I came to find out that all of the little brats in my neighborhood seem to think that I am a witch. I know that I am an evil woman and yes, scary even, but a witch? That was something that I had never considered myself but if the little brats wanted a fucking witch, I was going to give them one! It was difficult to lure them into my yard because they were all terrified of me but it is Halloween season and I had a huge bowl of candy that they just couldn’t resist. Once they were on my porch they were mine… and no one could see me snatch them all up and carry them inside. I was screaming at them, telling them that they were all going to be victims of this witch and that after I killed them I would cook them into stew and feed it to their grieving parents and they were so fucking terrified that they all pissed themselves in fear! One by one I made sure to fuck all of their tiny little fuck holes and then drop them into my giant cauldron filled with boiling broth. I sure hope that their parents all enjoy my special Halloween Stew…
Category: Bloody phone sex
They thought I was a witch…
Sexy snacking
There’s something extra evil, and extra naughty, about accomplice phone sex. Snuff sex itself is so fucking nasty and hot by itself, but the imagery of helping someone capture, fuck, and tear apart makes my pussy squirt almost instantly. Now, add cannibalism phone sex to that, and oh my fucking GOD do I get off hard.
I picture you and me, people watching in a dark corner of a goth club. You’ve dressed me as slutty as you could. Every curve is accentuated and shown off perfectly. I do so love your tastes. You pick out some sexy little Asian all by herself in the bar, and tell me to go buy her a drink and bring her to the table. On the way I roofie her drink.
When she’s starts giggling and swaying, we walk her outside, down a few blocks to our car. Stupid little cunt thinks we’re going to driver her home. Hahaha!
We get back to yourhis place. The little bitch has passed out. That’s good, easier to get her where we want her. We park in the garage, as soon as the door drops we unload her. She’s so small, it’s easy to pack her to the basement chamber I’ve helped you build. We put her wrists in the irons we have hanging from the ceiling. While she’s dangling, you cut all her clothes off. She looks so tiny and pathetic. Nice, perky brown tits, and the tiniest bush over her cunny.
She starts to stir, she’s crying and whimpering, begging for us to let her go. It doesn’t fucking matter, no one will hear her screams down here.
You shove everything you can think of in her pathetic holes, gaping and splitting them open, before fucking the shit out of her. I start slicing the bitch open, collarbone to pelvis. And while I grip your dick from inside her body, you pump a massive load of cum into her womb.
I’ve always enjoyed having dinner well marinated before we eat.
Trick or Torture
There is a haunted house of torture…they really exist. I would know because every year whenever he is bored with me he has me come up with the sickest haunted house I can! There are no treats when the little ones and their whore sisters or mommies ring the door. There’s simply pure tricks and torture here as they take the punishment my Daddy and I will have no choice but to bestow upon them. The house will appear fun for others but the real screams of terror will come from a mother and naughtier, each will get their nipples cut off and still have to act like everything is normally even as the blood flows outta their tits, they’ll be waiting to be fucked. Rammed like little whores even if they fight it! They are learning that pain is the only thing that works around here…They’ll soon see their place in life I’ll teach it to them all for HIM! He owns me, after all.
Violent phone sex in a haunted house..
I am going to a haunted house tonight. All my friends are going and I was told that it is suppose to be really scary! I am extremely excited and I love to be scared. Go figure, right? I am the most perfect stupid pathetic little fucking victim for the most manliest, meanest man alive. I have such pure soft skin, a to die for smile(literally), and a walk. Not just ordinary walk, a walk that screams- fuck my holes and make them not tight anymore. Well anyway, I am stupid, right, and this is suppose to be Halloween. You know when chicks dress like whores and get away with it.
You can already assume, I will not be as fortunate. I arrive at the haunted house with a group of people. Some how we all got separated and all that is with me, by my side is my friend Lauren. She is so hot, where I am thin and lanky she has a full figure- huge tits, skinny waist that is curvy and a firm bubbly ass. We together attract a lot of attention. We are wandering through the scary part of the house. There are loud screams, men in mask chasing us with knifes. It was all fun, until we got to the section of the house that had blood, guts, and gore around us.
I thought to myself that maybe we went into a different path since we couldn’t find our way out into the next sections. There were body parts scatted, it looked so real. Come to find out they were real. Me and Lauren held hands trying to search for the exit, until we were approach by a man. He was dressed all in white and had a butcher knife. Our natural reaction was to scream for our life’s. We noticed something was off, because he kept getting closer to us, backing us up into a corner. This is not a normal situation. Normally the men scary you into the next room.
