Category: Bloody phone sex

torture sex

torture sex

Master lays me on the table where I just murdered the girl. Her blood is still fresh as it sticks to my body. I thought I had pleased master. Maybe I did who knows. He uses the pussy spreader on my tight wet cunt. I wince in pain. He cuts my stomach with the dirty blade I just used. The cuts hurt but, they are not deep enough to kill me. He gets up on the table. As he shoves his massive hard shaft into my exposed cunt hole, I moan out. Partly from pleasure and partly from pain. His huge vein cock stabs my soaking pussy hard. He takes a clothespin to my clit. I scream as it clamps down. He fucks my sloppy cunt harder. I scream louder. I rub some of the blood from the dead girl on my hands and hold onto masters chest. The blood smears all over the front of him. He thrusts into me harder. He rams into my little fuck hole over and over before releasing his white cream deep into me.  My cunt responds my clenching around his massive throbbing shaft. My juices pour out of my soaking wet fuck hole. Master leaves me laying on the table. I hope he doesn’t kill me.

Pauline got to star in our snuff movies!

snuff moviesOk this fucking slut Pauline crossed a major line with me, she sent naked pictures of herself to MY man! Who the fuck does she think she is?? Look at her, old as fuck and no where near as pretty as me… did she really think that he was gonna want that dried up old pussy when he could have all this instead? I made him act like he was into it, he even invited her over for a late night booty call, but instead she got a whole lot more than she bargained for! That dumb bitch was eager to be tied up and fucked, she actually trusted him can you believe that? She didn’t even know anything was wrong until I came walking in… then she knew she fucked up bad! She started begging for her life right away but I have no mercy for women like her! I pulled out my special strap on cock, the one that is wrapped with razor wire and has a 6 inch dagger coming out the tip… she took one look and started screaming. I slammed it in deep and immediately the blood started to pour out of her, every thrust brought more and more until finally she died laying in a pool of her own blood. I bet she definitely learned her lesson about sending dirty pics to another woman’s man huh?

2 girl phone sex

bloody phone sex is my pennance

bloody phone sex LangleyBloody phone sex doesn’t begin to describe what happened to me! One moment I was minding my own business on a swing, reading my favorite book, the next thing I knew I was waking up in a pitch black room, on an ice cold concrete floor.

I was dizzy, and I hurt. I hurt so bad all over so badly I couldn’t even sense where on me was hurt. Then bright, blinding light. As my eyes adjust, I see a tall man, naked, covered in blood from his chin to his feet. My heart is pounding! It dawns on me to look down. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! My breasts! they’re cut almost completely gone!

I scream and scream! Strong, powerful hands, he’s on me. Opening my weak legs, pushing his bloody dick into my little raw cunt.

I keep crying, then lightly sobbing.. As he fucks the life right out of me, me lowers his head, drinking my flowing blood from my ruined tits, slurping and suckling like a hungry brat on steroids.

The last thing in this life I knew was his hot seed pouring into me, as my life poured out…

Cannibalism Glory Hole

Cannibalisn phone sex MaceyMy Master has a sick fantasy he has been wanting to bring to life so he devised an evil scheme to make it happen! We went to a local park playground and kidnapped an African American Dad that was waiting there while watching his children play! We lured him to our van by saying we needed help with our broken engine and once we got him inside of the van, Master knocked him unconscious by slamming him over the head with a shovel! We brought him back to our dungeon and Master stabbed his limbs to the wall with pitchforks while shoving his large cock through a glory hole that I had created in the same wall. Master filmed me while I sucked his big black nigger dick, I was spitting and gagging all over it while slurping it up through the hole! Master had been starving me for days, my ribs were starting to show, I was sooo hungry! He told me to eat the dick as my meal! I did as my Master told me to do and I bit hard into it while it was deep down my throat! Blood started gushing everywhere and splattering in my face, down my chest and into my pussy and ass crack! It tasted fucking disgusting but I was famished and Master made me chew and swallow the entire black schlong until there was nothing left besides his big hairy balls. The man was conscious the entire time, screaming and moaning with extreme pain while he was on the other side of the wall. He died from blood loss once Master had me eat his balls off, they were horrific tasting! Master unhinged him from the wall and let his lifeless body plop to the ground, making me crawl over to him and start to eat his face and other limbs. Master didn’t let me stop until he was unrecognizable, he wanted to make sure that I was stuffed full with human meat and flesh! I was full for days!

