of Oz, that look like streetwalker garb, make me sick. Gonna drug her and take her home. Tie her down until she wakes up to find me dressed like pure evil. Then let the games begin. Spiked dildos, anal probes, scalpels to cut off nipples. A slow painful torture. But first, we’ll have my friends over for some fun with her. A real freakshow Hallowed Party. She’ll be a party favor for the boys. Oh yes, my pretty.
I can barely wait for Halloween. My pussy gets wetter as the day draws closer. I wanna splash in the blood and eat the flesh of my victim. And when the moon is high, she will draw her last breath. And if there is time before dawn, more than one may die. Trick or Treat, motherfuckers. Happy HELL-o-ween.
Stay tuned for my evil blogs as Hell Day draws nigh…..

bloody phone sex

Snuff Movies: What Kind of Snuff Porn Flicks Do Fantasize About?

snuff moviesI love watching snuff movies. As a subby bitch, it turns me on to see another dumb whore get eviscerated on film. After awhile though, all snuff porn flicks begin to look the same and I find myself fantasizing about how to bring some creativity to the genre. I am always the victim in snuff porn. I get it. I am a worthless whore, but what if this stupid cunt wasn’t always so stupid? I have a dark side. I mean darker than being a pain slut druggy whore. I love goth culture. I’m particularly fascinated, one might say obsessed, with vampires.

snuff porn flicksFor years I have masturbated to vampire gore porn. I love it bloody and sexy. A hot sexy vampire turns me into his eternal sex slave. Tonight, however, I had a different scenario in mind. I was rubbing my clit dreaming of being a blood thirsty sexy vamp who bites her victims on their cocks not their necks. Pick some guys up in a bar who think I’m just some strung out ass rape porn starlet; go home with them and as they are skull fucking me, my fangs pop out. I suck their cocks with my razor sharp teeth until the taste of cum makes me want more. Makes me want blood. I drain them of far more than just their cum. I exsanguinate them. The more blood I consume, the more violent I become. Like a rabid animal, I tear the flesh from their bodies, devour their internal organs, crush their bones with my lips, consume every ounce of their bodies. I’m in a blood frenzy  like a ravenous cannibal. The victim no more, I go on a killing spree of every man who has dominated or force fucked me, used me in some manner.

ass rape pornBut then, I wake up and realize I’m just a stupid cunt too weak from drugs to ever extract revenge. But fantasy phone sex allows a submissive whore like me to dream. What is your fantasy? Maybe I can star in your snuff film?

gothic phone sex

The Perfect Costume

taboo phone sex karmaShe has a strong will that is for damned sure. No matter what torture I inflict to teach her a lesson, each time I remove the gag, she screams to high heaven. And while I enjoy the sound of a good scream while pain is being inflicted, a scream out of being obstinate is annoying indeed and brings me great displeasure along with swift repercussions. I have decided that I am going to leave this she devil alone until the glorious night of all hallows eve. On this most auspicious occasion, I intend to cut her tongue out and then sew her mouth and eyes shut and put her on a leash. Every one will think it is a costume with fake blood, but I know it is real. I will parade her around the streets, my now obedient pet that is blind and mute. Just the thought of it all has me soaking wet and ready for that special night that will end with her demise. taboo phone sex mouth

You really don’t want to cross me

evil phone sexYou DO NOT want to cross me. I am fucking ruthless and will stop at nothing. I do not have time for all of the pathetic little slutty bitches in this world and if you fuck with me I will ruin you. I don’t need any friends I am too hot to have friends! All I need is dick and to be someone’s nasty accomplice. I had a friend one time; I cannot even remember her name. Can you see how much I cared?! Anyway the little slut thought she could bad mouth me for talking to her husband. Well she was very wrong and had no idea that me talking to him was the least of her worries. So one night her husband let me in and I went upstairs. I put on some of her sexy clothes. We tied her up and I woke her up and glued her eyes open. I then put some safety pins through her nipples and clit and attached it so if she opened her mouth they would pull through. I then walked over to her husband and dropped to my knees. And started sucking his cock. It felt good to see her bitch ass cry. All her husband could do is moan my name! I walked over and let her know that this had been going on for a while because I could fuck better than her wanna be slut ass. She kept crying and I started to fist this slut’s pussy. She jolted and the safety pins pierced her further. I grabbed all her wedding pictures and shit and smashed them on her head and then I rubbed it all over her face and body, along with a nasty load for this bitch. Seemed fitting because she was a piece of shit! I brought her husband over and bent over so she could get the perfect view of the love of her life giving me the best fucking of the year!

Accomplice phone sex

accomplice phone sexI love pleasing my daddy. He had a fun adventure planned today for us. He wanted me to go with him and his brother to look for some fun toys to play with. There were short ones, tall ones, young ones, skinny ones, big, developed, old, and sexy ones. He wanted me to pick the ones I liked the most. This was different for us, since usually I am his toy to play with.

I usually like my daddy’s attention all to myself but I figure this will be a lot of fun. We go ahead and pick three different ones to play with. I make friends with them and get to know them a bit and next thing you know, they are drugged and unconscious and we are taking them to our special place in the woods. We take turns stabbing their tiny baby makers to where blood pours down their legs and paints their toes. They scream and cry and beg for more. I guide daddy’s cock into the tightest pussy first.

He fucks her until his dick is saturated in blood. He stretches her little cunny complete out. I flip her on her tummy and he shoves his blood covered cock into her ass. It is so tight that I take a knife and make a slit in her anus making it wider, that way daddy has more room to thrust inside that tight little fuck hole. This is so much fun! We are just getting started!