He put his knife up to my friends neck and immediately slit her throat. I was covered in her wet cold blood, and I was completely speechless. I could not scream loud enough and the part that dawned in my head that was no matter how loud I screeched no one would know that they were real screams. My friends body fell to the ground and her hand was still clenched to my hand. I couldn’t unlock her fingers from mine. The man pushed me to the ground and started impaling my pussy with his shaft. He rammed me harder and harder banging my head into the wall with each thrust. I was lying in my friends blood and my blood from my pussy was dripping down my thighs.
He took his knife out and started hacking my arms off, my legs next, my tongue after. I was choking on my blood.
This was definitely his treat and my trick. Some say happy Halloween, I guess he did have a smile on his face in my excruciating pain that he inflicted on my body. Be careful in those haunted houses, or else you might end up like me and Lauren. We might even pay you a visit in spirit.
Snuff Sex Haunted House
Snuff sex gets me wet. Halloween is the perfect time of year to snuff out folks too, especially little ones. I inherited an old house a decade ago. It was the scene of a brutal murder in the 50s. It belonged to my grandparents. It was their tenant who killed his wife and brats then himself one Halloween night in 1956. No one wanted to live in it after that, my grandparents let it go and I when I inherited I did nothing to the place because I use it for my carnage. On Halloween and the nights prior to it, I always hide in the house to catch the local brats that break in ghost hunting and to do drugs. Last night I knew the local boys and girls would be exploring old horror stories so I rigged the house with lots of haunted delights. Once folks enter that house, they never leave. Either I kill them, or the house does. Last night a young teen couple broke in to fornicate. You would think the youth of America would know better than to fuck before marriage. Only virgins ever survive horror movies.
I watched as the two dumb love birds started to make out on a rickety wood floor with dust inches thick. Spiders and other creepy crawlies were everywhere. I started some sound effects and watched them jump up in terror. Cloaked all in black so they couldn’t see me, I charged them with a knife. I went for the little whore first. Gutted her like a pig. Her loser boyfriend fled. Did nothing to help her. I would get him next. I know that house inside and out, he was not escaping me. I took my time dismembering her tiny teen body and playing in her bloody entrails. I wanted a horrific crime scene befitting of the house’s spooky reputation. Once I had my snuff porn fun with the girl, I hunted the boy down. I heard him pleading for his life. Talking to the house I guess. I found him in the servant’s quarters down stairs with a sword through his body. He was pinned to the wall like a squashed bug. I could hear the blood dripping out of him. Clearly, I was not alone. This house was really haunted. Most folks would have run screaming, but not me. I got on my phone to look for a medium. I want to talk to my ghost accomplice.
Ivy’s Haunted Getaway
We met at a bar and they wanted to really be scared. I took them to the scariest place I knew about! The whole way there I was passing out, drinking more and they were groping me. We got there and I ran into the house! I told them if they wanted me they better come find me unless they were chicken shit! They ran in after me into the dark abandoned house. I was in the upstairs bedroom closet. I heard one of them walk in and I jumped out and scared him. He grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall. I was still drunk and as he kissed me I saw him. He had a mans body but a bloody pigs head on top. I screamed and the mocho college boy pissed himself. I started laughing. I pulled out my knife and sliced his achilles tendon. “We haven’t even started yet you bitch!” I whispered into his ear. I got up and kissed that bloody pigs head and kicked that college bitch in the head. We found his friend soon after. I love being the bait. We put hammered hooks into the tops of their feet and hung them upside down. We tortured them, scarred them, burned them and played with their holes. My pig headed friend fucked me as he sliced their throats. Their blood washed over us. Their tortured souls are never going to leave this place. I love adding more to my own personal haunted house!