Near Death Experience

ass rape pornAss rape porn is a good living for me. I am a submissive whore, so I started answering ads for fetish BDSM models when I was 18. I was a runaway and by the time I was legal to start nude modeling, I had been living on the streets and in hostels for a couple of years. I knew this other runaway who did hardcore anal and bondage films.  She disappeared one day. Answered an ad she saw on Craig’s List, when they still allowed adult ads, never saw her again. The word on the street was that Haley answered an ad for a snuff porn and it was a real snuff movie. That has lingered with me for years. Part of me believed anything was possible including the fact that she was killed for an underground film, but the other part of me thought she just moved to a different city like all runaways. I found out recently what really happened to Haley when I showed up at a studio for a fetish shoot. At first, nothing seemed off. I saw lights, cameras and BDSM  equipment. I even signed a waiver of liability if hurt during the shoot. I thought why would snuff producers have me sign a waiver if they intended to kill me?  They gave me a Xanax to relax, which is not uncommon. However, it looked off, so I didn’t swallow it. I just acted groggy. Maybe one of the few smart things I have ever done. I saw another girl all fucked up like I was supposed to be. They dragged her to a room that looked like a medical examiner’s room. I watched as they dismembered her. Blood splattered everywhere. Her screams were deafening. While they were distracted sawing her limbs off and thinking I was passed out, I snuck into the basement to see if there was a window I could escape through. On the wall were pictures of limbless bodies with severed heads being held proudly as if big game hunts. I saw Haley. Her dead blue eyes staring at me. I threw up before I squeezed my big tits through a small window and ran as fast as I could from that house of horrors.

snuff porn for master’s pleasure

snuff porn

Master brings me to his play room again. The same girl as before is on the table. He commands me to torture her. I really didn’t enjoy it the first time but, it’s my life or hers in the balance. I choose my life. I walk over to her and open master’s play bag. I pull out the cunt spreader and spread her pussy hole wide. She begs me to stop. I sigh and ignore her. I pull out master’s twelve inch dildo. I don’t bother lubing it up as I shove it into her drying cunt hole. She screams in pain. I feel a bolt rush down to my clit. I don’t understand why this is getting me off. I take the knife and I slit her wrists and belly. She begins to bleed out slowly. I take out the dildo and smear the blood on it. She cries out loud as I shove the blood soaked cock back into her dying wet pussy. I thrust it in and out of her as hard as I can. I take the knife and slice off her nipples. I toss them over to master’s dog. He eats them. I raise the knife and shove it into her chest. She gurgles a scream. I watch her as she lays there dying. I take the knife, look at master and lick her blood off. Master is pleased with me. Good!

It was over far too quickly

snuff sexI went on a special retreat last weekend, it was supposed to be my perfect vacation where I could indulge in all my twisted fantasies. That is not at all what it ended up to be though, they only had one victim ready for me and the bitch was already so worked over that she died the first fucking time I cut her! What the fuck kinda shit is that? They gave me used merchandise and considering I paid them a whole lot of my hard earned money, I just couldn’t let that shit slide. I decided that I was going to get my money’s worth out of that weekend by killing the staff instead, if they weren’t going to provide me with proper victims I would pick my own! I started with the nighttime front desk clerk, she was very petite so it was almost too easy to subdue her and drag her back to my room This was the perfect victim, she was fresh and so alive, the fear in her eyes was palpable and had me wet as fuck! I took my time with this one, and tortured her slowly all night long, she finally died between my thighs, suffocated on my pussy. It was much more satisfying than that first bitch was.

Evil Phone Sex Castrating Methods

I love a chance to explore my desires with evil phone sex, and methods of castration are essential to explore, for me anyway. There is a special kind of fuckwad that castration phone sex is suitable for and I met one the other night. This individual really thought he could push me around! Tisk tisk little did he know he chose the wrong “Bitch” to try having his way with.

