Category: Bloody phone sex

Snuff Sex

snuff sex My palm is sweating against the cold leather of the brief case in my hand. The sound of my footsteps against the cold concrete is echoing in my ears. Every one of my senses are alive from the finality that only snuff sex gives me. I can hear the dripping of blood on the ground and I can feel the small splashes of blood against my ankle. Watching her angelic face contort under me as I assaulted the most sacred parts of her well cared for body was the drug that I needed. The large strap on modified by yours truly to cut the sensitive interior of her pussy as I slammed in and out of her without mercy or care. The feel of her hot, fresh blood on the front of my thighs, dripping down to my knees before it cooled enough to congeal a little was an aphrodisiac to my senses. Nothing beats the rush of snuff sex and all that leads up to that final moment. But this is even better, a grand finale of sorts to the thrill of the snuff sex that we just shared. I had to keep  part of her to share in the most sadistic and evil way possible. Walking up the steps now, the large and ornate building growing closer with each step. My heart is pounding in my chest. Pushing opened the heavy wooden door I step inside and place the satchel on the marble floor. I open it and take the bloody mask that was once her face out carefully lining up her eye and nostril and mouth holes with mine. Rinsing my hands in the basin of holy water I can feel the trickles of blood sliding down my neck and onto my cleavage. As his footsteps approach I turn. His look of horror tells it all. I feel my cunt release a load of cum in my panties as I say, “Forgive me Father for I have skinned.”

A Hell This Way Comes

I had an amazing day Sunday. Brandy, a friend of mine from, called me up and asked me to help her out with a caller. I agreed, because she’s a slammin’ hottie who can fuck like nothing. We usually have a good time.sadistic phone sex

This time, she tied me up immediately upon my agreement, and then hung me from a hook in her ceiling that I hadn’t really noticed before. Then, he walked in. I recognized him from a few of my own chats. My blood froze in my veins. The metal pipe in his hands did nothing to help matters, and my breath caught. I literally couldn’t breathe for several seconds. Brandy looked me in the eyes and promised she’d take care of me after we were done, and thanked me for helping her out. My eyes pleaded with her to let me out of this, but she winked at me and stepped to the side, out of my line of vision. rape phone sex fantasies

When she returned, she was carrying a whip in one hand and a knife in the other. He walked over to her and traded the pipe out for the whip. I closed my eyes and waited. I could literally hear the sound of the whip as it slashed through the air just seconds before I heard and felt the crack of it against my skin. It hit my left breast, gashing it, and I hissed in pain. The whip slashed through the air 7 more times as I gritted my teeth and hummed and grunted with the pain. I knew he enjoyed screams, and I wasn’t ready to grant him that pleasure. When he finally struck that 8th blow, and I heard him sigh, I knew he’d given up on the whip.


Taboo Phone Sex Accomplice

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex calls are what I enjoy the most. There are too  many sick and twisted things I enjoy, however, to name them all. Lately, I have been enjoying a lot of accomplice calls. I sure do love to help end a life or bring extreme pain to someone, usually some whore ex or little whores in the making. Today I got to help bring revenge on to the asshole who stole this guys’ hot bitch. His former best friend too. Apparently the girlfriend stealing ex friend has a massive cock that he brags about. He mocks his friends with little dicks and uses his endowment to steal away the ladies. Now, personally, I got no issue with guys with big dicks. It is the tiny dick losers who annoy the fuck out of me.  But, I was his accomplice and I loved the idea of putting a cocky son of a bitch in his place. I pretended to be lost. He invited me in clueless that  I meant him harm. Once he saw my big ass knife, he listened to my every instruction. I had him masturbate for me. At the moment he was shooting his cum so easily for a knife wielding stranger, I chopped his cock off. It was big and made a thud as it hit the floor. Really couldn’t hear the thud over the screaming and crying, but it was big enough to make a thud. He passed out pretty quickly thankfully. Shock took over. I took some pictures but grabbed the dick as a trophy. In case didn’t bleed out, no way was his dick getting reattached. I bagged the 10 inch cock, put it on ice and delivered it to my accomplice. He then mounted it like a deer head over his fireplace. Total trophy hunter. He sent a picture of him standing under the severed cock to his cheating lover with a sign that said, “Who has the big cock now.” I love my sick accomplice calls.

Come join me at Dark Fantasies for even more evil.

snuff phone sexWe stuffed her in the trunk, laughing our asses off. The little slut really thought she was going out with you. Oh, it’s gonna be a date all right but not one she’ll live to remember. I could barely wait to rip that slutty little mini skirt off and expose those fake tits.

You first told me about our victim about 6 months ago, how she was stalking your Facebook and following you around. When she showed up at my job telling me to stay away from her boyfriend, I knew she had to die. The bitch done messed with the wrong woman.

We drag her into the basement and tie her down. She is waking up now and starts spewing threats. I pull off her panties and stuff them in her mouth. Her eyes are huge with fear and that makes my pussy wet. You walk into the room clad in a black robe, your face almost covered. A punch to her face knocks several teeth out. Let the games begin.

A few hours later, she is almost beyond recognition. Her face is bruised a nice shade of purple and black. I’ve stabbed holes in her implants and a mixture of blood and silicon is leaking from the holes in her chest. You’ve violated every hole and fucked her with various objects. Now you are standing over her for the grand finale. I grab a scalpel and slide it slowly across her throat. The spurts of blood from her jugular are mixed with spurts of cum from your cock. We fuck like animals in a pool of her blood.

To read more tales of gore and sex, come visit for a cock stroking good time. Nothing is too taboo for a snuff girl.

