Category: Bloody phone sex

I Love (being used by) Marine Corps!!

domination phone sexHappy Birthday, all you sexy Marine Corps men. Mmmmmm, I do love a man in uniform. Reminds me of that night I crashed a private club and ended up half naked at an officer’s party. I had a line of fine, fit bodies lining up for one of my blow jobs. The Marines can do me anytime. Just the thought of a thick veiny Marine cock pushing into my pussy makes me diddle my clitty. Marines don’t take no shit and I loved that they were so polite, thanking me for my service, when it was supposed to be the other way around. One was like. “Thank you, ma’am. That was a mighty fine blow job.” I laughed out loud.
So, bring me a hot young man in uniform, who takes good care of his body, and even better care of his country. They are the ones I look up to and admire, not these gangsta types with all the money, drugs, and bling. So, Happy Birthday, Marine Corp!!! I flash my titties, lick my lips, and open wide for your All-American sperm. Make me do all of those wicked things that you crave. I’m very obedient. We can even work on your anger issues and do a little knife play or violent roleplay. War games are the bomb. You give the orders, colonel. Take me prisoner, soldier, and share me with the troops!!!

Come do a call with me and let me show you my appreciation. I’ll be proud to help you blow a load on this special day. Veteran’s Day is almost here. Do your tour of duty, private, and let’s go around the world. Happy Veteran’s Day!!!



Bad Medicine

I love medical fetishes. I think it started the first time I went to the gynecologist and he molested me. I was so young and there I was spread eagle in the stirrups. Not even one hair on my tiny pussy. My dad made me go because he thought I was a little slut. He told the doctor that, so I guess the doctor took that as a free ticket to touch me in ways he wasn’t supposed to. My obsession has grown over the years to any kind of doctor – or hospital. Any place they want me to remove my clothes.

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I always pretend to “forget” to put my gown on and when they come in the room I am naked and waiting. I am such a little whore I can always get them to fuck me. This was fun for awhile and then something even more exciting happened. The doctor was putting an IV in my arm – and you know how much I LOVE pain – and I watched in awe at the needle going in and the flash of blood as he finished. Then he took some vials and began filling them from the port in my arm. One after another of my fresh red blood. I swear I could feel it draining from my body.

I asked him if I could hold one and he looked confused but let me. I popped off the top and took a sip. His jaw about hit the ground, but he didn’t stop me. I poured the rest down over my naked breasts and giggled and said, “oops…” He was so flustered and didn’t know what to do so I asked him if he wanted a taste too. I saw his cock rise inside his scrubs and he slowly bent over and began licking my blood from my tits. I came so hard watching him taste the life that had been sucked out of me. He started licking and sucking harder – becoming addicted immediately to the taste of my blood. His face was covered and I ran my fingers through his hair as he finished cleaning me up with his tongue. He came in his scrubs – I could see it all down the front. I don’t like being sick – but I can certainly fake it to get myself back in to see him again!

Bloody phone sex

bloody phone sex

I met this guy who seemed like the real deal. The most perfect master I could ever hope for. I went for a walk around my neighborhood and caught his attention. He quickly approached me with a raging hard boner.

He took me back to his house where he tied my wrist and hands together. He forced me down on my knees and took out some clamps. He clamped up my pussy and nipples. Blood trickled down my tummy and thighs from my tits and pussy.

He was relentless as he took his sledge hammer of a cock and rammed it inside of my cunt over and over. My pussy kept bleeding all over his rock solid dick. I painted him red. He then took my panties that were off to the side, soaked in my blood and shoved them in my mouth.

I tasted sweet  silver candy from my pussy. He loved how my blood looked and decided to make more of it by making slits on my skin. My flesh separated as blood flowed out. It burned so bad feeling my skin separate open.

My blood ran all over me, making me sticky and sweet, good enough to eat. He was going to torture my little body until I bled out. He loves how my blood looks dried up on his skin. He knows just how to treat his little whore.

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Underground Snuff porn with Natasha

underground snuff pornYou don’t want to believe it. You hear the stories. You may have even seen a crude video clip or a blurred pic. It makes you tremble in the night when you walk to your car in the dark or your teen daughter isn’t home on time. But it here, all around you. I know it, because I am the one you should fear. I am the producer of underground snuff porn, the thief of innocence, the taker of life. I prey on those who are young and weak. I lurk in the shadows of night, waiting and watching.
I find pleasure in the pain. The smell of blood as it leaks from multiple stabs that slowly fill your lungs with blood, leaving you to gurgle helplessly. It’s not about the sex for me. It’s the hunt and the fear that drives me. Together with my horny accomplice whose sexual rages are fueled by blood, the victim suffers a terrible death. The more pain I inflict, the bigger his monster cock grows, until he must sate it by ramming it into unwilling holes. He shreds flesh as he violates, leaving carnage behind. I am like gasoline, pouring the fuel, fanning the destruction he craves deep down in his soul.
I am the mistress of evil, the devils spawn, and I will take you straight to hell. After I violate you, burn you, and slit your throat, leaving you to bleed in the darkness of the woods. I search for my mate, my accomplice, my shadow, to join me in this quest for death and violence. Perhaps you are even more twisted than me? Let us see…..

