I am the meanest bitch you’ll ever meet and I love torture sex more than anyone. So you don’t want to get on my bad side, like my neighbor. I know it may seem silly but I think that stupid little disrespectful bitches need to be taught a lesson. This one in particular definitely needs one. She is a younger bitch, probably not a day over 18. She likes to park in the front two spots and parks her fucking car in a way where she takes up both. Plays her music loud and looks like a punk little slut. I can not stand girls with no respect for others, and I can not stand what a little whore she is too. I decided it was time SOMEONE taught her a lesson. She needed to learn not to fuck with me, so I was out there waiting for her when she parked. I told her I wanted to invite her over and that stupid bored little bitch was like “Okay!”… what a dumb slut. She walked right into my house where I had lots of things waiting for her, first a lil smell of this to knock her out and tie her up and prepare her for me and my friends. When she woke up she was all kinds of confused and trying to scream but she couldn’t scream thru the gag in her mouth. I would have woken her up with a cock in her mouth but she was probably going to be defiant at first and I didn’t want her biting my friend. I bet you’re dying to know what I did to those puffy nipples and that barely legal pussy, but if you want to know all of the juicy details and what a mean bitch I really was then I guess you better get to dialing…
Category: Bloody phone sex
I love torture sex more than anyone!
Strangulation Phone Sex
The house is illuminated in more Christmas lights then I have ever seen in my life! It is so festive that it is sickening. Looking at all the flashing lights, images of wrapping them around her pretty little neck and squeezing until her eyes bulge out and her face turns purple brings that familiar fluttering to my stomach and the tingle between my legs is growing as the pussy juice begins to flow. The thought has barely formed when the phone rings and to my delight my caller wants to share a strangulation phone sex call. It is just the fix I need or so I think. By the end of the call my blood is boiling and all I can think about is the neighbor and her pretty little neck. As I hang up the phone I get dressed and head out of the door, In my excitement I feel like I am gliding across the lawn. Getting in is easy and as I pass the festive Christmas tree I rip a strand of lights off of it. The tree comes crashing down with a thunderous roar and can hear her footsteps over head. The blood rushing in my ears matches her hurried steps. As she rounds the corner I take her down and wrap the lights around her neck, plugging one end into the wall I look down at her fear covered face shining bright and slowly tighten the cord while my cunt explodes and releases all it’s juices.
Fuck your human rights day!

Dare for death
No one knew about my torched pass. The things that my brother did to me when I was young. Its something I have kept deep inside. He lived out his rape fantasies and I was beaten as a young girl. It has made me bitter and dark. So dark that I choose to be a dirty prostitute.
One day on the prowl I saw this creepy man on the block. He had crazy looking eyes. One yellow and one sea blue. So I approached the bastard and said, Looking for a date? He gave me a crooked ugly smile and said only if she does blow. Then I said blow is my middle name.
He told me to hop on in. So I did. I got into his red hummer and we drove to the nearest hotel. He got the keys to his room and then we went inside. He put the blow on the desk and we drugged ourselves to a delirious high.
I was so far gone I didn’t give a fuck about shit at the time. All I heard was stand up you dirty black bitch. I stood up and he punched me right in my face. He ripped every piece of clothing off that I had and tied me to the desk chair. He stood in front of me with his dick in my face and asked, Do you know what nigger whores are for? I shook my head no and he said I was only good enough to be used as a toilet.. Then he pissed all over my body. Then laughed and laughed.
Next thing I knew he started choking me out and whispered nigger your gonna die today. He pulled his butcher knife out and started cutting slits in my arms, tits, and thighs. I couldn’t scream because I was so high. All I saw was red blood dripping from my body. He put the knife to his tongue and started to lick and taste my blood. MMM good nigger blood he said.
Afterwards he started pouring salt in my open flesh. Yes it burned like hell. He step behind me and untied me and grabbed my long black hair and dragged around the room to the bed. He threw me on the bed and let out a big huge glob of spit in my face. He put me face down with my ass in the air the forced his dick in my ass. No lube, No warning just my asshole and his dick.
He told me this was gonna be your end nigger whore. I couldn’t cry although I was scared. But to me my life didn’t matter anyway. He released his cock from my ass and out fell my bloody shit every where.
He then flipped me around his knife was to my throat as he put his white cock into my pussy. He fucked me rough, and hard but I just ignored the pain. At the end when he was almost there he looked me in my eyes and said Nigger bitch are u ready to die? I replied, Make it quick I do not care for his death I pray and dare.
I am Nothing But a Victim…
Daddy told me it’s human rights day and I don’t know anything about that though. I know I have no rights in this world. I know I am nothing but a pathetic slut that needs to be used as I should. Abused, beaten, fucked raw. I know Daddy likes his little pet, me. I am not one for words a stupid slut like me is only good for beating and fucking as you very well know. I belong on my hands and knees ready to take cock in all my holes, all of Daddy’s friends are going to make me cry and beg for it tonight. I don’t really wish I had basic human rights, I like making Daddy happy and giving him complete control to make me his little victim is what makes me and Daddy most happy and of course most turned on. I would be nothing but a pain slut anyway, begging to be choked cut and hit, begging to feel the darkness. Begging to choke on cock till I passed out. I know that’s all I am, and that’s why I won’t be celebrating human rights day this year. What’s the point? I’m nothing but a teen skank that needs to be recycled over and over until I guess I am of no use anymore and snuffed out for good.
