Category: Bloody phone sex

Alternative Mutilation Methods

torture phone sex angieThere are so many creative ways to cause pain. So many ways one can mutilate a sweet body. So many ways to extract the beautiful red fluid that brings a flutter to my stomach and a tingle to my clit.

Looking down at her naked body strapped down, shivering , goose bumps covering her flesh, not from the cold, from the fear.

Tonight I am not using my usual tools for her mutilation. No knives or scalpels.

Tonight I am using my new piercing tools. the plan is to pierce and then rip.

I will decorate her body from head to toe in beautiful piercings. Admiring them all as I go. And then I will rip every one out one at a time.



Watching the blood as it drips down her fair white skin.

Dancing to the song of her cries of pain and agony.

Laughing as I show her the scared and disfigured body that I have destroyed.

Snuff Sex Fun

snuff sexSnuff sex is what he wanted. His wish was my command. He paid me quite handsomely for a ripe young thing. It is always a pleasure when he calls me. We share a similar taste for pain and torture, even the macabre. I snatched up a little cunt per his liking. Blonde, angelic looking, oh so young and tiny. The key is taking a little one that neither of you have any association with; that way when she turns up missing you are not even considered as a suspect. Random acts of violence happen all the time. Little girls go missing all the time. When I presented him with Britney, his cock stood at attention. We were going to do very very bad things to her. We were out in the middle of nowhere. She could scream for mommy all she wanted. Mommy would not come. My client force fucked her little holes. They bled of course. She was so young after all. Still a virgin. The blood dripping down her thighs afterwards made me wet. He likes to fuck the little ones. I snuff them out for him. He likes to have fun with them before and after death. Sex with dead bodies, especially tiny young dead bodies is wicked hot. I took my knife, pressed it into her belly button and slowly twisted it in. Pinned her to the floor like a squashed bug. We watched as the blood drained out of her. We watched as the life drained out of her too. When her body was still warm, he shoved his cock in her dead fuck holes one last time as I masturbated. He came deep inside her asshole this time.  He loves fucking dead little whores. I love watching. We make a great team. Her body was so tiny she was easy to dispose of. I just chopped her up into little pieces and tossed her in the garbage disposal. Bleach and lye get rid of any DNA. It was another hot adventure together. I make a great accomplice.

Make Me Suffer

torture phone sex I love being suffocated and brought back. I love the feeling of not having any air and you use my fucking tight holes. I love when you push my head on the concrete and make my face bleed! Then you put a bag over my head and let me die for a brief moment then give me some air. Better yet how about you slice my throat so I bleed out just feeling the blood rush down my fucking tits knowing I will soon be dead so you can fuck my dead body. How about you make me bleed in my panties and shove them in my mouth? I am feeling extra dirty today. I want you to slice my stomach open and fuck my intestines.

torture phone sexMake me bleed all over myself and the floor. I had a fantasy yesterday about being me laying flat on something and being strapped down, and a man came up to me and slid a butcher knife down my body and sliced open my legs first. He sliced the open and pulled out my tendons. Then he stopped and got a plastic bag and put it over my face. I couldn’t really see anything but I could feel him cutting every part of my body open. I was suffocating and I think I passed out for about 2 minutes then he took the bag off and woke me up. When I woke up and looked down my tits where completely cut off. I started to scream so he put my bloody tit in my mouth to make me shut up. That’s when I woke myself up from cumming so hard.

Piercings, Tattoos and more with Ivy

Mutilation phone sex

I myself love getting tatted up. I love getting fun piercings all over my body. I love it because it makes my clit hard and my pussy wet. The pain feel so fucking good! I can feel pain being sent from the top of my head down to the tip of my toes when I feel a needle going into my skin. My favorite was when I got my cute little nipples pierced! I should get them done again! The pain was amazing. Took my breath away and made my cunt drip just after the first one! I loved feeling it scrape through my nipple. My Body Modification artists did it real nice and slow making sure I could feel every fucking tissue cell being ripped apart as he shoved the needle into my nipple. Just thinking about it makes me so fucking horny… I might need to get another piercing or tattoo… Who wants to pay for my pain? I wanna cum so fucking hard!

