Oh it was so perfect! A new family moved into my neighborhood this weekend and as soon as I saw them, I knew that soon I would have a fun filled day full of torture sex. This was seriously a perfect family… no dad in sight, just a tired, worn out looking mother and two delicate little girls. They looked like little angels with their long blonde hair and big blue eyes…just picturing them covered in blood was making my panties wet and I knew that I would be going over there at the first opportunity. I waited until it was dark and quiet, everyone over there was asleep in their beds like little sheep, completely unaware of the danger that was coming toward them. Those stupid little whores were so clueless, they thought they had moved somewhere safe, they had no idea that pure evil was coming their way to rudely awaken them with torture sex. I went to the mother’s room first, she must have taken something to make her sleep because she was tied and gagged before she even woke up! Then I dragged her daughters in there, they were hogtied and gagged, all they could do was cry and you all know that tears are not enough to make me stop! Oh it was so fun, the torture sex was so satisfying, the blood was so red and I was so thoroughly satisfied at the end that I was almost sorry that I had killed them all! Oh well, there will soon be another new family moving in, maybe they will also have some pure young innocents for me to play with… maybe next time there will even be a few boys for me to kill…I can’t wait to see who will be my next victims!
Category: Bloody phone sex
The torture sex was so satisfying!
Snuff sex
I have been seeing this guy for some time now. I have yet to fuck him and I think tonight is the night that I am going to go back to his place. Our date finishes and I do go home with him. On the outside his house looks so sweet, but as I got inside and looked around me I realized that he was a sex freak. I did not think anything of it until I was tied up with metal chains and I was awaiting what he had in store for me. He told me that he wants to kill me. I did not think it was a joke and I was starting to get scared. I heard someone’s voice come from another room, the guy I was with immediately got nervous. Footsteps started to approach where I was and I wanted so badly to squirm for help. I heard a huge noise and I all the sudden saw my dates head, explode right onto me. I was covered in his brains and blood. I started to cry and thank the person that I thought was there to save me. He started to laugh, and he turned on the drill right next to me. “I am not saving you, I am going to fucking torture you until you want to kill yourself, and you will do it to yourself.”
Suffocation Phone Sex with Paulina
He told me that no one wanted to look at my ugly old face while they fucked me so he put a plastic bag over my head and then he started pounding my dried up old pussy. At this point I was just happy he choose my cunt and not my ass. I had just started to heal from him tearing me apart the last couple of times. I started to panic feel claustrophobic with that bag over my head and was breathing real heavy. I was sucking the plastic up my nose and mouth and started to scream for him to take it off. He did not give a shit in fact I think my screaming turned him on even more and he started pounding me even faster and harder. I guess this was a good thing because he came pretty quick. He took his dick out right before he was ready to blow and shot it all over the plastic bag. Then took the bag off my head and made me lick it clean.
Ass Rape Porn
He wouldn’t even give me a break today. After tearing my asshole apart literally until I bled last night and choking me to a near unconsciousness with his cock, he was right back at it again today. This time he made me get on my knees in front of him then he rammed a large object up my asshole. Again without any lube. I instantly felt a warm trickling down the back of my thighs. I knew he had broke me open again. It wasn’t long until I started to see a puddle of blood pool up beneath me. That did not matter to him though. I was crying because the pain was so horrific and all he could do was stuff my mouth full of his cock and call me a bunch of worthless names. If I cried or complained that was more fuel for him to shove his meat down my throat even harder and further. At one point he grabbed a hold of my hair and was jerking me around so forcefully that I was in fear of him snapping my neck. I was slipping and sliding all over the blood it was hard for me to stay up on my knees to keep my balance. Suddenly he threw me down face first into all the bloody mess. Then he started pounding my split open bloody asshole. The sting was so excruciating and when he came it was even worse when that salty fluid hit that open wound.
She definitely wasn’t expecting torture sex…
Ooooh Naomi… you poor girl, I’m quite sure that you weren’t expecting to be used like that but that is what happens when stupid little subby whores go off in a cars with strangers. Did you really think that I was just going to give you a ride home? We had never met before and still, you accepted a ride from me as if we had known each other for years! I bet you are regretting that decision now that you are here at my house, naked and hogtied on the cold concrete basement floor. I have big plans for you whore, the torture sex will be intense because I have been waiting to snatch you up for a while now. I know everything about you including the fact that you whore your little subby ass out on submissivewhore.com too… did you really think that you could beg for punishment over there and it would never catch the attention of a sadistic bitch like me? I eat girls like you for breakfast, I could snap you like a twig without breaking a sweat and now that you are here you are in for more pain than you could imagine! Look around you, take in all of the wonderful sadistic toys I have in here, soon your blood will be on all of them. Does that scare you slut? Are you afraid to lose your life here today? Well don’t worry about going to hell sweety cus trust me, you are already there! I’m going to take my time with you, I’m going to savor every perfect moment of your exquisite, beautiful pain. I want you to suffer more than you have ever suffered before and I know that by the end of this… you will be begging me to kill you just to end all of your pain and suffering…
Taboo phone sex with sexy Makayla
I do not know what it is. Something about your voice draws me into this Taboo phone sex call. I am weak when you call. The way you say hello gives me goosebumps. My pussy is immediately wet and I am ready and willing to do what you want me to do. The moment the phone rings and I see your number I grab my knife. I know you love the big one. The way it cuts into my tight spandex shorts. The way my skin puff out of that slit makes my pussy wet, just like it makes your cock hard.