Dinner Party from Hell
This country is so different from Britain. My parents sent me over when I was very young to attend a great private school. I never made it to school. My host family picked me up from the airport. When they brought me home, they took me to a damp, cold, wet basement. I stayed there for a few years as they “trained” me to be their perfect fuck doll. They would tie me up and whip me until my skin wasn’t white anymore…it was covered in a layer of blood. Sometimes the dad would leave me to sleep in my own blood. Other times he would hose me down with scolding hot water. It made it feel like I was getting lashed all over again.
The first time I was taken upstairs was for my first dinner party. There were six guests, all were wearing black and had smiles on their faces once I appeared. I was completely naked as I was never allowed to wear clothes. The father threw me on the table like a piece of meat. Then he started lighting a candle and each of the guests started burning parts of my body. It was so painful. Father started handing out craving knifes and told everyone to crave their initials into the guestbook. Each guest started craving into me, line by line in my cold skin. I screamed in pain but all they did is laugh. I screamed blood curling screams until the last person was finished taking their turn torturing my young body. Father brought over a large bucket of something…I soon learned it was alcohol! It burned so bad! I couldn’t move from the pain. I tried so hard to stay awake and alert for the next part of the dinner party…but I passed out from severe pain. The last thing I thought was “what more could they do to hurt my innocent body.”
Today I Die
Today is the day I die. I know it is because you’ve had it marked on your calendar that hangs on the wall of this shithole dungeon for a year. I’ve watched as you’ve crossed off each day with your red marker and reminded me over and over that I will die today. While you’ve tortured me I always begged to know how but you would never tell me. You want it to be a surprise. I lay awake on the cold floor all the time trying to imagine how you will snuff me and what it will be like.
I hear your boots coming down the stairs and you’re carrying a toolbox full of tools – looks like clippers and a hammer and several knives but I can’t see everything. You’re laughing like a maniac and telling me today is the day – you’re going to snuff me and then I belong to you forever. You bend down and breathe your stank breath right in my face and ask if I know what you’re going to do with my dead worthless corpse. I mumble, “No, Master…” and you laugh again. You tell me you’re going to fuck my dead cunt until its cold. This sends chills through me but somehow makes my pussy throb at the thought.
You spend all day torturing me beyond anything you’ve ever done before and the pain and the blood are flowing so hard that I faint several times. I keep thinking it’s the end but you keep bringing me back to this hell. Then an alarm goes off on your watch. I know what it means – its time. You take a large pair of snippers out of your toolbox and shove them in my belly button. The blood pours out. You begin snipping my abdomen open up towards my face and then back towards my pussy. I see my intestines being pulled out as you slide your cock up through my cunt, and that’s the last earthly thing I remember. As I closed my eyes for the last time I had one regret – that I wouldn’t be able to watch you fuck my cold, dead pussy.
Snuff phone sex with Ivy
There is something about those sweet young whores. I see them around and I finally picked a whore up. God she was so young and selling her tight young body. She was not sure about me, she should have gone with her gut. Once she got into my car she would never be seen again. That fifthly cunt has no one who cares about her! No one cared that she ran away and that she is selling her pussy for food and drugs. This fucking whore was going to die and she has no idea. This fucking whore was going to scream as I tortured her. She is going to beg and plead for help. No one will come looking for her. No one will miss her. She is now mine, mine to fuck with!
His Dirty Little Secret
He has been one of my favorite accomplices for a long time. We share the same taste for young flesh, We derive the same pleasure from torturing little things. Helpless things, We both love to make them cry and scream and then we enjoy the glazed, far away look that glosses over in their eyes when they finally disconnect and accept that the end is near and the pain isn’t going to go away. I never knew he was holding out on me and found out his secret by accident. It seems he keeps a couple of breeding whores in his basement. They aren’t good for anything but fucking and spitting out little money bags. He has beat them and abused them to the point that if they ever were beautiful, there is no evidence of that now. The little heathens that they spit out fetch a fine price on the black market and he has a hefty little racket going on. Once in a while he will keep a male and have some fun but not often. What a wicked boy to keep such a secret….
kidnapping phone sex What he wants for Christmas
I don’t want much for Christmas. All I really want is some company! I should be careful for what I wish for though. I say this now, and I didn’t specify what kind of company I wanted. I am now finding myself tied up in a very dark place. My wrist are tied tightly, hanging above my head. I swear I can not even feel them anymore. I am completely naked. Last thing I remember was sitting in my bed texting my friend about not wanting to be alone. I got what I wanted. Someone comes down and turns on the lights a lot. When they do that, I start to get really scared. He tortures my body and rapes my cunt so rough. I don’t think he will ever let me go. I finally am able to see his face today. It is my uncle. He tells me how much he has desired me since I was in still living at home with my parents. He says that I am his now and he is going to treat me like the little slut that he has always wanted to. This Christmas I am his present to himself. Selfish me for thinking my wants were the only ones that mattered.