Category: Bloody phone sex

Week III Seven Deadly Sins Conclusion of Envy

Ass rape porn

We’ve taken the envious bitch to the basement dungeon and bound her to an ass fucking bench. My guy doesn’t intend on releasing her, she is just going to be anyone’s ass slave that he wants to let have her. It’s my job to feed and give her water because she is tied to the ass bench 24/7.
Every now and then my guy goes down there and I hear her whimpering and crying. This last time he had me come with him, he told me she was about to get sutures. I was confused by that… thinking he might be sewing a wound. We got down there and she started crying right away, my guy slapped her face and told her to shut the fuck up. She did but tears were streaming down her face. He started to release the straps holding her down to the bench, he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder and carried her to a table and strapped her down again, legs wide. He went over to the workbench he has and grabbed a large U-shaped needle and some very thick thread almost string really. Without any numbing or knocking her out, he started to sew her pussy lips together, she screamed her head off as the needle began to pierce her skin. Irritated he quickly grabbed a towel and jammed it into her mouth and said “Fuck it’s hard to concentrate with that fucking screaming and shit. Shut up bitch.” The needle went through again and her whole body tightened up against the pain. The towel was stuffed into her mouth enough that should couldn’t make a sound anymore except whimpers. When he was done he explained to me, clearly so she could hear it, that he was going to be leaving her sewn up and make little cuts in her pussy lips now and then so they would heal together and close off her clit area forever. Her eyes got wide in the realization that she wasn’t going anywhere. My guy lets any cock that is interested use her ass with no pleasure for her clit ever again. He took a marker and wrote on a piece of big paper “Envy is the art of wanting what isn’t yours. The grief comes from losing something you’ve already had.” He laid the paper on the floor and put the bitch back on the ass fucking bench so she could be reminded why she was here in this situation.

Castration Phone Sex: Your Pain is My Pleasure

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is really a fuck load of fun. I mean how much of a loser must you be to call for virtual castration? I love losers. Tiny dicks amuse me. Their pain is always my pleasure. The guy I castrated this morning sent me pictures so I knew what I was dealing with on our call. Oh, my fucking God. It looked like his testicles ate his dick, if he even had a dick. He was all balls, no meat. No way he could even fuck his hand. Elephantiasis of the balls was my diagnosis. Get this. His balls being that fucking huge was self-induced, not a medical abnormality. He injects saline into his balls. Who the fuck does that? I mean he made those chicks with puffed up Botox lips look normal. It was going to be a pleasure to take his huge nut sack. I tied them up to cut off the circulation. Balls slice off easier when the flow of oxygen is halted. Once I cut his gargantuan nuts off, we talked about what to do with them. So many possibilities when you have huge fucking balls. They were so big, I decided I could make a meal out of his nuts. You may think I am crazy, but I have tasted nuts before. They fry up quite nicely actually. Add some olive oil and some scallions, even some grilled mushrooms and you have a nice meal. I had to poke his balls to drain the saline.  As he moaned in pain from fresh castration, I prepared myself a nice meal. I love eating a man’s nuts. Your nuts may be worthless to you, but they are yummy to me. Think you are ready to have a taboo phone sex bitch take off your nuts and eat them? Your pain, is my pleasure.

Torture sex crushed his fragile ego and almost took his life!

torture sexI absolutely cannot stand cocky arrogant men because nine times outta ten, they’re just broke ass losers with tiny cocks! Successful men aren’t cocky or arrogant, they are confident and strong and trust me, there is a big difference between the two. That’s why when this asshole got real pushy with me, he ended up back at my place begging for his life. I met him at a bar where I was just trying to drink in peace, he was aggressively hitting on me and wouldn’t take no for an answer so finally I just invited him back to my place to shut him the fuck up. Dumb ass thought he was getting laid but instead I just tazed his ass and tied him up when he passed out… he woke up to a camera pointing at his naked body and a strap on cock pointing at his face. He didn’t want to do any of the things I told him to do but once I started to hurt him he became much more cooperative. I even untied him and he didn’t protest while I fucked every hole! He was battered and bruised and broken by the time I was thru with him, I own him now and if he ever disobeys me he knows that I will kill him. Secretly tho, I think he likes it, but a man like him would never admit it!

Killer Phone Sex: Sodomizing w/ Chainsaws

We all have a killer phone sex craving inside of us all. It just so happens the killer inside me loves power tools, and as it seems my recently deceased father had a collection of them, and guess what he really loved to collect? Chainsaws, yes many sizes and levels of power these chainsaws embodied and oh the ideas they conjured in my filthy mind!

You know how i love to hunt sweet young things to play with, a way of bringing to life or rather death of my young girls fantasies. I loved to butcher my barbies in my younger years, so, you see it makes perfect sense. I lured a sweet little sister and brother duo in and have them both tied up for you. I know how much you desire to have your way with their sweet little fuck holes and get that meat of yours off. I just want their sweet meat, and to feel their blood splatter all over my bare taut breasts and sweet wet cunt. Standing naked amongst my prey after you have sodomized them and fucked her sweet virginal cunt into a bloody mess. I take the smaller of the chainsaws and fucked her ever so gently with it in her ripped up little cuny. They were still alive but seems the chainsaw in her crawl really pushed her over the edge. I tormented their little bloody assholes and had a hell of a time enjoying the gore splattering all over me.

Fuck I’m horny I need your cock now in my slimed up gorey fuck holes before I completely dismember them and make them into an award winning chili.