Tentacle Whore

Snuff phone sex I meet this really creepy fucking sexy guy at the bar. He bought me drinks and flirted with me, and asked if I wanted to come home with him. It did not really seem like I had a choice because I started to feel really cloudy like he drugged me. I started to stumble to the bathroom and I could see his shadow following behind me. When we got in the bathroom he drug me out the window into his car and tied my hands and feet together and put me in the trunk. When we got to what I pictured was his house he through me downstairs to his basement. He made me but a cowboy hat and boots on and he has this machine that had tentacles all over it. When he turned it on it would rotate and put the tentacles inside me so deep over and over again. I couldn’t tell when it was going to be over but I didn’t mind it after all.

This bitch had to go!

snuff sexThat fucking bitch had to go! She was rude, she was whiny, she was just the worst! That’s why I went to her house late last night and attacked her while she was sleeping. Stupid whore didn’t even wake up until she was tied to the fucking bed and my knife was pressed against her throat, she was struggling to get away and crying like a little bitch but I had her tied tightly and she wasn’t going anywhere! I took my time with her and forced all of her holes open with my biggest dildos before I started cutting her open. I was exploring all of her insides and yanking shit out, honestly it didn’t take long for her to die once I had her open like that. Stupid whore won’t be bothering me any more!

I bet you never thought you would like this!

accomplice phone sexI know that you were under the impression that since I was your accomplice that I would just do whatever you asked without question… well you were very wrong my friend. I want to do things MY way, even if that is very different than what you think you want! This one guy learned that lesson very well yesterday; we had planned on attacking this bitch but what he didn’t know was that this particular woman had a little brat and that little brat was the one that I wanted to see all fucked up. My accomplice said that he wasn’t into girls that young but all men like young pussy… even if they don’t think that they do. I convinced him to let me blindfold him, he thought that I was forcing the mother to suck his cock and he was loving it… that’s when I ripped off the blindfold to reveal that it was the little brat sucking his cock. He was shocked but that didn’t make him stop… if anything it made him fuck her mouth even harder! Turns out that he likes them just as young as I do!

A Dish Served Ice Cold

taboo phone sex Be very careful who you piss off. I am not the one to piss off, that is for sure. Everything is all set up and ready, he just doesn’t know it yet. He thinks we are taking a nice drive in the country tonight to a deserted shack that we know of. He thinks it will be a nice romantic evening.He has no clue. Pulling up the head lights shine on the shack giving it an eerie glow. I spread out a blanket and pull out the wine glasses. Slipping the hallucinogen into his glass is easy and the high will enhance his fear. Fifteen minutes go by and I know the drugs are about to kick in. I take him by the hand and walk him into the old shack. There in the middle of the room is a dick cage attached to a metal steak that is deep in the ground. He doesn’t fight it and lets me lock his cock in giggling at the kinky game he thinks we are about to play. I pull out the knife I brought with me and stick it in the old wooden floor close enough for him to reach before setting the cabin on fire around him as I back away. As I am crossing the threshold he begins to scream frantically. Laughing I tell him he can survive if he cuts his cock off and can get out before he burns to death or bleeds to death.

Gangbang Sadistic Phone Sex

I got dragged into the woods today by a group of teen boys. They ripped my clothes to shreds, and then they took turns kicking and hitting me. They had me on the ground, bruises forming over half of my body, and still they continued to kick me. They picked up sticks and started hitting me with them, and they threw rocks at me Honestly, I’m not sure how I’m still alive.

When they finally all got finished with the beatings, they stuck sticks inside of me. My pussy and my ass are so sore from the sticks and the rocks they pounded me with. Then, they rammed their fingers inside of me, then their fists. Finally, they stuffed their cocks into my pussy and ass, though by that point they were both fairly loose from all of the abuse.

Sadistic phone sexAfter they came inside of me over and over, they started kicking me again, then left me there. I cleaned up as best I could with what few supplies they left me when they took my backpack. Then, I just lay there and curled up, wishing I could sink into the ground and never come back up.

Castration Phone Sex Fever

castration phone sexCastration phone sex follows full moon fever. Men want my junk removal services in far higher numbers after a full moon. There is something about a lunar eclipse that makes people crazy. The term lunatic is centuries old and was coined after people started exhibiting crazy behavior following the lunar cycles. I don’t know if I believe the moon makes people crazy. I think it is just an excuse to act on your darker desires. You can later say, “the moon made me do it.” But, following every full moon, I see an increase in junk removal calls and personal requests to castrate men who know I will do it for them. So last full moon was Aug 18. The very next day, I was flooded with not only castration calls, but 23 personal requests for  junk removal. That was a record in one day. Did I do it you ask? Hell yes. Not only does it make my cunt wet to cut off some loser’s testicles, but I make them pay for the honor of my time. I’m doing all the work. I’m taking all the risk because the stupid law says a man cannot consent to castration. It is viewed as mutilation to the body and no one can legally consent to that. I know. Stupid laws.

snuff porn There are plenty of wise men who know they don’t deserve balls; they are just total chicken shits and can’t do it themselves. I have a castration chair and all the tools necessary to take your balls and prevent you from bleeding out. Most of the time, I prevent you from bleeding out. But one of my 23 full moon fever guys may have not survived. Consider this a warning. If you pay me to take your junk, there is no wiggle room to back out. If you are strapped to the chair already, you are losing your nuts.  And, don’t say you are going to turn me into the cops. Well don’t say it unless you want to lose your junk and star in a snuff porn too. So who needs junk removal today?