Category: Bloody phone sex

Knife play phone sex

knife play phone sex

 He took a knife and dug the tip of it into my tit. I pleaded for him to stop and begged him to just let me go. He dragged the knife blade down my body. My blood gushed all over my skin. He worked his way down my torso to my white little pussy mound. He started rubbing my clit as he sliced my pussy mound right in half, down to my pussy lips.

I felt his shiny sharp blade puncture my pussy hole. He lifted the knife up and then violently stabbed it down on my pussy. Over and over again he gashed my pussy right open. He even rammed it at a different angle pushing it up inside my pussy like it where his dick. He got me saturated in my own blood and then took his cock out to slide it in my bloody pussy.

He pushed it in, fucking away until I was so dizzy from loosing so much blood.

Hands Around My Neck

Strangulation phone sexI made so much money tonight walking the streets selling pussy, I was excited to go home and hand the cash over to my man. But no amount of money is ever enough to satisfy him, he’ll always find a way to be angry.
“Bitch, what are you smiling about, this ain’t shit!” he said while counting the cash.
“It’s never enough for you!” I screamed.
And that was my biggest mistake, talking back to my man was a big no no. He threw the money at my face and flew towards me and wrapped his hands around my neck. He squeezed my neck harder and harder. I clawed at his fingers, trying to escape his grip. I finally just stopped fighting and accepted my fate…I was about to die. I faded into darkness.
When I opened my eyes, my man was fucking me. His dick was pumping my pussy hard and fast. His sweat dripped onto my face mixing up with my tears. If I don’t get out of this abusive relationship I was going to die.

Snuff Sex for Hire

snuff sexSnuff sex pays the bills and then some. He was not my typical client. Guys come to me for assistance force fucking and killing, even torturing girls of all ages. When I asked to see a picture of his victim, he showed me his driver’s license. He wanted to die a horrific death at the hands of a goth goddess. He told me the sad pathetic story of his life. By the end, I wanted to kill him for free. I am no fool, I took the money. I told him he would not know when his number was up. I don’t share the plan of my kills because I enjoy the element of surprise. Five days after he paid me, I broke into his house as he was sleeping. I put a pillow over his face to wake him up. Startled him awake. He tried to take it all back. Even told me I could keep the money, but he didn’t want to go through with the plan anymore. How did I know this was just not part of the game? I tied him to the bed spread eagle before I laid out my torture sex instruments: my knife collection, a blow torch, a saw, pliers, soldering iron and a straight edge razor. If I was going to kill him, it was not going to go slow. I like pain and suffering.  I duct taped his mouth so he could not scream efficiently. I made little painful cuts all over his useless body. I watched the blood trickled down and drip from his wounds. I sliced the skin off his testicles and pulled them out for shits and giggles before sawing his dick off. I castrate lots of men for fun and for profit. Never sawed off a dick before. Bastard passed out, so I stuffed his severed dick down his throat and made him give himself head. That woke him up quickly! I tortured him for hours before I plunged a knife in his belly and disemboweled him. I masturbated as he died in front of me. It was hot. I wish more guys paid me to do what they are too weak to do to themselves. Killing losers is fun.

Cut into small pieces alive

blasphemy phone sexThink you are immune to blasphemy phone sex? You don’t think I can make you renounce your religion and submit to the devil. Let’s play a game. A very special game. Soon you will be begging to die.

You didn’t think I was really flirting with your ugly ass at that club, did you? Oh no. But your puppy-eagerness made you fall for it. You took the drink I offered as I whispered in your ear. I led you to my truck like a sheep to slaughter. You thought you were getting some pussy. But you ended up strapped down on a table in a basement. As you opened your rheumy eyes, you saw the medical tools there.

I stepped out in a black hood. “You said that you would sacrifice yourself to me last night.”  I said, smoking my cigarette. “Are you ready? Or would you like to beg your savior for redemption?” I picked up a scalpel and whacked off a finger.

They all beg for their religious hero to save them. Even as they take that last breath. After every finger and toe is gone and their manhood is in a pan oozing blood and cum. They still believe he will save them. Their final scream echoes and salvation only arrives in the form of death.

Would you like to play a game? Bring me a bitch that you hate and maybe I will spare you.

The thrill of the kill


I love when he thinks he has full control of me. He wants me as his slave.  Not tonight I have a master who sent me out to be a savage beast.  My prey for us will be the one that thinks everything is going his way with me.  I let him hit me and smack me around with his cock.  Let him know I was just the nigger slut bitch that was going to get what was coming to her.  He threw me over a chair and violated my asshole.  He wasn’t happy until he had seen blood dripping.  It was time yet for me to go in for the kill.  Like a true predator I played with this one for a while.  It made my master happy and horny.  Watching this weakling ruff me up and fuck me.  He really thought he was in full control.  He had slapped me to the ground for the last time.  My master had said it was time to take over.  As he placed his cock in my mouth what he didn’t notice was the razor blade under my tongue.   With a little swivel of my lips I was able to flick out my small tool.  He’s grabbing my head forcing his cock down my throat.  Then with a devilish grin I started slicing his cock.  He attempted to slap me with force behind it. When a voice said to him ” Not a good idea to slap the one with your cock in her mouth. He froze and I bit down taking a healthy chunk of his cock.  Blood was everywhere and my  master smiled like it was Christmas.  He wasn’t going to let me have all the fun.  He told this piece of shit that you not suppose to tamper with another man’s property.   He poured bleach in alcohol into his fresh wounds.  we was going to have a long night of pleasure and torture with this one.  I grabbed a broom stick and on command I shoved it up his ass the same way he ripped mine.  We tied him upside down and let his blood drip on us as my master began to take over me.  I was his prize purchase and he proud that I could be a savage.  As my reward I did the final kill by snapping our little friend’s neck ass he bled out while master tasted this juicy cunt.