Evil Phone Sex Dusty

Oh, don’t worry, I did lead him on, of course, and with one plan in mind! I’m going to cut this fuckwads prick off and he won’t see the light of another day! I hate dickheads like him and he will bleed the fuck out! I let him grope at me and acted completely dumb drunk just to make sure I get him to leave with me.

I get him out the door and tell him my ride is around back. The back of this club is a series of old warehouses and I have my set up in one of them for just such an occasion. We start making out and groping hard up against my truck when I push him away and mention we should go back in one of the buildings so I could fuck his brains out. It didn’t require much more than a mention and a tug. We were in my spot and I had his pants open and his unremarkable prick out as his hands were working up my skirt. I stroked his fuckstick a little as I allowed him a few seconds to really get into the heat of the moment. I leaned down and yanked my knife out of my boot and put it to his throat as I shoved him down on a mattress I had in there, covered in plastic already.

His lust, and all the blood flowing to the other head had him somewhat confused as I was straddling him on the mattress. In seconds I had made a quick stroke with my blade across the base of his scrotum and started to bleed him as he screamed.

Accomplice phone sex gets bloody with Langley

accomplice phone sex LangleyI had a very special request the other day from one who I call Daddy. Daddy was very fucking horny, and from watching my big sister’s snuff video daddy made, I know just what he wants.

First we get my little brat sister, I get to fucking help snuff her out first. I lay her out on a small bed, straddling her waist, clit-to-clit. Daddy slides his big, fat cock into her little mouth and down her tiny throat all the way. She’s struggling for air while he’s face-fucking her, not that she’s going anywhere! I take my scalpel, and when daddy pulls back, I slice right through her throat to the fucking bone. I love seeing daddy’s bloody cock sticking out of her neck, and just have to fucking suck on it!

But he’s not done yet! While there’s just a few moments of life left in her, I turn her around, shoving her gushing neck right into my cunt, filling it up for daddy, while I pop her hips out of socket and hold those long little legs wide for daddy. He shoves his dick in so hard and fast her little pussy is torn the fuck open, and blood oozes out over his stroking shaft. Her heart beat it’s last, which means one thing…

It’s my fucking turn.

Accomplice phone sex presents from Langley!

Accomplice phone sex I brought my accomplice phone sex caller a wonderful gift the other day. A sweet young thing I had been stalking for a while, little miss cheerleader. Thought she was so much better than the rest of the world because she had bouncy tits and fucked whoever she wanted. I snagged her from outside a party while she was puking in the fucking bushes. A cord around her fucking throat and she went down like a wet sack of potatoes, with minimal flailing. Not that she could have fucking thought straight enough to fight anyway. I plopped her in my trunk and buzzed away to his mortuary. He was instantly excited to see something fresh to play with! He gets so bored of the stiff, cold ones.

Together we stripped her and laid her out on the autopsy table, slight under her breath whimpers, not that she would be waking up any time soon, between what I shot her up with and the alcohol, the dumb bitch would be fucking dead before she could scream. With a cock hard as a rock, he began cutting her. First the “Y” incision, slipping the scalpel through her flesh like butter, collar bone to pelvis. Her blood seeped out in a long, thick, gooey wave from the cuts, her heart still trying to pump away, to no avail. When he laid her open, her eyes opened filly wide, shock momentarily frozen on her face, before her heart began it’s final, shuddering, beats. Beat… Beat…Beat… And she was gone. I could just barely see a little steam from her body cavity as he went to work. He liked keeping his work room extra cold, kept them fresh longer. Piece by piece her internal organs were placed in little metal dishes, gleaming still with the moisture from when she was still living. 

He sawed her legs off at the hips, and with my help, cracking the bones out of socket, removed them completely. This makes things so much easier!

 Removing his blood-covered apron, his raging dick was ready. As he entered her still warm cunt, I gripped her womb from within, jacking him off within her.

Feeling him surge load after load of high-powered cum in her was the most amazing feeling.

What’s next?