Killer Phone Sex

Snuff Sex

Your snuff sex fantasies are about to fucking come true. My filthy deviant needs are to take what you hold fucking dear and you use it to your advantage all the fucking time. Your love of acting out the teen rape porn fantasies have you reaching new levels of depraved wicked sickness. Let me assist and offer you up the castration phone sex you damn well KNOW you need. Hell why don’t I hack that fucking ego of a cock off and feed it to you with my special way of preparing it in cannibalism phone sex.

As you bleed out and fall into shock I will fry your cock up with avocado oil, garlic, some herbs de provence herbs and get it nice and tender with a squeeze of your ball sack and some lemon to really make it a fine delicacy. The evil I have lurking inside me smiles as I cut into the tender meat of your dick with my fork I feed you your own tasty penis bite by delicate bite. You will eat, and to wash it down I will stand over you with a dental device to hold your mouth open as you sway between consciousness and unconsciousness I will piss down your pathetic loser throat laughing my evil laugh. You won’t live so don’t even worry. 

snuff sex

Snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sexI need a real good hard snuffing. Do any of you perverts want to do that to me? I have been a very bad girl and I deserve to be punished in the harshest way you can imagine. I want you to beat every inch of me, and stomp on my stomach. I want you to make so much blood come out of my mouth I can barley fucking breath. I want you to pull my hair so hard I can feel each individual hair being pulled out of my scalp, just thinking about that makes my fucking pussy wet. While your hurting me please fuck the shit out of me, I want you to pound me so fucking hard people outside can hear me scream.

Taboo Phone Sex: I Castrate and I Kill but I Never Care

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex? That’s all I do. I had some jackass call me last night calling me sweetie and honey. Clearly, he had me mistaken for another girl. I don’t do terms of endearment. I am no one’s sweetie or honey or boo. I explained to him that if he wanted to do a call he would have to cease with the sugar-coated talk or lose his testicles. He agreed. After I was done processing him, I came back and asked him what his extreme or snuff fantasy was tonight. The dumb bastard not only asked me what snuff meant, but he called me baby. I went ape shit on him. I verbally abused him with a litany of insults for about 10 minutes before I whacked off testicle #1. I made sure he understood that he was far too dumb to reproduce before I lobbed off testicle #2. As dumb as this jackass was, I think he discovered his inner pain slut. After I rendered him nutless, he begged me to take his dick too. Since he was only 4 inches hard, that was extremely easy to accomplice. If you call me for castration phone sex and you aren’t a total tool, I will numb you and cauterize the wound. However, if you are a stupid fuck, I will let you bleed out for a while before I offer any assistance, if I even offer any at all. This dumb fuck laid in a pool of his own blood, sans his balls with a severed penis, calling me baby. Castration turned to snuff rather quickly. Clearly, he had a death wish. I’m not the kind of bitch who warns you once, so you sure as fuck know I am not the kind to warn you four times. At that point, we were having snuff phone sex. I broke out the chain saw and dismembered him like Leatherface would. You don’t play by my rules, you die. Simple.

Ass rape porn

 ass rape porn

It was late one night when leaving work and as I was walking to my car and I heard someone running towards me. I looked around me and so no one in sight. I continued to hurry and open my car door to get inside and then all of the sudden a bunch of men surrounded me. There was at least five guys that surrounded me and threw me down to the ground.

They started taking my clothes off and all held me down to penetrate my holes. I felt my pussy hole split open each time they pushed one of their cock heads into me. They bashed my fist in with their hands. They even flipped me on my back and fucked me from behind letting the asphalt getting into my knees and cut them open.

They punched my back as if I was a grown man. They laugh constantly at me and they made me swallow every drop of their cum. When they finally got done with me they walked away only to leave my body bloody and sore on the asphalt floor.

This was taboo phone sex fun!

taboo phone sexThis was such a fun taboo phone sex call! This guy was pissed at his wife, she had been cheating on him and acting like a total whore and he was over that shit so he asked me to help him. He wanted her to die like the whore she was so I snatched her up and took her to my place where there were at least 100 guys there waiting for her. She was terrified but there was no where for her to go, she just ran around from person to person begging for help. None of those guys were gonna help her tho, they just wanted to fuck her so they started stripping off her clothes and shoving their cocks inside her. She had dicks in every fuck hole and even tho she was struggling they held her easily. My friend wanted this bitch fucked to death so that’s what we were gonna do! She was unconscious by the end but we just kept on going until the fucking whore bled out and died.

The Brain Surgeon

Sex With Dead Bodies

Strapped to a table, I struggled against the restraints. Even my head was stuck in place. I could tell that I was naked, because the metal table was cold against my bare skin. Then I saw him. A tall, slender man wearing a surgical mask and scrubs. He took his gloved finger and ran it slowly up my thigh. He picked up a strange looking tool from the counter with a cylindrical blade. Realizing what it was, a circle saw, I started getting really worried. The buzzing made me scream out in fear as tears rolled down my face. Straight through my hair and skin, he drilled a large hole right in the top of my head. Blood spurted from the wound as my life left my body. Then, taking a large knife, he made a decent sized incision in the center of the whole to simulate a wet pussy. Barely able to contain himself any longer, his hands shook as he guided his throbbing cock into my squishy brain. Harder and harder, he humped my head until he was done emptying his balls into my cranium. His cock and abdomen were covered in blood when he pulled out. Unfazed, he put his pants back on and dumped my body on the side of a desolate highway.