Taboo phone sex

Ass Rape Porn Whore

ass rape pornAss rape porn is all I am good for. My cunt is so lose and stretched out from being a whore and birthing brats, that my ass is the only semi tight fuck hole I got. But guys seem determined to want to ruin my ass too. I owe my dealer a lot of money for my nose candy addiction. I worked out a way to score a new bag of powder despite owing him a few grand already. I showed up at this biker bar known for trouble. Despite my strung out appearance, I was still the classiest thing in that dive. I found Don. He wasted no time with pleasantries. He pulled out his dick and ordered me to bend over like a good whore. He rammed his cock up my ass as I was bent over a bar stool while other guys lined up to fuck my mouth. One cock in my ass was not enough to earn me some coke, however. I was surprised my ass could handle 2 dicks at once. Shocked when it took three. Crying in pain when four dicks sodomized me. My ass was gaping opening. Prolapsing with every thrust. Cum was pouring out my ass like I drank Mexican water. Hardcore anal wasn’t enough for these bikers. They turned me into a fisting whore too. This was not agreed upon. I was told I just had to let a few bikers fuck my ass. One of the guys grabbed me roughly by the hair, spit in my face and said, “Bitch, complain one more time and you leave with no coke, just a well fucked ass.”  Him and his pals fisted my ass first before they invited the entire bar to fuck my ass with their forearms.  I left the bar crawling on my knees with my ass inside out, but I had a bag of coke so it was all worth it.

I am going to hurt you so good!

mutilation phone sexOh I had so much fun this morning! This arrogant little prick came to see me, he seemed to think that I was some kind of subby whore that he could do whatever he wanted to… well he found out real fucking quick that he was very wrong! He pulled out this tiny cock and ordered me to get on my knees and suck it… well I almost did end up on my knees but only because I was laughing so hard that I almost passed out! As if a bitch like me would get on her knees to suck a tiny dick, he was fucking crazy to think that, he learned that real quick when I hit him so hard upside his head that he fell over! I knocked his pathetic ass right out and tied him up while he was out. He was so confused when he came to and all I could do was laugh at him. I told him that he was going to have to be punished for his cockiness in a way that he would remember for the rest of his life so I pierced his cock and balls with as many rings as I could fit. He screamed like a little bitch the whole time too, it was fucking hysterical! Pretty sure he learned his lesson though, he knows now not to ever disrespect a girl like me!

Cunt Sitting!

Babysitter phone sexOh you know what I did? I babysat some new little cunts. But not just any cunts…they’re the perfect little whores! Want to know why? They were twins…twin virgins. And at they were the STARS of my video I made. I thought it would be perfect… I thought it would make me some extra money and oh it did. Who doesn’t want to see two twin virgin cunts getting 100% violated?! It’s very popular…seeing little bitches getting all used up by tons and tons of guys. And that’s about half the reason I babysit! I wanna see these sluts cry. I want to make them squirm and beg and wish that they were dead. But they’re not going anywhere. They can cry and beg and scream all they want but what they are really going to get is what they deserve! I wanted them both to hurt like the itty baby sluts they were. Who wears shorts like that? Who the fuck lets their daughters dress like that at that super young age?! I mean…seriously they had all this shit cumming and ME TOO!!! Mmm, my pussy is so soaking wet, and these virgins? Well their pussies are soaking wet with BLOOD! Ahh… who doesn’t love a virgin? Or two…haha!

USDA Grade A Meat;Cannibalism Phone Sex

Cannibalism phone sex karmaI am very picky about my meat. That is why I love The Body Farm. It is a well kept secret, deep in the woods and well hidden from the outside world.

They actually save lives, for a while. They offer the homeless a warm bed, a roof over their heads and hot meals. The lure to get off the streets is to hard to resist so they come willingly.

Sure enough they are feed, and they live comfortably while they are getting fatten up. They get medical attention to make sure they are free of disease and as soon as the doctor deems them healthy enough they are shown to the customers.

I love walking through and looking over the plump bodies naked and ready for slaughter.

I am having a big dinner and I need nice young and sweet meat after all this is their first time and I want them to enjoy their meal and the sacrifice this young lady gave to nourish their bodies.

Snuff Sex with Paulina

snuff sexToday it was confirmed that the neighbor and my husband are working together to make my life a living hell. I was trying to plan an escape but now he has the fucking neighbor watching my every move. And is even allowed to fuck me when ever he feels the need to. Just the other night he came over and got all drunked up with my husband. By the time they were done they had a beer bottle in each fuck hole. I at one point struggled so hard with them that my husband ended up knocking out a tooth of mine with the glass bottle. It was a bloody mess but it seemed to drive the both of them even more. They used the gushing blood to their advantage and fucked my face with both of their cock at once. Choking me out several times, while both of their dicks blocked off my airway.

He Hurt Me So Good

torture phone sex

I learned a lot about my body the other night. I had a guy torture me in ways that I’ve never experienced in my life! I pushed the end of a brush in soft spots behind my knee and elbow that made me scream in agony and my pussy cream at the same time. The pain was excruciating as I begged to stop but my torturer knew I wanted more. I brushed bristles across my clamped nipple and made it raw and sore. By the end of it my tits were sore and I still wanted more. My favorite part was when he demanded me to inflict more pain on myself. I took a stiletto as shoved it so far up my ass that I bled down my leg. My legs were shaking and I had tears fucking up all of my makeup. I didn’t care simply because his voice was intoxicating to me and he had me wrapped around his finger. I enjoy being his hot nigger slave and I can’t wait to hurt myself the way he made me!