Snuff Porn with Friends
Snuff porn get your dick wet? It gets my pussy wet. I was hanging out with some guys friends of mine Friday night. We were playing XBOX games, which can get gory. Some video games are as bad as snuff films. We took a break to surf the Internet. You are always a keystroke away from porn. One of my friends was searching for info on the new Warcraft edition out soon, but when he clicked on a link it took him to an Asian snuff site. It was like watching that video in the Asian horror film The Ring. My friends suddenly had murder in their eyes. I got scared. The images on the film were horrifically bloody. They lunged at me. I fell back off the couch, hitting my head on the table. Blood trickled down my face. The site of blood made them more violent. Chad grabbed a butcher knife off the table and plunged it into my gut. Troy put his hands around my throat with such strength my left eye popped out of the socket. I was in excruciating pain, pleading for my life. They just kept stabbing and strangling me as if possessed. Their eyes were black as coal. Dead, just like I was about to be. As Chad stabbed me in the stomach repeatedly, Troy let lose his vice grip on my throat so he could reach his hands inside my stomach and pull out my entrails. I was going cold. I knew I didn’t have much time left. Whatever was on that link turned my best friends into crazed snuff sex addicts. I tried to plead one more time, but my fate was already sealed. At that point, I wished for death to come quickly. As I watched two lifelong pals eat my intestines, I died painfully.
What are your violent phone sex fantasies?
Snuff sex
I decided to go to a haunted house with some friends just to please them since halloween is right around the corner. We showed up at this building that looks like it has been abandon for years. We proceeded inside and awaited our turn through the maze, of all the scary shit they had in store for us.I could hear the screams of all the people as they made there way through the maze. It was finally my turn to walk through the maze of fucked up and I had no idea what to expect. My girl friends and I walked through each corner as figures in a creepy costumes popped out trying there best to scare us. One person scared us so bad I some how got separated from all of my friends. I began screaming out loud wondering if my friends could hear me. I sat there on the ground in the dark begging for one of my friends to hear me. Next thing I know a figure in a clown costume, comes up to me and grabs me by the hand leading me into a room. I thought he was leading me to the exit and I was sadly mistaken. The clown chained my hands and feet and placed me on a table covered in nails. I began screaming begging for help. People walked passed me thinking it was all part of the fun. They sat there and watched as the clown began to push me down on the spikes. Slowly the spikes began to tear through my flesh. Blood began to gush all over the table seeping into the ground. I screamed in pain as this clown tortured me infront of all these people who were completeing the maze. The clown began cutting my feet off and throwing it at the people that walked by, they were just laughing saying how realistic this was. The finale was the clown sliting my throat as he drank my blood and spit it at people as they walked by.I guess these haunted houses are haunted.
Taboo Phone Sex to Victimize Me
I’m a fucking victim, a useless fucking victim that is here for your taboo phone sex pleasures. There really is not a reason that I deserve to live much less even go with any form of dignity. Your looking at the most worthless fucking pile of shit around, and I deserve every degrading and mutilating thing you do to me.
Fuck, I do not deserve to fucking live! You can snuff me out after you take every bit of use of me… make me a human toilet, ass rape porn me with a knife. I want to be shit on, spat on, cummed on, and fucking bled to death. I’m a worthless piece of shit this is what I deserve.
Castration Phone Sex?
Castration phone sex is so much fun. You would be surprised how many guys are into it. I actually wasn’t surprised because so many losers I know in the real world want junk removal. They are just too scared to do it themselves. Well, that is what they tell me. I think they just say that because it is hotter to have a sick bitch take their nuts for them. I have all the tools of the trade too. In my basement, I have a castration chair. It is actually a refurbished execution chair. I got it at a prison auction. The fact that folks died in that chair turns me on. Creeps my castration victims out, but that is part of the fun for me. I like to tell them ghastly stories about the men sentenced to die for heinous crimes in the very chair I am removing their ball sac on.
A couple nights ago, Lenny paid for my junk removal services. As I had him strapped down in the chair, I told the tale of an infamous serial killer who took his last breath where he was sitting. Poor thing pissed himself. He definitely did not deserve his balls if a little ghost story scared the piss out of him. Testicles are for winners. Too many man think they are entitled to reproduce just because they have balls. Nope. Some men are so stupid it is amazing they remember how to breathe. Not to mention some have such small dicks that the small dick gene should never be passed on. Lenny was one such loser. Two inch dick at best. His balls were huge in comparison. I separated his cock and balls. Used the castration band to cut off the circulation to his balls. Left it on for about an hour while I told him snuff sex horror stories. The longer that band stays on, the easier it is to remove the junk. They practically pulled right off. A nice painful yank and a snip snip with garden shears and he was without balls. In spirit of Halloween, I got a bit gruesome. I used a hot cast iron skillet to stop the bleeding instead of a soldering pen. He kept passing out. But, I would smack him back awake. I still needed the rest of his payment. So who needs my junk removal services?