I love how fucking hot our Taboo phone sex is. Feeling the warm blood rush down my thighs as I cut into my pussy for you, it feels like you are there guiding the knife in and out of my worthless cunt. I want you to admire what you have done to me during our Taboo phone sex calls. Admire the ugly pussy I now have because of you. Your smooth voice controls me like the needle controls me. I will do anything to get high, just like I will do anything to make you cum.
Castration Phone Sex: I’m Your Junk Removal Accomplice
Castration phone sex requires balls. I don’t mean the pathetic little nut sack dangling beneath your equally pathetic dick. I mean it takes courage, something that so many losers with worthless equipment actually possess. I get a shit ton of callers begging me to rid them of their useless and very disappointing testicles. My motto has always been, “testicles are for winners.” If you are calling me for a taboo phone sex call where I take your worthless junk, please be willing to hurt yourself at the very least. I mean the first step is recognizing that your worthless. The second step is seeking help, which my callers do when they call me for junk removal services. However, only so much of a hurt I can put on you, if you are not willing to do some self damage. So, here are the tools you need. Booze. You will need something strong like bourbon or whiskey to dull the pain. Alcohol was anesthesia for centuries. Duct tape. You can strap your pathetic wiener to your belly exposing your balls for better torture or castration. You can use rope too. You need to separate your balls from your dick. Get a hammer, or some sort of blunt object. One hard smack and you can bust a nut. Literally flatten it. A sharp object is required for those who are serious about castration and it is just not fantasy for them. A kitchen knife, a razor blade, and exacto knife…. you get the picture. Something sharp enough to cut the flesh from your body. The final thing you need is a smoldering pen. Something to cauterize the wound because there will be blood. You can even use a heated frying pan. Just something really hot to seal the wound. It would really be nice for me if you were serious about castration, as serious as I am. I can tell the difference between real pain and acting. So man up. Get some proverbially balls to lose your real balls. Castration is not for the weak, but if you are serious about home castration, I am your junk removal accomplice.
Another Victim Like Me
Daddy got bored with forcing me to take his cock so he brought home a new girl. When I saw her face I realized she looked just like me! And I knew he was going to fuck her just like me too, rough and hard and brutal as he can! I don’t think she was prepared for how rough Daddy was going to be because as soon as he slapped her across the face she fell to the ground sobbing uncontrollably. Gawd, it’s not like he stabbed her or something, all he did was slap her face and she was being all dramatic about it and that just made him angrier. He started to really beat her then, punching and kicking her and he made me hold her down while he did it. He was really hard by then so he shoved his cock down her throat and that’s when I knew he was gonna kill her. He was doing it really really hard and she was turning all kinds of colors but he just wouldn’t stop for nothin! Not until she finally stopped shaking and went completely limp, then he blew his load on her face and told me to clean up the mess.
violent phone sex
There was a group of three sisters and they were hot. They were short, skinny, and had huge tits. They seemed very envious of one another though. My master offered them to come to a show at a stadium that he owns. Those dumb whores got all flattered and agreed to come. They do not even know what kind of shows his stadium has. They of course show up and he tells them that because they are so hot, he wants them part of his show. They get super excited when they see there hot outfits that they get to wear. I can not help but to laugh. It’s finally show time and they walk to their spot light. As they enter the stadium the doors close behind them and they are past the point of return. Weapons are everywhere and there are huge four legged furry creatures in the corner. I am standing on the other side of the stadium, facing them. I walk up to them and I start to call them names, I immediately push the smallest sister towards one of the furry four legged huge vicious creature. She immediately gets claw marks down her body. Her flesh splits open, and blood starts running down her body. She try’s to get away, as she is shrieking. A ginormous cock pops out of the creature and starts to split her right and half. Her pussy hole gets fucked open and he rips and eats her hole body to shreds once he cums all over her. The other sisters are looking at me in disbelief. If they want to get out of this they are going to have to fight me, and even kill me. That’s what these whores get for flirting with my master. “Who’s next you dumb stupid whores?” I can not wait to beat their stupid, filthy whore asses into a bloody pulp.
A little snuff sex is all it takes
I took myself a little vacation to Atlantic City last week, I wanted to gamble and have a little fun is that too much to ask? I hadn’t planned on any kind of wicked activities, I was just going to gamble I swear! It’s just that one thing led to another and I ended up at a private table and somehow I ended up winning this guy’s girlfriend from him! I really didn’t start my trip off thinking that I would end up fucking up some little whore but as soon as I saw that skanky bitch I knew that I was going to make her bleed. I’ve tortured a thousand whores like her before so I was almost bored with the thought of using her but then I thought “What if I make her stupid boyfriend watch?”… now that could add some fun! I told him that he had to come with me back to my place, I said that I needed him to make sure that I didn’t have any problems getting this bitch home and he agreed without hesitation. Once we were at my place I was in complete control of them, there was nowhere that they could run and they both huddled in the corner in fear. I told that wimpy fucking boyfriend to get up and be a man! I told him that he was going to help me fuck this bitch up whether he wanted to or not and you know what? Even though at first that little bitch didn’t want to help me hurt his precious little whore, in the end he not only helped me, he fucking got off on that shit too! Everyone has a little monster inside them, sometimes it just takes a little push and a little snuff sex to let the demon out!