No One Will Miss Me

Ass Rape Porn


No one will go look for my body. You’ve paid close attention to how fucked up my home life is and you’ve realized I’m the perfect victim for your snuffy desires. Keep me breathing long enough to see the pain in my face then watch as the life fades out of my eyes- let’s play out those dark fantasies. You pick me up at the mall, you noticed me there weeks ago for the first time and started stalking me around town. I thought you were surely just a super nice guy who wanted to help me out with a little cash in exchange for some playtime but it’s ended with me in a ditch. All of my holes full of your jizz- you are so sure my mom and dad will assume I just have run away you don’t even care to not leave DNA. How did you do it?

Snuff Sex in the Club

snuff sex

Snuff sex is not what I was expecting. I was expecting bondage. It was an underground bondage club. That was what the ad said when it was announcing its big grand opening. The ad specially called for bondage whores  to come and explore their underground world. Submissive whores like me soon discovered the ads were just a rouse to lure prey there. I fell for it too. I was not the only one. I was in a room, suspended from an overhead beam when a man in an executioner’s mask walked in. I thought it was role play; master and servant kind of games. After I blew him, I found out bondage was the furthest thing from his mind. He pulled out a very menacing serrated blade. He made sure to tell me in graphic detail about all the pigs he has gutted with that blade. I was quivering. His voice was sinister. The look in his eyes told me that this was no role play game to him. I was right. He cut off my right nipple, then my left one. I was forced to chew on my own whore nipples. The torture sex did not stop there. Next up was both breasts. He cut them off like he was cutting of a chicken thigh to eat. I passed out from the pain and shock of seeing my own blood and flesh pooling beneath me. How dare I pass out. He punched me in the face, breaking my nose and jolting me awake. He skinned me alive. Tore the flesh off my body, slowly and deliberately to torture me. I heard screams and cries from all over. I knew this was no bondage club. This was one big snuff porn shoot, only it was not fake. I was not getting out of this club unless it was in a body bag.

Cutting Me Up

Kidnapping Phone Sex

I was stolen from my home by a man who liked to mutilate sexy teen girls. Pulling me into his basement, he threw me onto a dirty, old futon on the floor. My clothes had already been torn off. Laying there cold and naked, I grimaced as he dropped his pants. In one hand he held a knife. Getting to his knees, he pushed me flat on my back and started hacking away at my nipples.

I screamed in agony as the blood splattered against my face, his chest, and the wall. He diced up each one until he had gone nearly down to the bone on each tit. Sobbing, I whimpered as he held the knife to my neck. He said if I stopped holding my pussy lips open for any reason, he would kill me slowly and painfully. Scared, I complied and spread them open wide.

Taking the knife, he sliced into my clit and pulled out my clit ring before continuing to butcher my pussy. I screamed and cried at the pain. After my hole had been sliced up, he took his throbbing cock and shoved into my mincemeat cunt. As he fucked my gory slit, he took the knife and dug into my stomach. I choked up some blood as I faded away. The last thing I felt was his hot load shooting into me.

Ass Rape Porn

ass rape porn

Ass rape porn is what I deserve. I knew my step son was not happy with me. He was spending the weekend with us and I went through all his blow. It was a risk I was willing to take. I knew it was a big risk too because his mood only goes from sadistic to more sadistic. To try to defuse his ire, I greeted him ass up with his favorite belt next to me. Not his favorite belt to wear, but his favorite belt to beat me with. “What have you done now whore,” he asked? Before I could get it all out, he took an educated guess knowing what an addict I am. He picked up the belt and started wailing on my ass and back. I felt like a slave being lynched for looking at a white woman twice. The first hit drew blood. The belt buckle hit my flesh just right. I felt blood run down my back as I struggled to fight back the tears. I can’t cry with my stepson. It makes him want to hurt me more. He saw the glimmer of tears in my eyes. He gave me an evil smile and said, “You know your pain makes my dick twitch, bitch” as he laid another one on me. He gave me what felt like another 50 lashes. My skin was split open on my ass and my back. Blood poured down me, puddling on the floor underneath me. I was clearly going to need medical attention. Before I could call a doctor, he had to fuck my ass. He was too turned on seeing what damage he had done to my body to think about getting me to a doctor. He fucked. My ass using my own blood as lube.  My stepson is a twisted fuck. Are you that sick too?

Jack off With My Flesh


Bloody Phone Sex

You kidnapped me and have been keeping me in your basement tied up. You’ve made me drink your piss and eat your shit to exist but now I’m starving and you are tired of having me around. You feed me my first real meal in weeks- canned dog food. What I didn’t know is that you filled that bowl up with GHB. The whole world gets dark but suddenly I wake up in pain. You’re cutting my cheek off with the top of the dog food can. I’m tied down and I can’t anything to stop it. You fuck what left of my mouth and cum deep down my throat- but you aren’t done yet! You beat me in the face with your fists and dick. A black eye isn’t anything compared what’s next for me. You cut off a piece of my tit and make watch you jack off with my flesh while I gasp for my last breath. Let’s get dark as hell to night- tell me your snuff fantasies!