Fantasy phone sex with Morticia

Fantasy phone sex

There is something about sitting a young cunt’s face as she screams into my pussy as I stab her in the belly that makes me cum. I can not get enough of it. I am not sure if its the vibrations of her screams or the adrenaline rush I get from feeling the warm blood flowing as I stab her. I love hurting these bitches. The darkness inside of my body craves the blood curling screams. I have to feed my darkness and I am always looking for new ways of hurting someone. I grab the little ones because they are so easy to trick and get them to come with me. Men are easy too but I am not that strong. I get men the way most women get them, I offer them my pussy. I am a kinky whore. I tie them up to my bed and what starts out as fun for them turns to a painful and bloody end. I don’t do men often because their bodies are hard to move. But that is fixed with a chain saw. Its just a lot of work for a good time for myself. Now I am off to find my next victim.

Torture Phone Sex is Fun!!!

Torture Phone Sex

Torture phone sex is fun!!! There’s nothing quite like being able to get tortured AND torture someone else at the same time! Daddy makes sure I do it all, it’s the only reason he even keeps me around now days. He would have snuffed me out ages ago if he hadn’t discovered he could use me as his accomplice as his victim. He loves having the best of both worlds; all we need is another girl to torture. Who’s getting fucked up tonight? I think it’s going to be that little blondie over there; she’s who we’ll follow home from school and I’ll start walking next to her and then throw her in the car. She won’t even get a chance to scream! Once we get to our favorite spot she will have her mouth pried open and Daddy and all his friends are going to start fucking her mouth nice and violently. Daddy and his friends are going to come for me soon too, we’re both going to have our nipples twisted and abused. Our holes fisted and toys stuffed in them for hours. Pissed on and beat up, fucked and covered in cum. Daddy makes sure we are both nice and used…

Bloody Mutilation Phone Sex Fun

taboo phone sex karma1Mutilation phone sex fun keeps my cunt dripping wet. The feeling of my knife slicing through skin and into a body sends jolts of electricity through my body and straight to my aching cunt. dismembering a body slowly and meticulously as I cauterize each area to stop the bleeding and add to the pain makes me cum hard over and over again. So when I saw the old gelatin at the auction I knew I had to have it. I brought it home and set out building the bed so that I could lay my victim down instead of having her kneel to be beheaded. I found a victim quickly all dressed in her cocktail waitress uniform, walking home in the dark, damp evening.  After torturing her for a while I placed her on the gelatin facing up so that she could see the blade. Watching the tears streak down her face and seeing the fear in her eyes had me right on the edge of an earth shattering orgasm. As I released the blade and watched it cover in blood, severing her head, her body twitching, I fell to my knees as the force of my orgasm took over my body. I am going to have many nights of fun with my new toysnuff porn karma

Gangbanged Druggie Trash

gangbang rape pornI woke up naked in a room full of gang members. I tried to remember how I ended up here during my frantic search for drugs. I felt bruised and battered. I looked down to see my body covered with giant bruises and scratches. My lip was swollen and I knew my eye was black. All I had wanted was a fix. Oh, they gave me one all right, mixed with something. My pussy felt like raw meat and I felt a slow trickle from my asshole. I touched myself and found blood. They had gang violated me and used me like a party favor. I didn’t fight back for I loved the flow of drugs into my veins.
I crawled towards the bathroom, hoping to find my clothes when I was pinned down. A foul smelling man was holding me down, trying to push a hard penis into my battered pussy. I bucked and arched but that just gave him quicker access. I felt my pussy queef and squish as he pushed into my cummy hole. He pulled my head back by my hair as he grunted his load deep inside of me. Leaking his jizz all over the floor, I began to crawl again, only to be dragged back by my feet. “Where ya going, Chica?” The night is young and we’re still horny.” He grabbed my arm and I felt the sweetness flow into my vein. They could do whatever they wanted to me as long as I felt this good. It’s the life of a druggy slut like me.

violent phone sex


What could happen

After binging  on drugs, booze and horror films yesterday, I find myself wondering what it would truly feel like to be kidnapped. I am a sick bitch and I love being hurt. I’m not talking a little slap on the ass, I love having a knife stabbed into me as I am fucked. I know, I’m fucking crazy! Like what if some psychopath grabbed me as I am trying to sell what is left of my cunt. He takes me back to his place and fucked me as hard as he can. I think I would love it. My nipples would be hard, my fuck hole would be dripping wet and wanting him to fuck me harder. I would probably laugh in his face. I am hoping his anger would get worse and he hangs me up like a cow and chop me up into pieces. What would you do to try and hurt me? Tell me!

Evil phone sex

Let This Go Bitch

taboo phone sex lydiaEvery time you turn around you hear “Let It Go” and references, pictures and merchandise for “Frozen”.  It’s always happy go lucky, pretty pretty princess crap.  I wonder how good the merchandise would sell if Elsa and Ana’s pictures were a bit more violent and gory?  Have you thought about fucking their brains out?  Come on, I know you have.  They certainly wouldn’t want that so you’d have to do it by force.  Good news, I’m GREAT at helping out 😀  I say we storm that fucking castle and drag those pampered bitches out by their tight braids and show them what being covered in a bunch of white shit REALLY looks like. I won’t limit you on what you can do to them.  I will encourage you Daddy 😉  Make them bleed!  I wonder how long it would take to break Elsa’s cool demeanor?  How many times would it take shoving your hard cock hard all of her icey holes before she shattered?  How about watching her sister used and abused then gutted in front of her?  If she was too chilly for your willy you could break her skull open and just go ahead and fuck her brains out.  Make her piss herself by poking just the right spot.  Let it go bitch, let it go.